
Selasa, 26 Desember 2023

Understanding the Science of Tauhid

Shaykhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: "Those who want to take care of the state of nature will find that the source of goodness on this earth is monotheism and worshiping Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'aalaa and obeying the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
Instead of all the ugliness on this earth; slander, calamity, famine, being controlled by the enemy and other causes are disobeying the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and preaching (inviting) to other than Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'aalaa. The person who truly contemplates this will find this kind of reality both within himself and outside himself" (Majmu' Fatawa 15/25)

Understanding the Science of Tauhid

Viewed from a linguistic point of view (ethymology)

The word tawhid is a form of the word mashdar from the past tense verb, namely: Wahhada yuwahhidu wahdah which means to unite or unify.

[2] And then it was confirmed by Ibn Khaldun in his book Muqaddimah that the word tawhid contains the meaning of the Oneness of God.

[3] So from the etymological understanding it can be seen that tawhid contains the meaning of convincing (affirming) that Allah is "one" and there are no associations for Him.

From the point of view of terms (therminology)

It is generally understood that each branch of science has certain objects and goals.
Therefore, each branch of science also has certain limitations.

Due to these limitations, the influence is very large for scientists and intellectuals in discussing studying and analyzing the objects studied in a branch of science.

The same is true of the study of monotheism which has been defined by experts as follows:

Syech Muhammad Abduh:

The science of Tawheed is the science that discusses the existence of God and the attributes that must be in Him, and the attributes that can be in Him and the attributes that should not be in Him (Impossible), it also discusses about the messengers to confirm the duty and the treatise, the attributes that must be present in it, what can be present in it (jaiz) and what cannot be present in it (impossible).[4]

Syech Husain Affandi al-Jisr al-Tharablusy

meta'rifkan as follows:

The science of monotheism is the science that discusses or discusses how to determine aqidah (Islamic religion) using convincing arguments.[5]

From the two ta'rifs on the Science of Tawheed, an understanding can be drawn that the first ta'rif (Syech Muhammad Abduh) focuses more on the formal object of the science of Tawheed, namely a discussion of the form of Allah with all His attributes and deeds and a discussion of the Messengers. Him, nature with all its actions. Meanwhile, the second ta'rif (Syech Husain al-Jisr) emphasizes the method of discussion, namely by using convincing arguments, and what is meant here is the naqli argument and the aqli argument.

Source: https://ngelmulepakbumi.wordpress.com/tag/pengertian-ilmu-tauhid/

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