After Allah swt created the first human being, Prophet Adam (as), the first word that Prophet Adam (as) saw was لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله, then Prophet Adam (as) asked Allah (swt) about who 'Muhammad' is. that????
Then Allah (swt) replied that he (Muhammad saw) is the end of all prophets and messengers and the most noble among them all (messengers). The Prophet's people were also given a lot of glory compared to other people....
It is said that Prophet Adam (as) said: Verily, Allah gave 4 kinds of glory to the people of Prophet Muhammad SAW that was not given to me, namely:
1. Acceptance of my repentance in Makkah, while the Muhammadans can repent anywhere...
2. I was clothed when I committed a sin, then God made me completely naked. While Muhammad's followers were still given clothes, even though he disobeyed God while naked...
3. When I sinned, God separated me and my wife (Adam at the foot of the Himalayas, Eve in Jeddah) whereas the people of Muhammad who sinned were not separated from their wives..
4. I made a mistake in heaven and God expelled me from heaven to this world, while the people of Muhammad committed sins outside heaven, God still admits them to heaven when they repent....
Realizing the high status of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the eyes of God (pbuh), Prophet Adam (pbuh) begged God (pbuh) to be given a gift that is enough to be a follower of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Nevertheless, Allah (swt) rejected the request of Prophet Adam (as) outright....

The same goes for other prophets such as Moses (pbuh). So much so that Allah (swt) himself reprimanded the attitude of God's prophet Musa (as) to be satisfied with anything that Allah (swt) bestowed upon him. Among the many prophets who applied to become the people of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), there was only one prophet whose request Allah (swt) granted but not all, only part of the request was accepted by Allah (swt).
He is Prophet Ibrahim (as). Basically, Allah (swt) did not allow the request of Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) to become a follower of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) but Allah (swt) promised the prophet of Allah Ibrahim (pbuh) that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) would be born from the lineage or descendants of Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) himself and the name of Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) will also be on the lips of the people of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), which means that the name of Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) will always be mentioned by the people of Rasulullullah (pbuh).
Therefore, it is for this reason that we are circumcised to mention the name of Prophet Ibrahim (as) in our five-time prayer, which is during the recitation of the final tahiyat as promised by Allah (swt) to Prophet Ibrahim (as) as follows:
In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Merciful
O Allah, bless Muhammad and his
Salawat Ibrahimiyah is a salawat that is recited in the second half of the Tahiyyat Akhir reading in the prayer....
The Ibrahimiyah salutations in the Final Tahiyat are:
-Versi Syafie (Imam syaraf anNawawi: Syarah Muslim (4/123), you only need to read Salawat on the Prophet. Salawat on his family and Salawat Ibrahimiyah are circumcision (optional)
-Maliki and Hanafi versions: the legal ruling of this blessing is good for the Prophet, peace be upon him, his family and for Ibrahim AS
-Hambali's version: it is obligatory to pray for the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, his family and Ibrahimiyah (Fathul Bari: 9/163)
So great is the appreciation that God gave to Prophet Ibrahim, that blessings upon him are conveyed in our prayers....
This greeting combines two greetings and respect for both Prophet Muhammad SAW and Prophet Ibrahim a.s. . There is an authentic hadith narrated by Imam Muslim r.a. and Imam Ibn Khuzaimah r.a. who recommended that we pray for the two Great Prophets SAW....
This salutation is as good, as complete and as perfect as the salutation of the Prophet Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam. That's why this prayer is determined to be recited in prayer.
Ibnu Taimiyyah said, "The most perfect greeting for the Messenger of Allah is the Ibrahimiyah greeting....
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