
Selasa, 26 Desember 2023

You Must Know, This Is Understanding Moral Creeds, Foundations, Goals in Islam

Meaning of Moral Creed

According to language, the word aqidah comes from Arabic, namely [عَقَدَ-يَعْقِدُ-عَقْدً] which means to bind or enter into an agreement. Meanwhile, according to the term, Aqeedah are matters that must be justified by the heart and accepted with satisfaction and deeply embedded in the depths of the soul that cannot be shaken by the storm of subhat (doubt). In another definition, it is stated that aqidah is something that the heart hopes will justify it, that makes the soul calm and peaceful towards it and that is a belief that is free from hesitation and doubt.

Based on the definitions above, it can be formulated that aqidah is the basic basic beliefs or beliefs of a Muslim's heart which originate from Islamic teachings which must be adhered to by every Muslim as a binding source of belief.

Meanwhile, the word "morals" also comes from Arabic, namely [خلق] in plural [أخلاق] which means behavior, character, character, morals or manners. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, morals can be interpreted as character, behavior. So, morals are attitudes that are inherent in a person and are spontaneously manifested in behavior or actions. If the spontaneous action is good according to reason and religion, then it is called good morals or akhlaqul karimah, or mahmudah morals. However, if the spontaneous action is in the form of bad actions, then it is called disgraceful morals or madzmumah akhlakul.

B. Principles of Moral Belief

The basis of moral aqeedah is the teachings of Islam itself which are the sources of law in Islam namely the Qur'an and the Hadith. Al Qur'an and Al Hadith are life guidelines in Islam that explain the criteria or measure of good and bad of a human act. The first and main basis of moral aqeedah is the Qur'an and When asked about the moral beliefs of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, Siti Aisyah said. The basis of the moral beliefs of the Prophet Muhammad SAW is the Qur'an."

Islam teaches its people to do good deeds and avoid bad deeds. The measure of good and bad is stated in the Qur'an. Because the Qur'an is the word of Allah, every Muslim must believe in its truth.

In Surat Al-Maidah verse 15-16 it is mentioned which means "Indeed, our messenger has come to you, explaining to you much of the contents of the Book that you have hidden and much that he has left behind. Indeed, there has come to you a light from God and a book that explains. With that book, God shows those who follow His pleasure to the path of salvation, and (with that book) God brings those people out of total darkness into the bright light with His permission, and shows them to the straight path."

The second basis of moral aqidah for a Muslim is Al Hadith or the Sunnah of the Prophet. To understand the Qur'an in more detail, Muslims are ordered to follow the teachings of Rasulullah SAW, because Rasulullah's behavior is a real example that can be seen and understood by every Muslim (Muslim).

C. Purpose of Moral Creed

Moral aqidah must be a guide for every Muslim. This means that every Muslim must believe in the main contents of the aqidah
these morals. The aims of moral aqidah are:

a) Cultivate and develop the basis of divinity from birth. Humans are divine creatures. Since birth, humans have been encouraged to acknowledge the existence of God. The Word of Allah in surah Al-A'raf verses 172-173 which means "And (Remember), when your Lord brought out the humiliation of the children of Adam from their ancestry and Allah took testimony against their souls, saying: "Am I not your Lord? ", they answered: "That's right (You are our Lord), we are witnesses" (We do that), so that on the Day of Resurrection you will not say: "Indeed, we (the Children of Adam) were those who were heedless of this (the Oneness of God )" or so that you do not say: "Indeed, our parents have associated partners with God from the past, while we are the descendants of those who (came) after them. So will You destroy us because of the deeds of those who went astray in the past?” With divine instincts, humans try to find their God, different abilities of reason and knowledge make it possible for humans to misunderstand God. With moral aqidah, human instincts or tendencies towards belief in the existence of Almighty God can develop properly

b) Moral aqidah also aims to form a noble and noble Muslim personality. A Muslim who has noble character always behaves in a commendable manner, both when dealing with Allah SWT, with fellow humans, other creatures and with the natural environment. Therefore, the realization of a noble Muslim personality in the form of concrete actions is the goal in moral aqidah.

c) Avoid yourself from the influence of misleading thoughts. Humans are given advantages by Allah over other creatures in the form of reason. Opinions or thoughts that are based solely on human reason sometimes mislead humans themselves. Therefore, the mind needs to be guided by moral aqeedah so that humans are free or protected from a misguided life.

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