
You Must Know, This is the Priority of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, in the Al-Qur`an Al-Karim (3)

Bismillah walhamdulillah wash shalatu was salamu ‘ala Rasulillah, amma ba’du:

If we want to love him shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam with true love then we are required to try to know his virtues < a i=3>shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, both what is listed in Al-Qur`an and Al-Hadith. In the first and second parts, the eight virtues of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, have been mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, as for the rest, the following his five virtues shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam next.

9. Allah Ta'ala mentariyyah His Messengersallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam with the best tarbiyyah (education and maintenance)

Allah Ta’ala berfirman,

And the hereafter is better for you than the beginning.

"And indeed the next day is better for you than the previous (beginning)"

And your Lord will give you and you will be satisfied.

"And later your Lord will surely give you His grace, then (your heart) will be satisfied" (Adh-Dhuha: 4-5).

Shaykh Abdur Rahman As-Sa'dirahimahullah said,

As for his future state, he said: {And the hereafter is better for you than the first} meaning: every later state of your condition has superiority over the previous state. The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, continued to ascend the ladder of exaltation, and God granted him his religion, granted him victory over his enemies, and settled his conditions, until he died, having reached a state that the first and last cannot reach, of virtues and blessings, comfort of the eye, and joy of the heart. Then after that, do not ask about his condition in the Hereafter, regarding the details of honor and types of blessings, and that is why he said: {And your Lord will give it to you, and you will be satisfied.} And this is something that cannot be expressed in anything other than this comprehensive, comprehensive phrase.

As for the situation to come, then God said,

“{وَلَلْاخِرَةُ خَيْرٌ لَكَ مِنَ الْأُولَى} (And indeed the next day will be better for you than the previous one (beginning), meaning every condition of yours latest, then it must be better than your previous situation. So he alwaysshallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam continues to increase to a higher degree of perfection and Allah made the success of His religion for him. He helped him face his enemies and straightened his condition until (when) he died, he managed to reach a degree of condition that had never been achieved by all other creatures - from the first creature to the last last-, (the degree of that condition) in the form of virtue, favor, cooling of his view, and joy of his heart. Then after that, do not ask about his condition in the afterlife in the form of details of glory and various kinds of enjoyment (for him), therefore Allah said : {وَلَسَوْفَ يُعْطِيكَ رَبُّكَ فَتَرْضَى}( And later your Lord will surely give you His bounty, then (your heart) will be satisfied), a wide enjoyment for him said, it is not possible to express, except with this general and comprehensive expression (satisfaction).”

10. Allah Ta'ala memuliakan Rasulullahshallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam dengan diturunkannya Al-Qur`anul Karim

Allah Ta’ala berfirman,

And thus We have revealed to you a spirit of Our command.

"And thus, We revealed to you the spirit (Al-Qur`an) by Our command" (Ash-Syuuraa: 52).

Shaykh Abdur Rahman As-Sa'dirahimahullah,

{And likewise} when We revealed to the messengers before you {We have revealed to you a spirit of Our command} which is this Holy Qur’an, He called it a spirit, because the spirit gives life to the body, and the Qur’an gives life to the hearts and souls, and the interests of this world and religion are revived, because of the great goodness and abundant knowledge it contains.

“{وَكَذَلِكَ}(And thus) when We revealed to the Messengers before you,{أَوْحَيْنَا إِلَيْكَ رُوحًا مِنْ أَمْرِنَا} (We revealed ( also) to you the spirit (Al-Qur`an) by Our command) "Spirit" here is Al-Qur`anul Karim, God gave the name of Al-Qur`an with the name "Spirit" , because with the soul, the body becomes alive. As for the Al-Qur`an, with it the heart and soul of man come to life, so do the benefits of the world and religion become a prosperous life with it, because in the Al-Qur`an there is a lot of goodness and knowledge."

11. hello

Allah Ta’ala berfirman,

Muhammad was not the father of any of your men, but he was the Messenger of God and the Seal of the Prophets, and God has knowledge of all things.

"Muhammad is never the father of a man among you, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the end of the prophets. And Allah is All-Knowing of all things" (Al-Ahzaab: 40).

Al-Baghawi rahimahullah said,

{But the Messenger of God and the Seal of the Prophets} God sealed the prophecy with him, and Asim read: “seal” by opening the ta’ on the noun, meaning: the last of them, and the others read it with a kasra of the ta’ on the subject, because he sealed the prophets with him, so he is their seal. Ibn Abbas said: He means that if I had not sealed the prophets with him, I would have given him a son who would be a prophet after him. It was narrated on the authority of Ata’ on the authority of Ibn Abbas: When God Almighty decreed that there would be no prophet after him, He did not give him a male son who would become a man {And God is All-Knowing of all things}.

{ولكن رسول الله وخاتم النبيين} (but he is the Messenger of Allah and the closing of the prophets)Allah closed the prophethood with him. Imam 'Ashim reads (his): خَاتَمَ , that is with the fathah of the letter ت as isim, means: The last Prophet. As for the other Imams read (it) with the kasroh letter ت as fa'il, because with him the Prophets were closed, so he is their cover. Ibn Abbas said that God's intention is that if I had not covered the Prophets with him, I would have made him have a son. who will later become a Prophet after him. It was narrated from 'Atha' from Ibnu 'Abbas that when Allah Ta'ala determined that there would be no Prophet after him, then He did not grant a son who would become a grown man, and God is All-Knowing.

12. Allah Ta'ala glorifies Rasulullahsallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam in calling him

That is, with the most beloved calling by him or with his most noble character. This is as in the following two words of AllahTa'ala :

O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring some of their cloaks over them.

"O Prophet, say to your wives, your daughters and the wives of the believers: "Let them stretch their headscarves over their entire bodies." (Al-Ahzaab: 59).

O Messenger, do not be saddened by those who hasten into disbelief.

"O Messenger, you should not be saddened by those who are quick to (show) their disbelief" (Al-Maaidah: 41).

While Allah called the Prophets 'alaihimush shalatu was salam others, directly by their names

This is as found in some of the following words of God:

O Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat from wherever you wish, and do not approach this tree, lest you become among the wrongdoers.

(And God said): "O Adam, dwell you and your wife in Paradise and eat (fruits) wherever you like, and do not both of you approach this tree, then both of you will be among the unjust"(Al-A'raaf: 19).

It was said: O Noah, come down with peace from us and blessings upon you and upon the nations among those with you, and nations whom We will give pleasure to, then a painful punishment from us will touch them.

"It was said: "O Noah, come down in peace and full of blessings from Us upon you and upon the people (believers) of those who are with you. And there are (also) peoples to whom We gave pleasure (in the life of this world), then they will be afflicted with a painful punishment from Us" (Huud: 48).

And We called him, “O Abraham.”

"And We called him: "O Ibrahim"(Ash-Shaaffaat: 104).

O Yahya, take the letter firmly.

"O Yahya, take the Al-Kitab (Torah) seriously. And We gave him wisdom while he was still a child" (Maryam: 12).

13. Allah Ta'ala commands His servants to glorify His Messengersallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam < a i=4>so as to forbid his people from calling him directly by his name and forbid them to raise their voices above the voice of the Messenger of Allahsallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam

Allah Ta’ala berfirman,

Do not consider the supplication of the Messenger among yourselves as the supplication of one another.

"Do not make the call of the Messenger among you the same as the call of some of you to some (others)" (An-Nuur: 63).

Shaykh Abdur Rahman As-Sa'dirahimahullah said,

Do not consider the Messenger’s supplication to you and your supplication to the Messenger as your supplication to one another. If he calls you, respond to him obligatorily.

"Do not make the Messenger's call among you the same as the call of some of you to some (others), (the meaning is) if he calls you, you must fulfill his call."

He also explained:

Likewise, do not make your supplication to the Messenger the same as your supplication to one another, so do not say: “O Muhammad” when calling you, or “O Muhammad bin Abdullah” as some of you say that to one another. Rather, from his honor, virtue, and distinction, may God bless him and grant him peace, from others, is to say: O Messenger. God, O Prophet of God.

"And likewise, do not make the call of the Messenger among you the same as the call of some of you to others, so do not say, "O Muhammad", when you call him. Or (not to be called) "Ya Muhammad bin Abdullah", as some of you call others like that. However, because of his glory, superiority and difference from others, he should be called: O Rasulullah, O Nabiyyullah."

As for the previous peoples called the Messengers 'alaihimush shalatu was salam directly by their names

This is as found in some of the following words of God:

They said, “O Moses.”

"Bani lsrail said: "O Musa". (Al-A'raaf: 138).

They said, “O Hud, you have not brought us any proof, nor will we abandon our gods according to your saying, nor are we believers in you.”

"The people of 'Ad said: "O Hud, you have not brought us a clear proof, and we will never abandon our worshipers because of your words, and we will never believe you< /span>” (Huud : 53).

And they said, “O Saleh, bring us what you promise us, if you are among the messengers.”

"And they said: "O Saleh, bring what you threatened to us, if (it is true) you are among those sent by (Allah)" (Al- A'raaf: 77).

Allah forbade them to raise their voices above the voice of the Messenger of Allahsallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Allah Ta’alasaid,

O you who have believed, do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet, and do not speak loudly to him as some of you speak loudly to one another, lest your deeds become worthless. You do not feel

“O you who believe, do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet, and do not speak to him in a loud voice, as the voices of some of you are louder than others, lest your (reward) deeds be erased. , while you are not aware” (Al-Hujuraat: 2).

In sha Allah will continue to the virtues of "Rasulullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in Al-Hadith Ash-Sharif (4)“.


Processed from the transcript of Shaykh Rabi' Al-Madkholi's talk hafizhahullah at:http://www .sahab.net/forums/?showtopic=132217 and the transcript of Abdul Hamiid's sermon, athttp://www.alminbar.net/alkhutab/khutbaa. asp?mediaURL=1039

Author: Ust. Sa'id Abu Ukasyah

Article Muslim.Or.Id

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