
Let's Read, This is the Complete Story of Prophet Noah AS

Let's Read, This is the Complete Prophet Noah AS

Prophet Noah is the fourth prophet after Adam, Syith and Idris and the ninth descendant of Prophet Adam. His father was Lamik bin Methushalih bin Idris.

Prophet Noah's Da'wah To His People

Prophet Noah received a prophetic revelation from God during the "fatrah" period of emptiness between the two apostles where usually people gradually forget the religious teachings brought by the prophet who left them and return to polytheism abandoning good deeds, doing evil and disobedience under the leadership Devil.
Thus, the people of Prophet Noah did not escape from the process, until when Prophet Noah came among them, they were worshiping idols which were statues made by their own hands and worshiped as gods that could bring goodness and benefits and rejecting all miseries and misfortunes. The deified idols and according to their belief have supernatural power and authority over humans are given alternate names according to their foolish desires and appetites. Sometimes they name their idols "Wadd" and " Suwa " sometimes " Yaguts " and when he got bored he replaced it with the names " Yatuq " and " Nasr ".

Prophet Noah preached to his people who had been far lost by the devil, inviting them to abandon polytheism and idolatry and return to monotheism worshiping God, the Lord of the worlds, doing the religious teachings that were revealed to him and abandoning the evil and disobedience taught by Satan and the Devil.
Prophet Noah drew the attention of his people to see the universe created by God in the form of the sky with the sun, the moon and the stars that adorn it, the earth with the wealth that is above and below it, in the form of plants and flowing water that gives the enjoyment of life to humans, the change of night into day and vice versa, all of which are proof and a real sign of the existence of the oneness of God who should be worshiped and not the idols they made with their own hands. In addition, Prophet Noah also told them that there would be a lesson that will be accepted by humans for all their deeds in the world, which is heaven for good deeds and hell for all violations of religious orders in the form of evil and disobedience.

Prophet Noah who was blessed by God with the qualities that should be possessed by a prophet, eloquent and firm in his words, wise and patient in his actions carried out his message to his people with patience and wisdom in a gentle way tapping their conscience and sometimes with sharp words and a harsh tone when facing the stubborn leaders of his people who refused to accept arguments and arguments presented to them that they could not refute or break.

However, even though Prophet Noah has tried his best to preach to his people with all wisdom, efficiency and patience and on every occasion, day or night, in a whisper or in a clear and open way, only very few of his people can accept his preaching and follow his invitation , which according to the history does not exceed the number of one hundred people. They also consist of poor people with weak social status. While the rich, high-ranking and well-respected people in the community, who are the dignitaries and rulers remain in opposition, do not believe in Prophet Noah's denial of his preaching and sometimes do not give up their religion and their belief in their idols,

surely we were the first to follow you and not those who beg your followers. we, as the leaders of the community who are good at thinking, have brain intelligence and a broad view and who are viewed by the community as their leaders, it is not easy for us to accept your invitation and your preaching. You do not have an advantage over us in matters of society and social life. we are much smarter and know more than you about all that. Our opinion of you is, nothing else and nothing else, that you are a mere liar."
I am only His messenger and messenger who was ordered to deliver His message to His servants. He is the one who has the power to guide you and forgive your sins or bring down His torment and torment on you all if He wills. He is the one who has the power to bring down His torment and torment in this world or postpone it until the next day. He is the creator of the universe, Almighty, Omniscient, Compassionate and Compassionate.

Noah's people put forward a condition by saying: "O Noah! If you want us to follow you and give support and encouragement to you and to the religion you bring, then keep away your followers who are made up of farmers, laborers and servants of the sahaya. Drive them out of your company because we cannot associate with them sit side by side with them according to their way of life and join them in a religion and belief. And how can we accept a religion that equates the nobles with the common people, the rulers and the nobles with the laborers- the laborer and the rich who live with the poor and papa."

And how can I account for the action of expelling them to Allah when they complain that I have reciprocated their loyalty and obedience with the opposite simply to fulfill your request and submit to your unreasonable and unacceptable requirements of common sense and mind. You are really stupid and not thinking healthy people.
In the end, because they felt powerless to deny the truth of Noah's words and felt they had run out of reasons and evidence to continue the dialogue with him, they said:
"O Prophet Noah! We have prayed a lot and debated and had enough dialogue and listened to your tiresome preaching. We still will not follow you and will never give up our beliefs and customs until there is no point in you repeating your preaching and invitation and tense your tongue with us. Bring what you really are, a person who keeps his promises and words. We want to see the truth of your words and your threats in reality. Because we still don't trust you and still doubt your preaching."

Prophet Noah gave up on his people

Prophet Noah was in the midst of his people for nine hundred and fifty years preaching to deliver the message of God, inviting them to abandon idolatry and return to worshiping and worshiping God Almighty leading them out of the wrong and dark path to the right and bright path, teaching them the laws of Sharia and religion revealed by God to them, raising the level of oppressed and weak human beings to a level that is in accordance with their nature and power and trying to eliminate the arrogant and haughty traits attached to the leaders of their people and educating them to love and care , help each other among human beings. However, in that long enough time, Prophet Noah did not succeed in awakening and attracting his people to follow and accept his preaching of faith, monotheism and worshiping God except for a small group of his people who did not reach a hundred people, even though he had done his duty with all his efforts and with all his strength with full patience and difficulty facing the insults, mockery and insults of his people, because he expected that his time would come in where his people will realize themselves and come to admit the truth and the truth of his preaching. Prophet Nuh's hope for the awareness of his people turns out to be diminishing day by day and that the rays of faith and piety will not redeem into the hearts of those who have been closed by the teachings and whispers of the Devil. This is what Prophet Noah said in the form of God saying: even though he has done his duty with all his efforts and with all his might with patience and difficulty in facing the insults, mockery and insults of his people, because he hopes that the time will come when his people will realize themselves and come to admit the truth and the truth of his preaching. Prophet Nuh's hope for the awareness of his people turns out to be diminishing day by day and that the rays of faith and piety will not redeem into the hearts of those who have been closed by the teachings and whispers of the Devil. This is what Prophet Noah said in the form of God saying: even though he has done his duty with all his efforts and with all his might with patience and difficulty in facing the insults, mockery and insults of his people, because he hopes that the time will come when his people will realize themselves and come to admit the truth and the truth of his preaching Prophet Nuh's hope for the awareness of his people turns out to be diminishing day by day and that the rays of faith and piety will not redeem into the hearts of those who have been closed by the teachings and whispers of the Devil. This is what Prophet Noah said in the form of God saying: Prophet Nuh's hope for the awareness of his people turns out to be diminishing day by day and that the rays of faith and piety will not redeem into the hearts of those who have been closed by the teachings and whispers of the Devil. This is what Prophet Noah said in the form of God saying: Prophet Nuh's hope for the awareness of his people turns out to be diminishing day by day and that the rays of faith and piety will not redeem into the hearts of those who have been closed by the teachings and whispers of the Devil. This is what Prophet Noah said in the form of God saying:

"Indeed, none of his people will follow you and believe except those who have followed you and believed first, so do not be sad because of what they did."
With the affirmation of God's words, the rest of the hope of Prophet Noah from his people disappeared and his patience ran out. He begged God to send down His punishment on his stone-headed people while exclaiming: "Oh God! Do not allow any of the infidels to live and live on this earth. They will try to mislead Your servants , if You let them stay and they will not give birth and bring forth other than children who commit sins and children who are infidels like them."

Prophet Noah's prayer was answered by God and his request was approved and there was no need to ignore and question his people, because they would receive God's punishment by drowning.
Prophet Noah Builds a Ship

After receiving God's command to build a ship, Prophet Noah immediately gathered his followers and began to collect the materials needed for this purpose, then by taking a place outside and some distance from the city and its crowds they diligently and diligently worked day and night to complete the training. commanded ship.
Even though Prophet Noah had stayed away from his city and community, in order to be able to work calmly without interruption to complete the construction of his ship, he did not escape the mockery and ridicule of his people who accidentally or deliberately passed through the work place building the ship. They mocked and mocked saying: "O Noah! Since when have you been a carpenter and a shipbuilder? Aren't you a prophet and a messenger according to your confession, why now become a carpenter and a shipbuilder. And the ship you built in this place far from the water, do you mean to be pulled by buffalo or do you expect the wind to pull your ship to the sea?" And other words of mockery that were accepted by Prophet Noah with a cold attitude and a smile while answering: "Well, just wait for the time later,

After completing the shipbuilding work which was the first sea transportation tool in the world, Prophet Noah received a revelation from Allah: "Get ready for your ship, when My command comes and I see signs from Me, immediately transport it with you in your ship and your relatives and take two pairs of every kind of creature that is on the earth and set sail with My permission."
Then poured from the sky and gushed forth from the earth a torrential and terrible water which in the blink of an eye became a great flood that hit all the cities and villages flooding the low and high land until it reached the top of the hills so that there was no shelter from the terrible flood except Prophet Noah's ship that has been filled with believers and couples of creatures that were saved by Prophet Noah at the command of God.

With the accompaniment of "Bismillah majraha wa mursaha" sail the ship of Prophet Noah with speed down the sea of ​​water, against the wind that is sometimes gentle and sometimes violent and stormy. To the right and left of the ship, the infidels were seen struggling against the raging waves of water trying to save themselves from the grip of death that was ready to pounce on them in the folds of the waves.
When Prophet Noah was on the deck of the ship watching the weather and seeing the disbelievers from his people lying on the surface of the water, suddenly he saw the body of his eldest son named "Kan'aan" appearing and sinking being played by waves that did not put mercy on those who are receiving God's punishment. At that time, without realizing it, a father's love and affection arose for his biological son who was in a state of anxiety facing death in the waves.
Prophet Nuh spontaneously, driven by the voice of his little heart shouted as loud as he could calling his son: Oh my son! Come here and unite yourselves with your family. Repent and believe in God so that you will be saved and spared from the danger of death that you will undergo God's punishment." Canaan, the son of Prophet Noah, who was lost and was affected by the poison of the devil's appeal and the incitement of his arrogant and stubborn people refused the invitation. and the call of his father who loved him with defiant words: "Leave me and go away, stay away from me, I do not want to take refuge on the deck of your ship I will be able to save myself by taking refuge on the hill that this flood will not reach."

Noah replied: "Believe that the only place that can save you is to join us on this ship. There will be no one who can escape from the punishment of God that has been inflicted except those who obtain His mercy and forgiveness. "
After Prophet Noah said his words, Canaan sank under the violent waves and disappeared from the sight of his father's eyes, slipping under the sea of ​​water with his friends and the leaders of his disobedient people.
Prophet Noah was saddened and grieved over the death of his son in a state of disbelief and did not know God. He lamented and cried out to God: "O my Lord, indeed my son is my flesh and blood and a part of my family and indeed Your promise is a true promise and You are the Almighty Judge." To him God said: "O Noah! Indeed he, your son, does not belong to your family, because he has deviated from your teachings, violated your orders, rejected your preaching and followed the footsteps of the infidels from your people. Delete his name from the register of your family. Only those who have accepted your preaching, follow your path and believe in me can you include and classify in your family line that I have promised protection and guaranteed the safety of his soul. As for those who deny your message, deny your preaching and have followed their lust and the demands of the Devil, they will surely perish and undergo the punishment I have determined even if they are on the top of the mountain. So don't ever ask about something you don't know yet. I remind you not to belong to the group of stupid people."Prophet Noah realized immediately after receiving a rebuke from God that his love for his son had made him forget God's promises and threats against the infidels including his own son. He realized that he was lost when he called his son to save him from the flood disaster driven by the instinctive feelings of blood that connected him with his son when love and obedience to God should come before love for family and property. He was very sorry for his negligence and forgetfulness and turned to God asking for forgiveness and forgiveness by exclaiming: "O my Lord I seek refuge in You from the temptation of the accursed devil, forgive my negligence and forgetfulness until I asked something I did not know.

After the flood reached the peak of its ferocity and destroyed Noah's disbelieving and tyrannical people in accordance with God's will and law, the sea of ​​water receded and was absorbed by the earth, then Noah's ship was moored on the hill "Judie" with the accompaniment of God's command to Prophet Noah: "Come down, O Noah to the land you and the believers who are with you safely overflowing with blessings and inayah from my side for you and for the people who are with you."

The story of Noah in the Quran

The Qur'an tells the story of Prophet Noah in 43 verses from 28 surahs, among them surah Nuh from verse 1 to 28, also in surah "Hud" verse 27 to 48 which tells the dialogue of Prophet Noah with his people and the order to build a ship and the flood situation that occurred in on them.

Lessons From the Story of Prophet Noah AS

That the relationship between people that is forged because of the bond of similarity of belief or the naming of aqidah and stance is closer and more effective than the relationship that is forged because of the bond of blood or birth. Canaan, who although he was the natural son of Prophet Noah, was removed from his father's family by Allah swt because he believed in different beliefs and religions from what his own father believed and preached, even though he was on the side that was hostile and opposed to him.

So in this sense can be understood the word of God in the Al-Quran which means: "Indeed the believers are brothers." Similarly, the hadith of the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, means: "One's faith is not perfect unless he loves his believing brother as he loves himself." Also a proverb that reads: "Sometimes you get a brother who was not born to your mother.

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