You Have to Know, This is Why Muslims Still Look for Haram Fortune??
Rabu, 27 Desember 2023
Bismillah walhamdulillah wash shalatu was salamu ‘ala Rasulillah, amma ba’du:
Never feel lacking in the slightest because Allah is the Most Provident of sustenance
As is known from the previous article, that Allah Ta'ala is اَلرَّزَّاقُ (Ar-Razzaq [The One Who Gives Much sustenance]) because اَلرَّزَّاقُ is a form of mubalaghah (encouragement) from the word اَلرَّازِÙ‚ُ (Giver of sustenance), then This shows many meanings. That is, it shows the amount of sustenance that Allah gives to His servants and also shows the number of His servants who receive this sustenance.
Until اَلرَّزَّاقُ (Ar-Razzaq) means the One Who Gives Rezeqi. He provides sustenance one after another in a very large amount for all His creatures.
Every creature that walks on this earth must be provided with sustenance, as Allah Ta'ala says,
And there is no living creature on earth except for God’s provision.
"And there is not a single creature that walks on the face of the earth but it is Allah who provides its sustenance" (Huud: 6).
Shaykh Abdur Rahman As-Sa'dirahimahullah said,
That is: everything that moves on the face of the earth, whether human, or land or sea animal, God Almighty has taken care of their livelihood and sustenance, so He provided them with God.
"The meaning is that all who walk on the face of this earth, both human beings (descendants of Prophet Adam 'alaihis salam), and animals, both land and sea animals, then Allah Ta'ala has guaranteed their sustenance and food. So, their sustenance is guaranteed by God" (Tafsir As-Sa'di, p. 422).
This means that we must believe that our sustenance is guaranteed by Allah Ta'ala. In fact, our sustenance was written before we were born in this world. Rasulullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
Then an angel is sent to him and the spirit is breathed into him, and he is ordered to do four things: write down his livelihood, his term, his work, and whether he is miserable or happy.
"Then an Angel was sent to him to breathe the soul into him, and ordered him to write four things, namely his fortune, his death, his deeds, and woe or happiness" (HR. Al Bukhari and Muslim).
The fortune that has been written for us will definitely reach us. It is impossible for one bite of the food that has become our ration to enter someone else's mouth. A person will not die if he has not eaten even one grain of rice that is his quota.
Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallambersabda,
O people, fear God and be generous in seeking, for a soul will not die until it has fulfilled its provision, and if that is delayed, then fear God and be generous in seeking. B: Take what is permissible and leave what is forbidden
"Oh man, fear God and choose a good way to find sustenance, because no soul will die until its sustenance is fulfilled, even if the sustenance reaches it slowly, then fear God and choose a good way to find sustenance, take sustenance that is halal and Leave unlawful sustenance" (HR. Ibnu Majah, and Shaykh Al-Albani authenticated it).
If now all people agree to prevent the sustenance that God has set for you, then they will surely fail. On the other hand, now if all the people agree to give you something that God has not ordained for you, then surely they will not be able to do it.
Oh God, there is no objection to what you have given and no giver of what you have withheld
"O Allah, there is no one who can prevent what You give and there is no one who is able to give something You prevent" (HR. Al-Bukhari and Muslim, as well as others).
Your sustenance quota has been determined, so there is no reason for you to feel deprived. Isn't there not a single creature capable of reducing your portion of sustenance? If so, then it is impossible for your quota to be reduced. Why should you feel lacking?
If you say "But, the sustenance I get is small, so I feel lacking, looking for halal sustenance is difficult and rich for a long time!" I want to get rich quickly! Haram fortune is quicker and easier to obtain, what can you do!" So we say to you "Why do you have to attack the haram even though your sustenance has been rationed?"
Know! For people who feel dissatisfied with the halal sustenance they have obtained so far and feel it is lacking, then seek it in haram ways, there are at least three possibilities:
He is lazy to find sustenance in a halal way or less earnest in his work. He has worked to the maximum in finding a halal sustenance, but still feels lacking. He is rich, but still feels lacking.
Advice for the first person, in essence, he really doesn't deserve to feel lacking, because he hasn't tried his best. As for the second and third people, there are at least two possible causes:
He already knows the correct attitude and principles of life of a Muslim in matters of sustenance, then he is determined to violate them. He knows little or nothing about these attitudes and principles, so he falls into violation.
Wabillaahi nasta'iin, hopefully the following explanation can be a cure.
The right attitude towards sustenance
1. Sustenance by the will of Allah 'Azza wa Jalla
The attitude that every Muslim must have towards sustenance is that Allah is the only owner and provider of the sustenance of His servants. So in distributing sustenance to His servants, according to His will. Allah gives some creatures and prevents giving to others according to His knowledge, wisdom and justice. Likewise with the problem of the amount of sustenance given to His servants, Allah gives some of them a lot of sustenance, while to others only a little. It's all up to Allah, the Most Just, the Most Wise, Allah will never be unjust to them. Because everything is in accordance with His knowledge, wisdom (wisdom) and justice. Therefore Allah says,
And God provides for whomever He wills without reckoning.
"And God gives provision to those whom He wills without limit" (Al-Baqarah: 212).
Shaykh Abdur Rahmân bin Nashir as-Sa'di, may God have mercy on him, explained,
Since worldly and hereafter sustenances cannot be obtained except by God’s decree, and will not be attained except by God’s will, the Almighty said: {And God provides for whomsoever He wills without reckoning}
"When worldly sustenance and the hereafter cannot be obtained except by Allah's destiny and cannot be obtained except by Allah's will, then Allah says {ÙˆَاللَّÙ‡ُ ÙŠَرْزُÙ‚ُ Ù…َÙ†ْ ÙŠَØ´َاءُ بِغَÙŠْرِ Øِسَابٍ}” (Tafsir As-Sa'di, p. 95).
Allah is All-Knowing about people who, if they are rich, then their wealth makes them forget Allah. And God is All-Knowing that there are people who, if made poor, are able to be patient and worship Him.
If this is understood, then a servant does not protest against his portion of sustenance, he even qona'ah (accepts and is willing) for his portion of sustenance while believing that this is Allah's best choice for him. He also believes that Allah knows and loves His servants better than the servants themselves. In this way he does not dare to attack the haram. Even though the halal sustenance he obtained was small, it was the best for him.
2. The purpose of creation (the purpose of life) and the purpose of providing sustenance
Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taimiyyah rahimahullah said,
God only created creation so that they might worship Him, but He created sustenance for them so that they might seek help in worshiping Him.
"Indeed, God created creatures only to worship Him and God created sustenance for them solely so that they use that sustenance to worship Him" (Majmu'ul Fatawa Imam Ibnu Taimiyyah, Kitabul Iman, from< /span>).
If a person knows the purpose of his life and the purpose of Allah for giving him sustenance, then he will hate haram sustenance and will not want to seek ill-gotten sustenance, because he cannot use ill-gotten sustenance to worship his Lord, it will even cause Allah's punishment. Even if he gets halal sustenance, he does not use it excessively, so that he feels that he is sufficient with halal sustenance and does not need haram sustenance.
Imam Ibnul Qoyyim (may Allah have mercy on him) explained that the attitude of a true believer is different from the attitude of life of unbelievers:
Unlike the believer, even if he gets enough of this world and its desires, he does not enjoy his entire share and does not lose his good things in his worldly life. Rather, he gets from it what he gets from it in order to strengthen himself with it to provide for his future.
"The situation is different with a believer, even if he gets the worldly gains (which are halal) and its pleasures, he will not use them for pleasure alone, and he will not use them to get rid of his good deeds during his life in the world. But he will use the earnings of the world (which are halal) to strengthen himself in finding provisions in the afterlife" (Miftahu Daris Sa'adah, Ibnul Qoyyim, p. 197).
So, the profile of a believer is to seek haraam sustenance, obtain only halal sustenance, he uses it well to worship God.
3. Understanding the fact that God gives and withholds sustenance
People who are not satisfied with the halal sustenance they get, even though they have tried their best to seek it, then follow their desires by seeking sustenance in haram ways, then in essence they do not understand the essence of Allah's actions in giving and preventing sustenance. Know that Allah is not the same as His creatures, Allah says:
Is not nothing like Him
"There is nothing equal to Him" (Ash-Syuuraa:11).
Imam Ibnul Qoyyim (may Allah have mercy on him) explained the nature of Allah giving and preventing sustenance,
"Thus, Ar-Rabb (Allah) Subhanahu, does not prevent His believing servants from getting something from the world, but rather gives them sustenance that is more important and more useful, and this is not obtained by other than believers. Because indeed, Allah prevents a believer from getting a portion of sustenance that is low and trivial and does not please him with the aim of giving him a portion of sustenance that is higher and more expensive. Whereas a servant, due to his ignorance of things that are beneficial to him and of the generosity, wisdom and gentleness of his Rabb, he does not know the difference between something that he is prevented from getting, and something that is kept for him, in fact he is very tempted by (worldly) pleasures. which is hastened even though the value is low, and (conversely) so low is the love for (eternal/reward) pleasure that it is postponed even though the value is high. If, for example, a servant is fair in looking at his Rabb - however, when can he act like that? - surely he will know that His bounty for him is contained in His prevention (of him) from (obtaining) the world and its delights and pleasures. its essence is greater than His gift to him which is contained in His gift in the form of this world. So, Allah does not prevent the servant (from getting part of the world) except to give him (a higher sustenance), does not subject him to trials except to protect him (from evil), does not test him except to purify him (from sin), does not put him to death (in world) except to bring it to life (in Heaven)” (Fawaidul Fawaid, libnil Qoyyim, Shaykh Ali Hasan Al-Halabi, p. 83).
4. The most important type of sustenance
In the article Various types of sustenance and benefits from believing in the Name of Allah (Ar-Razzaaq), the difference between general and specific sustenance has been mentioned, as follows:
Allah's sustenance is divided into general and special. General sustenance is divided into two, halal and haram. This means that a disbeliever or wicked Muslim, who seeks or eats haram sustenance, is said to have fulfilled his share of sustenance, but he is still said to be sinful because he seeks or eats haram sustenance. Special sustenance is divided into two, heart sustenance (knowledge and charity) and body (halal world sustenance). Heart sustenance is the greatest and most important goal, while body sustenance is a means to that greatest goal, so don't be lulled by the means and forget the goal. Whoever is given two kinds of special sustenance at once, means that his needs have been perfectly fulfilled , both Muslim religious needs and physical needs. He becomes a happy servant of Allah in this world and the Hereafter.
From the explanation above, we can understand that the heart's sustenance, in the form of knowledge and charity, is the greatest and most important goal, while the body's sustenance, in the form of halal worldly sustenance, is a means of achieving that greatest goal, so it should be,
The main concern of a servant is to obtain heart sustenance in the form of knowledge, guidance, faith and charity. Looking for bodily (worldly) sustenance for a believer cannot be separated from the context of seeking the most important sustenance, namely heart sustenance (knowledge and charity), because bodily sustenance a means for providing sustenance for the heart, adding that the purpose of providing sustenance is to be used to worship Allah 'Azza wa Jalla. Do not seek haram sustenance, because there are strong threats for the perpetrator.
To find out more about the consequences of haram work, please read the writings of Al-Ustadz Muhammad Tausikal hafizhahullah at -halal-9616
Al-Haqqul Waadhihul Mubiin, Syaikh Abdur Rahman As-Sa’di, PDF Fawaidul Fawaid, libnil Qoyyim, Syaikh Ali Hasan Al-Halabi.
Author: Ust. Sa'id Abu Ukasyah
Article Muslim.Or.Id