Come on, read this, this is the Morals Paper (Understanding Morals, Concept of Morals, and the Urgency of Morals in Life)
Rabu, 15 November 2023
The history of religion shows that the happiness to be achieved by implementing religious sharia can only be achieved with good morals. Belief that only takes the form of knowledge about the oneness of God, worship that is carried out only as a mere formality, muamalah which is only a rule stated in a book, all of this is not a guarantee for achieving this happiness. The emergence of human moral awareness and stance towards Him is the basis that determines the pattern of human life. Morals, or morals, or morals are patterns of action that are based on the absolute value of goodness. A moral life and every moral act is the right response to moral awareness, on the other hand, an immoral life and every violation of morality is against that awareness. Moral awareness is human awareness of themselves, where humans see or feel themselves as dealing with good and bad. That's where the difference between halal and haram, right and wrong, what can be done and what can't be done, even though he can do it. That's a specifically human thing. In the animal world there are no things that are good and bad or inappropriate, because only humans understand themselves, only humans as subjects realize that they are dealing with their actions, before, during and after the work is done. So that as a subject who experiences his actions he can be held responsible for his actions.
Formulation of the problem
What is the meaning of morals?
What is the concept of morals in life?
What is the urgency of morals in life?
C. Goals
The purpose of writing this paper is as follows:
To understand the meaning of morals
To understand the concept of morals in life
To understand the urgency of morals in everyday life
Definition of Morals
[1] The word "morals" (Akhlaq) comes from Arabic, is the plural form of "khuluq" which according to the language means manners, temperament, behavior or character. This word contains aspects of correspondence with the word "khalq" which means event. Ibn 'Athir explains that khuluq is a true inner image of a human being (i.e. soul and inner qualities), while khalq is a description of his physical form (facial expression, skin color, height). low body, and so on). The word khuluq as the singular form of morals, is stated in the Al-Quran surah Al-Qalam (68): 4, which means: "Indeed, you (Muhammad) have great character." We can also find the word morals in a very powerful hadith. popularly narrated by Imam Malik, which means: "That I (Muhammad) was sent for no other reason than to perfect noble morals";. Terminologically, there are several definitions of morals put forward by experts. Ahmad Amin defines morals as "habitualized desires". Imam Al-Ghazali stated that morals are "qualities embedded in the soul that give rise to actions easily without the need for thought and consideration". Meanwhile, Abdullah Darraz stated that morals are "a force in the will that is stable which brings a tendency towards choosing the right side (good morals) or the evil party (bad morals)". Furthermore, according to Abdullah Darraz, human actions can be considered a manifestation of his morals, if they fulfill two conditions, namely:
The act is carried out repeatedly in the same form, so that it becomes a habit for the perpetrator.
These actions are carried out because of the urge of the soul, not because of pressure from outside, such as coercion that causes fear or persuasion in the hope of getting something.
Besides the term "morals", we also know the terms "ethics" and 'morals'. These three terms both determine the good and bad values of human attitudes and actions. The difference lies in the standards of each. applies in society
The word ethics comes from the Greek ethos which means custom. In the dictionary of educational and general terms it is said that ethics is a part of philosophy that teaches nobility (good and bad). According to Dr. H. Hamzah Ya'qub "ethics is a science that investigates what is good and what is bad by paying attention to human deeds as far as the mind can know." (Asmaran, 1992: 7). Ethics according to Ki Hajar Dewantara "ethics is a science that studies the good and bad in all human life". (Saputra, 2004: 59).
The word moral comes from the Latin mores, which is the plural of mos which means custom. In the general Indonesian dictionary it is said that morals are good and bad actions and words. Morals is a term used to provide limits to human activities with good and bad values or laws. The difference between morals and ethics is that ethics is more theoretical in nature while morals is more practical. Ethics looks at human behavior generally, while morals are local . Morals state the size, while ethics explains that size (Asmaran, 1992: 8-9).
Decency comes from the word susila which has the prefix ke and the suffix an. Susila comes from Sanskrit, namely su and sila. Su which means good, good and sila means basics, principles, rules of life or norms. In the general Indonesian dictionary it is said, decency means polite, civilized, good manners and decency is the same as politeness. The word morality is then used to mean a better rule of life. An immoral person is someone who behaves well, while an immoral person is someone who behaves badly.
From some of the definitions mentioned above, it can be concluded that [2] morals are a person's character or characteristics, namely the condition of a soul that has been trained, so that the soul really has inherent qualities that give birth to actions easily and spontaneously, without thinking. and dream about it first. This does not mean that the action was done unintentionally or was not desired. It's just that because it was done over and over again so that it has become a habit, the action occurs easily without thinking or considering it again. Actually, morals themselves are not actions, but rather images of the inner self (soul) hidden within humans. Therefore, it can be said that morals are nafsiyah (something spiritual/abstract), while their visible form in the form of actions (mu'amalah) or behavior (suluk) is a reflection of these morals. Often an action is carried out by chance without any will or desire, and it could also be that the action is carried out only once or a few times, or perhaps the action is carried out without any effort (free will) due to pressure or coercion. So the actions mentioned above cannot be categorized as morals. For example, a person cannot be said to have a generous character, if the act of giving away his wealth is done only once or twice, or perhaps he gives it because he is forced (due to pride or under pressure) when he actually does not want to do it, or perhaps to give away his wealth. He still finds it difficult and requires calculation and consideration. In fact, this will factor plays a very important role, because it shows the element of effort and freedom, so that an action can be called a moral action.
Aspects of Islamic teachings, both aqidah and mu'amalah worship, for every Muslim are three aspects that are taklifi (obligations) that must be carried out. History proves that all aspects of these teachings cannot be implemented without good morals. From this it can be understood that morals are a very important pillar in Islam. Noble morals are a sign of maturity in faith and are the key to success in life in this world and the hereafter. The Prophet Muhammad as the last Messenger was sent by Allah to carry out the mission of perfecting human morals which had collapsed since the time of the previous prophets. ْلاَÙ‚ِرواهأØمدوالبيهقى "I was sent to perfect human morals." (HR. Ahmad and Baihaqi) Was the Messenger of Allah sent only to improve and perfect morals? Of course not only that, but basically the Shari'a brought by the Messengers leads to the formation of noble morals. The various rituals commanded by Allah through the Prophets and Apostles, apparently lead to the formation of morals, as in the prayer command as follows: "Read what has been revealed to you, namely the Book (Al-Quran) and establish prayer. In fact, prayer prevents (actions). - deeds) are vile and wrong and indeed the remembrance of Allah (prayer) is greater (its priority over other acts of worship). and Allah knows what you do.” (QS Al-Ankabut: 45) This verse clearly states that the essence of prayer is the formation of a person who is free from evil and evil attitudes, in essence it is the formation of a human being with noble character, even if we trace the prayer process, it always begins with various certain requirements. , such as cleaning the body, clothes and place, by bathing and ablution, prayer is prepared to form a human attitude that is always clean, obedient, obeys the rules, and trains a person to be punctual. Furthermore, morals can also determine whether a person believes or not, "by Allah he does not believe, by Allah he does not believe, by Allah he does not believe. The companions asked, who are they, O Messenger of Allah? Rasulullah answered: people who do not keep secrets about the bad things about their neighbors (HR Muslim). This hadith clearly means that people who behave badly towards their neighbors are considered by the Prophet to be unbelievers. So far, perhaps we consider our evil actions towards other people or neighbors as something normal, something that will not affect the existence of faith, even though if we knew , it turns out that bad morals have a big influence on faith. Even the ugliest human beings in the sight of Allah on the Day of Resurrection will be humans with bad morals. "Indeed, the ugliest person in the sight of Allah on the Day of Resurrection is someone who is abandoned by others because he avoided his ugliness." (HR Bukhari). On the other hand, the person most loved by the Messenger of Allah is the one with the best morals, "indeed the person I love the most, the person closest to his seat on the Day of Resurrection is the person with the best morals." (HR At-Tirmidhi). It turns out that a believer whose faith is perfect is not because of his many acts of worship, but who has good morals, "the believer whose faith is most perfect is the person with the best morals." (HR Abu Daud). In the same way, pious people and good morals are guaranteed to enter heaven," the main reason people enter heaven, because they fear God and the nobility of their morals." (HR Tirmidhi).[3] Humans have a tendency to do good and bad. Usually, pious people will act and behave well and prioritize noble morals. Good deeds are a manifestation of the nobility of their morals, while good deeds will erase bad deeds. A person's self-reflection is also often depicted through the behavior or morals shown. In fact, morals are a person's personal adornment because people who have morals when compared to people who do not have morals are certainly very different.
Morals are the science that determines the boundaries between good and bad, between the praiseworthy and the despicable, regarding the words or actions of human beings physically and mentally. The meaning of morals itself is the existence of a relationship between khaliq and creatures, and between creatures and creatures. We must get used to having good morals in our daily lives so that everything goes according to the commands and prohibitions of Allah SWT.
As a student, it would be better if we studied material about morals from various sources, both books and internet sites. So that later it will be easier for us to understand and it will be easier for us to write papers in the future. In writing this paper we realized that there were many shortcomings and errors in delivering and writing sentences. Therefore, we as the authors of this paper ask for criticism and suggestions so that in the future we can write this paper well.
source: annafi