Let's Read, This is the History of Prophet Muhammad SAW from the Beginning to the End of His Life
Minggu, 20 Agustus 2023
Let's Read, This is the History of Prophet Muhammad SAW from the Beginning to the End of His Life
The History of the Birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Until His Complete Death Hay mazinu friend? are you muslim? do you already know and have heard about the History of the Birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Until His Death? emmh if you have never heard or read the story, please read the article that I posted below regarding the History of the Birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Until His Complete Death.
Summary of the History of Prophet Muhammad SAW from Birth to Death The only messenger of God sent to all races and groups is Prophet Muhammad SAW. Therefore his teachings are very universal; not only about worship & the afterlife, but also spiritual affairs that cover all aspects of human life, from food problems to state affairs. However, there are still many people who are blind to his personality and life. As a result, they are prevented from seeing & feeling the truth that it brings. 1. Names & Titles of Prophet Muhammad SAW In HR Bukhari & Muslim, the names & titles of Prophet Muhammad SAW are mentioned, among others: - Ahmad - Al-Mahi - Al-Hasyir - Al-'Aqib - Muqaffi - Nabiyyuttaubah - Nabiyyurrahmah. The meaning of the names of the Prophet Muhammad SAW: *.Ahmad: the most praiseworthy because of his noble character, & palling praise God a lot. *. Al-Mahi (scraper/eraser): because God removes disbelief by sending him, *. Al-Hasyir (gatherer): because later on the day of judgment all people will gather in front of him, some say under his command. *. Al-'Aqib (the closing): because he is the closing prophet & messenger. *. Muqaffi (the one who follows): meaning to follow & continue the trail of the prophets' treatises. *. Nabiyuttaubah (prophet of repentance): even though he was ma'shum in the sense of being clean from sin, he repented a lot. In one story he repented up to 70 times a day, & in another story up to 100 times. *.Nabiyyurrahmah (prophet of mercy): he is a prophet full of love even in war, he was sent to this earth as a mercy for the universe. These names are based on his own narrative. And we know that every word of him is based on revelation.
So it can be concluded that the one who gave the name/title is Allah Swt. 2. Lineage of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH In the book Sahih Bukhari chapter Mab'ats an-Nabiyyi PBUH, Imam Bukhari details the genealogy of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH as follows: Muhammad PBUH bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muththalib bin Hasyim bin Abdu Manaf bin Qusyai bin Kilab bin Murrah bin Ka'ab bin Luai bin Ghalib bin Fihr bin Malik bin Nadhr bin Kinanah bin Khuzaimah bin Mudrikah bin Ilyas bin Mudhar bin Nizar bin Ma'add bin Adnan. Imam Bukhari added in the Book of Tarikh al-Kabir: Adnan bin Udud bin Al-Maqum bin Nahur bin Tarh bin Ya'rab bin Nabit bin Ismail bin Ibrahim. According to experts - as mentioned by the historian Sheikh Abdurrahman bin Yahya Al-Yamany - between Adnan & Ismail there are around 40 grandfathers. 3. Birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW Prophet Muhammad SAW was born in Makkah on Monday, the 12th of Rabi'ul Awwal in the year of the Elephant as an orphan. The naming of the year of the Elephant is related to the events of the Elephant army led by Abrahah, the Governor of Yemen who wanted to destroy the Ka'bah. But before reaching the city of Makkah, they were attacked by a group of birds carrying hot pebbles (see QS Al-Fil: 1-5). The birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW coincided with April 20, 571 AD. 4. The birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW coincided with April 20, 571 AD. 4. The birth of Prophet Muhammad SAW coincided with April 20, 571 AD. 4.
Breastfeeding Time Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was first breastfed by his mother Aminah & Tsuwaibatul Aslamiyah. But that was only a few days. He was then nursed by Halimah As-Sa'diyah in the Banu Sa'ad village. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him lived with Halimah's family for approximately four years. At the end of Halimah's family caregiving, the Prophet Muhammad's surgery took place. 5. Muhammad Saw in the Eyes of the People of Makkah Since he was a child, Muhammad Saw was far from the traditions of Jahiliyyah and never worshiped idols.
However, he is still a polite and honest person, which is why he is known as Al-Amien (the trustworthy person). 6. Marriage of Prophet Muhammad SAW At the age of 25, Muhammad SAW married Khadija bint Khuwailid, a rich widow aged 40. This marriage started with Khadija's proposal to Muhammad after seeing & hearing his virtues & morals. 7. Wives of the Prophet Muhammad SAW In addition to Khadijah, his wives are: Saudah bint Zam'ah, Aisyah bint Abu Bakar, Hafshah bint Umar, Zainab bint Khuzaimah, Umm Salamah (Hindun bint Umayyah), Zainab bint Zahsy, Juwairiyah bint Al-Harits, Umm Habibah (Ramlah), Shafiyah bint Huyay, Maimunah bint Al-Harits & Maria Al-Qibtiyah. Prophet Muhammad married them all after Khadijah died. & they all got married as widows, except for Aisyah. If you look at the factors of each of his marriages, they all have a strong connection with the preaching and teachings of Islam that he brings. 8. Sons & Daughters of Prophet Muhammad SAW Sons & Daughters of Prophet Muhammad SAW namely: Qasim, Zainab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kultsum, Fatimah, Abdullah & Ibrahim. They were all born from Khadija's womb except Ibrahim from Maria Al-Qibtiah. All his male children died before adulthood. 9. They were all born from Khadijah's womb except Ibrahim from Maria Al-Qibtiah. All of his sons died before they reached adulthood. 9. They were all born from Khadijah's womb except Ibrahim from Maria Al-Qibtiah. All of his sons died before they reached adulthood. 9.
Muhammad SAW Became the Messenger of God The descent of the first revelation of QS. Al-A'la: 1-5 in the cave of Hira on Monday in the month of Ramadan at the age of 40 being the beginning of the apostleship of Muhammad peace be upon him. The first revelation contains: "1) Read in the name of your God who created, 2) He who created man from a clot of blood, 3) Read, & your God is the Most Glorious, 4) He who teaches (mankind) with a pen, 5) He teaches man what unknown to him." After receiving the revelation, Muhammad saw Khadijah and expressed his concern for her.
Khadija reassured: "Be happy! By God, He will never waste you. By God, you connect shilaturrahim (relationships), speak the truth, bear the burden of the weak, help the needy, honor guests, help people disaster struck." Khadijah then met him with his cousin Waraqah bin Naufal, a Christian priest. After explaining the events he had just experienced in the Hira cave, Waraqah explained that the one who came to Muhammad, peace be upon him, was the angel who once came to Prophet Musa. "If only I were still alive & strong when you were expelled by your people" said Waraqah. "Are they going to kick me out?" Muhammad asked. "Yes…," he replied. (see HR Bukhari & Muslim). 10.
Then Allah swt put them to sleep. While reading QS. Yasin: 1-9 he put sand on their heads, then went to Abu Bakr's house to migrate together to the city of Medina. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him arrived in Madinah on Monday the 12th of Rabiul Awwal in the year 1 Hijri. 11. The War of the Prophet Muhammad SAW The basis of the war of the Prophet Muhammad SAW are the following verses: - "It has been permitted (to fight) for those who are fought because they are indeed oppressed." (Al-Hajj: 39). - "Fight in the way of God those who fight against you, but do not transgress the limits, truly God does not like those who transgress the limits" (QS. Al-Baqarah: 190). In this case there are rules of war, among others: Don't kill children, old people, people who surrender, priests & house of worship workers who don't attack, animals without the goal of benefit, don't kill in a sadistic and excessive way (Tafsir Ibn Kathir). From here it is clear that the war of the Prophet Muhammad was an effort to defend rights, not a ware for Islamization let alone revenge.
As for the number of wars he followed, there are as many as 27 times. 12. The character of Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah SWT describes the character of Prophet Muhammad in general in QS. Al-Qalam verse 4: "And indeed you are truly of noble character" a. The Patience of Prophet Muhammad SAW No small burden was borne by Prophet Muhammad SAW in spreading the preaching of the teachings he brought. Mocking, swearing, rude treatment & threats of death received from the polytheists of Makkah. But that didn't make his patience fade. In the history of Imam Bukhari & Muslim, it is said that Uqbah bin Abu Mu'ith once threw camel dung at the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him while he was prostrating. He continued to prostrate until his daughter Fatimah came to throw him out. The Quraysh's harsh treatment increased after his uncle Abu Talib & his wife Khadijah died in the 10th year of the apostleship. Therefore he migrated to the region of Taif. But it turns out that he was not accepted here either, the local residents even told his children to throw stones at him. b. Love of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH The harsh act of expelling the people of Taif against the Prophet Muhammad PBUH did not make him immediately pray for them with punishment.
But on the contrary: "In fact, I hope that God will make from their descendants people who worship God and do not do shirk to Him in the slightest," he said when the guardian angel of the mountain offered him to hit the mountain of Abu Qubaisy and the mountain next to him. Thai people. (Sahih Bukhari). And no matter how harsh the treatment and punishment of the polytheists of Makkah towards him and his followers, but that did not make him hold a grudge against them at the time of the liberation of Makkah in the year 8 AH. In fact, he granted a massive amnesty to the people of Makkah. 13. Privileges that God Gives Him a.
Five advantages that were not given to people before Dr. Jabir bin Abdullah ra, Prophet Muhammad saw said: "I was given five things that were not given to anyone before me; given victory with fear (which was inflicted on my enemies) in the space of one month travel, the earth is made a place of prayer & holy for me, so whoever among my ummah finds time to pray should do it, booty is lawful for me & that is not lawful for people before I am given intercession, first the prophet was sent only to his people, but I was sent to all mankind." (HR. Bukhari & Muslim) b. His specialness on the Day of Judgment Dr. Anas ra., Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said: "I am the first person to be interceded on the Day of Judgment, the prophet who has the most followers on the Day of Judgment,
Another privilege is mentioned in the narration of Abu Hurairah, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: "I am the leader of the children of Adam on the Day of Resurrection, I am the first person to be raised from the grave, and I am the first person to be interceded (by God) and the first person to give intercession (to mankind)." (HR. Muslim). 14. His Worship Aisyah ra. Said: The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, once prayed until his two feet swelled. Then he was reprimanded, he replied: "Am I not worthy to be a grateful servant?" 15. Prophet Muhammad PBUH died He PBUH died on the 12th of Rabiul Awal in the year 11 Hijri at Dhuha time at the age of 63. Before his soul was taken away, he read: "Ù…َعَ الَّØ°ِينَ Ø£َÙ†ْعَÙ…َ اللَّÙ‡ُ عَÙ„َÙŠْÙ‡ِÙ…ْ Ù…ِÙ†َ النَِّÙŠِÙŠِّينَ Ùˆَالصِّدِّيقِينَ ÙˆَالشُّÙ‡َدَاءِ ÙˆَالصَّالِØِينَ
* Refrensi : - A'rif Nabiyyaka Saw, Qism Ilmiy, Dar Al-Wathan, Riyadh - Al-Mu'in ar-Raiq min Sirah Khairi al-Khalaiq, Prof. Dr. Sa'id M. Shaleh Shawabi, Risywan Kairo, 2008. - Mushaf Al-Qur'an Terjemah, Pena, Jakarta, 2002 - Sirah Nabawiyah, Ibnu Katsir, Maktabah Syamilah - Subul al-Huda wa ar-Rasyad, Maktabah Syamilah - Tafsir Ibnu Katsir - Raudhatul Anwar, Shafiurrahman Al-Mubarkafury, Pustaka Raja Fahd, Riyadh 1427 H - Uyun al-Atsar, Maktabah Syamilah