
You Must Know, These Are the Doors to Heaven that Allah Promised, Muslims Must Know

Knowing the Gates of Heaven That God Promised [2]

Specificity of Heaven's Door

EACH-each paradise has a door and special conditions for its inhabitants, for their deeds in the world;

Straight Monotheism

“Whoever worships God, not associating anything with Him, establishes prayer, pays zakat, and listens and obeys; God Almighty will admit him through any gates of Paradise He wishes, and it has eight gates. And whoever worships God, not associating anything with Him, and establishes prayer, and pays zakat, and listens and disobeys; God Almighty has commanded him to make a choice. If He wills, He will have mercy on him, and if He wills, He will punish him.”

”Whoever worships God and does not associate anything with Him, establishes prayer, pays zakat, listens and obeys [the government); surely God will enter him through any gate of heaven he wants. And the gates of heaven are eight. Whoever worships Allah and does not associate anything with Him, establishes prayer, pays zakat, listens but does not obey Amri's ulil; then the fate is up to God. If He wills, He will have mercy on him, otherwise if He wills, then He will torture him".[HR. Ahmad from Ubadah bin ash-Shamit ra]

”Whoever says “I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah alone and He has no partner and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. And Jesus was a servant of Allah and the son of one of His servants. His words were conveyed to Maryam and her soul came from Allah. [He also testified) that heaven is true, hell is also true; Allah will surely admit him to heaven from any of its eight doors that he wishes.” [HR. Muslim)

Pious & Good deeds

To enter the gates of heaven we must do good deeds:

For every worker there is one of the gates of Paradise from which he will be called for that work.

"For every person who does good deeds there is a special door in heaven through which he will be called because of the good deeds he has done." [HR. Ahmad and Ibnu Abi Shaibah]

"Whoever spends a couple of his wealth in the way of God, he will be called from the gates of heaven, 'O servant of God, this is good.' And those who belong to the group of prayer people, he will be called from the gates of prayer. People who belong to the group of jihadists will be called from the door of jihad. People who belong to the fasting group will be called from the gate of Ar-Royyan. And people who belong to the almsgiving group will be called from the door of almsgiving."

When Abu Bakr heard this hadith he asked, "My father and mother as your redeemers O Messenger of Allah, what other difficulties do people who are called from those doors have to worry about. Could someone be called from all those doors?”.

Then he replied, "Yes there is." And I hope you are among them." [HR. Bukhari)

The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, asked [the companions),"Which of you is fasting today?". Abu Bakr said, "I am." He asked again, "Which of you has accompanied the body today?". So Abu Bakr said, "I am." He asked again, "Which of you is feeding the poor today?". So Abu Bakr said, "I am." Then he asked again, "Which of you has visited the sick today." Abu Bakr said again, "I am." So the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said, "Those characteristics are not accumulated in a person unless he will definitely enter heaven." [HR. Muslim)

Spend in the Way of God

Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi Wassallam said;

“Whoever spends his wealth in the way of God, he will be called from the gates of heaven, 'O servant of God, this is good.' then he will be called from the door of prayer. People who belong to the group of jihadists will be called from the door of jihad. People who belong to the fasting group will be called from the gate of Ar-Royyan. And people who belong to the almsgiving group will be called from the door of alms.” [HR. Bukhari)

Al-Qadhi quotes Al-Harawi's words when explaining the meaning of giving in the way of Allah in this hadith which includes giving for all forms of good deeds, not just for jihad [Al-Minhaj, 4/352).

Abu Hurairah said, the Messenger of Allah said,

For every worker there is one of the gates of Paradise from which he will be called for that work.

"For every person who does good deeds there is a special door in heaven through which he will be called because of the good deeds he has done." [HR. Ahmad and Ibnu Abi Shaibah)

Taking care of Wudu

From Uqbah Bin Amir, he found Rasulullah preaching in front of people. What he got from Rasul's speech was his words:

"It is not true that a Muslim performs ablution, then perfects his ablution, then he prays two rak'ahs with all his heart in those two rak'ahs, facing his heart and face, but he is definitely entitled to heaven." I said: "How good this is." Suddenly someone spoke in front of me. He said that his previous words were even more interesting. I saw him, it turned out he was Umar. He said: "Really, I see you have just come. The Prophet said: "Not one of you performs ablution, then completes his ablution, then he prays: `ashhadu anla ilaha illalloh wa anna Muhammadan 'abdullohu wa rosuluh', but the eight doors of heaven will be opened for him. He can enter from any door he likes.” [HR. Muslim]

Woman Shalihah, who takes care of prayer

It is a passage from the words of the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, in the hadith narrated by Imam Ahmad in his Musnad saying: "If a woman observes five daily prayers, fasting in the month of Ramadan, take care of her genitals and obey her husband, then it was said to the woman: "Enter heaven from any door as you wish."

The Fasting

Narrated from Sahl bin Saad r.a he said; Rasulullah Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wassallam; "Indeed in Heaven there is a door called Ar-Rayyan. People who fast will enter through that door on the Day of Resurrection. No one can enter except them. Later there will be an announcement: Where are the fasting people? They then flocked in through the door. After the last of them had entered, the door was closed again. No one else will enter it.” [HR: Bukhari-Muslim]

The only thing you need to remember is that someone will enter heaven only because of their good deeds. Imam Ibnu Hajar in Fathul Baari' said, a person does not enter heaven because of his deeds, but because of Allah's mercy towards him.

May Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala have mercy on all of us so that he continues to give taufiq to believe and be able to do righteous deeds until it becomes the reason we all enter heaven. Amen.*)(hidayatullah)

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