These are the Levels of Accepting Disaster in Islam
Rabu, 07 Juni 2023
These are the Levels of Accepting Disaster in Islam
In Islam, the levels of dealing with calamities and problems:
1. Angry (not accepting)
2. Restraint / patience (the heart may still not accept it, but restrains itself)
3. Ridha (accepting and open heart)
4. GRATEFUL for removing sins and increasing degrees
This is as explained by Shaykh Muhammad bin Salih Al-'Utsaimin Rahimahullah
"When a disaster occurs, there are 4 situations: [1] Angry, [2] Patience [3] Ridha [4] Grateful. This is the human condition when
disaster strikes.”
We get sharing of good writing (may Allah give a lot of good to the author):
Silly people create problems...
Midget people make problems worse...
People used to talk about problems….
Big people overcome problems.....
Wise people are grateful with
Creative people see opportunities from problems….
A pious person rises in rank because of a problem....
So, no problem with "problem"….
The problem is, how do we address the “problem”….
Because in essence, life is a series of "problems" after "problems".
So, make "PROBLEMS" as "Time to know Allah".
[finished quote]
Such is the teaching of Islam. Teaches wisdom to face problems and even be grateful.
Trials and calamities always come and God's intention is to cleanse our sins when we are wise in responding to them, being devoted and even being grateful. .
So that we can face God without sin at all
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alihi wa sallam said,
"Trials will always befall a believer and believer, both in himself, in his children and in his wealth, so that he meets Allah without the slightest sin." (Hr. Ahmad)
Seeing the magnitude of this virtue, on the Day of Resurrection, many people wish that they were afflicted with calamities in the world so that their sins are erased and rewarded with patience.
"People on the Day of Judgment want their skin to be cut with scissors while in the world, because they see how great the reward of those who are afflicted with trials in the world." (Hr. Baihaqi)
So hopefully useful