Senin, 05 Juni 2023
1. Abu Bakr's will before he died
When Abu Bakr felt that his death was approaching, he called his daughter Aisyah Radhiyallahu 'Anha and conveyed his will to her, "O my daughter, in fact we are appointed as leaders of the Muslims, we do not take dinars or dirhams, but we eat from the impact of their food, we wear something coarse from their clothes, nothing remains of us from the property of the Muslims other than an Abyssal slave, a water-carrying camel, and a worn velvet cloth. If I die later give it all to Umar.
Also look at the camel that we used to milk for us to drink, the bowl in which we put side dishes, and the velvet cloth that we used to wear, all of which we have taken advantage of when we became leaders of the Muslim community. If I die scatter all that to Umar."
2. The death of Abu Bakr and his will regarding his inheritance
Abu Bakar's illness, according to his daughter Aisyah, started when he took a shower on Monday, Friday, when the weather was very cold. He then fell fever for 15 days until he could not go out to lead the congregational prayers at the mosque. During that time he ordered Umar to replace him. Day after day the fever got worse. People came to visit him. Uthman was the person who accompanied Abu Bakr the most during his illness.
Then Abu Bakr bequeathed a fifth of his wealth. He said, “I take from my wealth as much as the share that Allah has determined from the wealth of the Muslims to be used in the way of Allah. I prefer to bequeath a fifth of property than a quarter, and bequeathing a quarter of property is preferable to me than a third, because a third leaves nothing."
In every prayer, Abu Bakar always said, "O Allah, make the best moment of my life at the end, the best part of my last deed, and the best of my days is the day when I face you."
When his illness got worse, his daughter Aisyah came to visit him. At that time Abu Bakr was struggling to face death. Aisyah also expressed this situation by reciting a verse. Hearing that Abu Bakr immediately opened his eyes and said, "It's not like that, but you should say, " And death will come in truth. That's what you want to avoid first. ” (QS. Qaf [50]: 19)
Then Abu Bakr asked the princess, "How many pieces of cloth did you use to shroud the Prophet sallallaahu Alaihi wa Sallam?" Aisyah replied, "Three pieces of white cloth, without a robe and without a head covering." Then Abu Bakr asked again, "On the day the Prophet died?" Aisha replied, "Monday." Abu Bakr asked, "What day is it now?" Aisha replied, "Monday." Abu Bakr said, "I think I will die in the span of time from now until tonight." Then Abu Bakr's eyes fell on the white cloth that was usually used to cover him. There are traces of za'faran oil there. He also ordered Aisyah to wash it to be used as one of the shrouds, all she had to do was add two more pieces of cloth. Aisha said, "But this cloth is worn out." Abu Bakr replied, "People who are still alive have more right to new clothes than the dead. The truth is that the cloth will be eaten by caterpillars.” Finally Abu Bakr went to his Lord on the afternoon of Tuesday,
Abu Bakr had made a will that Asma' bint Umais wash his body, assisted by Abdurrahman bin Abu Bakr, and that he be buried beside the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam.
3. Management of Abu Bakar's body
Abu Bakar's body was washed and shrouded in accordance with the will he conveyed before he died. Then he was prayed over by the Muslims led by Umar. His body was placed between the tomb and the Prophet's pulpit. After that dug the ground next to the grave of the Prophet. His head was roughly level with the Prophet's shoulders. Lalahnya hole attached to the tomb of the Prophet. Those who went down into his grave were Umar bin Khaththab , Talhah, Uthman, and Abdurrahman bin Abu Bakr. Then the grave was backfilled with earth. Simultaneously there was an earthquake in Mecca.
Abu Quhafah asked, "What is this?" Answered, "Your son died." Abu Quhafah said, "It is truly a great calamity. Who replaced him?” Answered, "Umar." Abu Quhafah said, "He is his companion."
4. Age of Abu Bakr and the period of his caliphate
Abu Bakr's caliphate was about two years and three months and several days. According to the agreed history, he died at the age of 63 years.
5. Abu Bakr's wife and children
Abu Bakr was married to four wives, namely Qutailah bint Abdul Uzza, Umm Ruman bint Amir, Asma' bint Umais, and Habibah bint Kharijah.
Abu Bakr was blessed with six children, three sons and three daughters. The sons were named Abdullah, Abdurrahman, and Muhammad, while the daughters were Aisyah, the mother of the believers, Asma', the owner of two belts, and Umm Kulthum, who was born some time after Abu Bakr died.
That is Abu Bakr, however the writers write, the extollers praise, the preachers talk about, and people spread about his virtues and position, they will not change their position in the sight of Allah, unless they are elevating their own position. That is when they position themselves as people who deserve to talk about this noble figure, an honorable human being, and a caliph who seems to have descended from the sky.
S e l e s a i . . .