Let's Read, Here's Let's Read, Here's the Complete Story of Prophet Shaleh AS
Selasa, 22 Agustus 2023
Let's Read, Here's Let's Read, Here's the Complete Story of Prophet Shaleh AS
Thamud is the name of a tribe which some historians include as part of the Arab nation and some classify them as the Jewish nation. They live in a plain called "Alhijir" located between Hijaz and Sham which was formerly a colony and controlled by the Aad tribe which had been completely destroyed by the typhoon sent by Allah as revenge for their defiance and their denial of the preaching and treatise of the Prophet Hud AS
The prosperity and luxury of life as well as the wealth of nature that was once owned and enjoyed by the Aad people have been inherited by the Tsamud people. Fertile lands that provide abundant produce, milking and fat animals that multiply, beautiful flower gardens , building houses built on flat land and carved from the mountain. All of that makes them live a peaceful, prosperous and happy life, feeling safe from all natural disturbances and that the luxury of their lives will last for them and their descendants.
The Thamud do not know God. God They are the idols they worship and adore, to whom they sacrifice, where they ask for protection from all calamities and calamities and hope for goodness and happiness. They cannot see or think beyond what they can reach with their senses.
Prophet Saleh Preaching to the Thamud People
Allah, the Most Merciful and Most Merciful, will not let His servants be in darkness continuously without sending a messenger by His side to give light and lead them out of the wrong path to the right path. Similarly, God will not send down punishment and torture to a nation before they are warned and guided by Him through the intermediary of a person chosen to be His messenger and apostle. This Sunnatullah also applies to the people of Thamud, to whom Prophet Saleh was sent, a person whom He had chosen from their own tribe, from a family that was respected and respected by his people, known for being agile, intelligent, humble and friendly in company.
They were introduced by Prophet Saleh to the God they should worship, God Almighty, who has created them, created their environment, created fertile lands that produce the things they need to live, created animals that provide benefits and useful for them and thus give them the enjoyment and luxury of life and physical and inner happiness. It is the One God that they should worship and not the statues that they carved themselves from the rocks of the mountains that do not have the power to give them anything or protect them from fear and danger.
Prophet Saleh warned them that he was one of them, there was a bond of family and blood between him and them. they are his people and relatives and he is of the same lineage and tribe as them. He hopes for goodness and welfare for them and will never lead them into things that will bring loss, misery and destruction for them. He explained to them that he was the messenger and messenger of God, and what he taught and preached to them was God's mandate that he should convey to them for their good during their lives and after they die in the afterlife.
But all those hopes have been misplaced and our trust in you has slipped today with your behavior and behavior that violates our customs and way of life. What are you calling us? You want us to leave our sacrifices and our ancestors, the sacrifices and religion that have been our flesh and blood, a part of our lives since we were born and remain a hold forever. We will never leave them because of your call and we will not follow you who that stray. We do not believe your empty talk and even doubt your prophethood. We will not disobey our ancestors by abandoning their offerings and following in your footsteps." What are you calling us? You want us to leave our sacrifices and our ancestors, the sacrifices and religion that have been our flesh and blood, a part of our lives since we were born and remain a hold forever. We will never leave them because of your call and we will not follow you who that stray. We do not believe your empty talk and even doubt your prophethood. We will not disobey our ancestors by abandoning their offerings and following in your footsteps." What are you calling us? You want us to leave our sacrifices and our ancestors, the sacrifices and religion that have been our flesh and blood, a part of our lives since we were born and remain a hold forever. We will never leave them because of your call and we will not follow you who that stray. We do not believe your empty talk and even doubt your prophethood. We will not disobey our ancestors by abandoning their offerings and following in your footsteps." We will never leave it because of your call and we will not follow you astray. We do not believe your empty talk and even doubt your prophethood. We will not disobey our ancestors by abandoning their offerings and following in your footsteps." We will never leave it because of your call and we will not follow you astray. We do not believe your empty talk and even doubt your prophethood. We will not disobey our ancestors by abandoning their offerings and following in your footsteps."
Nabi Saleh warned them not to oppose him and to follow his invitation to have faith in Allah, who has bestowed upon them extensive sustenance and a prosperous life. They were told the stories of people who were punished and punished by Allah for opposing His messengers and denying His message. Something similar can happen to them if they don't want to accept his preaching and listen to his advice, which he gives sincerely and honestly as a member of their extended family and who doesn't expect or demand compensation from them for their efforts. He only conveys the mandate of Allah that was assigned to him and Allah will give him wages and rewards for his efforts to give leaders and demands to them.
What is your advantage over all of us that you were chosen to be a messenger, even though there are people among us who are more suitable and more competent to be a prophet or a messenger than you. Your purpose by talking nonsense and your words is only to pursue a position and want to be appointed as the head and leader of your people. If you feel that you are healthy in body and mind and admit that you have no direction and purpose that is veiled in your da'wah, then stop your efforts to broadcast your new religion by insulting our offerings and your own ancestors. We will not follow your path and leave the path that our ancestors have traveled before.
Who will protect me from God's wrath and punishment if I do that? Indeed, you will only harm and destroy me with your call."
After failing and succeeding in stopping Nabi Saleh's preaching efforts and seeing that he was even more active in attracting people to follow him and side with him, the leaders and leaders of the Thamud tried to stem the flow of his preaching which was getting more and more attention especially from the lower middle class in the community. they oppose Prophet Saleh and to prove the truth of his prophethood with an evidence of miracles in the form of extraordinary objects or events that are beyond human power.
God gave miracles to Prophet Saleh AS
Prophet Saleh is aware that the opposition of his people who demand proof of his drp in the form of a miracle is intended to eliminate his influence and erode his authority in the eyes of his people, especially his followers if he fails to meet their opposition and demands. Prophet Saleh responded to their opposition by demanding a promise from them if he succeeded in bringing about the miracle they asked for that they would leave their religion and offerings and would follow Prophet Saleh and believe in him.
In accordance with the request and guidance of the leaders of the Thamud tribe, Prophet Saleh prayed to God to grant him a miracle to prove the truth of his message and at the same time break the resistance and opposition of his people who were still stubborn. He begged God with His power to create a she-camel and take it out of the belly of a large rock that was on the side of a hill that they pointed to.
So a moment later, with the permission of Allah, the Almighty, the Creator, the designated rock split open and a she-camel came out of her belly.
Pointing to the animal that had just come out of the big stone's belly, Prophet Saleh said to them: "This is God's camel, don't disturb it and let it find its own food on God's earth. It has a turn to get drinking water and you have a turn to get drink for you and for your livestock as well and know that Allah will bring down His punishment if you disturb these animals."
Then the camel roamed the fields eating grass to his heart's content without being disturbed. And when it was his turn to drink, the camel went to a well called the camel well and drank to his heart's content. And on the days when it was Nabi Saleh's camel's turn to drink, no other animal dared to approach it, which caused the owners of the animals to feel uneasy that the presence of Nabi Saleh's camel in their midst was a nuisance a transverse thorn in the throat.
With the success of Nabi Saleh in bringing about the miracle they demanded, the leaders of the Thamud tribe failed in their efforts to bring down the honor and remove the influence of Nabi Saleh. On the contrary, they increased the faith of his followers and removed many doubts from his people. So they instigated the livestock owners who were annoyed and unhappy with the presence of Prophet Saleh's camels running rampant in their fields and gardens and being feared by their pets.
Prophet Saleh's camel was killed
A conspiracy was held by people from the Thamud tribe to organize the plan to kill Prophet Saleh's camel. And as long as people are still overshadowed by the fear of the punishment threatened by the Prophet Saleh if his camel is disturbed in addition to the urge of a strong desire to eliminate the animal from their land, there suddenly appeared a wealthy noble widow offering to surrender herself to whom who can kill Saleh's camel. Beside the widow there was another woman who had several beautiful daughters who offered to give one of her daughters to the person who killed the camel.
Two kinds of tempting gifts from the two women, apart from the instigation of the Thamud leaders, invited two men named Mushadda 'bin Muharrij and Gudar bin Salif to prepare to commit murder to win the promised prize in addition to the flattery and praise he would receive from the infidels. the Thamud tribe when Nabi Saleh's camel had died was killed.
With the help of seven other men, the group hid in a place where camels usually pass on their way to the well where they drink. And so the innocent camels were immediately shot in the calf by Musadda' who was followed by Gudar by stabbing his sword in the stomach.
With a feeling of grandeur and pride, the camel killers went to the capital to deliver the news of the death of Nabi Saleh's camel, which received cheers and shouts of joy from the polytheists as if they had returned from the battlefield with a glorious victory.
They said to Prophet Saleh: "O Saleh! Your camel has been killed, try to come up with what you said before about the threat if the camel is disturbed, if you really are among those who are too truthful in their words."
Prophet Saleh replied: "I have warned you, that God will bring down His punishment on you if you disturb the camel. So by killing the camel, you will wait for the time of punishment that God has promised and I have told you. You have oppose God and accept the consequences of your opposition to Him. God's promise will not fail. You can rejoice and have fun for these three days and then receive your appropriate reward on the fourth day. Such is the will of God and His destiny that cannot be postponed or prevented."
There is a possibility according to some commentators that God through His messenger Nabi Saleh gave the three days to give them an opportunity, in case they realized their sins and repented and asked for forgiveness and believed in Nabi Saleh's message.
However, in reality, the three-day period even became a mockery of Prophet Saleh, who opposed him to hasten the coming of the punishment and did not need to delay it for another three days.
The Descent of the Promised Punishment of Allah
Prophet Saleh told his people that God's punishment that will befall them will be preceded by signs, that is, on the first day when they wake up from their sleep, they will find their faces yellow and turn red on the second day and black on the third day and on the fourth, God's painful punishment descends.
Hearing the threat of doom told by Nabi Saleh to his people, a group of nine people is a group of camel killers planning to kill Nabu Saleh before the threatened doom arrives. They held a secret meeting and swore together to carry out the murder plan at night, while people sleep soundly to avoid blood revenge claims by Nabi Saleh's family, if their identity as the killer is known. Their plan was kept secret so that it was not known and heard by anyone except the nine people themselves.
When they came to Prophet Saleh's place to carry out his evil plan in the dark and silent night, large stones fell on their heads from which they did not know where they came from and which immediately laid them on the ground in a lifeless state. . Thus Allah has protected His messenger from the evil deeds of His disbelieving servants.
One day before the day of the appointed punishment, with the permission of God, Prophet Saleh set out with his faithful followers towards Ramlah, a place in Palestine, leaving Hijir and its inhabitants, the Thamud people completely destroyed, struck by a terrible lightning accompanied by a terrible earthquake.
The story of Prophet Saleh in the Quran
The story of Prophet Saleh is told by 72 verses in 11 surahs including surah Al-A'raaf, verses 73 to 79, surah "Hud" verse 61 to verse 68 and surah "Al-Qamar" verse 23 to verse 32.
Lessons From the Story of Prophet Saleh AS
The salient lesson that can be learned from this story of Prophet Saleh is that sins and wrongdoing committed by a small group of citizens can have negative consequences that destroy the entire community.
Look at how the Thamud people were destroyed, destroyed and even wiped out from the earth because of the sins and violations of Allah's commands committed by a few people who killed the camels of Prophet Saleh AS.
This is where the wisdom of Allah's commandment lies for us to do good and forbidding evil. Because by carrying out the duties of amar makruf nahi mungkar which is fardu kifayah, at least if we do not succeed in preventing the evil that occurs in society and our protection, we have freed ourselves from the sin of approving or condoning the unlawful act.
Being passive and indifferent to the vices and evil happening in front of the eyes can be interpreted as consent and association with the evil act.
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