Differences in Male and Female Brains, Read This
Minggu, 04 Juni 2023
Differences in Male and Female Brains
Efforts to reveal the differences between men and women have long been a special attraction among psychologists, especially those working in the field of differential psychology. There is no doubt, based on layman's observations and research results, it shows that there are differences between these two creatures, both physically and psychologically.

Male Brain Connectivity (top) and Female Brain Connectivity (bottom)
The results of a recent study conducted by Ingalhalikar et al. (2013) on 949 young participants aged 8-22 years showed that there are differences in brain connectivity between men and women. This research uses Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), which is an imaging technique that can reveal the living structure of the brain, being able to track and highlight fiber pathways that connect different brain regions.
Of the 428 men studied, the researchers found that connections in the male brain moved more between the front and back of the same hemisphere ( inter-hemispheric connectivity ). This movement of the connection from back to front is believed to be brain activity that connects perception with action. This explains to us that men have advantages in motor skills and spatial skills (sight of space) compared to women.
Meanwhile, of the 521 women who participated in this study, the researchers noted that the connections in the female brain move more between the two hemispheres of the brain ( intra-hemispheric connectivity ). The communication link between the two hemispheres of the brain is believed to be brain activity that connects intuition with analysis. This provides an explanation that women have advantages in memory abilities and social-cognition skills.
The researchers also found that there were only slight differences in brain connectivity between males and females, before the age of 13. A very striking difference in brain connectivity patterns occurs at the age of 14-17 years, which is triggered by puberty and 17 years and over. Ruben Gur, a member of this research said:
“…. This connection map not only helps us understand more about the differences in how men and women think, but also gives us a deeper understanding of the roots of neurological disorders, linked to gender . “
Previous studies have shown differences in the brain between men and women, but studies of the neural wiring connecting areas throughout the brain associated with cognitive skills, and involving large populations, appear to be new.