
Spread it! Reflections on Life in the World

Spread it! Reflections on Life in the World


These are among the best writings of Sheikh Ali Thanthawi Egypt Rahimahullah:

When you die, don't be sad. Don't care about your body which is starting to wither, because the Muslims will take care of your body.
They will strip you of your clothes, wash you & shroud you then take you to your new place, the grave.

There will be many people who will deliver your body, they will even leave their job to bury you. & maybe many will no longer think about your advice one day.. Your goods will be packed; your keys, your book, your suitcase, your shoes & clothes. If your family agrees, the items will be donated to benefit you.

Rest assured; the world & the universe will not be sad with your departure.
The economy will continue!
Your job position will be filled by someone else.
Your wealth becomes lawful property for your heirs. While you will be counted & counted for the small & the big of your wealth!

Sorrow for you is 3;
People who know you at a glance will say, pity.
Your friends will be sad for a few hours or a few days then they will return to normal & laugh with laughter!
At home there is a deep sadness! Your family will be sad for a week or two, a month and two months, and maybe up to a year?
Next they put you in the archives of memories!

Thus "Your story has ended in the midst of mankind".
And your true story has just begun, Hereafter!!
Glory, wealth, health, and children have been destroyed.
You have left your home, palace and beloved wife.
Now real life has begun.

The question is:
What are your preparations for your grave & your Hereafter?
This fact requires reflection.

Try earnestly; Carrying out obligations, things that are sunnah,
secret alms, keeping good deeds secret,
night prayers. I hope you are safe.

If you remind people with this writing, God willing, the effect you will find in the balance of your goodness on the Day of Judgment. "Give a warning, because the warning benefits the believers"

(Translated by Ust. Ainul Haris, may God forgive him)

Hope it is useful :)

Ref: @ tausiyahku _

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