
Minggu, 19 Maret 2023




Arranged to fulfill the assignment of the subject group

Education administration

Powerful lecturer

Nurzanna M.Pd

Arranged by group 1

Indra saktinasution [21140090]

Siti racmaniaharaha [21140207]

Syahril romadonritonga [21140215]

Syahril romadonritonga [21140215]

Ulfa yulianiharaha [21140221]

Winda siregar [21140230]

Yuli sinambela [21140229]





Praise be to the presence of God Almighty. With His grace and guidance, I was able to complete my paper assignment entitled "Paradigm of Educational Administration in the 4.0 Revolution Era" in a timely manner.

This paper was prepared to fulfill the task of an educational administration course. In addition, this paper aims to add insight into the educational administration paradigm for readers and also for writers.

The author would like to thank Mrs. Nurzanna M.Pd as a teacher of the Education Administration Course. The writer realizes that this paper is still far from being perfect. Therefore. Suggestions and constructive criticism are expected for the perfection of this paper.

Padangsidimpuan , 29-September 2022

Yusun pen


INTRODUCTION ............................................... .................................................. ..........2

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................... .................................................. ..........................3


Introduction................................................. .................................................. .........................4

a. Background................................................ .................................................. .............4

b. Formulation of the problem................................................ .................................................. ........4

c. Objective................................................. .................................................. .........................4


Discussion................................................. .................................................. ............................5

A. Definition of Industrial revolution ............................................... ...........................................5

B. Characteristics and objectives of the Industrial revolution 4.0................................................. ...........................7

C. The challenges of education in the industrial era 4.0 ............................................... ............................7

D. Changes in the education system in the industrial era 4.0................................................. ..................9

E. What must be done about the Industrial Revolution 4.0................................................. ........10



A. Conclusion ............................................... .................................................. ..................11

B. Suggestion ............................................... .................................................. ...........................11




A. Background

This paper aims to explain the changes that must be made in educational institutions so that the resulting human resources can compete and contribute globally. Through literature review and content analysis, the authors explain that current and future curriculum development must complement students' abilities in the academic dimensions, life skills, ability to live together and think critically and creatively. Invisible skills such as interpersonal skills, global thinking, and media and information literacy. The curriculum must also be able to shape students with an emphasis on STEM fields, referring to ICT-based learning, internet of things, big data and computers, as well as entrepreneurship and internships. In addition to teachers having teaching and educating competencies, media literacy, competence in globalization, competence in future strategies, and counseling, it is also necessary to have a technology-friendly attitude, collaborate, be creative and take risks, have a good sense of humor, and teach holistically. Schools and teachers need to consider open and online learning in deciding how to deliver education and learning.

B. Problem statement

The formulation of the problem to be discussed by the author is

1. What is the meaning of the Industrial revolution?

2. What are the goals of the Industrial revolution in education?

3. What are the educational challenges in the industrial revolution 4.0 era?

C. Purpose

The purpose of writing this paper is to:

1.To know the challenges of education in the industrial era 4.0?

2. To find out changes in the education system in the industrial era 4.0

3. To know the meaning of the industrial revolution 4.0

4. To find out the characteristics and goals of the industrial revolution 4.0

5. To know what to do about the industrial revolution 4.0



A. Definition of the Industrial Revolution 4.0

The industrial revolution is a fundamental change in the way of life and human work processes, where advances in information technology can unite the digital world of life which can have an impact on all disciplines. With the rapid development of information technology, it has experienced a breakthrough, including in the field of artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence), where computer technology is a scientific discipline that adopts one's expertise into a technology-based application and creates information technology and production processes that are controlled automatically. With the birth of digital technology today in the industrial revolution 4.0 it has an impact on human life throughout the world. The industrial revolution 4.0 all processes are carried out in an automated system in all activity processes,

The basis of this change is actually the fulfillment of desires to meet human needs quickly and with quality. The Industrial Revolution has changed the way humans work from manual use to automation or digitalization. Innovation is the key to the existence of change itself.

So it can be concluded that the Industrial Revolution 4.0 is a change that takes place quickly by utilizing technology and big data, in the implementation of production processes that were previously carried out by humans are now being replaced by machines or using new technology.

According to the speaker, based on references from the journal. The current situation is indeed the same as what was mentioned above, where the impact of the 4.0 industrial revolution is advancing technology that makes human life easier where this is done because of human desire itself.

B. Characteristics and Objectives of the Industrial Revolution 4.0

The characteristics of industry 4.0 are a combination of several recent technological developments (Kinzel, 2016), namely:

1. Cyber-physical systems.

Cyber-Physical Systems Cyber-physical systems (cyber-physical systems) increase the ability to control and monitor physical processes, with the help of sensors, intelligent robots, drones, 3D printers and so on. In cyber-physical systems. Physical components such as 3D printers, drones and robots, as well as software components such as data analysis and sensor technology are all integrated into a network that interacts with each other. While the initial input and final product are usually physical, information is usually transferred between the physical and digital states during the manufacturing process. For example, the activity of scanning physical components produces a digital model representation according to the results of the scan. This digital data can then be converted to physical information again using a 3D printer.

2. Information and communication technology (information and communication technology).

80% of innovations in manufacturing are based on ICT (Wahlster, 2012). Digitization and widespread ICT applications make it possible to integrate all systems across the supply and value chain so as to aggregate data at all levels. All information is digitized and system compatibility within and between companies is integrated at every stage between the manufacture and use of the product life cycle (Kinzel, 2016). Smart product manufacturing will take on an additional role to its primary purpose: as an information vessel that collects information throughout its supply chain and life cycle; as an agent; the product actively influences the environment, and as an observer, the product monitors itself and its environment (Wahlster, 2012). As an example, Clothing items can monitor how old they are or how often they have been washed, to report to the factory in order to manufacture replacements when needed (Kinzel, 2016). The current development of the ICT sector has formed the foundation of Industry 4.0, as the industrialization process has begun to go beyond the simple automation of production that began in the early 1970s (Schlaepfer, 2014).

3. Network communications (network communications).

Network Communications (Network Communications) All of this equipment, both at manufacturing plants, suppliers and distributors are all connected via internet and wireless technology (Kinzel, 2016). Reliable high quality communication network is the most important requirement for industry 4.0 and therefore it is very important to develop internet network infrastructure where it is needed (Kagermann, 2013). Networks with high internet capabilities are able to connect between these components so that they can decentralize and independently regulate the operation of cyber-physical systems.

4. Big data and cloud computing.

Big Data and Cloud Computing. With the use of big data and cloud computing (cloud computing), information retrieved through this network can be used to model, virtualize and simulate products and their manufacturing processes. These models are referred to as digital twins (digital twins). Or shadow devices (deviceshadows). Digital twins are a computerized companion of physical assets capable of monitoring, diagnosing, and asset prognosis in real time.

5. Increasing the ability of equipment for human-computer interaction and cooperation.

Improved Tools (ImprovedTools) To exercise control over these processes, the human workplace is supplied with ICT tools created and used for developments in augmented reality and intelligent robotics. Cyber-physical systems in industry 4.0 have the main goal of helping humans in their daily work. They include physical helper exoskeletons, context-adaptive systems for fault diagnosing, time-based planning and maintenance systems. Mobile, personalization, situation-adaptive tutoring systems, and more. The key features of these assistive systems are non-intrusiveness, context-adaptiveness, personalization, location-based and mobility. To ensure optimal and efficient use, these systems must be well designed, by paying attention to the possibility of being able to respond to speech, gestures, eye tracking, body language, facial expressions, physical movements and graphics (Wahlster, 2012). The central aspect of Industry 4.0 is its interface with other smart infrastructure, such as smart building, smart home, smart logistics. Mobility and networking, and connectivity to business and the social web (Kagermann, 2013; Schlaepfer, 2014). It is very important that these key pillars be considered when implementing Industry 4.0. therefore, it can be said, that the effects of industry 4.0 are not limited to manufacturing but also affect various aspects of human life. physical movement and graphics (Wahlster, 2012). The central aspect of Industry 4.0 is its interface with other smart infrastructure, such as smart building, smart home, smart logistics. Mobility and networking, and connectivity to business and the social web (Kagermann, 2013; Schlaepfer, 2014). It is very important that these key pillars be considered when implementing Industry 4.0. therefore, it can be said, that the effects of industry 4.0 are not limited to manufacturing but also affect various aspects of human life. physical movement and graphics (Wahlster, 2012). The central aspect of Industry 4.0 is its interface with other smart infrastructure, such as smart building, smart home, smart logistics. Mobility and networking, and connectivity to business and the social web (Kagermann, 2013; Schlaepfer, 2014). It is very important that these key pillars be considered when implementing Industry 4.0. therefore, it can be said, that the effects of industry 4.0 are not limited to manufacturing but also affect various aspects of human life. as well as connectivity to business and social web (Kagermann, 2013; Schlaepfer, 2014). It is very important that these key pillars be considered when implementing Industry 4.0. therefore, it can be said, that the effects of industry 4.0 are not limited to manufacturing but also affect various aspects of human life. as well as connectivity to business and social web (Kagermann, 2013; Schlaepfer, 2014). It is very important that these key pillars be considered when implementing Industry 4.0. therefore, it can be said, that the effects of industry 4.0 are not limited to manufacturing but also affect various aspects of human life.

6. Modeling, virtualization, and simulation.

This modeling, virtualization and simulation goes into Big Data and Cloud Computing. With the use of big data and cloud computing, information retrieved through this network can be used to model, virtualize and simulate products and their manufacturing processes.”

So, it can be concluded that the characteristic model of Industry 4.0 is a combination of several recent technological developments such as physical cyber systems. Information and communication technology, communication networks, big data and cloud computing. Modeling, virtualization, simulation and tools that have been developed for easy human-computer interaction.

According to the speaker, based on the explanation above, the characteristics and goals of the industrial revolution 4.0 are indeed very good. Because technology was developed to facilitate human interaction. However, Indonesia itself still needs improvement to further develop this technology. Because Indonesia is still lagging behind in this regard compared to developed countries.

C. Educational Challenges in the Industrial Age 4.0

Facing this big challenge in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, education is also required to change because we are really only given two choices, namely change or die. This includes education at the primary and secondary education levels. The era of education that was influenced by the industrial revolution 4.0 is called Education 4.0. by utilizing digital technology in the learning process. In order to make it all happen, learning innovation is an alternative answer that can make teachers able to master technological developments.

An educator must be able to utilize information technology to improve the quality of the teaching and learning process at every level of education. This effort was made in order to be able to prepare superior human resources with global competence and be able to adapt to the existing era, even though information technology is developing so fast and learning resources are so easy to obtain, the role of the teacher as an educator cannot be replaced by these technological advances when they are able adapt.

The challenge for an educator does not stop at the ability to apply information technology in the teaching and learning process, but there are 6 competencies that teachers are expected to have 4.0, namely:

1) Critical Thinking and Problem solving (critical thinking skills and problem solving). Namely the ability to understand a complex problem, connect information with one another, so that various perspectives emerge, and find solutions to a problem. This competency is defined as the ability to reason, understand and make complex choices; understand the interconnection between systems, compose, disclose, analyze, and solve problems. This is very important for students to have in 21st century learning. Teachers in the 4.0 era must be able to mix learning so that they can export these competencies to students.

2) Communication and collaborative skills (communication and collaboration skills), abilities based on information and communication technology that teachers must apply in learning to construct communication and collaboration competencies.

3) Creativity and innovative skills (creative thinking skills and innovation). Revolution wants students to always think creatively and innovatively, this is necessary in order to be able to compete and create jobs based on the industrial revolution 4.0. Of course a teacher must first be creative and innovative so that he can pass it on to his students

4) Information and communication technology literacy (information and communication technology literacy). Information and communication technology literacy (ICT) is the obligation of teachers 4.0, this must be done so that students are not left behind. Information and communication technology literacy is the basis that must be mastered in order to be able to produce students who are ready to compete in facing the industrial revolution 4.0.

5) Contextual learning skills. This learning is very suitable to be applied by teachers 4.0 when they have mastered ICT, so contextual learning is easier to apply. Currently ICT is one of the contextual concepts that must be known by teachers, ICT-based learning materials so that teachers are very unprepared if they do not have ICT literacy. Abstract material can be presented more realistically and contextually using ICT.

6) Information and media literacy (information and media literacy). Many information media are social in nature that students are involved in. Social media seems to be a powerful communication medium used by students and one of the learning media that teachers can use 4.0. The presence of digital classes in the nature of social media can be utilized by teachers, so that learning takes place without space and time limits.

The 4.0 industrial revolution has infiltrated various fields including the field of Education. Our opponent now is not only education equity but the quality of graduates participating in it, so efforts are needed to adapt carefully, namely teachers are expected to be able to implement information and communication technology-based learning because if they are not ready then it will be increasingly left behind, improving the quality of educators is a priority in order to be able to adapt. Producing students according to the demands of the times and the position of the teacher is irreplaceable to students. One way to deal with the challenges of this digital era is to improve the quality of teachers to become teachers 4.0 through education and training (training) on ​​how to use and apply ICT in learning, training on teacher competence towards teachers 4.0. In terms of facing the challenges of this digital era, the support of all parties is expected. The government together with all stakeholders should seriously reconsider various matters related to strengthening the education system in dealing with the disruptions of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Because change is a must and does not wait for our readiness.

The challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era are very complex. Not to mention in the world of education, everything has been converted in the digital world. If in the past there was only a manual, ancient, primitive system, now everything has to be cyber. For example e-libraries (digital libraries), e-learning (digital learning), e-books (online books), and others.

The transition of teaching style shifts from teacher center to student center which certainly can increase students' interest in learning. Utilization of information and communication technology in learning becomes a learning innovation with a positive impact. Not only in terms of interest in learning but also in terms of learning outcomes. The use of various digital applications, interactive learning CDs, ebooks, websites, and other digital learning styles is a paperless alternative. Teachers do not need to print sheets of test questions for their students. Students can take evaluations with various online applications such as Edmodoo and Kahoot.

From this explanation it can be concluded that the challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era are very complex. First, information technology security targeting the world of education. Second, the reliability and stability of the production machine. Third. Lack of sufficient skills. Fourth, the reluctance to change stakeholders. Fifth, the loss of many jobs due to automation. Sixth, stagnation in the use of technology, information and communication. Seventh, there are uneven changes in curriculum, models, strategies, approaches and teachers in learning that reinforce new literacy. The development of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era, which was marked by the massive development of digital technology, artificial intelligence, big data, robotics, and others, became a joint project of all educational institutions to answer it. Although not in all aspects,

D. Changes in the Education System in the Industrial Age 4.0

The development of digital technology in the current Industry 4.0 era has brought changes and affected various aspects of human life, including in the field of education. Hoyles & Lagrange (2010) emphasized that digital technology is the thing that most influences the education system in the world today. This is due to the aspects of effectiveness, efficiency and attractiveness offered by digital technology-based learning. In the 1980s, artificial concrete objects dominated their use as visualization tools for abstract concepts. Now visualization based on digital technology is widely used as a tool that is more effective, efficient, interactive and attractive. If in the 1990s, the use of digital-based calculating tools, such as calculators,

The NCTM National Council OfTeacherOfMathematics (2000) emphasized that the integration of technology in learning has at least three positive impacts on learning mathematics, namely:

1) Technology can improve mathematics learning outcomes

2) Technology can increase the effectiveness of teaching mathematics

3) Technology can affect what and how mathematics should be learned and taught.

In line with NCTM (2000), various studies have shown that students can learn mathematics more richly and deeply when technology is used effectively in learning mathematics (such as Drijvers, Boon&VanReeuwijk, 2010; Ellington, 2003; Heid, 1988; Dunhamand Dick 1994; Sheets 1993 ; Boersvan Oosterum 1990; Rojano 1996; Groves 1994).

Although various studies have shown the positive impact of integrating digital technology in learning mathematics, there are still many other mathematics education institutions that doubt this. For example, our initial study found that teachers still have concerns regarding the implementation of technology in mathematics learning. They still assume that digital technology in learning mathematics will have a negative impact on learning mathematics. For example, the introduction of a calculator machine as a calculating tool will lead to students' dependence on the calculating machine, which then results in poor students' ability to perform calculations. In addition, the use of digital technology is feared to be misused by students so that students do not learn what they should learn. For example.

Even so, they realize that technology in learning cannot be avoided and they have confidence that technology can have a positive impact if it is used appropriately.

E. What Must Be Done Against the Industrial Revolution 4.0

Changes in learning in accordance with the industrial era 4.0 will have an impact on the role of vocational education, especially the role of educators. If the role of educators is still to maintain as a transmitter of knowledge, then they will lose their role along with technological developments and changes in learning methods. This condition must be overcome by increasing the competence of educators who support knowledge for exploration and creation through independent learning.

In addition to the role of educators, vocational education must prepare career guidance and career development for students, prioritizing the competence of graduates rather than diplomas, forming access to global education. Personal development, especially regarding social skills. In addition to institutional arrangements, existing study programs do not need to be replaced with new ones but rather adapt something new to existing study programs, improve vocational education performance at a higher level by applying problem solving learning models and system thinking, as well as linkages with parties industry that is in line with the needs of employment.

In the context of 21st century learning, learning that applies creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, communication skills, community and character skills, must be maintained that as a vocational education institution students still need technical skills. Utilization of various learning activities that support industry 4.0 is a must with a resource-sharing model with anyone and anywhere, classroom and lab learning with augmented virtual materials, which are interactive, challenging, and learning that is rich in content, not just complete. Through awareness of the challenges that already exist in the world of work through the industrial revolution 4.0,



A. Conclusion

1. The Industrial Revolution 4.0, namely rapid changes by utilizing technology and big data, in the implementation of production processes that were previously carried out by humans are now being replaced by machines or using new technology.

2. The model characteristics of Industry 4.0 are a combination of several recent technological developments such as cyber-physical systems, information and communication technology, communication networks, big data and cloud computing, modeling, virtualization, simulation and tools that have been developed for easy human-computer interaction.

3. The challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era are very complex. First, information technology security targeting the world of education. Second, the reliability and stability of the production machine. Third, the lack of adequate skills. Fourth, the reluctance to change stakeholders. Fifth, the loss of many jobs due to automation. Sixth, stagnation in the use of technology, information and communication. Seventh, there are uneven changes in curriculum, models, strategies, approaches and teachers in learning that reinforce new literacy.

4. The industrial era 4.0 brought changes and could affect the education system because of the aspects of effectiveness, efficiency and attractiveness offered by digital technology-based learning. In the past, using digital-based calculating tools was avoided because these tools could damage students' mentality, now digital calculating tools which are often called calculators are now used and are seen to improve students' abilities.

5. What must be done in the face of the industrial revolution 4.0. Educators must be able to respond to these changes, because the operant of knowledge delivery will soon change into the role of companion to discover and create through independent learning. Therefore vocational educators must learn to quickly change in collaboration with industry and recognize new competencies such as what is needed by industry 4.0 through the use of various data. Educators must also develop their own expertise including how to manage student data, career guidance through big data, and students can quickly adapt to change.

B. Suggestion

Maybe this is what was discussed in writing this paper even though this writing is far from perfect. There are still many mistakes in writing this paper, because we humans are the place of mistakes and sins. We also need suggestions/criticism from all of you, so that it can be a motivation for a better future than in the past. We also thank the supervisor for the Comparative Education course, Ms. Nur Nurzanna, M.Pd. . who has given us the task of making this paper for the good of ourselves and for others


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