These are the advantages of Surah Al Fatihah, let's read it
Senin, 05 Juni 2023
These are the advantages of Surah Al Fatihah, let's read it
Every Muslim or Muslim woman is almost certain to know and even memorize Surah Al-Fatihah. Educated children from Muslim families from a young age - when learning to speak - are usually trained to memorize Al-Fatihah. As a result, this is the letter that is most often read and memorized by all humans on Earth since its descent until now, even until Doomsday.
Al-Fatihah means "the opener" comes from the word fatiha-yaftahu which means "to open something to achieve success or victory". As the name suggests, this letter is the opening of the Kitabullah Al-Qur'an which consists of 30 Juz and 114 Surahs. Al-Fatihah only consists of 7 (seven) verses whose content is the essence of the entire Qur'an. That is why it is also called Ummul Quran (mother of the Qur'an) or Ummul Kitab (mother of the Book). Surah Al-Fatihah (The Opening) which was revealed in Mecca is the first surah to be revealed completely among the surahs in the Qur'an and belongs to the group of Makkiyyah surahs.
Features of the Seven Repeated Verses
Although almost all Muslims often read and memorize Surah Al-Fatihah, unfortunately, it turns out that there are still many Muslims who do not understand the meaning and content of Surah Al-Fatihah, which is short (brief) but noble and noble. Even though understanding its content means understanding the outline of the teachings of the Koran. Actually there is no reason not to understand the meaning of Surah Al-Fatihah because we can easily find the translation of the Koran, as well as many books that discuss this surah. This is the translation of Surah Al-Fatihah:
By mentioning the name of God Most Gracious and Most Merciful . All praise be to Allah, Lord of the universe . Most Generous yet Most Compassionate. Who dominates on the Day of Retribution . Only You do we worship, and only You do we ask for help. Show us the straight path, (that is) the path of those whom You have favored; not (the path) of those who are angry and not (also the path) of those who go astray . (Al-Fatihah: 1-7)
Because Surah Al-Fatihah is the mother of all the contents of the Koran, every Muslim is required to read it in each prayer cycle. Because of that it is also called As Sab'ul matsaany (seven repeated) because the verses are seven and are read repeatedly in each of our prayers, both the fardhu five times and the sunnah. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala states about this,
And verily We have given you seven verses which are recited repeatedly and the great Qur'an. (Al-Hijr: 87)
Regarding the relationship between Surat Al-Fatihah and prayer, Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said, "There is no prayer for those who do not read the opening of the Al-Kitab (Surat Al-Fatihah) (HR. Bukhari and Muslim) .
Furthermore, in Sahih Muslim from Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu'anhu from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he said, "Whoever performs a prayer that does not read the Ummul Qur'an in it, his prayer is lame -three times- that is, it is not perfect." So it was asked to Abu Hurairah, "What if we are behind the imam?" He replied, “Read it for yourselves, because indeed I heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam say,
“Allah ta'ala said: 'I divided the prayer (Al-Fatihah) between Me and My servant into two parts. And my servant will get what he asks for.' If the servant reads , 'Alhamdulillahi Rabbil 'alamin' , then Allah ta'ala replies, 'My servant has praised Me'. If he reads, 'Ar Rahmanirrahim' then Allah ta'ala replied, 'My servant flatters Me'. If he reads, 'Maliki yaumid din' then Allah says, 'My servant magnifies me'. Then Allah said, 'My servant has surrendered to Me'. If he reads , 'Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaka nasta'in' , Allah will answer, 'This is the portion for Me and the portion for My servant. And my servant will certainly get his request.'. and if he reads,'Ihdinash shirathal mustaqim, shirathalladziina an'amta 'alaihim ghairil maghdhubi 'alaihim wa ladh dhaalliin" then God said, 'This is the right of My servant and he will get what he asked for.'"
Surah Al-Fatihah is also called "Asy Syifa" which means Healer. A friend of Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam once treated people who were stung by poison with this Surah. Alhamdulillah with Allah's permission he recovered. Narrated by Abu Said Al-Hudri ra: In fact, some of the Prophet's companions came to an Arab village and the villagers did not welcome them, they were all the same, when their village head was stung by a poisonous animal, they asked: "Can you treat it? ” Friends replied: "Because you don't entertain us, we can treat you as long as there is a reward." So they promised a goat in return. Then the friend recited Ummul Qur'an (Al-Fatihah), and he collected his saliva and spat (stung) . So the village leader recovered and gave him a goat. The companions said: "We did not take it before asking the Prophet Shollallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam ". So we asked the Prophet and he laughed. And the Prophet said: "How come you know surah Al-Fatihah can be used for healing, take the reward and give me a share".
Summary of the Contents of Surah Al-Fatihah
The first verse is called basmallah, namely Bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim ( In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful ). Meaning: I started reading this al-Fatihah by saying the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful. Every good work should begin by mentioning the name of Allah, such as eating, drinking, slaughtering animals and so on. Allah is the name of the Most Holy Being, who has the right to be truly worshiped, who does not need His creatures, but creatures who need Him. Ar Rahmaan (Most Gracious): one of Allah's names which gives the sense that Allah bestows His gifts on His creatures, while ar Rahiim (Most Merciful) gives the understanding that Allah is always merciful which causes Him to always bestow His mercy on His creatures.
Alhamdu lillahi robbil 'aalamin (all praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds) . Praising people is because of his good deeds that he did of his own accord. So praising Allah means: praising Him for His good deeds. It is different with gratitude which means: acknowledging one's primacy for the favors he gives. We face all praise to Allah because Allah is the source of all goodness that is worthy of praise.
Rabb (God) means: God obeyed Who Owns, Educates and Sustains. The rabb pronunciation cannot be used other than Allah, unless there is a connection, such as rabbul bait (host). 'Alamiin (the universe): everything created by God which consists of various types and kinds, such as: the human world, the animal world, the natural plants, inanimate objects and so on. Allah is the creator of all the worlds.
“O mankind, worship your Lord, who created you and those before you so that you may be pious. He is the one who made the earth a stretch for you and the sky a roof, and it is he who sends down rainwater from the sky, then thanks to that water Allah grows various fruits as sustenance for you, so do not make partners for Allah when you know .” (QS. Al Baqarah: 21-22)
'Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim' (The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful) are two names of Allah that show one of Allah's attributes, namely rahmah (compassion). Ar Rahman is included in the category of Allah's name which can only be used to refer to Allah. While the name Ar Rahim has been mentioned in the Qur'an, it is permissible to use it to refer to other than Him according to the Qur'anic information about the nature of the Prophet Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam,
"Indeed, an Apostle has come to you from among you, he feels heavy with what is difficult for you, and he is very eager to do good for you, and he is very gentle and loves those who believe." (QS. At Tawba: 128)
Ibnu Katsir revealed when explaining the basmalah interpretation at the beginning of Surah Al-Fatihah, "The conclusion that can be drawn is that some of the names of Allah ta'ala can be used to name other than Him, and some can only be used to name Himself -such as the name Allah, Ar Rahman, Al Khaliq, Ar Raziq and so on-."
'Maliki yaumid din' (King Who Rules the Day of Judgment ) denotes the obligation to believe in monotheism mulkiyah . Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is the rabb of everything and its Ruler or King. The entire kingdom of heaven and earth and whatever is in between belongs to Him. He is the King who rules the world and the hereafter. Allah 'azza wa jalla said,
"To Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and everything that is in them, and He is sovereign over all things." (Al Ma'idah: 120).
"Glory be to God in Whose hands is the kingdom and He is Almighty over all things." (Al-Mulk: 1).
“Say; Who in His hand has dominion over everything, He protects and no one can be protected from His torment, if you really know? Then they will answer, 'Allah'. Say; Then from which side are you deceived?” (QS. Al Mu'minun: 88-89)
Belief in Tawhidullah (oneness of Allah) is contained in four verses of Al-Fatihah, where it is stated emphatically that all praise and thanksgiving for a favor is due to Allah, because Allah is the Creator and the source of all the blessings found in nature. Among these blessings are: the pleasure of creating, the pleasure of educating and growing, because the word Rabb in the sentence Rabbul-'aalamiin does not only mean the Creator of the Universe., but also contains the meaning of tarbiyah, namely educating, organizing, managing and growing. This shows that all the blessings that a person sees in himself and in all these worlds come from God, because He is the Almighty in this world. Education, care and growth by God in nature must be considered and thought deeply by humans, so that it becomes a source of various kinds of knowledge that can increase human belief in the majesty and glory of God, and be useful for society.
Al-Fatihah strengthens belief in the Hereafter, the Day of Judgment when humans are held accountable for all their actions. What is meant by the King Who Controls the Day of Judgment is that on that day Allah is in control, everything submits to His majesty while hoping for favors and fearing His punishment. This implies a promise to reward good deeds and threats to bad deeds.
Since faith (monotheism) is a fundamental problem, in the letter of Al-Fatihah it is not enough to state it with a gesture, but it is confirmed and complemented by verse 5, namely: Iyyaaka na'budu wa iyyaka nasta'iin (only You are the we worship, and only to You we ask for help). This is tawhidul Ibadat , which is servitude, devotion, and submission that is solely directed to God. Na'budu is taken from the word abida-ya'budu ibadah which is obedience and submission brought about by the submission of the heart and feeling towards the greatness of God, as the God who is worshipped, because of the belief that God has absolute power over him. Nasta'iin (ask for help), taken from the word isti'aanah : expecting help to be able to finish a job that cannot be done by one's own strength.
This great letter also teaches us to pray to God. Praying must begin by praising God with all his glorious attributes, glorifying His Names and then expressing readiness to be united in worship and acknowledging God as a place of supplication. The best prayer is to ask for God's guidance to the straight path which is the path of happiness and how to follow that path to obtain happiness in this world and the hereafter. The meaning of "Hidayah" here is the guidance that is the reason for obtaining safety, happiness in the world and the hereafter, both regarding beliefs and morals, laws and other lessons from the knowledge of God found in the Qur'an. God said,
Verily, this Qur'an gives instructions to a straighter (path) and gives glad tidings to the believers who do good deeds that they will have a great reward. (Al Israa: 17)
And thus We revealed to you the revelation (Al-Qur'an) by Our command. Before you did not know what the Book (Al-Qur'an) was nor did you know what faith was, but We made the Al-Qur'an a light, with which We show whom We will among Our servants. And indeed you (Muhammad) really guide to the straight path. (As-shura:52)
The sentence, "Ihdinash shirathal musataqiim" (Show us to the straight path) is the main request of every Muslim to his Lord. A request that is not selfish because it is not for oneself but for the Muslim community that is the Muslim Ummah as a whole. Asking for the best in life is asking for the favor of guidance whose value far exceeds other needs and desires on the face of the Earth.. There is nothing more important than the guidance of life, as stated by the Messenger of Allah Shallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam to his friend Ali bin Abi Tholib, " And If Allah guides someone because of you, then that is better for you than the world and all its contents" (HR. Muslim)
The Qur'an explains what Shirotol Mustaqim means with the next verse, namely "Shirathalladzinaa an'aamta alayhim" (ie the way of those whom You have bestowed favors upon them) . What is meant by people who are given favors in this verse, are the Prophets, the shiddieqiin (people who truly believe), shuhadaa' (people who died martyrs), shaalihiin (people who are pious) as mentioned in in the Koran
And whoever obeys Allah and His (His) Messenger, they will be together with people who are bestowed with favors by Allah, namely: the Prophets, the shiddiiqiin, people who died martyrs, and pious people. And they are the best of friends. (An Nisaa: 69)
Then it was confirmed that the road was "groiril maghduubi alayhim waladh-dhooliiin ". ( Not the path of those who are angry and those who are lost ). The meaning is not those who do not obtain the light of guidance and walk in ignorance of the truth of Allah, the Messenger, and the teachings of Islam. Whoever they are astray and those whom God is angry with is clearly mentioned by the Qur'an. In the interpretation of Ibnu Abbas it is mentioned that Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam said, "Al yahuudu maghduubun 'alayhim wan nashoro dhooluun" (Jews are angered by God's behavior while Christians are lost)
Jews with their behavior are an example of those who were cursed and angered by God throughout human history.. due to their evil against preaching from the time of Prophet Moses Alaihis Salaam to our present day... While Christians often make lies against God, as a result their faith in God is messed up balau and mixed with falsehood... The Qur'an repeatedly tells the stories of the Prophets and the stories of other ancient people who opposed God. Some of them went astray and some were angered by God... The stories are meant as an important lesson for Muslims and to be their guide throughout life.
Because it is the parent of the Al-Qur'an, the content of Surat Al-Fatihah is very vast like an ocean that has no edge. What we have summarized here is just a drop from the vastness of God's knowledge in this great letter.
Wallahu a'lam (usb/dakwatuna