Kamis, 16 Maret 2023
Supporting Lecturer: Afdhal Ilahi, S.Pd.I., M.Pd
Arranged by:
Group 6
Novita Irawan Siregar : 20140115
Nur Ainun Siregar : 20140117
Erika Syari Harahap: 20140101
Praise be to the presence of Allah SWT for all His grace and guidance so that we can complete the paper "Educational Evaluation of Tests and Non-Tests Definition, Principles, Examples" on time. This paper was prepared to fulfill the assignment for the Education Evaluation course
The purpose of preparing this paper is so that readers can broaden their knowledge and knowledge about "Understanding Tests and Non-Tests, Principles, Examples". Our thanks go to the lecturers in the Education Evaluation course, friends and all parties who have helped finish this paper, especially the help of ALLAH SWT who gave us health so that this paper can be completed on time.
With all humility, we really hope for constructive criticism and suggestions, so that we can prepare the paper even better. Hopefully this paper can be useful for readers
Padangsidempuan, 06 February 2023
A. Background 1
B. Problem Formulation 2
C. Purpose 2
A. Definition of Tests and Nontes 3
B. Principles of Tests and Nontes 7
C. Examples of Tests and Nontes 10
A. Conclusion 12
B. Suggestion 12
Learning is an effort in education that has regularity in accordance with the objectives set before the process is carried out and the implementation is directed so that the teaching and learning process occurs. In carrying out learning it is necessary to pay attention to the principles of learning in order to achieve optimal results. One of the learning principles put forward in Gagne's book Condition of Learning (1977) is assessing learning outcomes (assessing performance). Assessing learning outcomes is a process to determine the ability of students to master learning objectives.
The evaluation tool is known as the evaluation instrument. Evaluation tools are basically classified into two, namely tests and non-tests. Test evaluation tools can be used to evaluate cognitive aspects of learning outcomes. Non-test evaluation tools are used to evaluate the learning outcomes of the affective and psychomotor aspects. The affective aspect is related to attitudes and values, while the psychomotor aspect is related to motor skills. On the psychomotor aspect, evaluation is carried out to measure the performance mastered by students. In theoretical learning the evaluation tool used is by means of test techniques and practicum learning can use evaluation tools with test and non-test techniques.
Practicum learning is a process of training students' skills and applying the knowledge gained in theoretical learning. In the practicum process students carry out the tasks available on the jobsheet. In general, the assessment process has not been carried out thoroughly, the assessment is only carried out from the products produced by students.
What is the meaning of test and nontes?
What are the principles of tests and nontes?
Examples of tests and nontes?
Students are able to explain:
1. Definition of tests and nontes.
2. Know the principles of tests and nontes
3. An example of a nontes test.
1. Definition of Test Techniques
The test (test) is an assessment tool in written form to record or observe student achievement in line with the assessment target. The expected answers in the test according to Sudjana and Ibrahim (2001) can be in writing, verbally, or actions. According to Zainul and Nasution (2001) a test is defined as a question or a set of tasks planned to obtain information about an educational attribute or a certain psychological attribute. Each of these questions or tasks has an answer or provision that is considered correct. Thus, if a task or question requires someone to do it, but there is no right or wrong answer or way of doing it, then the task or question is not a test.
The test is one of the planned measurement efforts used by the teacher to try to create opportunities for students to show their achievements related to predetermined goals. The test consists of a number of questions that must be done by students. Each question in the test confronts students with a task and provides conditions for students to respond to the task or question.
A test is a tool or procedure that is used to find out or measure something in an atmosphere, in ways and rules that have been determined. To do this test depends on the instructions given, for example: circling one of the letters in front of the answer choices, explaining, crossing out the wrong answer, doing assignments or orders, answering orally, and so on.
The test is also interpreted as a statement of tasks or a set of tasks that are planned to obtain information about educational attributes, each item in the statement has an answer or provision that is considered correct. Tests usually tend to measure knowledge (cognitive aspect). Tests according to Arikunto and Jabar (2004) are tools or procedures used to find out or measure something using predetermined methods or rules. In this case the definition must be distinguished between test, testing, testee, tester. Testing is the time when the test is carried out (when taking the test).
Meanwhile Gabel (1993) states that testing shows the process of carrying out the test. Testee is the respondent who takes the test. It is they who will be assessed or measured ability. While the tester is someone who is entrusted with the task of carrying out taking tests of respondents. A test is a tool or procedure that is used to find out or measure something in an atmosphere, in ways and rules that have been determined. To do this test depends on the instructions given, for example: circling one of the letters in front of the answer choices, explaining, crossing out the wrong answer, doing assignments or orders, answering orally, and so on. The test is also interpreted as a statement/task or a set of tasks planned to obtain information about educational attributes, Each item in the statement has an answer or provision that is considered correct. Tests usually tend to measure knowledge (cognitive aspect).
A form of test can be divided into 2 types, namely:
Written test
The written test is a set of question items or statements that are systematically planned by the teacher or evaluators, in order to obtain student information. However, written tests can evaluate the principles accompanying skills including cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills. Written tests can also be used to analyze and synthesize information about students.
In terms of its role, a test can be divided into: Diagnostic tests, Formative tests, Placement tests (associations). In addition, a test also sometimes has one or more relevant question items or statements. Based on this, written tests can be divided into 2 parts, namely: Objective tests, called objective tests because students are not required to compose answers on the basis of the information they have as in essay tests. In an objective test, the term objective test is known as a fill-in type test. The objective test is the type of filling (supply type), which is a test that approaches the simple test. This test also requires students to remember learning material, and store material information in mind and then put it in the form of giving answers to a question.
Fill-in type objective tests in principle include 3 tests, namely:
Free answer tests or limited answers reveal students' abilities by asking questions.
Complementary tests reveal students' abilities by providing spaces or blank spaces to be filled with the correct answers (words).
Association test reveals students' abilities by providing spaces filled with one or more answers, where these answers still have a connection and are homogeneous with one another.
Although this type of objective test has been classified as an objective test, it is actually still related to essays, namely that this test still requires free and short answers from students. But because this test only gives students the opportunity to answer in one word and is usually tied to definitions, facts and principles of knowledge, the test is called an objective type of test. Recognition questions are divided into 3 types, namely true-false, multiple choice, and matching.
The essay test, ontologically, is a form of written test, the composition of which consists of question items, each of which contains problems and demands student answers through descriptions of words that reflect students' thinking abilities. Essay tests can be divided into 2 types, namely essay tests with long answers and essay tests with short answers. Evaluations made using essay questions are usually used to explain, contrast, show relationships, provide evidence, analyze differences, draw conclusions, and generalize student knowledge.
b. Oral test
The oral test is a set of questions and or statement items that are arranged in a planned manner, given by a teacher to his students without going through written media. In certain conditions, such as a small number of students or some students who need remedial tests, oral tests can be used effectively. This oral test should function as a complementary test, after the main test in written form is carried out.
Nontest is a way of assessing student learning outcomes which is carried out without testing students, but by making systematic observations. The non-test evaluation technique means carrying out an assessment without using a test. This assessment technique is generally to assess the child's personality as a whole including attitudes, behavior, traits, social attitudes, and others. Things related to learning activities in education, both individually and as a group.
The non-test means carrying out an assessment by not using a test. This assessment technique is generally to assess the child's personality as a whole including attitudes, behavior, traits, social attitudes, speech, curriculum vitae and others related to learning activities in education, both individually and as a group.
Student success in PBM activities cannot always be measured by test assessment tools, because not all student abilities can be measured quantitatively and objectively. Measurement of affective and psychomotor aspects requires assessment tools that are in accordance with these characteristics and are usually qualitative in nature. This measuring instrument is known as a non-test. So, non-tests play an important role, especially in the framework of evaluating student learning in the realm of life attitudes (affective domain) and the realm of skills (psychomotoric domain).
the difference is, the non-test is more qualitative in nature because it measures the realm of attitudes and skills of students. The tests are more quantitative in nature because they are often used to evaluate student learning outcomes in terms of their cognitive domain. In addition, the possible answers for the test are right or wrong, while for the non-test there are no right or wrong answers, it all depends on one's circumstances.
The non-test evaluation techniques include:
Rating scale (level scale) is a non-test tool that gives a numerical value for a kind of judgment (judgment) of an object that is evaluated on the basis of perception or evaluation choice
Questionnaire or questionnaire is an evaluation technique that uses a questionnaire to be answered by the respondent according to the respondent's choice. And when viewed in terms of how to answer the questionnaire is divided into a closed questionnaire and an open questionnaire. A closed questionnaire is a list of questions that have two or more answers and the answerer only gives a cross (X) or check (√) to the answer that he thinks is appropriate. While the open questionnaire is a list of questions where the answerer is allowed to provide answers and opinions in detail according to what he knows.
The matching list is a list that contains statements along with a column of answer choices. The answerer is asked to give a cross (X) or check (√) on the answer that he thinks is appropriate.
Interview, an evaluation technique that emphasizes direct meetings between the evaluator and the evaluator. Interviews were divided into 2 categories, namely first, free interviews where the answerer (respondent) was allowed to give answers freely according to what he knew without being given any restrictions by the interviewer. The second is a guided interview where the interviewer has prepared questions in advance that aim to lead the answerer to only the necessary information.
Observation or observation, is a technique that is carried out by systematically observing and recording what appears and is actually visible. Observation or observation consists of 3 types, namely: (1) participant observation, namely observers involved in the activities of the group being observed. (2) Systematic observation, the observer is not involved in the group being observed. Observers have made a list of factors that have been predicted to have an influence on the system contained in the object of observation. Observation of evaluation techniques that emphasize visual disturbances.
Documentation is an evaluation technique that emphasizes aspects of written data or documents that are closely related to information about students. This documentation data includes the student's curriculum vitae.
Portfolio, a complete report on the activities carried out by students within a certain period of time
Project, assessment which includes project/activity planning, investigation or analysis
Focus Group Discussion (FGD/Focus Group Discussion), data collection techniques through the results of group discussions consisting of 5-8 2. 2.
Principles of written tests of people who are generally guided/led by data collectors Principles of Measurement Tests.
In order to evaluate a training program, the principles of testing and measurement must be taken into account. There are several principles of test and measurement as follows:
As a means to an end.
Measurements relate to goals. Some of the goals in sports training are as follows: (1) developing organic function efficiency, (2) developing motor skills, (3) developing social and emotional adjustment and, (4) developing knowledge and understanding.
Determine needs. Measurements should assist in determining the needs of individual and group athletes. Measurement will help coaches and programmers to determine the needs of individual athletes and groups.
Determine the need for equipment, materials and methods. Measurements should assist the assessment process and can provide support in developing training methods and determining the appropriateness of sports training equipment and materials.
Measurement is wider than the test. A sports training program that uses only one type of test is a limited program. Tests are only one form of measurement, even sports coaches will consider the type of measurement used in the evaluation process.
Objective and subjective measurement. Assessment in the field of sports there are objective and subjective. In an objective assessment of course based on objective measurement results. This subjective assessment is carried out on qualitative performance (performance quality). In fact, a trainer cannot avoid subjective judgments, for example when assessing gymnastic skills, beautiful jumping, even though the assessment already has provisions and criteria that have been set, it is still not objective.
Examples of concrete tests and non-tests
• Sample test
4 questions in the form of a description test on Indonesian material. This form of test can be used to see students' thinking processes (cognitive). The example of the question is: "What do you know about photosynthesis?"
Put a cross (x) on the letters a, b, c and d correctly.
Example Problems for Word Equations
Can't sleep
In fact
The answer: Can't sleep
Example Questions for Opposite Words
piled up
Answer: Dwarf
Examples for Analog Problems
Car – Gasoline = Runner – ….
Answer : Food
Assessment score
In one good question, the score is twenty (20).
If everything is good then the score is (90)
90-80 = very good
70-60 = good
60-50 = enough
40-20 = less
• Sample non-test
Questionnaire of Student Attitudes towards Mathematics. This questionnaire is used to get an overview of a learner's attitude towards mathematics (affective domain) both in the process of learning mathematics, as well as in everyday life. Usually this student questionnaire uses a Likert scale with:
1: Strongly disagree
2: Disagree
3: Undecided
4: Agree
5: Strongly agree
From some of the descriptions above, it can be seen that in order to obtain valid and reliable data or information, it seems that it cannot be done only with test techniques, but also must use non-test techniques. To find out student learning outcomes in the form of theoretical knowledge, it can be done with test techniques. Meanwhile, to find out the attitude and psychological development of students, an evaluator should use non-test techniques. This is so that the data to be obtained can be tested for accuracy and can be accounted for.
Test techniques can be divided into several groups depending on which aspect and the reason for the grouping. As one of them, when viewed from its function, the test is divided into entrance tests, pre-tests, post-tests, formative, summative tests, and diagnostic tests. While non-test techniques are also divided into several groups, including observation, interviews, questionnaires, Likert scales, and others. The two techniques above can be used to obtain information or data from the object to be studied.
We, the authors, realize that there are still many shortcomings in this paper. For that we ask for criticism and suggestions for the formation of better papers and materials. Hopefully this paper can add insight to every reader and can be useful for all of us.
Gabel, DL (1993). Handbook of Research on Science Teaching and Learning Project. Macmillan Publishing Company, Division of Macmillan, Inc., 866 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10022.
Supratiknya, A. (2012). Assessment of Learning Outcomes with Nontes Techniques. Yogyakarta: Sanata Darma University.
Ema Hopipah Siregar permission to ask on page 4
The written test is a set of question items or statements that are systematically planned by the teacher or evaluators, in order to obtain student information. However, written tests can evaluate the principles accompanying skills including cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills. My question is that the presenter will try to give an example and provide an explanation about the written test being able to evaluate the principles accompanying skills including cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills.
Answer: The written test is an assessment tool to require students to remember, understand and organize ideas/things that are hard to learn express in written form, for example stuffing try to name plant-eating animals? Namely goats, giraffes, buffaloes, cows and other fabrics.
Additional answers
Novita Sari Sianggian
What do you think about humans being social beings who cannot live alone? The cognitive aspect is in understanding the theory that humans are social creatures who cannot live alone. practice mutual assistance in daily life
Siregar Tapsel Pearls
What is the basis for determining the appropriate type of test to use with existing material in evaluating students?
Answer: The basis for determining the type of test that is suitable for use with existing material, in evaluating students we can see from the form or classification of the tests before we presented, for example the function of the test can be viewed from three things, namely the function for class, function for guidanc
Additional answers:
Palinsia yanti ancient
Through written tests such as multiple choice, essay and other practice questions, secondly through oral tests such as quizzes, the teacher gives questions to students about the material.
Try to explain whether the non-test assessment tool is suitable for assessing any aspects
Answer: Non-test can be used to assess various aspects of students so that. not only to assess cognitive aspects, but also effective and psychomotor aspects. Thus this instrument has a very important role for a teacher in measuring student abilities.
List of aulia
Non-test evaluation is used to measure, including attitudes, behavior, social traits etc.
Nurul beautiful siregar
dapun non-test means carrying out an assessment by not using a test. This assessment technique is generally to assess the child's personality as a whole including attitudes, behavior, traits, social attitudes, speech, curriculum vitae and others related to learning activities in education, both individually and as a group.