
Selasa, 26 Desember 2023

The linguistic meaning of Zuhud is to abandon something that one does not like/want. Turning away from something that he likes and is material or the luxuries of the world to things that are better, that are spiritual, that are more pleasing to Allah SWT. A person who is ascetic (called zahid) prefers the happiness of the afterlife to the pleasures of this world, because he tries with all his strength and will to resist the desire to live a luxurious life in the world but instead chooses to live simply in the sense of fulfilling the necessities of life that are simply necessary.

Zuhud is often interpreted by many people as an expression or reflection of an attitude that is anti-world and even away from the world itself, giving the impression that someone who is learning to have this zuhud attitude must empty himself of all worldly things, the further impression is that he must be a poor man, dressed in shabby clothes, in rags, in need of patches and so on.

This view may have some truth but not all of it, considering the many verses of the Qur'an and hadiths of the Prophet which warn of the dangers of the world in human life if it is not responded to with a view that the world as a whole is just a mere means to find provisions. eternal life in the afterlife, "Addunya mazra'atul Akhirah" the world is the field of the hereafter.

Imam Al Ghazali divided asceticism into three parts, namely:

Leaving something because you want something better than it. Leaving the worldly because you hope for something of the hereafter. Leaving everything other than Allah SWT, because you love Him.

From the division above, it appears that the main problem lies in the view that material possessions are something that must be avoided because they are thought to turn the heart away from remembering Allah SWT. For people who have studied asceticism, this world has no intrinsic value because everything is mortal. What contains value is heaven in the afterlife and what is essential is the origin of all value, namely Allah SWT. But can humans separate themselves from wealth and all forms of worldly pleasures? Of course not, therefore asceticism does not simply mean not wanting to have wealth and not liking to enjoy the pleasures of the world, but asceticism is actually a mental condition that is not affected by worldly wealth and pleasures in dedicating oneself to Allah SWT.

Naqli proofs about Asceticism

Meaning: "And the life of this world is just a joke and a game. And indeed the land of the hereafter is the real life, if only they knew". (QS. Al-Ankabut: 64)

It means: Say, "The pleasures in this world are few and the hereafter is better for those who are pious (get rewards for fighting) and you will not be wronged in the slightest.(QS. An-Nisa:77)

Meaning: "Be ascetic in the world, Allah will love you, and be ascetic in what is in humans, and humans will love you." (HR. Ibnu Majah)

Displaying Zuhud behavior

Examples of ascetic behavior are as follows:

Always be grateful for the blessings that Allah SWT has given you, even if they are small. Feel that you have enough, even if the wealth you have is only enough to meet primary needs. If you have a lot of wealth, you can use it to support the perfection of worshiping Allah. Live simply, both in terms of housing, clothing and food. Love Allah SWT more than your love for him. world.

Source: https://digugulanditiru1.blogspot.com/2016/01/pengertian-zuhud.html?m=1

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