
Selasa, 26 Desember 2023

Understanding Islamic Aqidah.
Well, let's examine together the Islamic Aqidah, that aqidah comes from the words عقد - يعقد - عقيدة meaning belief or confidence. Meanwhile, the definition of Islamic aqidah according to the term is something that the human heart trusts and believes to be true, in accordance with Islamic teachings guided by the Koran and Hadith.

So, after you understand the meaning of Islamic aqidah, the next step is to understand the scope of Islamic aqidah.
That the scope of Islamic aqeedah which originates from the Koran and hadith includes:
- Belief in the existence of Allah swt with all his attributes, namely the obligatory nature, the impossible nature and the permissible nature, as well as his existence which can be proven by the regularity and beauty of this universe.
- Beliefs about the supernatural; believe in the existence of a nature behind this real world that cannot be observed by human senses. Likewise, the creatures in it such as angels, jinn and spirits.
- Belief in the books of Allah which were revealed to His messengers. These books were revealed so that humans could use them as a guide in navigating nature and all its problems. By using these guidelines, humans can differentiate between good and bad, as well as halal and haram.
- Belief in the messengers of God who were sent and chosen to give guidance and guidance to mankind to do good and right things.
- Belief in the last day and the events that occur at that time, such as the day of resurrection (Ba'ats), the existence of rewards and sins, heaven and hell.
- Belief in God's qadha and qadar about everything that happens in this universe.

Principles of Islamic Aqidah

After you understand the meaning and scope of Islamic aqidah, you need to understand the principles of Islamic aqidah, namely:
1. Islamic belief as something revealed by God

The Islamic faith is derived from the revelation of God which was revealed through the angel Gabriel to the Prophet SAW, to be taught to his ummah and preserved in its purity until the end of time.
Islamic belief is not the product of the Prophet Muhammad SAW's own feelings or thoughts, but is a direct teaching from Allah SWT as mentioned in the Qur'an, surat al-Najm verse 3-4:

"And nothing he said (the Qur'an) was according to his lust. His speech was nothing but a revelation that was revealed (to him)." (QS. Al-Najm: 3-4)

In this verse, Allah states that what was conveyed by the Prophet Muhammad was truly a revelation, not an invention or creation of the Prophet himself.

2. The belief of Islam is basically no different from the belief taught by the previous Prophets
Prophets and Apostles are tasked with conveying God's teachings, because the source of the teachings conveyed by the prophets and apostles is one, namely coming from God, the content of the teachings taught from the prophet Adam to the Prophet Muhammad is the same, namely Islam. So that there is no difference between them in teaching the faith to their people.
Allah says in Surat al-Shura, verse 13:

He has legislated for you about religion what He had bequeathed to Noah and what We have revealed to you and what We have bequeathed to Abraham, Moses and Jesus namely: Uphold the religion and do not be divided over it. .... (QS. As-Shura:13)

The religion meant here is believing in God, believing in Him. So it is clear that the Islamic faith taught by Prophet Muhammad is the same as taught by previous prophets and apostles.
The difference in the teachings of the previous prophets and apostles only lies in their shari'ah in the form of practices. Differences in sharia occur due to differences in situations, ways of thinking, existing social conditions, and in accordance with the perspective of society at that time.

3. Islamic belief straightens out distorted beliefs
The Islamic belief brought and taught by the Prophet Muhammad is not a new belief or a revamping of the belief taught by previous prophets and apostles. Rather, they only straighten out the beliefs they brought after being distorted by their previous followers.

For example, the distorted aqidah was the abuse committed by the Jews against the prophet Sulaiman, son of Dawud, they accused the prophet Sulaiman of collecting books that contained magic and kept them under his throne, then took them out and broadcast them. In an effort to disrupt the teachings of Islam (Islamic aqidah), the Jews tried to spread magic which they thought came from the Bani Sulaiman. In fact, the Prophet Solomon did not teach or practice magic. He clearly knows and understands that acts of magic include denying Allah Azza wa Jalla. Because magic is actually deception and deception that is only carried out by Satan.
In this case God said:

102. and they followed what the devils read during the reign of Solomon (and they said that Solomon practiced magic), whereas Solomon was not an infidel (did not practice magic), only the devils were infidels (practiced magic). they teach magic to humans and what was revealed to two angels in the land of Babylon, namely Harut and Marut, while both of them did not teach (anything) to anyone before saying: "Indeed We are only a test (for you), so do not disbelieve.... ". (Qs. Al-Baqoroh: 102)

Another example of deviance from aqidah is the deviation of Jews and Christians in understanding Isa al-Masih. Islam explains that the prophet Isa was the son of Mary who was appointed by Allah to be His apostle. Jesus was a holy child and not a child of adultery as accused by the Jews. He was also an ordinary human being who had advantages, and was later appointed by Allah to become His apostle. He is also not God as Christians accuse him.
Jews deny the existence of the prophet Jesus. They accused Maryam of committing adultery with a man named Yusuf al-Najjar, until she gave birth to Jesus. They accused Jesus of being the son of adultery.

Apart from that, the Jews and Christians made a mistake, because they admitted that they had killed and crucified Jesus, son of Mary, even though they actually did not kill him or crucify him. However, the person they killed and crucified was a person likened to Jesus named Judas Iscariot, his former student.

It is clear that Islam came to correct the deviations in the aqidah committed by the previous ummah. Islam provides information and confirmation that Islamic aqidah is a true and upright faith or belief and must be adhered to and maintained by all mankind.

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