
Selasa, 26 Desember 2023

The Unseen: The Most Complete Definition, Origins and Laws According to Islam

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

(Depok)-Ilmu Ghaib (Science of Purity) originates from Hindu teachings which emerged in the Vedic civilization 3500-3000 BC. According to its adherents, this knowledge can be obtained if someone focuses their inner gaze on the unseen. Everyone who has and practices it will easily face all inner problems. According to Moh. Rifa'i, "Part of Hindu teachings is that there is the best way to obtain soul happiness, namely with a deep view and taken by a path that originates from Brahmanas and sacrificial prayers which always support supernatural energy." Meanwhile Prof. Dr. Bleeker said, "Supernatural powers can also originate from humans themselves. Because of this, in India there are always special individuals who are praised, such as teachers or religious leaders who teach knowledge to their students."

1. Beliefs that have contaminated Muslims.

It turns out that Hindu beliefs have influenced the lives of Muslims. It is proven that many Muslims seek supernatural powers to fulfill their daily needs. Some of them directly practice this knowledge, but there are also those who go through shamans. So it is the shaman who serves their needs and conveys them to the unseen.

Every patient who asked about his life difficulties or asked for medicine, the shaman would answer, "Wait a minute, I will ask the unseen,"; then he closed his eyes while holding the key and spoke as if in a trance (his voice was different from the original). That's when he opened his patient's mouth. When finished, the shaman opened his eyes again and said, "What I said earlier was all from the unseen."

There are many things that are not only strange, but also obscure Islamic teachings. Among them is money to atone for sins (kifarat). This means that if someone commits a sin, then the repentance is simply to pay kifarat to the shaman, namely handing over money whose value is according to the request of the shaman. Their aim in using supernatural knowledge is simply to obtain supernatural powers by summoning spirits or ancestral spirits, as is done by mystical people.

2. Source of Strength for the Muslim Ummah

We know from history that Islamic figures in ancient times were known to be strong, both physically and mentally. Like Umar bin Khattab, Ali bin Abi Talib, the companions of the Prophet, scholars or saints of Allah. However, the power they have is not from inner experience like Hindus or Javanese people do today. Their strength is a realization of the strength and steadfastness of their faith in Allah SWT. so that they always get His help. Therefore, whenever they face an enemy, they do not feel the slightest bit afraid or afraid. Victory of the Prophet Muhammad and his companions in the battle of Badr, for example, were not the result of supernatural knowledge, but solely thanks to God's help, as He says:

You did not kill them, but God killed them, and you did not throw when you threw, but God threw, and that He might test the believers. This is a good test. Indeed, God is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

So [the truth is] it was not you who killed them, but Allah who killed them, and it was not you who threw when you threw, but Allah who threw. [Allah did so to destroy them] and to give victory to the believers, with a good victory. Indeed, Allah is All-Hearing and All-Knowing. (Q.S. Al-Anfal: 17) .

O you who have believed, when you meet a group, be steadfast and remember Allah often, that you may succeed.

O you who believe, when you fight against the [enemy] forces, then be firm in your hearts and mention the [name] of Allah as much as possible [8] so that you will be successful. (Q.S. Al-Anfal: 45).
The meaning contained in the 2 verses above shows how the strength of the mujahids when they face the enemy, their strength is the strength of faith, and their victory is the approval of Allah swt. The power in God's knowledge which in the Qur'an is called unseen which is mukhalafah (different from His creatures). Thus the term unseen in Islam is different from the meaning in Hinduism or animism, They refer to deities or spirits, while Islam refers to Allah swt.

3. Understanding the Unseen according to Islam and the Obligation to Believe in It

Zaid bin Aslam: Unseen is believing in predestination and fate. Abu Ja'far ar-Razi: Unseen is believing in and believing in the existence of God, the angels, the books of God, the messengers, the Day of Judgment, heaven , hell, meet God in heaven, live after death, rise from the grave (ba'ats), and believe in everything related to the afterlife (reversal in the afterlife). Imam Qatadah bin Diammah and Imam Duday from Abi Malik and ibnu Mas'ud from Nabi sa .: Unseen is everything that cannot be seen by the senses, namely the affairs of heaven, hell and all the contents of the Qur'an. Muhammad bin Ishaq from Ibnu Abbas r.a< a i=6>.: Unseen is everything that comes from God to be believed in and practiced. Sufyan at-Tsauri from Atsim bin Dzar,: Unseen is the Qur'an as the holy book of Muslims to be read, believed in, and practiced all its content. Atha bin Rabah: Unseen is whoever believes in Allah, so it means he believes in the unseen.

Those who believe in the unseen and perform prayer and spend out of what We have provided them.

And those who believe in what was revealed to you, and in what was revealed before you, and are certain of the Hereafter.

Those of you are upon guidance from their Lord, and those of you are the ones who will be successful.

[that is] those who believe in the unseen who establish prayer and spend part of the sustenance that We have bestowed upon them, (3) and those who believe in the Book [Al Qur'an] that has been revealed to you and the Books that have been revealed before you and they are confident of the existence of the afterlife (4) They are the ones who still receive guidance from their Lord, and they are the fortunate ones (Q.S. Al-Baqarah:3-5).
Spread it!!! God willing, it will be useful.

Glory be to You, O God, and by Your praise I bear witness that there is no god but I ask your forgiveness and I repent to you
"Glory be to You, O God, and all praise be to You. I testify that there is no God but You. I ask for forgiveness and repent to You."
Source: here

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