Science And Its Function In Islam
Rabu, 22 Maret 2023
Science And Its Function In Islam
Muslims view that all knowledge is important, especially religious knowledge is seen as sacred knowledge. Allah SWT said in the letter Al-Maidah: 11,
"Allah SWT will exalt those who believe among you and those who are given some degree of knowledge."
Therefore, Muslims see that the most important thing in this world is knowledge, teaching knowledge is the highest place after the level of the prophets, and scholars can give intercession to humans. What kind of Muslims???...
In Arabic poetry it is said: "live the heart with knowledge, therefore own it. And die with stupidity, therefore stay away from it ".
Ibn Khaldun said: "knowledge and teaching is a must in developing human beings", he further said: " Indeed, humans are the same as all animals in terms of animal characteristics, such as feelings, movement, and food..., etc., but the difference between humans and animals are with the mind..., and from this mind comes knowledge and creations".
Other scholars such as Maskawaih and Al - Ghazali said that knowledge is food for the soul and mind, and with knowledge increases understanding and ability to respond and know something, Ibnu Maskawaih said that human understanding increases as long as he trains himself and studies science and literature diligently , and that soul will continue to grow with good thoughts, which are obtained by the ability to accept the new without limit of time.
In a poem it was once expressed: " knowledge is still (static), and will move when read (Iqra'), will advance when written, and will remain when taught"
We know that our soul accepts various forms of everything, both that which can be sensed and that which can be thought of in an exact and perfect form. The received forms are preserved and do not change from the original, and the images do not lose, even the original images remain perfect. Then our soul will always accept other forms one by one all the time without feeling tired and mistaken, even our soul will grow stronger by accepting the first form to accept the next other forms. [1]
Ibn Sina explains how the appearance and forms occur as follows, " that behind what is perceived is actually perceived there is a network and means of capturing all forms desired by the senses. Some of this power is called :"mishwarah" (drawing tool) and it is located in the anterior part of the brain, and it is the one which stores all forms of things that are sensed, after those forms have disappeared due to the obscuration and mixing of sense perceptions.The forms may disappear from the senses but they are still stored in the mishwarah earlier". [2]
Ibn Khaldun said : "Indeed, the science of thinking occurs because of the existence of a certain strength in humans. With the existence of knowledge and thinking, it can develop a person's mind. Because the human soul at level I can only manifest from a strength into a reality when knowledge and knowledge increase and response to real things. Then with the power of thinking it increases to the power of real perception, and a pure intellect. Thus a spiritual substance is formed, and only then is it perfected. Therefore, every type of knowledge and thinking can develop an intelligent mind ('Aqlan faridan)...", further Ibn Khaldun opined that:"People who study writing and arithmetic in particular will develop their minds more than other subjects, because these two sciences have a broad field of thinking and proof, and this is the meaning of reason." [3]
From the explanation above, we can see that Islamic scholars are of the opinion that knowledge is a subject in the sense of something being studied, or with the understanding that the appearance of knowledge is depicted in the mind which can affect the formation of reason, so that it can increase the ability to perceive and understand something. Ibn Sina and Ibn Khaldun both describe how a science can live in a large hard disk of the human brain.
Through many processes, the point is to practice what the Prophet Muhammad brought.
A human being can benefit from his knowledge and his knowledge is only the intelligence he has, and cannot increase his mind and intelligence as much as the knowledge he already has. Education and training do nothing but try to build intelligence, use it, bring it up, and hone it by giving a subject to study and discuss. However, in other matters they have expressed opinions that are almost the same as modern opinions in terms of the effect of taking advantage and results in accordance with the level of intelligence and abilities that are innate. This attitude is in accordance with the words of an Arab poet as follows:
" I see that there are two kinds of reason
The map that is imprinted and that which is heard
There's no sense in listening to it
If nothing is imprinted
Just as there is no use for the sun if the eyes cannot see.”
As for Ibn Khaldun's opinion about the value of the science of writing and arithmetic which explains that these two sciences have a wider field than other sciences in adding to reason, this is completely inconsistent with the flow of modern education, which has never linked to a particular subject. with special abilities that can increase the power of thought or increase sense. It is possible that thinking power can be increased by means of the method used to explain a subject. For example the subjects of history, geography and philosophy can provide sufficient opportunities to expand the research mind and draw conclusions, if the subjects are explained by the ideal method. We cannot say that only arithmetic and writing have such a thing, but these two subjects will have privileges with the existence of special methods that are in accordance with the character of the subjects. This is what Ibn Khaldun said in his words that every type of thought and knowledge will develop an intelligent mind. For example, the method of explaining arithmetic is not the same with the method of teaching social problems and philosophy or history. And it is not supposed that someone who is strong in his proof and research in a subject, will also be strong in other subjects, or in life's problems.
It is not the highest goal of seeking knowledge to gain reason, but Muslims make that knowledge a means to an end or to obtain the highest educational goal in their view, namely the pleasure of God and enjoying eternal happiness in the hereafter. Al-Ghazali explained the task of science in achieving this goal. When reason absorbs knowledge, it thereby gains reason, or acquires a power which enables it to overcome all instinctive desires. The human soul, in the opinion of Islamic scholars, comes from various strengths. Such as the power to distinguish something or understanding, strength, anger that drives anger, and courage in facing danger, and liking for power, heights, and achieving glory; the power of lust which can be seen from looking for food, mating, and various other delicious feelings. These three kinds of strength are different, one of which can be strong, and sometimes weak according to the conditions of custom and education.
The power to understand and think, he gets stronger with the knowledge and experience, because with this he can get a sense that enables him to suppress the passions that invite him to fast delicacy. A doctor is better able to restrain himself from eating some of the food which is physically delicious but actually has a bad impact on health. This is because he has knowledge about the bad effects of these delicious foods. The doctor's knowledge becomes his barrier from lust which will destroy him. Likewise, a pious person who actually practices his knowledge will also be shielded by that knowledge from things that will plunge him.
In this case Al-Ghazali agreed with Plato who said that science is a sine qua non (to follow the good path, virtue, to know what is beneficial and what is harmful , and to overcome the predilections of instinct). Elsewhere Al-Ghazali added that knowledge alone is not enough, but charity must be strengthened. he said:
" all men perish, except the learned, and the learned also perish, except the sincere, and the sincere will gain great honor".
He also said: " If someone reads and studies 100,000 issues of knowledge, and never practices it, then knowledge is useless for him without charity. If you study 100000 years of knowledge and you collect 1000 books, you are not ready to receive God's grace except by practicing it.
Imam Al-Ghazali meant the word charity by:
1. Cleansing the conscience from the filth of the world, bad morals, and lust which is the veil between creatures and the Creator of Allah SWT
2. Decorate yourself with commendable traits
3. Stay away from reprehensible actions
In a hadith the Prophet SAW said,
" It's just that what keeps a person away from the knowledge he learns is that he takes little advantage of the knowledge he has learned."
Some Islamic scholars say " the beginning of knowledge is intention, then listening, understanding, memorizing, practicing it, then broadcasting it". [4]
The Ikhwanus Shafa have explained their opinion in their Rasail about the function of science and its benefits in obtaining happiness in the world and the hereafter, both religious and worldly knowledge.
They say that every knowledge that does not help to achieve a goal, and does not encourage the seeker to do good deeds for the benefit of the hereafter, that person will be tortured on the Day of Resurrection. They analogize the growth of the soul while in the body with the growth of the embryo in the womb. According to him, the embryo will not be born into the world before it is perfect, as well as the growth of the soul, will also reach a perfect process before leaving the body.
However, if its development is not complete in the body, because it is hindered from acquiring knowledge, then it will become weak.
The Ikhwanus Shafa group is of the opinion that the science of religion does not stand alone in achieving goals, but it is together with many other sciences to obtain it, especially natural sciences and philosophy.
Ibnul Arabi argues that strengthening the mind is by having the knowledge of aqliyah, which will strengthen those who have it.
From the explanation above, we can know the opinion of Muslims who practice their Islam about the task of knowledge, which can lead to increased intelligence, can develop an intelligent mind (' aqlan faridan ).
"Allah SWT will exalt those who believe among you and those who are given some degree of knowledge."
In Arabic poetry it is said: "live the heart with knowledge, therefore own it. And die with stupidity, therefore stay away from it ".
Imam Al-Ghazali meant the word charity by:
4. Cleaning conscience from the filth of the world, bad morals, and lust which is the veil between creatures and the creator of Allah SWT
5. Decorate yourself with commendable traits
6. Stay away from reprehensible actions
In a hadith the Prophet SAW said,
" It's just that what keeps a person away from the knowledge he learns is that he takes little advantage of the knowledge he has learned."
Some Islamic scholars say " the beginning of knowledge is intention, then listening, understanding, memorizing, practicing it, then broadcasting it". [5]
An-Namiry Al-Qurthuby, jami'ul Bayani Ilmi wa Fadhlihi
Ibn Khaldun, Al-Muqaddamah, Prints of Beirut
Ibnu Maskawaih, Tahzibul Akhlak Wa Tathirul 'A'Raq, Wathan Printing, Year 1298
Ibnu Sina, Risalah fi Quwal Insaniah wa Iradatuha
[1] Ibnu Maskawaih,Tahzibul Akhlak Wa Tathirul 'A'Raq,Wathan Printing, Year 1298, p. 3-4
[2] Ibn Sina, Risalah fi Quwal Insaniah wa Iradatuha, p. 214
[3] Ibn Khaldun, Al-Muqaddamah, following Beirut, p. 374-375
[4] An-Namiry Al-Qurthuby,jami'ul Bayani Ilmi wa Fadhlihi,Juz 1. Hal. 118
source: ade