Types of Teacher Professional Development Activities
Minggu, 04 Juni 2023
Types of Teacher Professional Development Activities
Talking about teacher professionalism, of course, cannot be separated from the teacher professional development activities themselves. Broadly speaking, teacher professional development activities can be divided into three types, namely: (1) intensive development , (2) cooperative development , and (3) self- directed development (Glatthorm , 1991).
Intensive development ( intensive development ) is a form of development carried out by the leadership of teachers who are carried out intensively based on the needs of teachers. This model is usually carried out through systematic steps, starting from planning, implementing, to evaluating and meeting back or reflecting. Development techniques used include training, upgrading, courses, workshops, and the like.Cooperative development ( cooperative development ) is a form of teacher development that is carried out through collaboration with colleagues in a team that works together systematically. The aim is to improve the professional ability of teachers through providing input, suggestions, advice, or peer assistance. The development technique used can be through KKG or MGMP/MGBK meetings. This technique is also known as peer supervision or collaborative supervision .
Self-directed development is a form of development that is carried out through self-development. This form gives broad autonomy to teachers. The teacher tries to plan activities, carry out activities, and analyze feedback for self-development. The technique used can be through self-evaluation ( self evaluation/self supervision )
Ideally, every teacher can be involved in the three types of professional development activities above. If a teacher does not try to get involved (involved) in these three types of professional development activities, it is almost certain that he will fall professionally. In other words, maybe he has already made up his mind to quit being a teacher!
Among the three types of professional development activities above, self -directed development activities seem to be the most feasible alternative. Psychologically, teachers will have greater self-independence in carrying out their professional duties, without much dependence and pressure from outsiders.
Even in everyday life, we can see that teachers who excel or perform above average are generally those who are capable and accustomed to carrying out professional development activities independently.
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