Senin, 05 Juni 2023
Da'wah, conveying the message of Islam to non-Muslims, is the duty of Muslims. Allah SWT orders and guides us in the Qur'an to do da'wah (with certain rules):
"Call (people) to the path of your Lord with wisdom and good lessons and argue with them in a good way. Verily, your Lord is the One who knows best who is lost from His path and He is the Best Knower of those who are guided. " (QS. 16:125)
The four key words that must be underlined in this verse are "cry out", "man", "good lesson", and "good way". Many preachers and Islamic organizations around the world carry out their missionary activities based on this verse.
For them, inviting someone to convert to Islam means gently inviting, caring, polite, and so on. For example, we cannot "invite" a non-Muslim to learn about Islam, or study Islam, or get him interested in Islam, by calling him an infidel, unclean person, or other bad names. Rasulullah SAW did not even allow idol worshipers (who not only opposed the teachings of Rasulullah SAW, but also threw camel dung at him, exiled Muslims for three years and killed their closest friends, and so on) to be denounced in a sarcastic poem by Hassan bin Thabit which saying “What if actually I am related to them?” (HR Bukhari, from Aisha)
We should follow the Sunnah of the Messenger of God by not insulting others. In that way, we should have good morals, as taught by Islam, and thus be the best exponents of Islam, and such should be the nature of true preachers. A Muslim who makes the name of Islam bad by behaving extreme, harsh, high emotions, unwilling to listen to other people's opinions, narrow-minded, dogmatic, and other things that are not taught in Islam, will only make the work of preachers more difficult. difficult People like that only make the name of Islam worse in today's age, where many people have a negative view of Islam.
We must also remember the command from Allah to Prophet Musa (as) and Harun (as):
“Go both of you to Pharaoh, verily he has transgressed; then speak to him both in gentle words, hopefully he will remember or be afraid." (Qur'an 20:43-44)
Even to Pharaoh, who killed many innocent people by boiling them in a boiling kettle of oil, who claimed to be a god, we must speak softly, especially to those who are better than him.
The next important word is “man.” This means ALL HUMANS, without exception. Every non-Muslim is a potential convert to Islam who can receive guidance even if they are very anti-Islamic or bad-tempered. Remember that Umar bin Khattab ra and Khalid bin Walid ra, before they both converted to Islam were very anti-Islamic people. A Muslim should not be too picky with whom he interacts. There are at least three reasons for this:
1. It is better for us to explain Islam to anyone, even if they are hostile, cynical, and critical, than to let them learn on their own and find themselves learning from wrong sources, or even worse, from anti-Islamic websites, etc. . By preaching, at least we can introduce the true teachings of Islam to them. 'You think this is a waste of time? Read reason number 2.
2. The purpose of preaching is not to convert non-Muslims to Islam, but to convey the message of Islam to them in the best way we can, and that means "with wisdom and good teaching." Their acceptance or rejection of Islam is up to them. The success of da'wah is not in our hands. Only Allah has the power to give hidayah (guidance) to whoever He wills, even the Prophet Muhammad did not have the power to do that. Remember that even the Prophet Muhammad could not convert Abu Talib, his own uncle, to Islam.
3. A Muslim who has tried to get the attention of non-Muslims must have experienced difficulties in preaching. Of course preaching to non-Muslims is not as easy as preaching to devout Muslims, for example those who often go to the mosque, attend Islamic lectures, seminars, da'wah programs, etc., and those who are already interested in Islam.
The next key words in verse 16:125 are "wisdom" and "good lesson." Let's discuss both, briefly. We must prepare an effective strategy so that our preaching to non-Muslims is successful. One strategy that was quite successful will be described as follows:
PURPOSE: To convey the message of Islam, and share the beauty of Islam.
Our goal is NOT to convert non-Muslims to Islam, because these non-Muslims must make the decision to convert to Islam with their heart, not because they are forced to. Of course, if he chooses to convert to Islam, Alhamdulillah; and we will provide all the help he needs during and after he converts to Islam. Our role is to help that person to find his true self, and to find the right direction and purpose in his life. Studying the teachings of Islam is a spiritual journey for him, and he will receive help and guidance from Allah; our role is simply to help him as best we can in his journey.
1. The method of approaching a non-Muslim is up to us. One way is to have private discussions, so that non-Muslims feel closer to Islam. Before talking about Islam, we have to get to know him first – ask him about him, his family, his job, etc. (but only if he wants to talk about it). Be a genuine friend to him. Take care of him. This is part of Islamic da'wah. Being a good Muslim is the best method of preaching. By knowing more about him, you can also plan the most effective approaches and strategies to teach him Islam. Everyone is different, and requires a different approach. Also try to find out how much he knows about Islam, and about its misconceptions, problems, or any doubts he has regarding Islam. With regard to how to start a conversation, an experienced da'i usually starts a conversation about Islam with a topic. An opening question to try, for example: "How did you know about Islam the first time?" Or “Do you know of any good books on Islam?” Or ask him about the news in the media that highlights Muslims, and afterwards ask him if he knows about Islam and Muslims. Do this gently, and kindly – don't make the discussion look like an interview or even worse, like an interrogation. Pull away, let him do most of the talking, and help him feel as comfortable as possible. Depending on the situation,
2. Don't spend too much time talking about Islam with people you usually meet. Give knowledge about Islam to him little by little, so that he can understand it more easily. Never give a book or Quran just like that. Always start with a small brochure, and continue with articles. While the Koran or books about Islam is better given after he repeatedly asked for it. Never give more than one book at a time, and follow his progress whether he has read the book or not, and ask him some questions.
3. Try to find out the background of the non-Muslim. This will help us to plan the most appropriate approach to preaching. Non-Muslims are not the same. Each of them is different, each has its own challenges, and each may require a different approach. For example, there are people who tend to question everything and are often quite skeptical – a preacher has to explain everything in detail, come up with plausible explanations to convince them. Others tend to face problems with their families if they convert to Islam.
4. Be rational (don't be emotional), and be gentle in your approach, even if he is aggressive or angry, or even insults you. Keep appreciating it. Allah has given each person a mind to think and a heart to feel, and he is bound by his own opinions and feelings. Avoid confrontation, and don't feel that there is a "war" or debate you have to "win."
5. Don't get too excited or exaggerate your preaching. When you notice his body language or the look on his face that looks like he's lost interest, stop the discussion. You have to defuse his tension, for example by offering him a drink, or introducing him to your other da'wah friends. Remember that da'wah is a long process, and cannot be done in just one meeting, or in several meetings – it requires consistent effort and patience.
6. Let him set the rhythm. For each person, learning Islam is a very personal experience, and it is important that he has time to digest it for himself. Do not set any time limits, but gently lead him step by step until he is ready. It is very important that he does not feel any pressure, as this will put him in the wrong frame of mind and not know the joy and serenity of Islamic teachings.
7. Dakwah is an exchange of thoughts and views. Make the conversation a two-way conversation, not just the one direction proposed by the preacher. Many non-Muslims, although they have very little knowledge of Islamic teachings, have ideas and beliefs that are similar to those of Islam. They also often provide good and wise comments and points of view, which are really useful for the preacher.
8. If our target is more than five people, the discussion can be changed to be like giving a lecture to a group of people. In such cases, hold a question-and-answer session after the lecture and distribute flyers after the lecture. Or you can also form a discussion group. Discussion groups are the best where the preacher has more opportunities to get closer to new people.
9. Debate does not match the preaching method. The main debate is that we are trying to bring down our opponent by exposing and attacking the weaknesses of our opponent that we know. Debates can be entertainment for Muslims, but torture for opposing groups; and this will not be able to win their sympathy. Often, a preacher wins a debate but cannot win the sympathy of the person being debated, thus making all his efforts in vain.
10. Spreading brochures and da'wah from one house to another is a method that can also be tried in preaching. Distribution of flyers is like sowing seeds from an airplane, some will fall on the rocks, some will fall on the rocks, some will be in the river, in the desert, and some will fall on fertile soil so that the seeds will grow. When using this approach, keep the flyer simple and readable in three to five minutes. This brochure must include the address and telephone number of your missionary organization. A Christian missionary organization has succeeded in spreading religion with a 'door-knock' system. In this case, we must politely ask permission to enter the non-Muslim's house. The meeting must be ended when you see that the host's face or body language is uncomfortable.
1. Introduce the beauty of Islam such as monotheism and the relationship between man and God. Start from a positive aspect.
2. As much as possible, keep discussing the main and important principles in Islam. Try to avoid less important issues (ikhtilaf), for example the Sunni-Shi'a problem. If the interlocutor discusses such matters, give short answers, and then try to redirect him to basic principles, so that he does not see Islam in the wrong light. At the same time, if there is a certain aspect of Islam – or a misunderstanding – that bothers him, discuss it and try to help clear up his doubts.
3. Emphasize the universalism of Islam (eg, Allah as the God of all creatures, the only one worthy of worship) – the fact that Islam is a way of life that completes all of God's revelations since the time of Prophet Adam; thus Islam teaches many of the same values and principles that also exist in other major religions. Thus, Islam is not a different and separate religion without any relationship with other religions. Don't criticize or criticize other religions. As much as possible, avoid comparing Islam with other religions, just tell the teachings of Islam itself.
4. It is often more appropriate to introduce Islam as a way to find answers to today's social problems, which often makes many people disappointed. Explain that Islam addresses all aspects of life, both in social life as well as in personal, worldly and spiritual matters; Islamic principles are broad, making their application flexible and dynamic, and thus suitable for every time and condition.
5. Always tell the truth. Prepare yourself as best you can with Islamic knowledge. Never guess; if you don't know a problem, or aren't sure, just say so, or direct the non-Muslim to someone who knows more, or tell him that you will find answers for him (and be serious about finding answers for him!) from other sources. trustworthy. Always refer to people who are more knowledgeable about Islam (eg ulemas, preachers, religious teachers, etc.) when difficult questions arise. Never provide videos, or religious debates, or videos that look like they could offend him, because such materials do not open his heart and mind, instead the non-Muslim will instead become defensive and make his heart even more closed.
6. Do not feel ashamed of the teachings of Islam - Islam with all its aspects, principles and worship, is a perfect religion, given to mankind by Allah swt - That way there is nothing to hide, or feel ashamed of any of the teachings of Islam . Don't take it personally if someone criticizes or rejects an aspect of Islam. Our job is to explain Islam as best we can – whether he accepts it or not is not our duty, it is in the hands of Allah swt
7. Do not be afraid to accept criticism - Often people judge Islam by looking at Muslims, and of course there are some Muslims who do not follow Islamic teachings. We have to admit such mistakes, and point out that the "mistakes" come from the person himself, whereas Islam itself is a perfect way of life for human beings and gives complete serenity, happiness and peace if followed seriously. Do not criticize the teachings of other religions. This is pointless, and will only make the listener respond by attacking Islamic teachings. For those non-Muslims, we have to build that person's aqeedah first, and develop his love for Islam. Teaching worship practices in Islam was only done after he loved Islam.
We have to make the non-Muslim feel comfortable with us, so that he can air his grievances, and feel comfortable in the company of a sincere Muslim, to learn about Islam. Don't make him feel uncomfortable.
Every Muslim with adequate knowledge of Islam can become a da'i and preach but the effectiveness of his da'wah depends on his maturity when speaking to others. We must always be respectful and courteous to non-Muslims, no matter how misguided they may appear to us. We must often remind ourselves that every human being has been created by Allah with the same potential to reach the highest degree in His sight. In this way, it is possible that one day they will become better Muslims than we are.
Finally, remember that da'wah is an obligation that we must carry out to the best of our ability to please Allah. Do not be afraid! Even though preaching is a big responsibility, we must remember that we are not doing it alone. God is always with us. He will give help to His servants who are sincere and humble in seeking His pleasure.
Translated freely from: