You Must Know, Here is a Complete Explanation of the 20 Mandatory Attributes of Allah Along with Their Propositions and Meanings
Kamis, 28 Desember 2023
Complete explanation of 20 mandatory qualities for Allah along with their evidence and meaning
There are so many obligatory qualities for Allah, they cannot be counted and cannot be summarized, because no one can count them except Allah Himself. However, what we must know is that there are arguments, both 'aqli arguments and naqli arguments.
In enumerating these obligatory characteristics, the 'Ulama differ in opinion. Imam Al Asy'ari and Muhaqiqin believe that there are 12 characteristics, consisting of 5 Salabiyah characteristics and 7 Ma'ani characteristics.
Abi Bakrin Baqilani, Ar Rozi and Imam Haromain believe that there are 13 characteristics with the addition of 1 Nafsiyyah characteristic. Imam Al Ma'thuridy, Sanusi and Ibrahim Al Bajuri believe that there are 20 characteristics with an additional 7 Ma'nawiyyah characteristics.
So that all the opinions of the Ushuluddin Ulama were carried over, 20 characteristics were taken and divided into four groups, namely:
The nature of Nafsiyyah, which is the nature that is related to the Essence of Allah swt. The obligatory nature that belongs to this group is the nature of Wujud. The nature of Salbiyyah, that is, the nature of God that rejects the properties that are not suitable or unworthy of Allah swt. The qualities that belong to this group are the qualities of Qidam, Baqo, Mukholafatul lil hawaditsi, Qiyamuhu Binafsihi, and Wahdaniyyat. The Ma'ani qualities, which are the qualities that are obligatory for God that can be described by the human mind, and can convince others, because of their truth can be proven by the five senses. Included in this group are the properties of Qudrot, Irodat, 'Ilmu, Hayat, Sama', Bashor and Kalam. Ma'nawiyah properties, which are properties related to the meaning or activity of the above seven properties. Included in this group are the qualities of Kaunuhu Qodiron, Kaunuhu Muridan, Kaunuhu 'Aliman, Kaunuhu Hayyan, Kaunuhu Sami'an, Kaunuhu Bashiron, and Kaunuhu Mutakalliman.
There are also 20 obligatory characteristics of Allah which are concluded with two materials, namely:
Istighnaiyyah, meaning the nature that shows the perfection of God's Essence and does not need anything else. It contains eleven attributes, namely the attributes of Wujud, Qidam, Baqo, Mukholafatul lil hawaditsi, Qiyamuhu Binafsihi, Sama', Bashor, Kalam, Kaunuhu Sami'an, Kaunuhu Basyiron, and Kaunuhu Mutakalliman. His creatures. It contains nine attributes, namely the attributes of Wahdaniyyat, Qudrot, Irodat, 'Ilmu, Hayat, Kaunuhu Qodiron, Kaunuhu Muridan, Kaunuhu 'Aliman and Kaunuhu Hayyan.
There are others who conclude with four materials, namely:
The nature of Kamal means that God's nature is perfect. It contains 5 attributes, namely Wujud, Qidam, Baqo, Mukholafatul lil hawaditsi, and Qiyamuhu Binafsihi. Jalal attribute, meaning the attribute of God's Greatness and His Wisdom. It contains 4 attributes, namely the attributes of Qudrot, Irodat, Knowledge, and Life. The attribute of Jamal, meaning the attribute that shows that God has no deficiency. It contains 6 properties, namely the properties of Sama', Bashor, Kalam, Kaunuhu Sami'an, Kaunuhu Bashiron, and Kaunuhu Mutakalliman. Qohar properties, meaning properties that show God's Might and Bravery. It contains 5 properties, namely the properties of Wahdaniyyat fil Af'al, Kaunuhu Qodiron, Kaunuhu Muridan, Kaunuhu 'Aliman and Kaunuhu Hayyan.
Every Mukalaf person, both male and female, is obliged to know the 20 characteristics that Allah definitely has with his postulates, even though in a global way.
Below is a brief explanation of each characteristic that is mandatory for Allah along with its arguments and meaning.
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#1 Exists
The nature of Being is the certainty of God's existence. This means that God must exist. The proof that God exists is the form of creatures. If God did not exist, of course all these creatures would not exist. Allah SWT. said:
Indeed, I am God, there is no god but Me, so worship Me
Meaning: "Indeed, I am Allah, there is no god but Me, so worship Me." – QS. Ta-Ha [20:14]
It is He who created the heavens and the earth in six days
Meaning: "He is the one who created the heavens and the earth in six times." – QS. Al-Hadid [57:4]
God is the one who created the heavens and the earth and what is between them
Meaning: "It is Allah who created the heavens and the earth and everything between them." – QS. As-Sajda [32:4]
#2 Qidam (First or Early)
The nature of Qidam is the absence of a beginning for the existence or existence of God, because God is the source of all creation, the Creator of creation, and the creator must precede the created. God swt. said:
He is the First and the Last, the Manifest and the Hidden, and He is All-Knowing.
Meaning: "He is the First and the Last, the Born and the Innermost, and He is All-Knowing of all things." – QS. Al-Hadid [57:3]
#3 Baqo (Permanent)
The nature of Baqo is that there is no end to God's existence or existence, He remains forever. God said :
All that is on earth will perish . And the face of your Lord remains the Possessor of majesty and honor.
Meaning: "Everything on earth will perish. And the Being of your God who has greatness and glory will remain forever.” – QS. Ar-Rahman [55:26-27]
Everything is perishing except His Face. His is the judgment and to Him you will be returned.
Meaning: "Everything must perish, except Allah. All decisions belong to Him and only to Him will you be returned." – QS. Al-Qasas [28:88]
#4 Mukholafatul lil hawaditsi (Different from His creation)
The nature of Mukholafatul lil hawaditsi is that Allah Ta'ala cannot be equaled by any creature and does not equal any creature. God swt. said:
There is nothing like Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing
Meaning: "There is nothing similar or equal to Him, and He is the All-Hearing and All-Seeing." – QS. Ash-Shura [42:11]
And there was no one equal to him
Meaning: "And there is no one equal to Him." – QS. Al-Ikhlas [112:4]
#5 Qiyāmuhu Ḥiḥiḥi (God stands alone)
The nature of personal Qiyamahu is that God does not need anything and does not need anyone. God swt. said:
And the faces turned toward the Ever-Living, the Ever-Subsisting
Meaning: "And bow all faces (with humility) to God Who Lives Eternally and always takes care of (His creatures)." – QS. Ta-Ha [20-111]
O people, you are the ones who are in need of God, and God is the Rich, the Praiseworthy
Meaning: "O human beings, you are the ones who will to God; and Allah, He is the Most Rich (does not need anything) and the Most Praiseworthy." – QS. Fatir [35:15]
Indeed, God is Self-sufficient of the worlds
Meaning: "Indeed, Allah is truly the Most Rich (does not need anything) from the universe." – QS. Al-Ankabut [29:6]
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#6 Wahdaniyyat (One or Single)
The nature of Wahdaniyyat is that God is Single, Independent, He has no partners, both in His actions, attributes and Essence. Allah swt said:
Glory be to Him. He is God, the One, the Supreme.
Meaning: "Glory be to God, He is the One God and the All-Conquering." – QS. Az-Zumar [39:4]
Say: He is God, One
Meaning: "Say, He is the Almighty God." – QS. Al-Ikhlas [112:1]
And your God is one God. There is no god but He, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Meaning: "And your god is God Almighty, there is no god but He Who is Most Gracious and Most Merciful." – QS. Al-Baqara [2:163]
If there had been among them any gods other than God, they would have been corrupted.
Meaning: "If in the heavens and the earth there were gods other than Allah, both of them would have perished." – QS. Al-Anbiya [21:22]
God did not take a son, nor was there any god with Him. Then every god would adhere to what He created, and some of them would exalt one another. Glory be to God for what He does. von
Meaning: "Allah sometimes has no children, and sometimes there is no other god with Him, if there were other gods with Him, then each of those gods would bring the creatures they created and some of those gods will beat some others. Glory be to God from what they attribute." – QS. Al-Mu'minun [23:91]
Say: If only there were gods with Him, as they say, then they would have sought a way to the Possessor of the Throne. Glory be to Him, Most High above what they say.
Meaning: "Say: 'If there were gods beside Him, as they say, those gods would surely find a way to the Lord who has a throne.' Holy and exalted is He than what they say with real height – that's right.” – QS. Al-Isra [17:42-43]
#7 Qudrot (Powerful)
The attribute of Qudrot is God's ability to create and destroy whatever He wants based on His will. If God does not have the ability, of course He cannot create even the smallest creature. God swt. said:
God has power over all things
Meaning: "Indeed, Allah is Almighty over all things." – QS. Al-Baqara [2:20]
And it is not the power of God to make anything in the heavens or in the earth impossible for Him. Indeed, He is All-Knowing, All-Powerful.
Meaning: "And there is nothing that can weaken God, either in heaven or on earth. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing and All-Powerful." – QS. Fatir [35:44]
#8 Irodat (Willing)
The nature of Irodat is the will to predestinate something before creating it. God has the freedom to create anything according to His will and His choice. Therefore, sometimes He creates something long, tall or short, some are good and some are ugly, sometimes clever and sometimes stupid. God swt. said:
We only say to something when We intend it to say “Be” and it is.
Meaning: "Indeed, Our word for something when We will it, We only say to it Kun (be), then it is." – QS. An-Nahl [16:40]
And your Lord creates whatever He wills and chooses. They have no choice. Glory be to God, Most High above what they associate with others.
Meaning: "And your Lord creates what He wills and chooses Him. Sometimes there is no choice for them. Glory be to God and High above what they associate." – QS. Al-Qasas [26:68]
Say, O God, Owner of dominion. You give dominion to whomever You wish, and You take dominion from whom You wish, and You exalt whomever You wish, and to humiliate whom You wish. In Your hand is good. Indeed, You are upon All things are powerful
Meaning: "Say: 'O God who has the kingdom, You give the kingdom to whom You will, and You take away the kingdom from whom You will. You glorify whom You will and You humiliate whom You will. All goodness is in Your hands. Indeed, You have power over all things'." – QS. Ali Imron [3:26]
To God belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. He creates whatever He wills. He gives females to whomever He wills, and He gives males to whomever He wills. Or He gives them in marriage, males and females, and makes whom He wills sterile. Indeed, He is All-Knowing, All-Powerful.
Meaning: "To God belongs the kingdom of heaven and earth, He creates what He wills. He gives daughters to whom He wills and gives sons to whom He wills, or He bestows both, male and female (to whom He wills), and He makes barren to whom He wills. He wants it. Indeed, He is All-Knowing and All-Powerful." – QS. Ash-Shura [42:49]
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#9 'Knowledge (Knowing)
The nature of 'Ilmu is that Allah knows everything that has passed, is happening and will happen. God swt. said:
Indeed, God is All-Knowing
Meaning: "Indeed Allah knows everything." – QS. Al-Mujadilah [58:7]
And that God encompasses all things with knowledge.
Meaning: "And verily, Allah, His knowledge truly covers everything." – QS. At-Talaq [65:12]
We created man and We know what his soul whispers about, and We are closer to him than his jugular vein.
Meaning: "And verily We have created man and know what his heart whispers, and We are closer to him than his jugular vein." – QS. Qaf [50:16]
#10 Life (Life)
The nature of life is that God is living and eternal and will not perish. God swt. said:
And put your trust in the Living One who does not die
It means: "And fear Allah, the Ever-Living and the Immortal." QS. Al-Furqan [25:58]
And the faces turned toward the Ever-Living, the Ever-Subsisting
Meaning: "And bow all faces (with humility) to God Who Lives Eternally and always takes care of (His creatures)." – QS. Ta-Ha [20-111]
#11 Same' (Listening)
Same nature' is that everything is heard by God. God hears everything that no one else can hear. God swt. said:
God has heard the words of the woman who argues with you about her husband and complains to God, and God hears your conversation. Indeed, God is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.
Meaning: "Indeed, Allah has heard the words of the woman who filed a lawsuit against you about her husband, and complained (about her) to Allah. And Allah listens to the questions and answers between the two of you. Indeed, Allah is All-Hearing and All-Seeing." – QS. Al-Mujadila [58-1]
He said, “Do not be afraid. I am with you, I hear and I see.”
Meaning: "Do not worry both of you, indeed I am with you both, I hear and see." – QS. Ta-Ha [20:46]
#12 Bashor (Seeing)
Bashor's nature is that everything is seen by God. Nothing is out of God's sight. God swt. said:
There is nothing like Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing
Meaning: "There is nothing similar or equal to Him, and He is the All-Hearing and All-Seeing." – QS. Ash-Shura [42:11]
13. Kalam (Speaking or Speaking)
The characteristic of Kalam is that Allah is All-Speaking. Allah SWT. said:
And God spoke to Moses specifically
Meaning: "And Allah spoke to Moses directly." – QS. An-Nisa [4:164]
And when Moses came to our appointed time and his Lord spoke to him
Meaning: "And when Musa came to pray with Us at the time We determined and God spoke (directly) to him." – QS. Al-A'raf [7:143]
14. Kaunuhu Qodiron
Wajib aqli Allah has the quality of Kaunuhu Qodiron, meaning it is proven that Allah is Almighty and it is impossible for Allah to be powerless. As for the arguments - the arguments are sufficient with the nature of Qudrot.
15. Discipleship
Wajib aqli Allah has the character of Kaunuhu Puridan, meaning it is proven that Allah is omnipotent and it is impossible for Allah to have no will. As for the arguments - the arguments are enough with Irodat's character.
16. Kaunuhu 'Aliman
Wajib aqli Allah has the quality of Kaunuhu 'Aliman, which means that it is proven that Allah is All-Knowing and it is impossible for Allah to be ignorant. As for the arguments - the arguments are enough with the nature of 'Ilmu'.
17. Kaunuhu Hayyan
Wajib aqli Allah has the characteristic of Kaunuhu Hayyan, meaning it is proven that Allah is Living and it is impossible for Allah to die. As for the arguments - the arguments are enough with the nature of Life.
18. Kaunuhu Sami'an
Wajib aqli Allah has the characteristic of Kaunuhu Sami'an, meaning that it is proven that Allah is All-Hearing and that Allah is deaf is impossible. As for the arguments - the arguments are sufficient with the nature of Sama'.
19. Kaunuhu Bashiron
Wajib aqli Allah has the characteristic of Kaunuhu Bashiron, meaning it is proven that Allah is All-Seeing and it is impossible for Allah to be blind. As for the arguments - the arguments are enough with Bashor's nature.
20. Kaunuhu Mutakalliman
Wajib aqli Allah has the attribute of Kaunuhu Mutakalliman, which means that it is proven that God speaks, and it is impossible for God to be silent. As for the arguments - the arguments are enough with the nature of Kalam.
Reference :
– Diktat on ‘Aqidah Islamiyyah – KH. Khoer Affandi (Founder of PP Miftahul Huda Manonjaya)
– Translated and Public Aqidatul Lectures – HM. Fadlil An-Nadwi
- Book of Tawhid - Buya Yahya