
The history of the establishment of Aisyiyah Muhammadiyah

The history of the establishment of Aisyiyah Muhammadiyah

The history of the establishment of Aisyiyah Muhammadiyah
THE ROOTS OF Aisyiyah's establishment cannot be separated from historical roots. The spirit of the founding of Muhammadiyah has inspired the establishment of almost all autonomous organizations in Muhammadiyah, including Aisytyah. Since establishing Muhammadiyah, Kiai Dahlan has paid great attention to the development of women. Potential girls are fostered and educated to become leaders, and are prepared to become administrators in women's organizations within Muhammadiyah. Among those educated by Kiai Dahlan were Siti Bariyah, Siti Dawimah, Siti Dalalah, Siti-Busyro (his own daughter), Siti Dawingah, and Siti Badilah Zuber.
The girls (even though they are only around 15 years old) have been invited to think about social issues. Before Aisyiyah was concretely formed, the nature of the women's coaching movement was just a group of girls who liked to gather, then were given guidance by KHA Dahlan and Nyai Ahmad Dahlan with religious teachings. This group of children is not yet an organization, but a group of children who are given recitations. Kiai Dahlan and his wife (Nyai Dahlan) also conducted education and guidance for women who were old. Islamic religious teachings do not allow neglect of women. Given the important role of women who must get a proper place, Kyai Dahlan with KHA. Dahlan founded a women's study group whose members consisted of girls and old women. In its development, the women's study group was named Sapa Tresna.
Sapa Tresna is not yet an organization, only a recitation movement. Therefore, to provide a concrete name for an association, KH Mokhtar held a meeting with KHA. Dahlan who was also attended by H. Fakhrudin and Ki Bagus Hadikusumo and other Muhammadiyah officials at Nyai Ahmad Dahlan's house. Initially , the name Fatimah was proposed for the Muhammadiyah women's association, but the meeting did not accept that name.
Haji Fakhrudin then suggested the name Aisyiyah which was later accepted by the meeting. The name Aisyiyah is seen as more appropriate for this women's movement because it is based on the consideration that the women's struggle that will be rolled out is expected to imitate the struggle of Aisyah, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad, who always helped the Prophet in preaching. Aisyiyah's inauguration was held at the same time as the commemoration of the Isra' Mi'raj of the Prophet Muhammad on 27 Rajab 1335 H, coinciding with 19 May 1917 M. The Isra' Mi'raj commemoration was a commemoration held by Muhammadiyah for the first time. Furthermore, KH Mukhtar provided administrative and organizational guidance, while for the guidance of his religious soul he was directly guided by KHA. Dahlan.
Kiyai Dahlan's message after the Aisyiyah management was officially formed was as follows:
1. With sincerity, fulfilling her duties as a Muslim woman in accordance with her talents and conversations, not wanting flattery and not taking a step back because of being criticized.
2. Full of conviction, that charity must be knowledgeable.
3. Do not make excuses that are not considered valid by the Lord God just to avoid a given task.
4. Determined to defend the sanctity of Islam. 5. Maintaining brotherhood and unity of co-workers and fighters In 1919, two years after its establishment, Aisyiyah started early education for children under the name Frobel, which was the first Kindergarten founded by
Indonesian nation. Furthermore, this kindergarten has the same name as Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Kindergarten, which currently has 5,865 kindergartens throughout Indonesia.
The movement to eradicate ignorance which became one of the pillars of Aisyiyah's struggle was proclaimed by carrying out the eradication of illiteracy for the first time, both Arabic and Latin literacy in 1923. In this activity the participants consisting of girls and housewives studied together with the aim of increasing knowledge and increasing women's participation in the public world. In addition, in 1926, Aisyiyah began publishing an organizational magazine called Suara Aisyiyah, which was originally established using the Javanese language. Through this monthly magazine, Aisyiyah, among other things, communicates all of its programs and activities including the internal consolidation of the organization.
In terms of the national movement, Aisyiyah was also one of the organizations that took part in initiating and giving birth to the formation of a women's organization in 1928. In this regard, Aisyiyah along with other women's organizations rose up to fight to liberate the Indonesian people from the shackles of colonialism and ignorance. This federation body was named the Indonesian Women's Congress which is now KOWANI (Indonesian Women's Congress). Through this federation various efforts and forms of national struggle can be carried out in an integrated manner.
Aisyiyah is growing rapidly and finding its form as a modern women's organization. Aisyiyah has developed various programs for coaching and educating women. Among Aisyiyah's activities are female students who are tasked with fostering and developing girls outside of school as Aisyiyah cadres. At the 20th Muhammadiyah Congress in 1931, Female Praja Students were changed to Nasyi'atul Aisyiyah (NA). Apart from that, Aisyiyah also established Madrasa Affairs in charge of managing girls' special schools/madrasas, Tabligh Affairs which takes care of religious broadcasting through recitation, courses and dormitories, and Wal'asri Affairs which seeks scholarships for underprivileged students. In addition, Aisyiyah in 1935 also established the Adz-Dzakirat Affairs which was tasked with seeking funds to build the
Aisyiyah's further development in 1939 experienced a very rapid point of progress. Aisyiyah added the Assistance Affairs (PKU) tasked with helping the common misery. Because more and more girls' schools had been established, the Teaching Affairs was established in Aisyiyah. Apart from that, Aisyiyah also established a Family Consultation Bureau. Thus, Aisyiyah became an Islamic women's movement that broke the ice of feudalism and gender inequality in society at that time, and at the same time advocated women's empowerment.
Recent Developments
Aisyiyah Business Charity
Nearing a century of its movement, Aisyiyah currently has 33 Aisyiyah Regional Leaders (Provincial level), 370 Aisyiyah Regional Leaders (district level), 2,332 Aisyiyah Branch Leaders (District level) and 6,924 Aisyiyah Branch Leaders (Kelurahan level).
In addition, Aisyiyah also has a business charity that operates in various fields, namely: education, health, social welfare, economy and community empowerment. Aisyiyah's charitable efforts in the field of education currently number 4,560, consisting of Playgroups, Child Care Parks, Kindergartens, Elementary Schools, Junior High Schools, and Higher Education.
While the charity businesses in the Health sector are in the form of Hospitals, Maternity Homes, Maternal and Child Health Agencies, Medical Centers and Posyandu as a total of 280 spread across Indonesia. As a movement that cares about the social welfare of the community, Aisyiyah has up to now has 459 charity businesses such as Street Children's Shelters, Orphanages, Social Compensation Fund institutions, Pangrukti Jenazah team and Posyandu.
Aisyiyah is of the opinion that the dignity of Indonesian women will not increase without increasing their economic capacity. Therefore, Aisyiyah has developed various economic empowerment charities in the form of cooperatives (including savings and loan cooperatives), Baitul Mal wa Tamwil, shops/kiosks, Aisyiyah Family Economic Business Development (BUEKA), home industry, skills courses and social gathering. The number of charity businesses in this field reached 503 units.
Aisyiyah also develops various activities based on community empowerment, especially in the field of increasing awareness of community life. Until now, the charity business which includes recitation, Qoryah Thayyibah, Hajj Guidance Group (KBIH), zakat infaq and shodaqoh agencies and prayer rooms total 3,785.

Identity, Vision and Mission

Aisyiyah, the Muhammadiyah women's organization, is an Islamic movement and preaches amar makruf nahi munkar, which is based on Islam and originates from the Al-Quran and Assunnah.
ideal vision
The upholding of the Islamic religion and the realization of a true Islamic society.
Development Vision Achievement of Aisyiyah's efforts to strengthen and develop the preaching of amar makruf nahi munkar in a more qualified manner towards civil society, namely a true Islamic society.
Aisyiyah's mission is realized in the form of business charities, programs and activities including:
1. Instill faith, deepen and broaden understanding, increase practice and disseminate Islamic teachings in all aspects of life.
2. Increasing the dignity of women according to Islamic teachings.
3. Improving the quality and quantity of the assessment of Islamic teachings.
4. Strengthening faith, strengthening and encouraging worship, and enhancing morals.
5. Increasing the spirit of worship, jihad zakat, infaq, shodaqoh, endowments, grants, as well as building and maintaining places of worship, and other business charities.
6. Fostering AMM Puteri to become a pioneer, implementer and perfecter of the Aisyiyah movement.
7. Improving education, developing culture, expanding science and technology, and stimulating research.
8. Promoting the economy and entrepreneurship towards improving quality of life.
9. Improving and developing activities in the fields of social, community welfare, health, and the environment
10. Improving and striving for law enforcement, justice and truth as well as fostering a spirit of national unity and integrity.
11. Improving communication, brotherhood, cooperation in various fields and among the public at home and abroad.
12. Other efforts in accordance with the aims and objectives of the organization.

Cooperation Network
Since its establishment, Aisyiyah has collaborated with various parties both at home and abroad. During the period of the national movement, cooperation was more aimed at establishing a spirit of unity for the struggle to free the Indonesian people from the shackles of colonialism. In 1928, Aisyiyah became one of the pioneers in establishing a federation of Indonesian women's organizations which is now known as the Indonesian Women's Congress (KOWANI).
Several institutions, both government and non-government, have become Aisyiyah's partners in the context of shared social interests, including : Family Welfare Development (PKK), Increasing the Role of Women for Healthy and Prosperous Families (P2WKSS), Indonesian National Council for Social Welfare (DNIKS), Sayab Ibu Foundation, Indonesian Women's Islamic Organization Consultative Body (BMOlWI) and the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).
In addition, Aisyiyah also collaborates with foreign institutions in the context of social welfare, humanitarian programs, outreach, campaigns, seminars, workshops, completing business charity infrastructure, and others. Among foreign institutions that have collaborated with Aisyiyah are: Oversea Education Fund (OEF), Mobil Oil, The Pathfinder Fund, UNICEF, UNESCO, WHO, Johns Hopkins University, USAID, AUSAID, NOVIB, The New Century Foundation, The Asia Foundation , Regional Islamic of South East Asia Pacific, World Conference of Religion and Peace, UNFPA, UNDP, World Bank, Partnership for Governance Reform in Indonesia, several embassies large friendly countries, and others.

Economic Empowerment Program
As a women's organization engaged in the religious and social fields, Aisyiyah is expected to be able to show its commitment and work to advance people's lives, especially in alleviating poverty and employment.
With the vision "Organizational capabilities and a network of family economic empowerment activities to improve people's welfare", Majeti Ekonomi Aisyiyah moves to empower the small and medium-sized people's economy and develop a people's economy.
Some of the empowerment programs include: developing Aisyiyah Family Economic Business Development (BUEKA) and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Currently Aisyiyah owns and manages 1426 Economic Business Entities in the Region, cooperatives, agriculture, home industries, small traders/shops and family economic development.

With the mission of being a driving force for the realization of a healthy society and environment, Aisyiyah has developed a center for service activities and improving the quality of public health and environmental preservation through education. Currently Aisyiyah has managed and developed 10 RSKIA (Hospitals for Mothers and Children), 29 Maternity Clinics, 232 BKIA/yandu, and 35 Medical Centers spread throughout Indonesia.
Some of the health programs developed include: improving the quality of affordable health services in all hospitals, maternity homes, medical centers, maternal and child health centers managed by Aisyiyah and making these activity units as agents of development, not only as places treating sick people, but able to play an optimal role in treating the community environment.
Aisyiyah through the Majetis Health and Environment also carries out campaigns to increase public awareness and control of dangerous and contagious diseases, prevention of HIV/AIDS and drugs, the dangers of smoking and alcohol, using various approaches and collaborating with various parties, increasing education and protecting women's reproductive health , organizing a pilot project of an integrated service system between health institutions, social da'wah and Islamic psychological therapy.

In line with the development of education which is one of the main pillars of the Aisyah movement through the Elementary and Middle Education Majetis and Higher Education Majetis, Aisyiyah develops a vision of education that has noble character for the people and nation.
With the aim of advancing education (formal, non-formal and informal) and educating the nation's life so that Muslim people are realized who are pious, have noble character, are capable, believe in themselves, love the motherland and are useful to society and are blessed by Allah SWT, various programs have been developed to deal with educational problem.
At present Aisyiyah has managed and is currently managing and coaching: 86 Playgroups/Early Childhood Education, 5,865 Kindergartens, 380 Early Childhood Madrasahs, 668 TPA/TPQ, 2,920 IGABA, 399 IGA, 10 Special Schools, 14 Elementary Schools , 5 junior high schools, 10 madrasah tsanawiyah, 8 high schools, 2 vocational schools, 2 madrasah aliyah, 5 Islamic boarding schools for girls, and 28 out-of-school education. Aisyiyah is also trusted by the Government to organize hundreds of PAUD (Early Childhood Education) throughout Indonesia. For higher education, Aisyiyah has 3 tertiary institutions, 2 STIKES, 3 AKBID and 2 AKPER throughout Indonesia.
Apart from that, Aisyiyah also pays attention to the problem of cadre formation and development of cadre resources within the Muhammadiyah Putri Young Generation in an integrative and professional manner which leads to strengthening and developing the da'wah of amar makruf nahi munkar towards civil society.


To realize the principles and objectives of her da'wah, Aisyiyah has various da'wah activities carried out by Majetis Tabligh. This Majetis is engaged in the affairs of contextual Islamic studies, da'wah and Islamic practice. With a vision to become a da'wah organization capable of providing enlightenment in religious life to reach civil society, the Tabligh Assembly develops Islamic Da'wah movements in all aspects of life, strengthens people's religious awareness, develops da'wah materials, strategies and media, and improves the quality of preachers.
Some of the programs and activities that have been and are being followed up by this majesty include:
1. Development of study groups, currently there are 12,149 throughout Indonesia.
2. Fostering as many as 10,329 preachers throughout Indonesia.
3. Developing 285 assisted villages in certain areas in Indonesia.
4. Socialization of the Sakinah Family coaching program in Regions/ Regions/ Branches/ Branches.
5. Follow up and develop the Qoryah Thoyyibah program, namely the development of a kind of Islamic pilot village by optimizing all potentials and sectors, both religion, education, health, economy, and social relations. Banguntapan, Bantul, DIY since 1989.
6. Revitalizing the Congregational Movement and Congregational Da'wah (GJDJ).
7. Increase efforts to prevent from an early age the dangers of alcohol, drugs, demoralization, free sex, crime and other forms of social ills.
8. Improving the quality and quantity of recitations.
9. Publish books intended for the public and private groups to complement da'wah activities, and others.

The understanding of social welfare that Aisyiyah strives for is the creation of an ideal condition of a baldatun thayyibatun wa rabbun ghaffur community life, namely a happy, prosperous life full of the abundance of grace and favors from Allah SWT. in this world and the hereafter. Thus a balance point is created between physical and spiritual aspects or material and spiritual aspects.
Since its establishment, Aisyiyah's social welfare activities have started in the form of helping the poor and orphans. In its current development , Aisyiyah's social welfare program is systemized into social activity units, including:
1. Concern and service efforts and support for community groups
2. Development and empowerment of social institutions managed by Aisyiyah such as orphanages, nursing homes, training centers, halfway houses, and others.
3. Increasing the welfare of the poor in urban and rural areas.
4. Services for victims and disaster management.
5. Public advocacy regarding social issues at various levels of society.
6. Develop patterns of prevention and provision of assistance to victims of trafficking and violence against women and children, and others.


As a social organization, health and environmental issues have taken a very serious position in the Aisyiyah movement. With the mission of being a driving force for the realization of a healthy society and environment, Aisyiyah then developed a center for service activities and improved the quality of public health and environmental preservation through education.
The programs developed include:
1. Improving the quality of health services that are affordable in all hospitals, maternity homes, medical centers, Aisyiyah Mother and Child Health Centers and making these activity units as agents of development, not only as a place to treat sick people, but able to play an optimal role in treating the community.
2. Conducting campaigns to increase public awareness and control of dangerous and infectious diseases.
3. Combating HIV/AIDS and drugs, the dangers of smoking and drinking, through various approaches and in collaboration with various parties.
4. Improving education and protection of women's reproductive health
5. Organizing a pilot project of an integrated service system between health institutions, social da'wah and Islamic psychological therapy.
6. Carry out environmental awareness campaigns and the importance of environmental preservation for human life through education. Currently Aisyiyah has managed and developed at least 10 RSKIA (Special Hospitals for Mothers and Children), 29 Maternity Clinics, 232 BKIA/yandu, and 35 Medical Centers spread throughout Indonesia.

In line with the development of education which is one of the main pillars of the Aisyiyah movement, this majetis develops the vision of Aisyiyah's education which has noble character for the people and nation. With the aim of advancing education (formal, non-formal and informal) and educating the nation's life so that Muslim people are realized who are pious, have noble character, are capable, believe in themselves, love the motherland and are useful to society and are blessed by Allah SWT, this Majetis develops and handles educational problems from pre-kindergarten to high school and teacher training.
Currently this assembly has managed and is conducting management and coaching as many as: 86 Playgroups/Early Childhood Education, 5865 Kindergartens, 380 Early Madrasahs, 668 TPA/TPQ, 2,920 IGABA, 399 IGA, 10 Special Schools, 14 Schools Elementary School, 5 Junior High Schools, 10 Madrasah Tsanawiyah, 8 Senior High Schools, 2 Vocational High Schools, 2 Madrasah Aliyah, 5 Islamic Boarding Schools for Girls, and 28 Non-School Education. Currently Aisyiyah is also trusted by the Government to organize hundreds of PAUD (Early Childhood Education) throughout Indonesia.


As a women's organization engaged in the religious and social fields, Aisyiyah is expected to be able to show its commitment and work to advance people's lives, especially in alleviating poverty and employment. With the vision of "organizing the ability of the organization and networking of family economic empowerment activities to improve people's welfare", Majetis Ekonomi is engaged in empowering the small and medium-sized people's economy as well as community-based economic developments.
Several economic majesty programs include:
1. Develop Aisyiyah Family Economic Business Development (BUEKA) and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Currently, Aisyiyah owns and manages 1,426 Economic Enterprises in the region, regions and branches in the form of cooperative business entities, agriculture, home industry, small traders/stores and family economic development.
2. Growing and developing cooperatives and Micro Finance Institutions with legal entities
3. Increasing the participation of 'Aisyiyah in defending and strengthening including advocating for Indonesian workers, especially women workers.
4. Build a network with various parties in order to develop the people's economy
5. Conduct advocacy and consumer protection, and others.

Cadre Education Council
(Email contact: mpk@aisyiyah.or.id)

This Majetis handles the issue of regeneration and development of cadre resources within the Muhammadiyah Putri Youth Generation in an integrative and professional manner which leads to strengthening and developing the da'wah of amar makruf nahi munkar towards civil society. The programs developed by this assembly include:
1. Developing a cadre system capable of producing quality cadres. Currently the Cadre Development Majetis is coaching 617 instructors, 1419 cadres and 108 studies.
2. Improving the quality of cadre development in the form of courses, training, formal schools, and further studies.
3. Increasing the quantity and quality of female ulema cadres, as well as 'cross-knowledge and professional' cadres to strengthen the Aisyiyah movement, and others.


In line with the development of the world of education and Aisyiyah education in particular, this assembly has the task of fostering, coordinating Aisyiyah Higher Education Institutions throughout Indonesia, as well as providing material for consideration in determining policies related to the Aisyiyah higher education sector. With the vision of "forming a Muslim society that has knowledge, Islam and Muhammadiyah-Aisyiyah da'wah organizations", this majetis develops programs
programs include:
1. Study of actual educational issues and research on PTA positioning in society.
2. Compilation of a data base, strategic plan, and Competency-Based Curriculum for PTA.
3. Improving the quality of education as well as synergy and cooperation with various parties, and others.
Currently the Aisyiyah Higher Education Council oversees 3 tertiary institutions, 2 STIKES, 3 AKBID and 2 AKPER throughout Indonesia.

This institution aims to increase studies on problems or issues that are developing, both regarding organizations and social issues related to women's attitudes and organizations, such as violence against women, violence against children and child trafficking, the political role of women, gender discrimination, and others. -other. As an institution engaged in research and development that dynamizes the Aisyiyah da'wah movement, LPPA is expected to be able to provide data and information support through study, research and other development activities to support decision-making and organizational policies in achieving Aisyiyah's vision and goals.
LPPA work programs can be grouped into three categories namely:
1. Study and research division: conducts studies and research on women's, religious, social, and organizational issues and actual issues related to Aisyiyah's efforts to
2. Database Division: establishing a data and information center to support movement dynamics, both internal and external.
3. Islamic Civil Society (ICS) Division: related to development activities, especially strengthening ICS through civic education such as increasing awareness, insight and participation of Aisyiyah residents, especially in the dynamics of social, national and state life towards a democratic life as well as various other capacity building activities .

This institution was formed in order to respond to cultural changes that developed rapidly due to the rapid development of technology and information. In addition to keeping this cultural transformation within the lines of Islamic teachings, this institution aims to explore and socialize cultural creativity as part of the da'wah movement so that true Islamic society and Islamic culture can be realized.
Aisyiyah cultural institution programs include:
1. Increasing attention to socio-cultural issues such as the arts, changes in community culture including people's lifestyles, tourism and other socio-cultural aspects that affect community development along with efforts to develop Islamic repertoire.
2. Implement cultural da'wah demands that do not conflict with Islamic teachings.
3. Developing religious cultural arts with symbols that are easily accepted by society within the framework of Islamic da'wah, including publishing the book Beautiful Tales, Aisyiyah and Performing Arts of Islamic Expression in the Cultural Circle.

This institution aims to build and establish cooperative relationships in order to expand the wings of the movement to achieve organizational goals. This institution also communicates with other institutions/organizations that can encourage the achievement of the vision and mission of the organization, which are not limited to religion, race, ethnicity and class. The LHOHA program is directed at the following activities:
1. Development of communication and cooperation between Islamic organizations and mass organizations
2. Public policy advocacy for the benefit of community justice.
3. Participation in law enforcement efforts and drafting of laws and regulations.
4. Increased public legal awareness.
5. Legal and human rights advocacy.
6. Study of various laws and regulations, especially related to Islamic law and women's issues.


It is an institution that communicates all activities, programs and organizational policies to related parties, both internal and external, and forms a positive image of Aisyiyah in the wider community. Some of the focus programs of this institution's activities include:
1. Publication and socialization of Aisyiyah programs and activities including opinion leaders of Aisyiyah figures
2. Socialization of Aisyiyah's positive image
3. Organize and maintain cooperation with Aisyiyah stakeholders both at home and abroad
In addition, this institution also oversees the Aisyiyah publishing division, SUAR A AISYIYAH, a monthly magazine that has been published since 1926 until now. Suara Aisyiyah is the oldest women's magazine in Indonesia whose development can be followed since the Dutch colonial era, the Japanese era until the time of independence.
Aside from being an organizational tool that publishes Aisyiyah's programs, this monthly magazine is also a strategic tool in providing knowledge expansion and awareness among Aisyiyah residents, especially about the role of women in the domestic and public world.

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