Let's Read, This is the Complete Story of the Prophet Huud AS
Selasa, 22 Agustus 2023
Let's Read, This is the Complete Story of the Prophet Huud AS
"Aad" is the name of the father of a tribe that lives in the Arabian Peninsula in a place called "Al-Ahqaf" located in the north of Hadramaut atr Yemen and Oman and is among the oldest tribes of the people of Prophet Noah and is famous for its physical strength in the form of bodies that big and old. They were blessed by God with a fertile land with water sources that flowed from all corners so that it was easy for them to grow crops for their food. and beautify their residence with beautiful flower gardens. Thanks to God's grace, they lived prosperously, prosperously and happily and in a short time they multiplied and became the largest tribe among the tribes living around them.
As with the people of Prophet Noah, the people of Hud are the tribe of Aad, whose spiritual life is not knowing God Almighty, the Creator of the universe. They make statues named "Shamud" and "Alhattar" and that is worshiped as their god who according to their belief can give happiness, goodness and profit and can reject evil, loss and all misfortunes. The teachings and religion of Prophet Idris and Prophet Noah have left no traces in their hearts, souls and their daily lives. The pleasures of life in which they are drowning thanks to the fertile land and the abundant production according to their assumption is the gift and gift of the two idols they worship.
As a result and fruit of that misguided belief, their social life becomes dominated by the demands and leadership of the Devil, where moral values and morals are not the basis of weighing or a person's behavior and actions, but materiality and outward strength that stand out until riots arise and arbitrary actions in society where the strong oppress the weak, the big rape the small and the powerful extort those below them. The qualities of pride, arrogance, envy, envy, incitement and hatred driven by lust run rampant and dominate their lives so that they do not give place to the qualities of compassion, love, honesty, trust and humility. Such is the image of the Aad tribe when God sent Prophet Hud as a prophet and messenger to them.
Prophet Hud Preaching in the Middle of His Tribe
It has been God's sunnah since Adam was sent down to earth that from time to time if His servants have been in a wayward life and have deviated far from the religious teachings brought by His Prophets, a Prophet or Messenger is sent who is in charge of refreshing the teachings of the prophets who previously returned the society that had lost its way to the straight and true path and cleansed the human soul from all superstitions and polytheism replacing it and filling it with the faith of monotheism and aqidah that is in accordance with nature.
Thus it is to the tribe of Aad who have been intoxicated by the well-being of life and worldly pleasures so that they do not recognize their God who bestows them all. Prophet Hud was sent to them, a member of their own tribe from a well-respected and influential family, known since childhood for his good behavior, noble character and very wise in his dealings with his friends.
Prophet Hud began his preaching by drawing the attention of his people of the Aad tribe to the signs of God's existence in the form of the world around them and that it is God who created them all and blessed them with all the pleasures of life in the form of fertile land, flowing water and upright bodies. and strong. He is the one they should worship and not the idols they made themselves. They as human beings are God's most noble creatures who should not humble themselves and bow down to worship stones that they can destroy themselves and destroy from sight.
It was explained by Prophet Hud that he was the messenger of God who was given the task of leading them to the right path of believing in God who created them to live and to kill them, to give them sustenance or to take it away from them. He does not expect wages and demands recompense for his efforts to lead and claim them to the right path. He only carried out God's command and warned them that if they keep their ears and eyes closed in the face of his invitation and preaching, they will be punished and destroyed by God as happened to Noah's people who perished by drowning in the flood due to their arrogance and pride in rejecting the teachings and preaching Prophet Nuh stood by their stance and belief in the idols and statues they worshiped and adored.
For the people of Aad, the call and preaching of Prophet Hud was something they had never heard or expected. They saw that the teachings brought by Prophet Hud would completely change their way of life and dismantle the rules and customs that they had known and inherited from their ancestors. They were stunned and amazed that someone from their own tribe had dared to try to reform their way of life and replace their religion and beliefs with something new that they did not know and could not be understood and accepted by their common sense. They immediately rejected the preaching of Prophet Hud with various excuses and empty accusations against him as well as mockery and insults which he received with a cool head and full of patience.
The people of Aad said to Prophet Hud: "O Hud! What teachings and religion do you want to preach to us? You want us to leave our offerings to our powerful gods and worship your gods that we cannot reach with our senses and god who according to your word is not allied. The way we perform this offering is what we have inherited from our ancestors and we will never abandon it, on the contrary, you should return to the rules of your ancestors and do not injure their beliefs and religion by bringing a a new religion that they don't know and certainly won't approve of."
O my people! replied Prophet Hud, Indeed, this is the God I call to you to worship Him, even though you cannot reach Him with your senses, but you can see and feel His existence in yourself as His creation and in the universe that surrounds you several heavens with the sun, the moon and the stars of the earth with the mountains, rivers, plants and animals, all of which can be beneficial to you as humans. And being you can enjoy a prosperous and happy life. God is the one you should worship and bow your head to Him. The Almighty God has no partners, no begets and begets even if you cannot reach Him with your senses, He is close to you, knowing all your movements and behavior, knowing the contents of your heart, your heartbeat and the way of your thoughts. It is God that people should worship with full faith in His Oneness and His power and not statues that you chisel and carve with your own hands and then you worship as God even though it is a passive object that cannot do anything beneficial or harm you. How foolish and shallow your mind is if you continue to defend your misguided religion and reject the teachings and religion that have been revealed to me by God Almighty." It is God that people should worship with full faith in His Oneness and His power and not statues that you chisel and carve with your own hands and then you worship as God even though it is a passive object that cannot do anything beneficial or harm you. How foolish and shallow your mind is if you continue to defend your misguided religion and reject the teachings and religion that have been revealed to me by God Almighty." It is God that people should worship with full faith in His Oneness and His power and not statues that you chisel and carve with your own hands and then you worship as God even though it is a passive object that cannot do anything beneficial or harm you. How foolish and shallow your mind is if you continue to defend your misguided religion and reject the teachings and religion that have been revealed to me by God Almighty."
O Hud! His people answered, "What is it that makes you look and think differently from what has been the basis of our lives since time immemorial and makes you leave the religion of your own ancestors even to the point that you insult and demean the dignity of our gods and make us stupid and think that we are narrow-minded and shallow-minded? You confess that you were chosen to be a messenger by your God to bring a new religion and belief to us and invite us out of the wayward path according to your confession to the right and straight path. We feel puzzled and cannot accept by our own reason that you have been chosen to be God's messenger. What is your advantage over someone from us, you are more or less an ordinary human like us who live, eat, drink and sleep no different from us, why are you chosen by your God? In our opinion you are really a big liar or maybe you are thinking unhealthily affected by the curse of our gods who you always mock and scorn."
O my people! Prophet Hud replied, "I am not a liar and my mind remains sane and healthy no matter what and know that your idols that you worship cannot cause any disturbance or illness to my people or my mind. You know me, I have been alive for a long time in the midst of you that I have never lied and lied and throughout my association with you I have never seen signs of inappropriateness in my behavior or signs that doubt my sanity and the perfection of my mind. I am truly God's messenger who was given the mandate to deliver His revelation to His servants who have lost their way under the influence of the devil's teachings and have strayed far from the right path taught by the previous prophets because God will not let His servants For too long they were lost in error and lived in darkness without being sent a messenger to guide them to the right path and a life that pleased Him. So trust me, use your common sense, have faith and bow down to God, the Lord of all worlds, the Lord who created you, created the heavens and the earth, sent down rain to fertilize your farmland, grew plants to continue your life. Pray to Him and ask for forgiveness for all your wrongdoings and misguided actions, so that He will increase your sustenance and prosperity in your life and save you from the punishment of the world as Noah's people have experienced and the punishment in the afterlife. It is known that you will be resurrected from your grave later and asked to be responsible for all your actions in this world and be rewarded according to your good and righteous deeds will receive a good reward and the despicable and bad will be rewarded with hell fire. I am only conveying the message of God to you and with this I have reminded you of the consequences that will befall you if you continue to deny the truth of my preaching." It is known that you will be resurrected from your grave later and asked to be responsible for all your actions in this world and be rewarded according to your good and righteous deeds will receive a good reward and the despicable and bad will be rewarded with hell fire. I am only conveying the message of God to you and with this I have reminded you of the consequences that will befall you if you continue to deny the truth of my preaching." It is known that you will be resurrected from your grave later and asked to be responsible for all your actions in this world and be rewarded according to your good and righteous deeds will receive a good reward and the despicable and bad will be rewarded with hell fire. I am only conveying the message of God to you and with this I have reminded you of the consequences that will befall you if you continue to deny the truth of my preaching."
The people of Aad replied: "We are more confident and have no doubt that you have received the curse of our gods to cause your mind to be confused and your mind to become crazy. You have said words that do not make sense that if we follow your religion, it will increase sustenance and prosperity of our lives and that we will be resurrected from our graves and receive all the rewards for all our deeds. Is it possible that we will be resurrected from our graves after we die and become bones. And what is the punishment and torture that you always fear -scare us and threaten us? All these we consider empty and empty threats.Know that we will not surrender to you and follow your teachings because of the shadow of doom and torment that you imagine for us, even we oppose you, bring what you promised and threatened if you are really true in your words and not a liar."
All right! replied Prophet Hud, "If you doubt the truth of my words and remain stubborn in ignoring my preaching and leave your offerings to those idols, then wait for the time of God's retribution where you will not be able to escape from the disaster. God is my witness that I have deliver His message with all my energy to you and will continue to strive for the rest of my life to give light and guidance to the good path that God has outlined for His servants."
Allah's Revenge of the Aad
However, they still do not want to believe and consider the promise of Prophet Hud to be an empty promise. They even went to their idols to ask for protection from the calamities they faced.
Their opposition to Allah's promise revealed to the Prophet Hud immediately received an answer with the arrival of the second stage of revenge which began with the appearance of thick black clouds and clouds above them which he greeted with cheers of joy, because he thought that rain would soon fall and wet the fields. fields and watering their drought-stricken gardens.
Seeing the attitude of the people of Aad who were rejoicing, Prophet Hud said in a mocking tone: "The black cloud is not a black cloud and a public mercy for you, but a cloud that will bring your destruction as God's retribution that I have promised and you are waiting to prove the truth my words you always deny and you lie.
Immediately afterwards, what was predicted by the Prophet Hud came true that it was not rain that fell from the thick clouds but a terrible and strong typhoon accompanied by an alarming thundering sound that had destroyed the buildings of the house from the foundation and carried away all the furniture and belongings possessions and throw away livestock. The situation of the Aad people became panicky and they ran here and there looking for shelter. The husband did not know where his wife was and the mother also lost her child while the houses were leveled to the ground. The typhoon disaster lasted for eight days and seven nights until it wiped out the proud people of Aad and ended its history in such a sad state to be a lesson and a lesson for the people to come.
As for the Prophet Hud and his believing companions, they have received Allah's protection from the calamity that befell their people who are in a state of chaos and are calm while seeing the state of their people who are in a state of chaos when they hear the roar of the wind and the sound of trees and buildings falling and the screams and cries of those who ask. please and ask for protection.
After the weather returned to calm and the land of "Al-Ahqaf" had become quiet from the people of Aad, Prophet Hud left his place and migrated to Hadramaut, where he spent the rest of his life until he died and was buried there where until now his tomb is located on a hill somewhere about 50 km from the city of Siwun is visited by pilgrims who come in large numbers from around the area, especially during the month of Shaaban every year.
The story of Prophet Hud in the Koran
The story of Prophet Hud is told by 68 verses in 10 surahs, among them surah Hud, verses 50 to 60, surah "Al-Mukminun" verse 31 to verse 41, surah "Al-Ahqaaf" verse 21 to verse 26 and surah "Al-Haaqqah" verses 6, 7 and 8.
Lessons From the Story of Prophet Hud AS
Prophet Hud has given a good example and system that should be imitated and followed by preachers and religious experts. He faced his proud and stubborn people with patience, perseverance and open heart. He never responded to their taunts and harsh words in kind but dismissed them with gentle words that showed that he was able to control his emotions and not lose his wits or patience.
Prophet Hud was not angry and did not get angry when his people mocked him by accusing him of having gone mad and insane. He meekly rejected the accusations and ridicule by simply saying: "I am not crazy and that your gods that you worship cannot disturb me or disturb my thoughts in the slightest but I am the messenger of God to you and I am truly an advisor who It is honest for you to wish for your goodness and the well-being of your life and for you to be spared and safe from the punishment and torture of God in this world as well as in the hereafter."
In dialogue with his people, Nabi Hud always tried to tap their conscience and invite them to think rationally, use common sense and a healthy mind by providing evidence that can be accepted by their intellect about the truth of his preaching and the error of their path, but that guidance is from God , He will give it to whom He wills.
Ref: isnaini