
The Complete Story of Prophet Daud AS

The Complete Story of Prophet Daud AS

Daud bin Yisya is one of the thirteen thirteenth descendant of the Prophet Ibrahim as. He lives in the city of Baitlehem, the hometown of Prophet Isa as with his father and thirteen siblings.

David And King Thalout

When King Thalout, the king of the Bani Isra'il, mobilized people to enter the army and organize the people's army to fight against the Palestinian people, Daud along with his two sisters were ordered by their father to fight and join the ranks of the Thalout soldiers. Especially for Daud as the youngest child among three brothers, his father ordered him to be in the back row and not be allowed to fight. He was assigned only to serve his two sisters who had to be in the front line, bringing food and drink and other necessities for them, besides he had to give reports to his father from time to time about the progress of the battle and the condition of his two sisters in the battlefield. He was sometimes not allowed to advance to the front line and fight,

However, when the Thalout forces from Bani Isra'il faced off against the Jalout forces from the Palestinians, Daud forgot his father's message when he heard Jalout's loud voice full of arrogance against calling for war, while the war heroes of Bani Isra'il remained silent until they felt scared and discouraged. He spontaneously volunteered to advance against Jalout and there was a battle between the two of them that ended with Jalout being killed as told in the previous story.

As a reward for Daud's services in defeating Jalout, Thalout made him his son-in-law and married him to his daughter named Mikyal, in accordance with the promise that had been announced to his army that his daughter would be married to someone who could fight against Jalout and defeat him.
In addition to being chosen as a son-in-law, Daud was also appointed by king Thalout as his advisor and confidant. He is loved, flattered and respected and respected not only by his father-in-law but also by all the people of Bani Israel who see him as a national hero who has succeeded in elevating the lineage and rank of Bani Isra'il in the eyes of the surrounding nations.

The atmosphere of intimacy, mutual affection and mutual love that pervaded the relationship between David's son-in-law and Thalout's in-laws could not last long. At the end of his time David felt that there had been a change in his father-in-law's attitude towards him. The sweet face that she usually got from her mother-in-law turned somber and stiff, her words that were usually heard gently turned into harsh and harsh words. He asked himself what could have caused the sudden change in attitude? Are there things that the mother-in-law considers inappropriate, so that makes him angry and hate him? Or is it possible that his father-in-law's heart is consumed by the incitement and slander of people who deliberately want to destroy the atmosphere of harmony and peace in his household? Isn't he a loyal and obedient son-in-law to his father-in-law who has fulfilled his duties in the war as well as he expected? and isn't he always ready to sacrifice his body and soul to defend and defend the permanence of his father-in-law's kingdom?

Daud did not get a satisfactory answer to the 2 questions that crossed his mind. He then returned to himself and said in his heart that perhaps what he saw as a change in attitude and behavior from his father-in-law was just a mere guess and prejudice on his part and even if it was there, it might be caused by his father-in-law's personal affairs and problems. which has nothing to do with him as a son-in-law. thus he tried to calm his masyangul heart and mind who thought further would not care and take the story of his father-in-law's attitude and actions further.

On a quiet dark night, when he was in bed with his wife Mikyal. Daud said to his wife: "O Mikyal, I don't know if I am right or wrong in my impression and if it is just my imagination and conjecture or something true what do I see in your father's attitude towards me? I see lately there is a change in your father's attitude towards me. He always faced me with a gloomy and stiff face unlike usual. His words to me were not as gentle as they used to be. From the way he looked at me, I saw signs of antipathy and hatred towards me. He always avoided sitting with me and talking and discussing -talk like he used to do when he saw me around."

carry out all his orders and bow down if faced with it. He was afraid of losing it all and returned to his farmland and his cattle business in the countryside. That's why he doesn't like prominent people who are respected and respected by the people let alone adored and considered national heroes like you. He is afraid that you can sometimes take away his position and crown and force him to return to his old way of life just as every king doubts the loyalty of everyone and is suspicious of the actions of his people if he does not yet understand what the actions are aimed at. that." That's why he doesn't like prominent people who are respected and respected by the people let alone adored and considered national heroes like you. He is afraid that you can sometimes take away his position and crown and force him to return to his old way of life just as every king doubts the loyalty of everyone and is suspicious of the actions of his people if he does not yet understand what the actions are aimed at. that." That's why he doesn't like prominent people who are respected and respected by the people let alone adored and considered national heroes like you. He is afraid that you can sometimes take away his position and crown and force him to return to his old way of life just as every king doubts the loyalty of everyone and is suspicious of the actions of his people if he does not yet understand what the actions are aimed at. that."

"Oh Daud", Mikyal continued his story, "I found out that my father is thinking of a plan to get rid of you and wipe out your influence among the people and even though I am still begging for the truth of the news, I don't think there is any harm if you act cautiously and beware of the possibility of unfortunate things happening to you."
Daud was surprised by his wife's words and he asked himself and his wife: "Why did such a thing happen? Why is my loyalty doubted by your father, even though I honestly and sincerely fought under his flag, upholding the truth and fighting falsehood and banish your father's enemies, Thalout has entered into the temptation of the Devil that has taken away his common sense and clouded his way of thinking?" Then Daud fell asleep after saying those words.

The next day Daud was awakened by the voice of the King's messenger who called and ordered him to immediately come to see him.
The king said to Daud who was standing upright in front of him: "O Daud, my mind has been disturbed recently by a disturbing news. I heard that the Canaanites are organizing their strength and mobilizing their people to come attack and invade our region. You are my only hope - the only one, O David, who will be able to handle this matter, then take your sword and prepare your war equipment, choose the people you trust from among your soldiers and go attack them in his house before before they have time to come here. Do not return from the battlefield except with flag of victory or with your body carried on the shoulders of your people."

Thalout wanted to achieve two goals at once with this tactic, he wanted to destroy the enemy who always threatened his country and at the same time expel David from his land because he could almost assure himself that David would not return safely and return alive from the battlefield this time.
The investigation containing Thalout's malice and deceit was not unknown to Daud. He felt that there was a shrimp behind a stone in Thalout's order to him, but as a loyal citizen and a disciplined soldier he accepted and carried out the order to the best of his ability without caring or calculating the consequences that would befall him.

By trusting in God, surrendering to His destiny and with faith and talwa in his heart, Daud set out with his army towards the Canaanites. He did not escape from the protection of God who had indeed written in His destiny to send David as a Prophet and Messenger. So David returned to his hometown with his army with a glorious victory.
Daud's return with victory was received by Thalout with a smile and a sign of happiness that he forced himself. He pretended to welcome Daud with great respect and exaggerated praise, but in his chest the fire of revenge and hatred was burning more and more, especially when he realized that with Daud's successful victory, his influence in the eyes of the people increased and he was loved more by Bani Isra'il so that wherever people gather, nothing but David himself is talked about, his courage, his ability to lead the army and his skill in strategizing with which qualities he can defeat the Canaanites and bring back home a victory that is the pride of all nation.

Thalout's plan to get rid of Daud by borrowing the hands of the Canaanites failed. He was disappointed not to see David's body being carried by his men who returned from the battlefield as he had hoped and predicted, but he saw David in a fresh and mighty state in front of his army receiving the welcome of the people and their cheers as a sign of love their love for him as an invincible national hero.
Thalout, who was afraid of losing power, seeing the increasing influence of David, especially since his return from the war with the Canaanites, thought that the only way to save him from David's threat was to kill him directly. Then the plan to kill him was arranged so carefully that his name would not be dragged into it. Mikyal, Daud's wife who could smell her father's evil plan, immediately told her husband to stay away and leave the city as soon as possible before the evil plan could be implemented. So David went out following the advice of his faithful wife, leaving the city in the dark of the night with nothing but faith in his chest and a firm belief in God's love and mercy.

After the news of Daud's disappearance from the King's palace became known to the public, flocks followed his brothers, his disciples from his followers looking for his trail to convey to him their sense of friendship and offer him any help and assistance he might need.
They found Daud already some distance from the city, he was resting while reflecting on the fate he experienced as a result of the actions of a servant of God who did not know the kindness of his fellow man and who always followed his lust just to defend his worldly power. The servant of God did not realize, David thought that the worldly pleasure and power he had was a gift from God that He could take away from him at any time.

David Is Crowned As King

King Thalout's influence gradually decreased and his authority declined since he was abandoned by Daud and the people knew of his evil plans against people who had served to bring victory after victory for his country and people. And to the extent that the people's respect for Thalout declined, to the extent that their love for David increased, so many of them ran to follow David and join his ranks, which made Thalout lose his mind and not be able to control himself. He then carried out an investigation with an iron hand, drew his sword and killed anyone whose loyalty he doubted, not least among his victims were scholars and leaders of the people.

Thalout who knew that Daud who was the only rival for him was still alive who might one day demand revenge for his treachery and evil plans, felt unable to sleep well and lived quietly in his palace before he saw him killed. That's why he decided to pursue Daud wherever he was, with the rest of his army that had shaken its discipline and its loyalty to the Palace. He thought he had to quickly destroy David and his followers before they became strong and had more followers.

Daud and his followers went to hide in a hiding place when they heard that Thalout and his soldiers were chasing him and were not far from his hiding place. He told some of his followers to see and observe the position of Thalout who was already close from where they were hiding. They returned to tell David that Thalout and his soldiers were already in a valley close to their place and were all sleeping soundly. They called out to David not to waste this good opportunity to deal a decisive blow to Thalout and his soldiers. Their suggestion was rejected by Daud and he temporarily felt it was enough as a first warning for Thalout to just cut the corner of his shirt while he was sound asleep.

After Thalout woke up from his sleep, he was approached by Daud who, while showing the cut cut from the corner of his shirt, he said to him: "Look at your clothes that I have cut while you were sleeping soundly. If I had wanted to, I would have easily killed you and separated your head from your body , but I still want to give you the opportunity to repent and remember God and cleanse your heart and mind from the qualities of envy, incitement and bad opinion that you use as an excuse to kill people as you please."

Thalout could not hide his shock mixed with embarrassment which was evident on his pale face. He said in response to David: "Truly you are fairer and kinder than me. You have really shown a great soul and a noble character. I must admit that."
The warning given by Daud has not been able to wake up Thalout. His strong desire to defend his outdated position made him forget the warning he received from David when the corner of his shirt was clipped. He still saw David as an enemy who would destroy his kingdom and take over his crown. He felt that he was not safe as long as he was alive surrounded by his followers who grew in number over time. He refused to learn the lesson and the incident of his shirt being cut off and tried again to lead his soldiers to chase and find David to capture him alive or dead.

The news of Thalout's pursuit reached Daud's ears for the second time, so Daud sent scouts to find out where Thalout's soldiers were encamped. Found once again they were on a hill sleeping soundly due to exhaustion. By walking several members of the team who were still sleeping, Daud reached where Thalout was still snoring in his sleep, he took the arrow stuck in the right side of Thalout's head along with a jug of water that was on his left side. Then from the top of the hill, Daud shouted as loud as he could to the members of Thalout's army to wake up from his sleep and take good care of the safety of his king who was almost killed because of their negligence.

David's action was intended as a second warning to Thalout that the large guard force that surrounded him would not be able to save his life if God wanted to take it away. Daud twice warned Thalout not with words but with tangible actions that made him shudder to imagine the end of his life assuming Daud demanded revenge for what he had done and planned for his murder.

The great spirit that daud has shown in those two events has been very effective in Thalout's heart.
He awoke from his reverie and realized that he had gone far astray in his attitude towards David. He realized that it was the lust of evil, anger and whispers of the devil that drove him to plan the murder of the innocent David, who was loyal to his kingdom, who risked his life many times for the sake of his nation and country, never committed treason or neglected his duties and obligations. He realized that he had committed a great sin by killing some religious leaders just because of unfounded assumptions.

Thalout sat alone in thought turning over the pages of his life history, since he was in the village with his father, then unexpectedly and unexpectedly, thanks to the grace and grace of God he was appointed king of Bani Isra'il and how God had sent Daud to accompany him and be his assistant who loyal and brave commander of his troops who should have received the highest appreciation for his services and not as he had done who had planned his murder and pursued him after he escaped from the palace. And even though he had betrayed David with his evil plan, David was still willing to forgive him on two occasions where he would have easily killed him if he had wanted to.

Imagining those 2 events seemed to become tight in Thalout's chest regretting that he had fallen into the lust and temptation of the Devil so that he wasted God's grace and mercy with actions that even brought sin and God's wrath. So in order to atone for his sins and repent to God, Thalout finally decided to leave the city, give up his crown and leave his palace with all its greatness and splendor, then he went wandering and traveling on God's earth until the time came when he was called to leave this mortal world to eternal nature.

Shahand, after the Bani Isra'il royal palace was abandoned by Thalout who left without leaving a trace, many people raised and crowned Daud as a powerful king.

Prophet David was tempted

Daud was able to deal with the affairs of the government and the kingdom, establish rules and determine for himself special days to worship and pray to God, days for justice, days to preach and enlighten the people and days to complete affairs personal.
On the days designated for worship and managing personal affairs, no one is allowed to meet him and disturb his khalawat, while on the days designated for justice, he prepares himself to receive all reports and complaints brought by his people and resolve all disputes and fights that occur between them. The rules were carefully followed and strictly enforced by the palace guards and security personnel.

On one day when he had to cover himself to worship and pray, two men came asking permission from the guards to enter to see the king. Permission was not given by the guards in accordance with the provisions in force, but the man forced his will and through the fence that was climbed they reached the palace and met David face to face.
Daud who was doing his worship was surprised to see that the two men were already in front of him, even though he was sure that the gatekeepers of the palace would not be able to let anyone enter the palace to meet him. The two uninvited guests said when they saw Daud's face turn pale with fear and surprise: "Do not be surprised and do not be afraid. We both came here to ask for a fair and true decision regarding the dispute between the two of us."

Prophet Daud could not do anything but accept those who were already in front of him, even though he did not go through the proper procedures and protocols. He said to them after regaining his composure and losing his sense of panic: "Try to present to me your question as it really is." Said one of the two men: "This brother of mine has ninety-nine sheep and I only have one. He demanded and insisted that I give him my one sheep to complete his breeding to a hundred sheep. He brought all kinds of reasons and arguments that are very difficult for me to reject, reminding me that he is indeed more competent in debating and more clever with his tongue than me."

Prophet Daud turned his face to the other man who was asking: "Is what your brother has explained true?" "True", answered the man.
"If that is the case", said Daud, angrily "then you have wronged your brother and violated his property with your claim. I will not allow you to continue your unjust action or you will face the punishment of a blow on your face and nose. And it is true that there are many among those who are united who are unjust to one another except those who truly believe and do righteous deeds."

"O Daud", said the man, "actually you are the one who deserves the punishment you threatened me with. Don't you already have ninety-nine wives, why are you still editing a girl who has been engaged for a long time to a young man who is a loyal member of your own army?" and devotion and for a long time they both love each other and make promises."
Prophet Daud was stunned to hear the man's brave, firm and harsh answer and once again he thought about the target and purpose of those words, suddenly the figures of the two men disappeared from his sight. Prophet Daud remained silent and didn't change his sitting posture and as he pondered he realized that the two men were angels sent by God to warn and warn him. He prostrated and begged forgiveness and forgiveness from God for all actions and deeds that were not pleasing to Him. God accepted David's repentance, forgave his sins and elevated him to the level of His prophets and messengers.

As for the girl that was meant in David's conversation with the two angels who resembled human beings, it was "Sabigh binti Sya'igh, a beautiful and beautiful girl, while her prospective husband was "Uria bin Hannan", a young man who had been in love for a long time and made a promise. with the girl that upon returning from the battlefield they would both marry and live as happy husband and wife. The young man had officially proposed to Sabigh from both of his parents, who gladly accepted the young man's hand in marriage.

But what to say when Uria bin Hannan was in the land of the people carrying out David's command to fight to uphold the word of God, something happened that destroyed his plan of martyrdom and became his ambition to marry Sabigh, the girl he wanted, as if it were a dream or just a mirage.
On a day when Uria was still far away in the land of the people carrying out God's order to fight, the beautiful face of Sabigh was captured by both eyes of David and from that first glance, a feeling of love arose in David's heart for the girl, who was legally the fiancee of one of his loyal and efficient soldiers. Daud did not have to think long to express his feelings for the beautiful girl and immediately went to her parents to propose to the girl.

Whose parents would think that they would refuse the hand of a man like Daud to be his son-in-law. Wasn't it a great honor for him to be the father-in-law of Daud, the messenger of God and the king of Bani Isra'il. And even though Sabigh had been asked by Uria to name Uria, she had long left her fiancee and it could not be ascertained that she would return quickly or be alive. It is not wise for Sabigh's parents to reject Daud's offer of a hand simply because they are waiting for Uriah to return from the battlefield. So Daud's request was accepted and Sabigh was handed over to him to be his legal wife.

Such is the story of the marriage of Daud and Sabigh, which according to commentators became the target of God's criticism and admonishment through two angels who appeared as two men who came to Prophet Daud asking for a solution to their dispute regarding their ewe.

Saturday is Bani Isra'il

Among the teachings of Prophet Moses to the Children of Israel is that they are required to set aside one day each week to worship God, purify their hearts and minds with zikr, tahmid and gratitude for all the blessings and favors of God, pray and do good deeds and righteous deeds. It is forbidden for them on that specified day to trade and carry out things of a worldly nature.
In the beginning, Friday was designated as the holy day and the day of worship, but they asked Prophet Moses to make the day of worship fall on every Saturday, reminding that on that day God finished creating His creatures. The change proposal that they proposed was accepted by Prophet Moses, so since then, Saturday every week was made a noble and holy day, where they did not trade and work on worldly affairs. They only diligently worship and do the good deeds commanded by religion. Thus, day after day, month after month and year after year, but the custom of consecrating Saturday remains preserved from generation to generation and generation after generation.

During the time of the Prophet David in power in a village named "Ailat", one of several villages located on the shores of the Red Sea lived a group of people from the descendants of the Bani Isra'il whose sources of livelihood were fishing, trading and carpentry which they carried out every day except Saturday.
As a result of the order to sanctify Saturday where no one was doing trade or fishing, the markets and trading places in the village were quiet every day and Saturday night, so that the fish in the sea seemed to be floating. above the surface of the water, freely having fun around two large white stones located on the edge of the sea near the village of Ailat. The fish seem to have gotten used to it that every night and Saturday it feels safe to pop up on the surface of the water without getting disturbed by the fishermen. fishermen, but as soon as the sun sets on Saturday evening, the fish disappear back into the stomach and the seabed according to the instincts that every animal created by God has.

The fishermen of Ailat village, who on normal days have never seen so many fish floating on the surface of the water, and it is even difficult to catch as many fish as expected, consider it a good opportunity and very profitable if they catch fish every night and Saturday. This thought was not wasted and regardless of religious orders and customs that had been in effect since the Prophet Musa ordered it, they went together to the beach to catch fish on those forbidden nights and days, so that they succeeded in catching fish to their heart's content and as much as they wanted. they expected, very different from their results on ordinary days.

Faithful believers and pious believers come to reprimand the wicked who have dared to violate the sanctity of Saturday. They were given advice and warnings to stop their evil deeds and return to obeying the religious orders and stay away from all its prohibitions, in order to avoid the wrath of God who can take away the grace and favors that have been given to them.
The advice and warnings of the believers were ignored by the disobedient fishermen and they even became more active in committing demonstrative violations because it would be a pity to lose the large material benefits they had obtained from fishing on holy days. In the end, the religious leaders were forced to alienate them from society and forbid them from entering the city using weapons if necessary.

Said the opposition fishermen protested: "indeed the city of Ailat is a city and our residence together with us have the same right as you to live here and sometimes you do not have the right to forbid us to enter our city and forbid us to dig the sources of wealth that are here for the sake of our lives. We will not leave our city and move to another place. And if you refuse to associate with us, then it is best that this city of Ailat be divided into two parts separated by a dividing wall, so that each side free to do and carry out his efforts without being disturbed by any other party."

With the existence of a dividing line between the ungodly opposition fishermen and the adherents of religious freedom, they carry out fishing efforts to their heart's content on a large scale every day without exception.
They built canals to drain seawater near their homes by constructing dams that prevented the fish from returning to the sea when the sun set every Saturday evening, at which time the floating fish usually slid back down. to the bottom of the sea.

Fishermen who are getting richer because of the huge profits they get from free fishing are becoming more and more daring to commit immorality and violation of religious orders which lead to the destruction of their character and morals.
While the religious leaders who saw that the fishermen were more daring to break God's command and commit evil and disobedience in their own area still diligently came to them from time to time to warn them and give advice, if they could still be drawn to the right path and repent from their wickedness. However, the wealth they obtained from the results of multiple arrests made their eyes blind to see the light of truth, their ears deaf to listen to the advice of religious leaders and the depths of their hearts were clogged by lust for disobedience and wickedness, so that they became part of the leaders and promoters of religion. that gave up hope and said to some who still had hope:

Similarly, Prophet Daud after seeing that all the advice and warnings to his people were only considered as passing wind or just like voices in the desert and seeing that there was no hope that they would come to their senses and repent again, so he prayed asking God to teach them with torture and punishment which is appropriate.
Prophet Daud's prayer was answered by God and there was a terrible earthquake that destroyed those who had disobeyed and acted tyrannically against themselves by ignoring God's commands and the commands of His pious servants. Meanwhile, those who believe and are righteous receive God's protection and are spared from the calamity that befell them.

Some of God's Blessings to Prophet David

God sent him as a prophet and messenger, bestowing him with blessings, perfection of knowledge, thoroughness of deeds and wisdom in resolving disputes. The book "Zabur" was revealed to him, a holy book that brings together 2 qasidahs and 2 poems as well as 2 songs containing tasbih and praises. to God, the story of the people of the past and the news of the prophets to come, among them the news of the arrival of Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, subduing the mountains and ordering him to recite the rosary following the rosary of Prophet David every morning and evening. The birds also rosary following the rosary Prophet Daud repeatedly. Prophet Daud was reminded about the meaning of the voice or language of birds-2. God has given him the power to soften iron, so that he can make iron clothes and circles-2 with his hands without the help of fire.Prophet Daud has been given the opportunity to be a king leading a strong kingdom that cannot be defeated by the enemy, even on the contrary he always wins over all his enemies. Prophet Daud was blessed with a melodious voice by God that is pleasant to listen to until now it has become a metaphor when someone speaks melodiously that he obtained the voice of Prophet David.

The story of Prophet Daud and the Saturday story of the Bani Isra'il can be found in the Al-Quran surah "Saba'" verse 11, surah "An-Nisa'" verse 163, surah "Al-Isra'" verse 55, surah "Shaad" verse 17 until verse 26 and surah "Al-'Aaraaf" verse 163 to verse 165.

Some Lessons From the Story of Prophet Daud AS

God has given an example that a person who is big and powerful who only relies on his physical strength can be defeated by a weaker person with just something meaningless just like David who is young and physically weak defeated the mighty Jalout armed only with stones .A weak and poor person should not give up on finding results and obtaining success in his endeavors and struggles as long as he relies on piety and faith in God who will protect him. Daud's victory over Jalout did not make him arrogant and arrogant, on the contrary, he was humble and gentle towards friends and enemies

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