
You Must Know, This is the Interpretation of the Ayat Kursi in Islam

The Virtue of the Chair Verse

All letters in the Koran are great and noble letters. Likewise all the verses it contains. However, Allah Ta'ala with His will and wisdom makes some letters and verses greater than others. The greatest surah is Surah al-Fatihah, while the greatest verse is the chair verse, namely in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 255. What we will study together on this occasion is the chair verse.

Ubay bin Ka'b radhiallahu 'anhu said: The Messenger of Allah shallallahu 'alahi wa sallamverbs:

"O Abul Mundzir (Ubay's nickname), do you know which verse in the book of God is the greatest?"

I replied, "Allah and His Messenger know better."

He said, "O Abul Mundzir, Do you know which verse in the book of God is the greatest?"

I answered,

There is no god but He, the Ever-Living, the Ever-Subsisting

So he hit my chest and said,"For the sake of God, congratulations on the knowledge (that God gave you) O Abul Mundzir." (HR .Muslim no. 810)

In the story of Abu Hurairah radhiallahu 'anhu with the devil who stole the wealth of zakat, it is mentioned that the devil said,

“Let me teach you some sentences that Allah will benefit you with. When you go to bed, read the verse on the chair. In this way, there will always be a guard from Allah for you, and Satan will not approach you until morning."

When Abu Hurairah narrated it to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu 'alahi wa sallam, he said,

"Truly he was honest, even though he lied a lot." (HR. al-Bukhari no. 2187)

In another story similar to the story above and narrated by Ubay bin Ka'bradhiallahu 'anhu, it is mentioned that the jinn said:< /span>

Whoever says it in the evening will be rewarded from us until the morning, and whoever says it in the morning will be rewarded from us until the evening.

“Whoever reads it in the evening, he will be protected from us until morning. Whoever reads it in the morning, he will be protected until the evening." (HR. ath-Thabrani no. 541, and al-Albani said that the sanad is good)

In another hadith, the Prophet sallallahu 'alahi wa sallam said:

Whoever recites Ayat al-Kursi after every obligatory prayer, nothing will prevent him from entering Paradise, except death.

"Whoever recites the verse of the chair after every obligatory prayer, nothing prevents him from entering heaven other than death." (HR. ath-Thabrani no. 7532, declared authentic by al- Albani)

It is sunnah to read this verse every (1) after the obligatory prayers, (2) during morning and evening dhikr, (3) also before going to bed.

There is no god but He, the Ever-Living, the Ever-Subsisting

"Allah, there is no deity (who deserves to be worshiped) other than He Who lives forever and continues to manage (creatures)."

Allah is the greatest name of Allah Ta'ala. Allah begins this verse by emphasizing the sentence tauhid which is the essence of Islamic teachings and all previous Shari'a. This means that there is no true deity to be worshiped other than Allah. The consequence is that you are not allowed to offer any worship to other than Allah.

Al-Hayyu and al-Qayyum are two of al-Asma' al-Husna which Allah has.Al-Hayyu means Who lives by itself and forever. Al-Qayyummeans that all need Him and all cannot stand without Him. Therefore, Shaykh Abdurrahman as-Sa'di said that these two names denote all the other al-Asma' al-Husna.

Some ulama argue that al-Hayyul Qayyum is the greatest name. This opinion and the previous one are the strongest on the issue of what is the greatest name of Allah, and all these names are in the verse of the chair.

Neither year nor sleep takes him

"He is not drowsy and does not sleep."

Glory be to God from all shortcomings. He is always watching and watching over everything. Nothing is hidden from him, and He is not indifferent to His servants.

Allah prioritizes the mention of sleepiness, because sleepiness usually occurs before sleeping.

Perhaps someone said, “Just denying sleepiness is enough so there is no need to mention not sleeping; because if you're not even sleepy, let alone sleep."

However, Allah mentions both, because it is possible that (1) people sleep without getting sleepy first, and (2) people can resist sleepiness, but cannot sleep. So, denying sleepiness does not mean automatically denying sleep.

To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth

"To Him belongs what is in the heavens and the earth."

The universe is a servant and belongs to Allah, and is under His authority. No one can carry out a will except by the will of Allah.

Who can intercede with Him except by His permission?

"No one can intercede before God without His permission."

Providing intercession means being an intermediary for others in bringing benefits or preventing harm. The essence of intercession with Allah is prayer. People who hope for the Prophet's intercession shallallahu 'alahi wa sallam means hoping that the Prophet shallallahu 'alahi wa salla m pray for him with Allah. There are special intercessions for the Prophet Muhammad, such as intercession for the start of reckoning in the afterlife, and intercession for the inhabitants of heaven so that the gates of heaven will be opened for them. There are things that are not specifically for the Prophet sallallahu 'alahi wa sallam, such as intercession for people who have the right to go to hell so that they are not put in it, and intercession so that they can be raised to a higher level. which is higher in heaven.

So, a Muslim can intercede for his parents, children, siblings or friends in the afterlife. However, intercession is only given to people who believe and die in a state of faith. Two things are required to get it, namely:

God's permission for those who intercede. God's pleasure for those who are interceded.

Therefore, a person must not ask for intercession except from Allah. Apart from praying, we should fulfill the conditions for receiving intercession; by gaining Allah's approval. Of course, by obeying Him, carrying out His commands as best we can, and leaving behind all His prohibitions.

He knows what is before them and what is behind them

"He knows what is before them and what is behind them."

This is the proposition that God's knowledge covers all creatures, whether they exist in the past, present or future. Allah knows what has happened, is happening, and will happen, even things that are destined not to exist, what they would be like if they existed. Allah's knowledge is perfect.

They do not comprehend any of His knowledge except what He wills.

"And they do not know anything from God's knowledge except what He wills."

No one knows the knowledge of God, except what God teaches. Similarly, knowledge about the essence and attributes of God. We have no way to determine a name or attribute, except what He wants to be determined in the Qur'an and the Hadith.

His Throne extends over the heavens and the earth

"The seat of Allah covers the heavens and the earth."

Ibn Abbas radhiallahu 'anhu interpreted the chair by saying:

The seat is where his feet are

"The chair is the place of the two soles of God's feet." (HR. al-Hakim no. 3116, judged authentic by al-Hakim and adz-Dzahabi)

Ahlussunnah establish attributes like this as established by Allah and the Prophet sallallahu 'alahi wa sallam, in accordance with the majesty and glory of Allah without simulating it with nature of being.

This verse shows the greatness of God's seat and the greatness of God. In a hadith, the Prophet sallallahu 'alahi wa sallam said:

The seven heavens and the Throne are nothing but a ring thrown into a desert land.

"There are no seven heavens compared to a chair except like a ring of earrings placed on a field." (HR. Ibnu Hibban no. 361, declared authentic by Ibnu Hajar and al-Albani )

He does not tire of preserving them

"And Allah is not burdened with the maintenance of either of them."

A mother certainly feels how tired it is to take care of the house alone. Likewise, a village head, sub-district head, regent, governor or president manage the area they lead. However, this is not the case with Allah, the Almighty. Taking care of the heavens and the earth and their contents is very easy for Him. Everything becomes small and simple before Allah.

He is the Most High, the Great

"And He is High and Great."

Allah has a high position, and His essence is at a height, namely above the sky (on the throne). In a hadith, the Prophet sallallahu 'alahi wa sallamasked a slave girl: “Where is Allah?”< /span>

He answered, “In the sky.”

The Prophet sallallahu ‘alahi wa sallam asked,“Who am I?”

He replied, “You are the Messenger of Allah.”

So, the Prophet sallallahu 'alahi wa sallamsaid to his employer (the slave girl's employer -ed),"Free him, because he truly believes!" (HR. Muslim no. 537)

It is clear that the belief of some people that Allah is everywhere is contrary to the Koran and al-Hadith.

Similarly, God has a great position and His essence is also great as shown by the majesty of His seat in this verse.


All verses of the great Qur'an. The greatest verse is the verse of the chair. It is sunnah to read this verse every time after the obligatory prayer, in the morning and evening dhikr, and before going to bed. The affirmation of the word tauhid. Meaning al-Hayyu and al-Qayyum which shows all the other names of God. All forms of deficiency must be denied from God. The meaning of intercession and the conditions for obtaining it. Knowledge God is perfect. We only set for God the name and attributes set by God and His Messenger in accordance with His majesty and glory, without likening them to the names and attributes of creatures. The meaning and majesty of God's seat. The height and majesty of God in essence and position. saying that God is everywhere. Setting many names and attributes of God that show His glory and perfection.

God bless you.


Al-Quran and its TranslationTafsir Ibnu KatsirFathul Qadir, ash-Syaukani Taysirul Karimir Rahman, Abdurrahman as-Sa'diSahih al-BukhariSahih Muslim, al-FairuzabadiAl-Qamus al-Muhith, Abdurrazzaq al-Badr Fiqhul Asma'il Husna, Abdurrahman bin HasanFathul Majid, al-AlbaniSilsilah Ahadith Shahihah, al-AlbaniSahih Targhib wa TarhibSahih Ibnu Hibban, al-Hakim.al-Mustadrak, ath-ThabraniAl-Mu'jam al-Kabir

Ibnu Abil 'Izz al-Hanafi said: “…there is no life for the heart, no pleasure and peace for it, except by knowing its Lord, its Deity and its Creator, with Asma', His nature and Af'al (deeds), and along with that love Him more than others, and try to get close to Him without others..." (< a i=3>Syarah al-Aqidah ath-Tahawiyyah)


Penulis: Ustadz Anas Burhanuddin, Lc.

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