

The companions of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, were very earnest in applying the obligation to love Allah and His Messenger. They always compete to get this glory because they want to be among the people who are loved by God and His Messenger. There are many stories that prove the love of the Companions to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, including:

Narrated from Anas ra., he said: During the battle of Uhud, the Muslims ran away from the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. Abu Talhah was in front of the Prophet, protecting him with his shield. Abu Talhah is a very fast archer. At that moment he was able to parry two or three bows. Then a man passed by. He brought a pile of spears then said, "I will scatter them for Abi Talhah". Then the Prophet saw. turned to the edge looking at the people. Then Abu Talhah said, "O Prophet of God, for the sake of my father and mother, do not step aside, then people's arrows will hit you. Let me be the one to sacrifice, not you..." (Mutafaq 'alaih)

Qais said: I saw Abu Talha's hands paralyzed, because with his hands he had guarded the Prophet. during the battle of Uhud. (Narrated by Bukhari)

In a hadith narrated from Ka'ab bin Malik when he told three friends who did not take part in the Tabuk war. Ka'ab said:

So when the time of boycott in the form of my isolation from those people lasted a long time then I walked until I climbed the fence wall of Abi Qatadah. He is my cousin and the person I love the most. Then I greeted him. By God, he did not answer my greetings. So I said, "O Abi Qatadah! I swear to you in the name of Allah, do you know that I love Allah and His Messenger very much." It is silent. So I returned to him and I swore to him again but he remained silent. Then I returned again and swore to him again, and finally he said, "Allah and His Messenger know best." Then tears flowed from my eyes, then I went until I climbed the wall. (Mutafaq 'alaih)

From Sahal bin Saad ra., that Rasulullah saw. said to Khaibar:

Said to me Qutaibah bin Said, said to me Ya'kub bin Abdurrahman from Abu Hazim, he said; Sahl bin Sa'ad ra. has informed me that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him. said at the battle of Khaibar, "I will give this banner to a man on whose hand God will give victory." He has loved Allah and His Messenger, Allah and His Messenger also love him." Said Sahal Bin Sa'ad, "Then the people went to sleep and they wondered in their hearts, which of them will be given the banner by the Messenger of God." When the time of dawn came, then the crowds faced the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him. Everyone hopes to be given a banner by Rasulullah saw. So the Messenger said, "Where is Ali bin Abi Talib?" It was said to the Messenger, "He has a sore eye, O Messenger of God! ” Then the people sent a friend to bring Ali bin Abi Talib to the presence of the Messenger of Allah. Then the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him. spat in his eyes and prayed for him, and he was healed as if he had never been sick before. Then the Messenger gave the banner to Ali bin Abi Talib. Then Ali said, "O Messenger of God!, I will fight them until they can be like us (embrace Islam)." Then the Messenger, peace be upon him. said, "Leave slowly until you stand in their courtyard, then invite them to Islam and inform them of the rights of Allah which are their obligations. So by God, truly if God gives guidance to a human because of you, it is better for you than a red camel." (Mutafaq 'alaih) spat in his eyes and prayed for him, and he was healed as if he had never been sick before. Then the Messenger gave the banner to Ali bin Abi Talib. Then Ali said, "O Messenger of God!, I will fight them until they can be like us (embrace Islam)." Then the Messenger, peace be upon him. said, "Leave slowly until you stand in their courtyard, then invite them to Islam and inform them of the rights of Allah which are their obligations. So by God, truly if God gives guidance to a human because of you, it is better for you than a red camel." (Mutafaq 'alaih) spat in his eyes and prayed for him, and he was healed as if he had never been sick before. Then the Messenger gave the banner to Ali bin Abi Talib. Then Ali said, "O Messenger of God!, I will fight them until they can be like us (embrace Islam)." Then the Messenger, peace be upon him. said, "Leave slowly until you stand in their courtyard, then invite them to Islam and inform them of the rights of Allah which are their obligations. So by God, truly if God gives guidance to a human because of you, it is better for you than a red camel." (Mutafaq 'alaih) I will fight them until they can be like us (embrace Islam).” Then the Messenger, peace be upon him. said, "Leave slowly until you stand in their courtyard, then invite them to Islam and inform them of the rights of Allah which are their obligations. So by God, truly if God gives guidance to a human because of you, it is better for you than a red camel." (Mutafaq 'alaih) I will fight them until they can be like us (embrace Islam).” Then the Messenger, peace be upon him. said, "Leave slowly until you stand in their courtyard, then invite them to Islam and inform them of the rights of Allah which are their obligations. So by God, truly if God gives guidance to a human because of you, it is better for you than a red camel." (Mutafaq 'alaih) it is better for you than a red camel.” (Mutafaq 'alaih) it is better for you than a red camel.” (Mutafaq 'alaih)

Ibnu Hibban narrated in his Sahih book: (...Then Urwah bin Mas'ud returned to his companions, and said, "O my people, indeed I have been a delegate (delegate) to kings. I have been a delegate to Kisra, Qaishar, and An -Najasyi. By God, I have never seen a leader who was highly praised by his companions the way Muhammad's companions praised Muhammad. By God, if he spits out then if it falls into the hands of one of them, he will definitely wipe it on his face and his skin. If he commands them to do something, then they will hasten to carry it out. If he performs ablution, then they will compete -like men at war - to hunt for the water from his former ablution. If he speaks, then they will lower their voices by his side.They dared not look at him solely for the sake of glorifying him…)

Muhammad bin Sirin said: There was a conversation with a group of men at the time of Umar ra., so that it seemed as if they were superior to Umar ra. on Abu Bakr ra., then it reached Umar bin Khathab ra, then he said, "By Allah, one night from Abu Bakr is more important than Umar's family. Indeed, the Messenger of Allah had gone to Tsur's cave accompanied by Abu Bakr. Abu Bakr sometimes walked in front of him and sometimes walked behind him. Until this made the Prophet curious, he said: O Abu Bakr! Why do you sometimes walk in front of me and sometimes behind me? Abu Bakr said: If I remember the people who were chasing you, then I am walking behind you, and if I remember the people who are stalking you, then I am walking in front of you. Rasulullah saw. said: O Abu Bakr, if something happens, do you like it to happen to you and not happen to me? Abu Bakr replied: True, by Allah who has sent you with the right, if there is something that hurts, then I would rather it befall me and not befall you. When the two of them had reached the cave of Tsur, Abu Bakr said: Wait for a while in your place, O Messenger of Allah!, until I clean the cave for you. Then Abu Bakr entered the cave and he cleaned (from all things that would disturb). When he was on the cave, he remembered that he had not cleaned a hole, then he said: O Messenger of Allah, stay where you are!, I will clean a hole. So he entered the cave and cleaned the hole. Then said; please come down, O Messenger of God, so the Messenger came down." Umar said, "By God, that night is more important than Umar's family." (HR. Hakim in Al-Mustadrak. He said this hadith is authentic, its isnad meets the requirements of Bukhari Muslim if it is not mursal, that is, a chain of transmission that does not directly reach the Prophet). But this hadith is a mursal hadith that can be accepted.

Anas bin Malik said: Verily the Messenger of Allah. at the time of the Uhud war he had been cornered alone with seven Ansars and two Quraysh (Muhajirin). When the enemies (musyriks) had pushed closer to him, he said, "Who can reject them from us, then he will enter heaven or become my friend in heaven." So a man from the Ansar came forward and fought the enemy until he was killed. Then the enemy again pushed closer. He said, "Who can reject them from us, then he will enter heaven or become my friend in heaven." So a man from the Ansar came forward and fought the enemy until he was killed. Things like that happened repeatedly until seven Ansars were killed. The Prophet said to his two companions (from the Muhajirin), "We are not comparable to our friends." (HR. Muslim)

Abdullah bin Hisham said: We were with the Prophet, peace be upon him, while he was holding the hand of Umar bin Khattab. Umar said, "O Messenger of Allah! I really love you more than anything except myself." Prophet peace be upon him. said, “I can't! By God until you love me more than yourself." So Umar said, "Truly from now on, for God's sake, I love you more than myself." Prophet peace be upon him. said, "Now you are right, O Umar." (HR. Bukhari).

Imam Nawawi has narrated in the Muslim Syarah about the meaning of love for the Messenger of God. from Abu Sulaiman Al-Khathaby. In the lecture it was said, "...You are not said to truly love me until you perish in obedience to me, and you care more about my pleasure than your lust, even though you must perish because of it."

Narrated from Ibn Sirin, he said: I once said to Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah, "I have some of the Prophet's hair. We received it from Anas bin Malik or from the family of Anas." So Ubaidah said, "Indeed, a piece of the Prophet's hair. I love what I have more than the world and its contents." (HR. Bukhari).

It was narrated from 'Aishah ra: So Abu Bakr said, "By God, I really love to be friendly with the relatives of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him. than to my relatives." (HR. Bukhari).

Narrated from 'Aishah ra., she said: One day Hindun bint Utbah came, she said, "O Messenger of Allah! All the inhabitants of the house that are on the face of the earth, I prefer them to be insulted than the inhabitants of your house. And there is no inhabitant of a house on the face of the earth in the morning that I love more so that they become noble than the inhabitants of your house... (Mutafaq 'alaih)

Narrated from Thariq bin Shihab, he said: I once heard Ibn Mas'ud say, "I and Miqdad bin Al-Aswad once witnessed the battle of Badr." If I become his recipient (martyr), then I prefer that to his justice." The person came to the Prophet, peace be upon him, while the Prophet, peace be upon him. is praying for the destruction of the polytheists. He said; We will not say as the people of Moses said, "Go you and your Tuham to fight". But we will fight on your right, on your left, in front and behind you. Then I saw the Prophet's face. and his words shine. (HR. Bukhari).

It is narrated from 'Aishah ra that Saad once said: O Allah, you know that there is no one I would rather fight for you than a people who denied Your Messenger and expelled him. (Mutafaq 'Alaih).

It was narrated from Abu Hurairah ra that Tsumamah bin Tsaal said: O Muhammad, by God, there was never a single face on this earth that I hated more than yours. But, in the end, your face became the face I love the most. By Allah, there was no religion that I hated more than your religion, but now your religion is the religion that I love the most. By Allah, there used to be no country that I hated more than your country, but now your country has become the country that I love the most. (Mutafaq 'alaih).

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