
Abu Bakr Ash-Siddiq Radhyiallahu 'anhu

Hadith expert Abu Bakar Ash-Siddiq Radhyiallahu 'anhu.

His full name is Abdullah bin Uthman bin Amir bin Amru bin Ka`ab bin Sa`ad bin Taim bin Murrah bin Ka`ab bin Lu`ai bin Ghalib bin Fihr al-Qurasy at-Taimi – radhiyallahu`anhu. He met his lineage with the Prophet at his grandfather Murrah bin Ka'ab bin Lu'ai. Abu Bakr was a friend of Rasulullah – peace and blessings be upon him – who accompanied Rasulullah since he was first sent as an Apostle, he was one of the first people to convert to Islam. Abu Bakr had the nicknames "ash-Siddiq" and "Atiq".

Some say that Abu Bakr was nicknamed "ash-Siddiq" because when the Isra' Mi'raj incident occurred, people denied the incident, while Abu Bakr immediately confirmed it.

Allah has witnessed the friendship of the Prophet with Abu Bakr in the Qur'an, namely in His words:

Will you not support him? Indeed, Allah supported him when those who disbelieved expelled him, the second of two, when they were in the cave, when he said to his companion, “Do not be sad. Indeed, Allah is with us.” So God sent down His tranquility upon him and supported him with armies that you did not see, and He made the word of those who disbelieved the lowest. And the word of God is the highest. And God He is Mighty, Wise

"If you had not helped him (Muhammad) then surely Allah would have helped him (that is) when the disbelievers (polytheists of Mecca) took him out (from Mecca) while he was one of two people when they were both in the cave, when he said to his friend: "Do not grieve, indeed Allah is with us." So Allah revealed His words to (Muhammad) and helped him with an army that you did not see, and the Koran made the disbelievers lowly. And Allah's words are high . Allah is Mighty, Most Wise." (QS at-Taubah 9: 40)

`Aisyah, Abu Sa'id and Ibn Abbas in interpreting this verse said: "It was Abu Bakr who accompanied the Prophet in the cave."

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God also said:

And he who brings the truth and believes in it - those are the righteous.

"And those who bring the truth and confirm it, those are the pious people." (QS az-Zumar 39: 33)

Al-Imam adz-Dzahabi after presenting this verse in his book al-Kabaa`ir, he narrated that Ja`far Sadiq said: "There is no longer any dispute that the person who came with the truth was the Messenger of Allah, while the one who confirmed it was Abu Bakr. Is there any privilege that exceeds his privilege among the Companions?"

From Amru bin al-Ash radhiyallahu`anhu, that the Messenger of Allah sent him over the troops of Dzatus Salasil:

"I then went to him and asked "Who is the person you love the most?" he said: "Aishah" I said: "if from a man?" he replied: "his father (Abu Bakar)" I said: "then who?" he replied: "Umar" then mentioned several men." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)

“Indeed, Allah has made me His beloved, as He made Abraham His beloved. And if I had taken one of my people as a lover, I would have taken Abu Bakr as a lover." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)

From Abu Sa`id radhiyallahu`anhu, that the Messenger of Allah sat on the pulpit, then said: "Indeed there is a servant who is given a choice by Allah, between being given the luxury of the world and what is with Him. So the servant chose what was with Him" ​​then Abu Bakr cried and wept, then said: "Our father and mother as your ransom" Abu Sa`id said: "What the servant meant was the Messenger of Allah, and Abu Bakr was the most "The Messenger of Allah said: "Indeed, the person who gave me the most protection with his wealth and friendship was Abu Bakr. If I could take a lover (in another narration there is an addition: "other than my Rabb"), I would definitely take Abu Bakr as my lover. But this is brotherhood in Islam. There is no door in the mosque unless it is closed, but only Abu Bakr's door (which is still open)." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)

The Prophet said: "Indeed, Allah has sent me to all of you. But instead you say `you are a liar'. Meanwhile, Abu Bakr confirmed (my teachings). He has helped me with his soul and treasure. Are you going to leave me (by abandoning) my friends?” The Prophet said that sentence twice. Since then Abu Bakr has never been harmed (by anyone from the Muslims). (HR. Bukhari)

Caliphate Period

In the history of al-Bukhari, it was narrated from Aisyah, radhiyallahu`anha, that when Rasulullah died, Abu Bakr came on horseback from his house in the Sunh area. He got off his riding animal and then entered the mosque. He did not invite anyone to talk until he finally entered Aisyah's house. Abu Bakr uncovered the Prophet's face which was covered with a cloth and then kissed his forehead. Abu Bakr cried and then said: "For the sake of my father and mother as your ransom, Allah will not ascribe two deaths to you. As for the death that has been decreed for you, it means that you are already dead." Then Abu Bakr came out and Umar was speaking in front of the people. So Abu Bakr said: "Sit down, O Umar!" But Umar was reluctant to sit down. So the people approached Abu Bakr and left Umar. Abu Bakr said: "Amma bad`du, whoever among you worships Muhammad, then indeed Muhammad is dead. If you worship Allah, then indeed Allah is Alive and will never die.

God has said:

Muhammad is no more than a messenger. Messengers have passed away before him. So if he dies or is killed, will you turn back on your heels? And whoever turns back on his heels will not harm God. anything, and God will reward the thankful.

“Muhammad was nothing but an apostle, indeed there have been several apostles before him. If he died or was killed would you turn back (apostate)? whoever turns back, he cannot bring harm to Allah in the slightest, and Allah will reward those who are grateful." (QS Ali Imran: 144)

Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "By Allah, it is as if people did not know that Allah had revealed this verse until Abu Bakr read it. So everyone received the verse of the Qur'an, none of them heard it but chanted it."

Sa`id bin Musayyab (may Allah have mercy on him) said: that Umar said at that time: "By Allah, it seems like I just heard that verse when it was read by Abu Bakr, to the point that I couldn't lift my legs, until I bowed to the ground when I heard Abu Bakr read it. Now I know that the prophet is indeed dead."

In another history of al-Bukhari, Umar said: "So the people strengthened their hearts while still shedding tears. Then the people of Anshor gathered around Sa`ad bin Ubadah who was in Saqifah Bani Sa`idah" ​​they said: "From among us (Anshor) there is a leader, as well as from among you!" then Abu Bakr, Umar and Abu Ubaidah bin al-Jarroh approached them. Umar started to speak, but was immediately stopped by Abu Bakar. In this case, Umar said: "By Allah, what I really want is to reveal something that I think is very good. I'm afraid Abu Bakar didn't convey it." Then Abu Bakar spoke, it turned out he was a person who was fluent in his speech, he said: "We are the leaders, while you are the ministers." Habbab bin al-Mundzir responded: "No, by Allah we will not do it, we have leaders and you also have leaders." Abu Bakr answered: "No, we are the leaders, while you are the ministers. They (the Muhajirin) are the fairest, noblest and best-born Arab tribe. So Umar or Abu Ubaidah bin al-Jarroh took allegiance." Then Umar interjected: "In fact, we will take allegiance to you. You are our sayyid, the best person among us and the most loved by the Messenger of Allah." Umar then held Abu Bakr's hand and pledged allegiance to him, which was then followed by the crowd. Then someone said: "You have killed (the caliph) Sa'ad (bin Ubadah)." So Umar said: "Allah has killed him." (Bukhari's history)

According to historians, Abu Bakar received the services of milking goats for the villagers. When he was sworn in as caliph, a village woman said: "Now Abu Bakar will no longer milk our goats." Those words were heard by Abu Bakar until he said: "No, I will even accept the service of milking your goats. Indeed, I hope that with the position I have now, I will not change my habits in the past at all." It is proven that Abu Bakar still milked their goats.

When Abu Bakr was appointed as caliph, he ordered Umar to manage the affairs of the Muslim Hajj. It was only in the following year that Abu Bakr performed the Hajj. As for Umrah, he performed it in the month of Rajab in the year 12 H. He entered the city of Makkah around Dhuha time and went straight to his home. He was accompanied by several young men who were discussing with him. Then it was said to Abu Quhafah (his father Abu Bakr): "this is your son (has come)!"

So Abu Quhafah stood up from his place. Abu Bakr hurriedly told his camel to lie down. He got off his camel when the camel hadn't had time to crouch down perfectly while saying: "Oh my father, don't stand up!" Then Abu Bakr hugged Abu Quhafah

and kissed her forehead. Of course, Abu Quhafah cried out of joy at the arrival of his son.

After that, several figures from the city of Makkah came, such as Attab bin Usaid, Suhail bin Amru, Ikrimah bin Abi Jahal, and al-Harits bin Hisham. They all greeted Abu Bakr: "Assalamu'alaika, O Caliph of the Messenger of Allah!" they all shook Abu Bakr's hand. Then Abu Quhafah said: "O Atiq (Abu Bakar's nickname), they are (good) people." Therefore, build good friendships with them!” Abu Bakr said: "O my father, there is no power and effort except with the help of Allah. I have been given a very heavy burden, of course I will not have the strength to bear it except only with Allah's help." Then Abu Bakr said: "Is there anyone who will complain about an unjust act?" It turned out that no one came to Abu Bakr to report injustice. Everyone even praised their leader.

His death

According to the historians, Abu Bakar died on Tuesday night, precisely between Maghrib and Isha on the 8th of Jumadil early 13 H. His age when he died was 63 years old. He willed that his body be bathed by Asma` binti Umais, his wife. Then he was buried next to the tomb of the Prophet. Umar prayed for his body between the Prophet's tomb and the pulpit (ar-Raudhah). While those who went directly into the grave were his sons named Abdurrahman (bin Abi Bakar), Umar, Uthman, and Talhah bin Ubaidillah.


Al-Bidayah wan Nihayah, the time of Khulafa'ur Rashidin Tartib wa Tahdzib Book al-Bidayah wan Nihayah by Ibnu Katsir. ; Shifatush-Shofwah by Ibnul Jauzi. ; Tahdzib Syarh Ath-Tahawiyah; Al-Kabaa`ir by Adz-Dzahabi

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