Come on, read, improve other people's new selves
Kamis, 26 Oktober 2023
Come on, read, improve other people's new selves
One of the ways to safety is being busy improving ourselves and leaving behind things that are not important to us.
Imam Ibnul Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said, "Whoever knows his own identity will busy himself with improving it rather than being busy taking care of other people's faults. Whoever knows the position of his Rabb will surely be busy in serving Him rather than following all his lustful desires." (see al-Fawa'id, p. 56)
Abdullah ibn Mubarak (may Allah have mercy on him) said, "If a person had recognized his own level [lust] he would have seen himself - perhaps - much more despicable than a dog." (see Min A'lam as-Salaf [2/29])
al-Fudhail bin 'Iyadh rahimahullah said, "You should be busy improving yourself, don't be busy talking about other people. Anyone who is always busy talking about other people has truly been deceived." (see ar-Risalah al-Mughniyah, p. 38)
al-Hasan (may Allah have mercy on him) said, "One of the signs that Allah is starting to turn away from a servant is when he becomes preoccupied with things that are not important to him." (see ar-Risala al-Mughniyah, p. 62).
Yunus bin 'Ubaid (may Allah have mercy on him) said, "Indeed, I once counted a hundred qualities of goodness and I felt that I had none of them." (see Muhasabat an-Nafs wa al-Izra' 'alaiha, p. 80)
Syaqiq al-Balkhi, may Allah have mercy on him, said, "Befriend people as you associate with fire. Take advantage of it and be careful not to let it burn you." (see at-Tahdzib al-Maudhu'i li Hilyat al-Auliyaa', p. 475)
Shaikh Abdurrahman bin Qasim Rahimullah said, "Charity is the fruit of knowledge. Knowledge is sought to lead to something else - namely charity - just like a tree. As for charity, it is like its fruit. Therefore, you must practice Islam, because a person who has knowledge but does not practice charity is worse than an ignorant person." (see Hasyiyah Tsalatsah al-Ushul, p. 12)
Sahl bin Abdullah Rahimullah said, "A believer is a person who always feels watched by Allah, evaluates himself, and equips himself to welcome the afterlife." (see at-Tahdzib al-Maudhu'i li Hilyat al-Auliyaa', p. 711)
Hasan al-Bashri (may Allah have mercy on him) said, "Whoever is not worried about being exposed to hypocrisy is a hypocrite." (see Aqwal at-Tabi'in fi Masa'il at-Tauhid wa al-Iman, p. 1218)
al-Fudhail bin 'Iyadh, may God have mercy on him, said, "O poor man. You do bad things while you see yourself as a good person. You are a stupid person while you actually judge yourself as a knowledgeable person. You are stingy while you think you are a generous person. You are stupid while you see yourself as intelligent. Your life is very short, while your dreams are very long." (see Aina Nahnu min Akhlaq as-Salaf, p. 15)
Qabishah bin Qais al-Anbari said: when adh-Dhahhak bin Muzahim was found crying in the afternoon, he was asked, "What made you cry?" He replied, "I don't know if any of my deeds today have been lifted up/accepted by God." (see Aina Nahnu min Akhlaq as-Salaf, p. 18)
Ibn Mas'ud radhiyallahu'anhu said, "I really don't like it when I see people who are unemployed; that is, he is not doing charity for this world or doing charity for the hereafter." (see at-Tahdzib al-Maudhu'i li Hilyat al-Auliyaa', p. 560)
Shaykh Muhammad Nashiruddin al-Albani, may God have mercy on him, said: I was really impressed by the speech of one of the leaders of ishlah/reform in the present. He said: "Establish the Islamic government in your hearts, it will surely be established on your earth." (see Ma'alim al-Manhaj as-Salafi fi at-Taghyir, p. 24)
Ibnul Qayyim, may God have mercy on him, said, "Search your heart in three places; when listening to the recitation of the Qur'an, when being in dhikr/knowledge gatherings, and when alone. If you do not succeed in finding it in these places, then ask God to grant you a heart, because indeed you no longer have a heart." (see al-Fawa'id, p. 143)
Hudzaifah al-Mar'asyi Rahimahullah said, "No one is hit by a disaster that is heavier than a hard heart." (see at-Tahdzib al-Maudhu'i li Hilyat al-Auliyaa', p. 661)
A healthy and perfect heart has two main characteristics. First; perfection of science, knowledge and belief embedded in his heart. Second; perfection of his heart's will towards all things that are loved and approved by Allah Ta'ala. In other words, his heart always wants whatever goodness God desires for His servants. These two characters will combine and give birth to a clean heart profile, namely a heart that recognizes the truth and follows it, and recognizes falsehood and abandons it. A person whose knowledge is filled with confusion and doubt means he has lost his first character. As for a person whose desires and aspirations always lead to lust and lust, then he has lost the second character. A person can be hit by one of these heart destroyers, or even - what is even more terrifying - when both of them together destroy the life of his heart (see al-Qawa'id al-Hisan, p. 86)
It is narrated that a storyteller complained to Muhammad bin Wasi'. He said, "Why don't I see a heart that becomes humble, an eye that sheds tears, and a skin that trembles?". So Muhammad replied, "O so-and-so, I do not look at those people like that except because of what is in you. Because indeed, dhikr/advice if it comes from a [clear] heart, it will surely seep into the heart as well." (see Aina Nahnu min Akhlaq as-Salaf, p. 12)
Syahr bin Hausyab (may Allah have mercy on him) said, "If a person speaks to a people, his speech will certainly penetrate into their hearts as far as the talk [advice] can penetrate into their hearts." (see at-Tahdzib al-Maudhu'i li Hilyat al-Auliyaa', p. 660)
al-Hasan bin Salih, may God have mercy on him, said, "Surely Satan will open ninety-nine doors of goodness in order to drag a servant to a door of evil." (see Muntaqa an-Nafis min Talbis Iblis, p. 63)
Ibrahim at-Taimi, may Allah have mercy on him, said, "I do not test my speech against the deeds I do, but I am afraid that I will be the one who is denied." (see Aqwal at-Tabi'in fi Masa'il at-Tawhid wa al-Iman, p. 1167)
al-Hasan (may Allah have mercy on him) said, "Doing good/obedience brings light to the heart and strength to the body. "As for committing ugliness/sin, it gives birth to darkness in the heart and weakness in the body." (see Tafsir Ibn Rajab, Volume 2 p. 135)
Bisyr bin al-Harith, may God have mercy on him, said, "How many people have died but the heart comes alive by remembering them. And how many people are alive yet it makes the heart die to see them.” (see Ta'thir al-Anfas, p. 468)
Ibrahim bin Syaiban, may God have mercy on him, said, "Whoever takes care of his time so that he does not waste it in things that do not bring God's pleasure to him, God will surely take care of his religion and his world." (see Aina Nahnu min Haa'ulaa'i [2/29])
Sufyan ats-Tsauri (rahimullah) said, "I was prevented from performing night prayers for five months because of a sin I once committed." (see at-Tahdzib al-Maudhu'i li Hilyat al-Auliyaa', p. 361)
Bilal bin Sa'id (may Allah have mercy on him) said, "Don't look at the smallness of your mistakes, but look at who you are disobedient to." (see at-Tahdzib al-Maudhu'i li Hilyat al-Auliyaa', p. 362)
Abdullah bin al-Mubarak (may Allah have mercy on him) said, "I love the pious people while I am not one of them. And I hate evil people while I am worse than them.” (see Sallahul Ummah fi 'Uluwwil Himmah [1/133])
Author: Ari Wahyudi
source: Muslim.Or.Id