these are the morals of teachers towards students
Jumat, 27 Oktober 2023
Teachers are a big aspect in the spread of knowledge, especially if what is being spread is this noble religious knowledge. The inheritors of the prophet are called the holders of the glory of religious knowledge. Their position is high before the Creator.
Please know, my brothers, religious teachers, from those who teach iqra to the great scholars, they are all in the message of Rasulullah Sallallahu'alaihi Wasallam. He said,
He is not one of us who does not respect our elders, have mercy on our young, and know our world about its rights
"We do not include people who do not respect the elderly and love the younger and who do not understand the rights of scholars" (HR. Ahmad and authenticated by Al Albani in Sahih Al Jami).
It is implied from his words, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, that the scholars must be treated according to their rights. Good morals and manners are an obligation that cannot be forgotten for a student.
Our teacher DR. Umar As-SufyaniHafidzohullah said, "If a student has bad behavior towards his teacher, it will also have a bad impact, namely the loss of blessings from the knowledge gained, not being able to put his knowledge into practice, or not being able to spread his knowledge. These are all examples of bad impacts.”
So what is good etiquette for a teacher?
Respect teachers
The Salaf, role models for mankind after him, have set an example in respecting a teacher. Friend Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri Radhiallahu 'anhu said,
We were sitting in the mosque when the Messenger of God came out and sat with us, and it was as if there were birds on our heads and none of us spoke
"While we were sitting in the mosque, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam came out and sat in front of us. So it was as if above our heads there were birds. None of us spoke” (HR. Bukhari).
Ibnu Abbas, a scholarly friend, an interpreter of the Qur'an of this nation, one of the People of the House of the Prophet once guided the ropes of the vehicle of Zaid bin Thabit al-Anshari, may God be pleased with him, and said,
This is what we are commanded to do with our scholars
"This is how we are commanded to treat our scholars."
Said Abdurahman bin Harmalah Al Aslami,
No one would dare to ask Saeed bin Al-Musayyab about anything until he asked for his permission, just as a prince asks permission
"No one dares to ask Said bin Musayyib until he asks permission, like asking permission from a king."
Ar-Rabi' bin Sulayman said,
By God, I did not dare to drink water while Al-Shafi’i looked at me with awe.
"By Allah, I don't dare drink water while Ash-Shafi'i is looking at me because he is afraid of him."
Narrated by Al-Imam Baihaqi, Umar bin Khattab said,
Be humble to those you learn from
"Be humble towards the person who taught you."
Al Imam As Shafi'i said,
I was handing over the paper in Malik's hands, out of respect for him, so that he would not hear its impact
"I used to turn the paper over in front of Malik very gently because I was afraid of him and so he wouldn't hear it."
Abu 'Ubaid Al Qosim bin Salam said, "I never once knocked on the door of one of my teachers' house, because Allah said,
If they had been patient until it came out to them, it would have been better for them, and God is Forgiving and Merciful.
"If they were patient until you came out to meet them, that would be better for them" (QS. Al Hujurat: 5).
How noble their morals are, they are role models for the Muslims, it is no wonder why they have become great scholars in this ummah, their knowledge is truly a blessing as a result of noble morals towards their teachers.
Pay attention to etiquette when in front of the teacher
Sitting Manners
Shaykh Bakr Abu Zaid Rahimahullah in his book Hilyah Tolibil Ilm says, "Use the best manners when you sit with your shaykh, use a good manner in asking and listening to him."
Shaykh Utsaimin commented on these words, "Sit in a civilized manner, don't spread your legs, don't lean back, especially when you are in the assembly."
Ibnul Jamaah said, "A student of knowledge must sit neatly, calmly, tawadhu', eyes fixed on the teacher, not spreading his legs, not leaning back, nor leaning on his hands, not laughing loudly, not sitting on a higher ground nor turning his back to the teacher."
Speaking Manners
Talking to someone who has taught you kindness should be better than talking to someone else. Even when Imam Abu Hanifah was in front of Imam Malik, he was like a child in front of his father.
The Companions of the Prophet sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, the students of the Messenger of Allah, we never found them to be rude to the teacher, they never interrupted his speech or raised their voice in front of him, even Umar bin Khattab who was known for his harsh character never raised his voice in front of the Messenger of Allah, even in some narrations, the Messenger of God had difficulty hearing Umar's voice when he spoke. In the hadith of Abi Said al Khudry, may God bless him and grant him peace, he also explained,
We were sitting in the mosque when the Messenger of God came out and sat with us, and it was as if there were birds on our heads and none of us spoke
"While we were sitting in the mosque, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam came out and sat in front of us. So it was as if above our heads there were birds. None of us spoke” (HR. Bukhari).
Indeed, this etiquette is not found in any people.
Manners of Asking
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says,
So ask the people of the message if you do not know.
"Then ask those who have knowledge if you do not know" (QS. An Nahl: 43).
Ask the scholars, that is Allah's message in this verse, by asking questions, ignorance will be cured, confusion will disappear, and knowledge will be gained. There is no doubt that asking questions is also an adab in Islam. The scholars have explained the etiquette of asking questions. They teach that questions must be delivered calmly, gently, clearly, concisely and concisely, and also not ask questions to which the answer is already known.
In the Qur'an there is a story of good manners of a student towards his teacher, the story of Prophet Musa and Khidir. When Prophet Musa 'alayhi sallam asked Khidir to teach him knowledge,
You will not be able to be patient with me
"Khidir replied, Indeed, you (Moses) will not be able to be patient with me" (QS. Al Kahfi: 67).
The Prophet Musa, Kaliimullah, with all his standing before Allah, was not allowed to take knowledge from Khidir, until finally the conversation took place and produced results with a condition from Khidir.
So do not ask me about anything until I tell you something about it.
"Khidir said, if you follow then do not ask me about anything until I explain it" (QS. Al Kahfi:70).
Do not ask until permission is given, that is Khidir's condition to Musa. So if a teacher doesn't allow him to ask then don't ask, wait until he allows to ask. Then, pray for the teacher after asking questions such as saying, Barakallahu fiik, or Jazakallahu khoiron and others. Many of the salaf said,
I only prayed and prayed for my parents and all my sheikhs
"I don't pray unless I pray for my parents and all my teachers."
Manners in Listening to Lessons
Readers, how does it feel if we talk to someone but are not heard? This really irritates my heart. So how does a teacher feel if he sees that his students and interlocutors are not listening? It is truly a loss for students who irritate their teachers.
This noble religion has never taught such manners, such manners are not found among the Salaf. We already know the story of the Prophet Moses who promised not to say anything as long as he was not allowed to. Also the companions of Rasulullah who were silent when Rasulullah was among them.
It is even reported that Yahya bin Yahya Al Laitsi did not move from his seat when his friends came out to see a group of elephants passing by in the middle of the lesson. Yahya knew that his purpose in sitting in an assembly was to listen to what his teacher was talking about and nothing else.
What would Yahya bin Yahya say if he saw the current state of students of knowledge, let alone a herd of elephants passing by, even the slightest sound would be chased to find out as if there was no teacher in front of him, not to mention those who were busy talking to friends beside him, or busy with their gadgets? .
Pray for teachers
Many of the Salaf say,
I only prayed and prayed for my parents and all my sheikhs
"I don't pray unless I pray for my parents and all my teachers."
Pay attention to etiquette in responding to teacher mistakes
The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said,
every son of Adam is a sinner and the best of the sinners are the ones how Repent
"Every child of Adam must make mistakes, and the best of them is the one who likes to repent" (HR. Ahmad)
Teachers are not angels, they still make mistakes. Don't look for faults, remember God's word.
And do not spy, and do not backbite one another. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother, and you disliked him?
"And don't find fault with people and don't gossip about each other. Is there one of you who likes to eat the flesh of his dead brother? So of course you feel disgusted with him" (QS. Al Hujurot: 12).
Allah forbids finding other people's faults and giving them backbites. This general prohibition is not to look for anyone's faults. Imagine how someone would act if they heard about their brother or friend's disgrace? Wouldn't it have a bad impact on their relationship? Bad prejudices will emerge, the distance will grow longer, familiar desires will no longer cross the mind.
So, what if the disgrace of the scholars and the good teachers spread? Indeed, even humans will stay away from them, the knowledge they have seems invisible, even though humans do not need them more than good teachers who lead their lives to the right path. Not to mention the disgraceful lies spread about them.
How good the Salaf are in their prayers,
Oh God, cover my sheikh’s faults from me and do not take away the blessing of his knowledge from me
"O Allah, cover my teacher's disgrace from me, and do not take away the blessing of his knowledge from me."
The salaf said,
Scientists' meat is poisoned
"The meat of the scholars contains poison."
Our teacher DR. Awad Ar-RuastiHafidzohullah explained the meaning of this saying, "Whoever likes to talk about the disgrace of the ulama, then it is like eating the meat of the ulama which contains poison, his heart will be hurt, it can even kill his heart."
However, this does not mean that it is an obstacle to talking to the teacher about his apparent mistakes, in fact a tolabul 'Ilm must talk to his teacher if he sees his teacher's mistakes. Manners in reprimanding them also need to be paid attention to, starting from being polite and gentle when reprimanding them and not reprimanding them in front of many people.
Emulate the application of knowledge and morals
It is a must for students to learn knowledge and good morals from their teachers. We also found that in the place where we study now, or even in our country, the teachers, ulama and ustad have very high morals, their faces never fail to spread smiles to the students, their patience in understanding the lessons, their patience in answering the questions of the ilm students who it never ends, if we pass each other on the street they are the ones who start to shake hands, truly a very commendable attitude from those who spread the sunnah.
Shaykh Ibn Utsaimin said, "If your teacher is very good in character, make him a qudwah or an example for you in character." But if the situation is the other way around, then don't make his bad character an example for you, because a teacher is used as an example of good character, not bad character, because the purpose of a student of knowledge sitting in the assembly of a teacher is to take his knowledge and then his character."
Be patient with him
There is not a single human being in this world who has ever sinned, no matter how good his religion, no matter how good his deeds, no matter how much knowledge he has, no matter how gentle his temperament, there are still shortcomings. Stay patient with them and don't turn away from them.
God said :
And be patient with those who call on their Lord in the morning and evening, desiring His face, and do not turn your eyes away from them, desiring the adornments of the life of this world, but do not obey those who We neglected his heart from Our remembrance, and he followed his desires, and his affair was neglected.
"And be patient together with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and evening hoping for His pleasure; and do not turn your eyes away from them (due to hoping for the ornaments of this world); and do not follow a person whose heart We have neglected from remembering Us, and follow his lust and his condition is beyond the limit" (QS. Al Kahfi: 28).
Because there is nothing better except being with people who are knowledgeable and who always call on Allah Azza wa Jalla.
Al Imam As Syafi Rahimahullah said,
Be patient with bitterness, a teacher
Failing knowledge results in its repulsion
“Be patient with the harshness of a teacher's attitude
In fact, the failure to learn knowledge is because it is hostile to it."
The great service of the teachers who have given their knowledge to humans, who often restrain their anger, who always feel the pain of holding back their patience, it is truly inappropriate for a student to forget the kindness of his teacher, and never forget to include their names in your prayers. May Allah give mercy and goodness to the Muslim teachers. Hopefully we can carry out these noble manners.
Wa Billahi Taufiq
Medina, 6 Rabiul Awal 1436 H
Author: Muhammad Halid Syari
source: Muslim.Or.Id