
These are the 7 Names of Fruits Mentioned in the Al Quran and Their Benefits

These are the 7 Names of Fruits Mentioned in the Al Quran and Their Benefits


There are several fruits whose names are mentioned in the Qur'an. Even his name has been mentioned more than once. That shows how great the fruits below are.

The Qur'an only lists about 7 of them and the rest are not mentioned. The 7 fruits are Khuldi Fruit, Grapes, Figs, Olives, Bananas, Pomegranates, and Dates. Well, now we discuss one by one about the fruit.

7 Names of Fruits Mentioned in the Qur'an and Their Properties

1. Khuldi fruit

The Khuldi fruit is a forbidden fruit from heaven which has caused our Father (Prophet Adam as.) and our Mother (Siti Hawa) to be sent down from heaven as a result of eating this fruit. As what has been written in the Qur'an. Allah says:

So he made them arrogant, and when they tasted the tree, their disgrace appeared to them, and they began to fill them with leaves of paradise. ۖ And their Lord called out to them: Did I not forbid you both from that?
The tree and I tell you both that Satan is an avowed enemy to you

" So the devil persuaded them both (to eat the fruit) with deception. When both of them had tasted the fruit of the tree, their private parts became visible to both of them, and they both began to cover them with the leaves of heaven. Then their Lord called them: "Didn't I forbid both of you from that tree and I said to you: "Surely the devil is a clear enemy for both of you ?" (QS. Al-A'raaf: 22)

Satan whispered to him. He said, "O Adam, shall I direct you to the tree of eternity and a kingdom that does not wear out?"

" Then the devil whispered evil thoughts to him, saying: "O Adam, will I show you a tree of khuldi and a kingdom that will not perish? (QS. Thaha: 120)

So they ate from it, and their shame became apparent to them, and they began to divide them from the leaves of Paradise. And Adam disobeyed his Lord. So he seduced

"So they both ate from the fruit of the tree, then their private parts became visible to them and they both began to cover them with the leaves (that are in) heaven, and Adam disobeyed God and went astray. " (QS. Thaha: 121)

We don't know exactly what the fruit looks like. However, there are dozens of fruits that are considered as khuldi fruits. Five of them are the fruit of the fig/fig tree, grapes, tomatoes, apples and wheat.

2. Grapes

Grapes are one of those plants known to mankind for a long time. Wine has been known since the time of Prophet Noah as. The plants that bear sweet and delicious fruit grow upwards, opposite the tips of their buds, and in the direction of the grape supports. This delicious fruit is mentioned in the Koran 14 times. One of them is in QS. An-Nahl verse 11 which reads:

He grows for you through it the crops, the olives, the palm trees, the grapes, and all kinds of fruits. Indeed, in that is a sign for a people who destroy Ron

“ He makes plants grow for you with the rain; olives, dates, grapes and all kinds of fruit. Indeed, in that there is a sign (of Allah's power) for people who think. ” (QS. An-Nahl: 11)

These grapes are very good to eat either fresh or dry. Grapes are a fruit that is easily digested, can be fattening, and can supply sufficient nutrition. Green and red grapes have the same properties, both of which can be used as fruit, food, drink, or as medicine.

As a medicine, grapes have a very high nutritional content. Tahlbah revealed, wine is believed to be able to treat coughs, purify the blood, cleanse the intestines, digestion, and is even beneficial for people with stomach ailments. Not only that, grapes can also be used for anyone who wants to go on a diet (regulate food patterns).

Grape juice, according to him, can help cure hemorrhoids (hemorrhoids), digestive disorders, kidney stones and gallbladder disorders. For this reason, researchers recommend drinking a glass of grape juice, before breakfast and before dinner.

Even drinking a glass of wine before going to bed can help you get a good night's sleep without annoying insomnia. Grape juice is also good for people who are poisoned, exhausted or in convalescence or have kidney stones (urine stones).

3. Figs

Figs are not found in the Hijaz or Medina areas. The Qur'an only mentions it once and in one place, namely in QS. At-Tiin verse 1.

Figs contain a very high sugar element and also contain the main salts, such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and a number of vitamins, such as vitamins A and B. In addition, they also contain vitamin K which is included in the blood clotting process and functions to stop bleeding.

The benefits of figs are as follows:

- To treat constipation
Brew 3 to 4 dry figs in a glass of cold water in the evening, then in the morning eat the fruit and drink the water.

- To treat intestinal or stomach disease
Cut 6 to 7 dried figs, then immerse in olive oil, mixed with a few pieces of lime, then leave it for one whole night and these pieces of figs can be eaten with the water in the morning.

- To treat wounds and boils
Cover the dried figs that have been boiled with milk to break up these dry figs so that the insides are completely exposed. Simmer for a few minutes with plain milk. After it's cold, cover the wound with this mixture and place the inside of the fig just above the wound, then tie it with a cloth and renew this bandage three to four times a day.

- To treat irregular menstruation
Boil 25-30 fig leaves in one liter of water, then drink. This herb is used to treat coughs as well as menstrual disorders, and launch menstruation. This herb also functions as a mouthwash and cures inflammation of the gums.

- A decoction of dried figs
This herb can help improve urination and breast milk.

4. Olives

In QS. An-Nahl verse 11, God says:

He grows for you through it the crops, the olives, the palm trees, the grapes, and all kinds of fruits. Indeed, in that is a sign for a people who destroy Ron

“ He makes plants grow for you with the rain; olives, dates, grapes and all kinds of fruit. Verily, in that there is a sign (of Allah's power) for a people who reflect." (QS. An-Nahl: 11)

The benefits of olives are not only limited to linoleic acid. For example, the element chlorine it contains can improve liver function more completely, thereby facilitating the body in removing waste materials. Because it also contributes to the body's framework, olives thus make the body strong and long live. These elements are also good for brain artery fibers.

In addition to the benefits already mentioned, olive oil is an important source of human nutrition. Unlike solid butter, olive oil does not raise blood cholesterol levels; instead it keeps control over it. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend the use of olives in terms of cooking. Meanwhile, whether hot or cold, olive oil reduces the amount of digestive acids and thus protects the stomach from inflammatory bowel diseases and stomach ulcers. Olive oil also makes irregular movements of the gallbladder.

Studies have also revealed that olive oil has a certain ability to prevent the onset of coronary artery disease through reducing the level of LDL, a type of cholesterol that is detrimental to health, while increasing the level of cholesterol that is beneficial to HDL health in the blood.

Vitamins E, A, D and K in the blood are essential for bone growth and mineral levels in the bodies of children and adults. It strengthens the bones by stabilizing calcium. Olive oil is a vital element in building body organisms. Such antioxidant elements and fatty acids such as linoleic acid, which are very important for humans, enhance hormones and synthesize the membranes of biological cells. Since these vitamins renew cells, they are also used to treat complaints related to one's age and skin care.

5. Bananas

Bananas are a fruit mentioned in the Qur'an as one of the fruits of heaven. As in QS. Al-Waqi'ah verse 29. In the letter Allah says:

and a ripe date

"And banana trees are stacked (fruit) " (QS. Al-Waqi'ah: 29)

Like all other gifts, the bananas enjoyed by the inhabitants of heaven will certainly be far more perfect than the bananas that can be imagined now available in the world. After all, the bananas available in heaven will never go bad and will have a taste and smell that we cannot possibly imagine today. However, even in this world Allah has created a kind of fruit that is very similar to what is in heaven and has prepared it for us.

Banana is a very nutritious fruit, consisting of water (75%), protein (1.3%) and fat (0.6%). Each banana also contains sufficient amounts of carbohydrates and potassium. Besides helping to cure many diseases, bananas are highly recommended for treating fever, digestive system disorders, cramps, and sprains. The high amount of potassium it contains (0.24%) facilitates the removal of waste from the body.

6. Pomegranate

In QS. Al-An'aam verse 141, Allah says:

And He it is Who has produced gardens, trellised and untrellised, and palm trees and crops of various fruits, and olives and pomegranates Eat of its fruit when it bears fruit, and give it its due on the day of its harvest, and do not be wasteful. He does not like the extravagant

" And He is the One who made the gardens that are raised and those that are not raised, palm trees, plants with various fruits, olives and pomegranates that are similar (in shape and color) and not the same (in taste). Eat from the fruit (of that variety) when it bears fruit, and fulfill its right on the day of picking the fruit (by giving charity to the poor); and do not exaggerate. Indeed, Allah does not like people who are excessive. " (QS. Al-An'am: 141)

Pomegranate is another type of fruit mentioned in the Qur'an, containing a large volume of potassium, apart from other minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, iron, and sodium, and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, and C. Reacting with sodium, potassium regulates the body's water balance and keeps the heart rate normal. By maintaining the balance of potassium-sodium levels, this fruit also supports the sensitivity of nerves and muscles to function regularly, prevents edema, and reduces the level of sugar circulating in the blood. Pomegranate relieves muscle fatigue and allows them to move easily, and also strengthens the heart.

7. Dates

Dates, the fruit mentioned in Surah Maryam, the tree grows in the arid desert with hot temperatures and has many benefits. Allah identified the healing properties of this fruit by telling Maryam, who was in labor, to eat the flesh of the dates.

" Then Gabriel called to him from a low place: 'Do not be sad, indeed your Lord has made a stream below you. And shake the base of the date tree towards you, the tree will surely drop ripe dates to you, so eat, drink, and be merry ..." (QS. Maryam: 24-26)

Allah has a specific purpose by calling us to pay attention to the date palm. Examining the contents of this fruit will make us understand more about that divine purpose. Dates, which contain 50% sugar, are very nutritious because their flesh consists of fructose and glucose, both of which are high in calories, and are easily and quickly digested. The sugar content calms nervous nerves and gives a sense of security to the psyche. It's certain that every birth always takes out a lot of blood, which in itself means that the amount of blood sugar spilled is quite a lot.

Because the lost sugar must be replaced, the involvement of dates, as in Maryam's birth, has real benefits as an addition. Dates also reduce blood pressure. Even though the meat is very beneficial, it is not comparable to the greater benefits of fresh dates in all respects. Eating too much meat, which undeniably contains a lot of protein, is not impossible at the same time can lead to poisoning. So, light foods such as vegetables, fruits, which are of course easy to digest, should be more of an option.

At the same time, fresh dates provide great benefits to the brain. Dates, containing 2.2% protein, also contain many types of vitamins A, B1, and B2. These proteins protect the body from disease and infection, support the body's cells to renew themselves, and balance the body's fluids. Vitamin A improves eye sight and body strength, as well as strong bones and teeth.

Vitamin B1 facilitates nerve tissue to function perfectly healthy, helps the body convert carbohydrates into energy, regulates appetite and digestion, and empowers the metabolism of protein and fat. Vitamin B2 facilitates the burning of the aforementioned proteins, carbohydrates, and fats which are necessary for energy supply and cell renewal.

In addition, dates also contain many minerals that are essential for the body (such as potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, manganese and copper). When potassium and sodium work together, they act as a regulator of the rhythm of the heartbeat. By facilitating the transfer of oxygen to the brain, potassium can promote clear thinking. Furthermore, it provides adequate alkaline content in body fluids, stimulates the kidneys to remove toxic metabolic wastes, helps reduce high blood pressure, and promotes the formation of healthy skin.

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