
Remember This, This is How to Memorize Al Quran

This is How to Memorize Al Quran

Something that is most deserving of memorization is the Qur'an, because the Qur'an is the Word of God, the way of life for Muslims, the source of all sources of law, and the most frequently repeated reading by humans. Therefore, a student of knowledge should place memorizing the Qur'an as his top priority. Imam Nawawi said: "The first thing (which a student of knowledge must pay attention to) is memorizing the Koran, because it is the most important knowledge, even the salaf scholars will not teach hadith and fiqh except for those who have memorized the Koran. If you have memorized the Koran, don't ever concern yourself with hadith and jurisprudence or other material, because this will result in the loss of some or even all of your memorization of the Koran. “()
( ) Imam Nawawi, Al Majmu', ( Beirut, Dar Al Fikri, 1996 ) Cet. First, Juz : I, p : 66
Below are some effective steps for memorizing the Qur'an mentioned by scholars, including the following:
The first step: The first time someone who wants to memorize the Qur'am should let his intentions be for the sake of Allah alone. With sincere intentions, Allah will help you and keep you from feeling lazy and bored. A job that is sincerely intended, usually will continue and not stop. It's different if the intention is just to catch up on exam material or just want to take part in a competition, or for other reasons.
Second Step: After that, he should perform Hajat Prayer by asking God to make it easier in memorizing the Qur'an. The prayer time for this wish is not determined and the prayer is left to each person. This is as narrated by Hudzaifah ra, who said:
The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, if his party commanded, he prayed
“That the Messenger of Allah saw if a problem was overwritten he would immediately pray. “()
As for the narrations that mention certain prayers in the prayer of intent, they are weak narrations, even narrations that are wrong and cannot be relied upon. ()

Likewise the hadith narrated by Ibn Abbas ra which explains that the Messenger of Allah taught Ali bin Abu Talib to pray specifically to memorize the Qur'an which consists of four cycles, the first cycle reads Al Fatihah and Surah Yasin, the second cycle reads Al Fatihah and Ad Dukhan. , the third cycle reads Surah Al Fatihah and Sajdah, and the fourth cycle reads Surah Al Fatihah and Al Mulk, that is a maudhu hadith and should not be practiced. Some other scholars say that the hadith is dhoif hadith. ()
Step Three: Increase prayer to memorize the Qur'an. ()
This prayer is not found in the hadith, but a Muslim can pray according to his ability and language. Maybe you can pray like this:
O Allah, grant me success in memorizing the Noble Qur’an and grant me the opportunity to recite it during the hours of the night and at the ends of the day in a way that pleases You on our behalf, O Most Merciful of the merciful.
"O Allah, give me the taufik to be able to memorize the Qur'an, and give me the strength to continue reading it day and night according to Your pleasure and guidance, O Most Merciful".
Step Four: Determine one method for memorizing the Qur'an. Actually there are many methods that can be used to memorize the Qur'an. Each person will take the method that suits him. However, here we will only mention two methods that are often used by some circles, and have proven to be very effective:
The first method: Memorize one page per page (using the Medina Mushaf). We read a sheet that we want to memorize three or five times correctly, after that we just start memorizing it. After memorizing one sheet, then we move to the next sheet in the same way. And don't move to the next page unless you have repeated the pages we have previously memorized. For example: if we have memorized one sheet then we continue on the second sheet, then before memorizing the third page, we have to repeat the previous two pages. Then before memorizing the fourth page, we have to repeat the three pages that we have memorized. Then before memorizing the fifth page, we have to repeat the four pages that we have memorized. So, each day we repeat five pages: one new, four old. If we want to memorize the sixth page, then we have to repeat the previous four pages, namely pages two, three, four and five. For page one, we will stay on first, because it has been repeated five times. If we want to memorize the seventh page, then we have to repeat the previous four pages, namely pages three, four, five, and six. For pages one and two we will stay on, because it has been repeated five times, and so on. namely pages three, four, five, and six. For pages one and two we will stay on, because it has been repeated five times, and so on. namely pages three, four, five, and six. For pages one and two we will stay on, because it has been repeated five times, and so on.

It should also be noted, every time we memorize one page, one verse should be added on the next page, so that we can connect the memorization between one page and the next.

The second method: Memorizing verses, that is reading a verse that we want to memorize three or five times correctly, after that, we just memorize the verse. When finished, we move to the next verse in the same way, and so on down one page. However, before moving on to the next verse, we must repeat what we have memorized from the previous verse. After one page, then we repeat it as explained in the first method. ()
To facilitate memorization as well, we can divide the Qur'an into seven hizb (parts):Surah Al Baqarah to Surah An Nisa'
Surah Al Maidah to Surah At Taubah
Yunus' Letter to An Nahl's Letter
Surah Al Isra 'to Al Furqan
Letter As Syuara' to Surat Yasin
Surah As Shoffat to Surah Al Hujurat
Qaf letter to An Nas letter
It is also possible to start from the last part, namely from Surah Qaf to Surah An Nas, then enter the sixth part and so on.
Step Five: Correcting Reading.
Before starting to memorize, we should improve the recitation of the Qur'an so that it is in accordance with tajwid. Reading corrections include a number of things, including:
a/ Fix Makhroj Letters. Like the letter (dzal) do not read (zal), or the letter (tsa) do not read (sa') as in the example below:
Then —— > cm/who —— > zein
b/ Improving Letter Movement. As found in the verses below:
1/ And when his Lord tested Abraham with words (Al-Baqarah: 124) —-> Abraham
2/ And I was a witness over them as long as I was among them, and when You took me away, You were the watcher over them (Al-Maa’idah: 116)
And I was < ——— > you were
3/ Is he who guides to the truth more deserving of being followed, or he who guides only when he is guided? (Wans: 35) —- > Or he who does not guide
4/ Our Lord, show us those of the jinn and mankind who have led us astray (Fussilat: 29) —–> who
5/ So their end was that they would both be in the Fire, to abide therein, and that is the recompense of the unjust.
Sixth Step: To support good reading, we should transfer the existing memorization to someone else, so that person will correct us if our reading is wrong. Sometimes, when we memorize ourselves, mistakes often occur in our recitation, because we never transfer our memorization to other people, so the mistakes continue to carry over into our memorization, and we memorize them with those recitations for years without knowing that they are wrong, until people others who listened to it finally notified the error.

Seventh Step: Another factor so that our reading is good and not wrong, is to listen more to listening to murattal Al-Qur'an recitation tapes from sheikhs who are well-established in their recitation. If you can, don't just listen while doing other work, but listen seriously and regularly. For your information, lately - thank God - there are many parabolic televisions broadcasting live murattal Al-Qur'an lessons from an established sheikh, one of which is the program on Iqra' television. Every week there is a live broadcast of Al-Qur'an lessons hosted by Sheikh Aiman ​​Ruysdi, an established and well-known reciter. Footage from the event is rebroadcast every morning. In addition, there is also the "Al Majd" channel, and other television channels. These programs help us a lot in improving our recitation of the Qur'an.
Step Eight: To strengthen memorization, we should repeat pages that we have memorized as often as possible, lest we feel that we have memorized one page, then we just memorize it for a long time, this will cause the loss of memorization. It is narrated that Imam Ibn Abi Hatim, a hadith expert whose memorization is very famous for his strong memorization. At one point, he memorized a book and repeated it over and over, maybe up to seventy times. Incidentally in the house there is an old grandmother. Because he often repeated his memorization, until the grandmother got tired of hearing it, then the grandmother called Ibn Abi Hatim and asked him: O child, what are you doing? "I'm memorizing a book," he replied. Said the grandmother: "You don't have to be like that, I already memorized the book just by listening to your memorization." . "In that case, I want to hear your memorization," said Ibn Abi Hatim, then the grandmother began to issue her memorization. After the incident had passed a year ago, Ibn Abi Hatim came back to the grandmother and asked that the grandmother repeat the memorization that she had memorized a year ago, it turned out that the grandmother had not memorized the book at all, and on the contrary, Ibnu Abi Hatim, no one forgotten memory. () This story shows that repeating rote is very important. Maybe if you just memorize a lot of people who can do it quickly, like the grandmother earlier. In fact, we often hear that someone can memorize the Qur'an in a matter of weeks or months,
Ninth Step: Another factor that strengthens memorization is using all the five senses that we have. It means we memorize not only with our eyes, but accompanied by reading it with our mouths, and if necessary we continue to write it in a book or blackboard. This is very helpful for someone's memorization. There are some friends from Morocco who tell me that the method of memorizing the Qur'an which is applied in some areas in Morocco is to write the memorization on a small board that is held by each student, after they can memorize it by heart, then the writing is washed off with water.
Tenth Step: Memorize to a teacher.
Memorizing the Qur'an to a teacher who is an expert and well-established in the Qur'an is very necessary so that someone can memorize properly and correctly. Rasulullah SAW himself memorized the Qur'an with Jibril as, and repeated it in the month of Ramadan up to two times.
Eleventh Step: Use one type of Mushaf of the Qur'an and never switch from one type of Mushaf to another. () Because our eyes will also memorize what we see. If we see one verse in more than one position, it will obviously cloud our memorization. This problem has been addressed by one of the poets in his writings:
The eye memorizes what the ear does not see, so choose for yourself the Qur’an for the rest of your life.
“The eye will memorize what it sees before the ears, so choose a Mushaf for yourself for the rest of your life. “()
What is meant by the type of mushaf here is the writing model of the mushaf. There are several models for writing mushafs, including: Mushaf Medina or famous for the Al Qur'an corner, one juz of this mushaf consists of 10 sheets, 20 pages, 8 hizb, and each page starts with a new verse. Mushaf Medina (Mushaf Corner) is the most widely used by the memorizers of the Qur'an, much distributed by the Saudi government to the pilgrims. The printings of the Qur'an today refer to this type of mushaf. And this type of mushaf is the best for memorizing the Qur'an.

There are other models, such as the Mushaf of the Qur'an used by some Egyptians, there are also manuscripts used by some Pakistanis and Indians, there is even a model of the mushaf used by some Islamic boarding schools for tahfidh Al-Qur'an in Indonesia which is printed by Manar Qudus, Demak.
Twelfth Step: Choose the right time to memorize, and this depends on each individual. However, in a hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah ra, it is stated that the Messenger of Allah said:
Religion is easy, and no one will be too hard on religion except that it will overpower him, so pay them back, come close, and rejoice, and seek help in the morning and the evening, and a little bit of sluggishness.
"Indeed, this religion is easy, and there is nothing that makes it difficult for oneself in this religion unless he will get tired himself, so practice this religion properly, slowly, and give good news, and use the morning, afternoon and evening (to do it)" (Narrated by Bukhari)
In the hadith above, it is mentioned morning, afternoon and evening, meaning that we can use these times to memorize the Qur'an. For example: in the morning, after the morning prayer until the sun rises, we can use it to memorize the Qur'an or to repeat the memorization, during the afternoon, after the midday prayer, in the evening after the Asr prayer, at night after the Isha prayer' or when performing midnight prayers and so on.
Thirteenth Step: One of the best times to do rote repetition is when you are working on sunnah prayers, both at the mosque and at home. This is because during prayer, a person is concentrating on facing Allah, and it is this concentration that helps us repeat memorization. It's different when outside of prayer, a person tends to get bored in one position, he wants to always move, sometimes his eyes will turn right or left, or his head will turn when there is something interesting, or even his friends will approach him and invite him to chat. It's different if someone is praying, his friends who have an interest in him are forced to wait for the prayer to finish and don't dare to approach him, and so on.
Thirteenth Step: One of the factors that support memorization is paying attention to similar verses (mutasyabih). Usually someone who does not pay attention to similar verses (mutasyabih), his memorization will overlap one with the other. The verse that is in juz five, for example, will be carried over to juz ten. The verse that should be in Surat Al-Maidah will be brought to Surat Al-Baqarah, and so on. Below are some examples of similar verses (mutasabihah) that people often make mistakes when memorizing:
- ﴾And what has been dedicated to other than Allah (Al-Baqarah 173) < ———— > ﴾And what has been dedicated to other than Allah) Al-Ma’idah 3, Al-An’am 145, and An-Nahl 115
- (That is because they used to disbelieve in the signs of God and kill the prophets unjustly) Al-Baqara: 61
(Indeed, those who disbelieve in the signs of God and kill the prophets unjustly) Al-Imran: 21
(That is because they used to disbelieve in the signs of God and kill the prophets unjustly) Al-Omran: 112
To see mutasyabihat verses like this in more detail, you can refer to the following books:Duurat At Tanzil wa Ghurrat At Ta'wil fi Bayan Al Ayat Al Mutasyabihat min Kitabillahi Al Aziz , karya Al Khatib Al Kafi.
Asrar At Tikrar fi Al Qur'an, by: Mahmud bin Hamzah Al Kirmany.
Mutasyabihat Al Qur'an, Abul Husain bin Al Munady
'Aunu Ar Rahman fi Hifdhi Al Qur'an, karya Abu Dzar Al Qalamuni
Fifteenth Step: After memorizing the Qur'an, don't leave it alone. Many of my friends who have completed the Qur'an at an Islamic boarding school, after leaving and being busy with higher studies, or after getting married or already busy at a job, he no longer has a program to keep his memorization back, so Al - The Koran that he had memorized for several years in the Islamic boarding school was finally just a memory. After being left for a long time and busy with his business, he found it hard to restore his memory again. Phenomena like this happen a lot and it's very unfortunate. Perhaps, he got a diploma as a person with the title "hafidh" or "hafidhah", but when asked about memorizing the Qur'an, the answer is nil.
The most important thing in this case is not memorizing, because many people can memorize the Qur'an in a very short time, but the most important thing is how we keep the memorization in our hearts. This is where the difference lies between people who really istiqamah and people who are only diligent at first. Because, to keep the memorization of the Qur'an requires a strong will and high istiqamah. He had to take time each day to review his memorization. There are many ways to keep the memorization of the Qur'an, each one of course chooses the best for him. Among the ways to keep the memorization of the Qur'an are as follows:Repeating memorization according to the five daily prayer times. A Muslim certainly never leaves the five daily prayers, this should be used to repeat his memorization. In order to feel lighter, each prayer should be divided into two parts, before and after prayer. Before prayer, for example: i before the call to prayer, and the time between the call to prayer and iqamah. If he is among those who diligently go to the mosque, it is better to go to the mosque before the call to prayer so that the time for repeating his memorization is longer. Then after the prayer, that is after reciting the dhikr ba'da prayer or the morning dhikr at the dawn prayer and after the afternoon dzkir after the Asr prayer. If only, he was able to repeat his memorization before praying a quarter juz and after praying a quarter juz too, then in one day he can repeat his memorization as much as two and a half juz. If he can istiqamah like this, then he can complete his memorization every twelve days, without taking up any time at all. If he can complete half a juz every day at night prayers or other sunnah prayers, it means he can complete three juz every day, and can complete the Qur'an once every ten days. Many scholars used to memorize their memorization once every ten days. and can finish the Qur'an once every ten days. Many scholars used to memorize their memorization once every ten days. and can finish the Qur'an once every ten days. Many scholars used to memorize their memorization once every ten days.
There are some people who repeat their memorization only at night, that is, when he prays the midnight prayer. Usually he spends his midnight prayer for two hours. It's just that we don't know, for those two hours how many juz he got. According to general standards, if his memorization is smooth, he can usually finish one juz in half an hour. Meaning, in two hours he can complete two to three juz minus the time of prostration and bowing.
There are also some friends who repeat their memorization by entering the halaqah of Al-Qur'an memorizers. If the halaqah gathers every three days, and each participant is required to submit his memorization to his friends for five juz, it means that each participant is able to complete the Qur'an every fifteen days. Even this can only be done if each of the participants repeats their own memorization first.
(To be continued on another issue in the series "Studying Success" volume: 3)
( ) Hadith narrated by Abu Daud (no: 1319), authenticated by Sheikh Al Bani in Shohih Sunan Abu Daud, juz I, p. 361
( ) To find out more about the degree of hadith, refer to: Abu Umar Abdullah bin Muhammad Al Hamadi, Al Asinatu Al Musyri'atu fi At Tahdhir min As Solawat Al Mubtadi'ah, ( Cairo, Maktabah At Tabi'in, 2002 ) First Edition, p. 97 -120
( ) Ibid, p.21-39
( ) Abu Abdur Rahman Al Baz Taufiq, Ashal Nidham Li Hifdhi Al Qur'an, ( Kairo, Maktabah Al Islamiyah, 2002 ) Cet. Ke-Tiga, Hal. 13
( ) Ali bin Umar Badhdah, Kaifa Tahfadu Al Qur'an, hal. 6
( ) Ibid. pg 12
( ) Abu Dzar Al Qalamuni, 'Aunu Ar Rahman fi Hifdhi Al Qur'an, ( Kairo, Dar Ibnu Al Haitsam, 1998 ) Cet. Pertama, hal.16
( ) Abu Abdur Rahman Al Baz Taufiq, Op. Chit, Hal. 15
( ) Imam Nawawi, Al Majmu', ( Beirut, Dar Al Fikri, 1996 ) Cet. First, Juz : I, p : 66

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