
Jumat, 17 Maret 2023









BY :


NPM : 22130002








FACING. 2022 / 2023


Praise the author goes to God Almighty who has given mercy and grace, so that the writer can finish this paper on time entitled "HUMAN NATURE".

The completion of this paper is inseparable from the help of many parties who have provided input to the author. For this, the author is very grateful.

The author realizes that there are still many shortcomings in this paper, both in terms of material and presentation techniques, given the author's lack of knowledge and experience. Therefore, constructive criticism and suggestions are highly expected for the perfection of this paper.

Padangsidimpuan, 07 February 2023

Rohmadia Siregar

NPM. 22130002


Foreword i

Table of contents ii


A.Background 1

B. Problem formulation 1

C. Purpose 1


Human Presence 2

Human Nature 3

Humans in the View of Islam 4

Human Functions and Roles in Islamic Views 4

Human Responsibility 5


Conclusion 9

Saran 9

Bibliography 10




The target of education is human. Humans as the most perfect creatures on this earth have differences and advantages with other creatures. Reason is something that is owned by humans which is very useful for managing instincts and the human ego itself in order to achieve its goals in life.

With reason, humans can learn the meaning and essence of life on this earth, without reason, humans do not have the slightest difference from other creatures. Reason also requires knowledge and knowledge in order to function properly, human nature as a creature that always needs knowledge. Human nature can be individual beings, social beings, pedagogical beings and humans as religious beings.

Formulation of the problem

This paper discusses the subject matter of:

What is meant by human existence?

What is meant by human nature?

What is the explanation of human in Islamic perspective?

What are the functions and roles of humans in the Islamic view?

How do you explain human responsibility?


To know the purpose of human existence

To know the explanation of human nature

To know humans in the view of Islam

In order to understand the function and role of humans in Islam

In order to know human responsibility.



Human Existence

As intelligent beings, human existence on earth has been going on for 50 thousand years, from ancient times to modern times. The development of technology and information is accelerating, it seems as if human desire never goes out even though everything is practical. The desire to be more than before and improve what is owned becomes something that becomes part of the human being himself.

"If life is just living, the pigs in the forest will also live. If work is just work, monkeys also work” a phenomenal statement from Buya Hamka which is still legendary. Because, human life is not the same as the lives of other creatures that exist on this earth. Humans are given reason to think, given reason to think about all things that have been created by God. Even in Surat Az-Zumar Verse 21, Allah SWT says: "Have you not noticed that Allah sends down water from the sky, then arranges it to become water sources on earth and then He grows with that water various plants color, then it dries up and you see it is yellowish, then He makes it fall apart. Verily, in such a thing there is indeed a lesson for those who have reason." (QS Az-Zumar: 21)

So the difference between humans and other creatures is clear, that is, they are given reason, so that they can think about everything that exists on this earth. So that humans can exist with various things they do.

Human existence on earth when viewed from Sören Kierkegaard's philosophy, Kierkegaard said that life is not just something as one thinks, but as one lives. The deeper the human appreciation of life, the more meaningful his life will be. Kierkegaard explains in his work The Present Age that modern humans have transformed into mass humans. Massification will become phantoms that eliminate the singularity of human personality. This leveling process will cause frustration in humans because humans are gripped by it.

As a Muslim, the existence of human existence will certainly not be separated from the arguments in the Al-Quran. As stated in Surat Ad-Dzariyat verse 56:

to worship anyone but mankind, the jinn were created and nothing

wa mā khalaqtul-jinna wal-insa illā liya'budụn

"And I did not create jinn and humans except that they serve Me." (QS Ad-Dzariyat: 56)

Regarding the existence of human existence, the Minister of National Planning and Development, Dr. (HC) Suharso Monoarfa, quoted this verse when explaining how human existence is in the Friday sermon at the Salman Mosque ITB, Friday (26/2). He said that in this life, human existence will never be separated from the questions 'for what' and 'why' which end in synchronization between dhikr and meditation.

Human Nature

Humans are creatures that are created with perfection in the way of thinking and the way to control themselves. Humans are given lust as well as desire. Namely the desire to achieve goals by fulfilling the requirements to become a human being with character.

With the excess of mind and character that God has entrusted, man is able to think about how he lives, and how to survive. With the development of a broad mindset, every form of problem that is experienced will find its own way out.

And with manners, humans can be said to be sentient beings. Creatures that always use conscience, in the form of a guide of reason and feelings that can distinguish between good and bad deeds.

Human nature consists of

Humans have Education

Between humans and education there has been a causal relationship. Because of humans, education absolutely exists, and because of education, humans increasingly become themselves as human beings. Education will be the right tool to develop and build better human character.

Humans have a Mind

Humans are creatures that are created with perfection in the way of thinking and the way to control themselves. Humans are given lust as well as desire. Namely the desire to achieve goals by fulfilling the requirements to become a human being with character

C. Humans in the View of Islam

According to Islam, humans are the most perfect creatures, they were created to become caliphs on earth, when humans are born they bring abilities called fitrah, this fitrah is called potential. Therefore, in relation to education, Islam is very well known. there is nature. Humans in the Qur'an are creatures that are born in a state of holiness; it is education that can change and determine humans to become concrete human beings.

From it we can know, and know about various kinds of concepts related to life, both physical and non-physical. One of the many problems discussed in the Qur'an which often becomes the subject of study which is often assessed speculatively, which is based on a very subjective view and is not based on a truly reliable guide, namely the concept of human beings.

Human Functions and Roles in Islamic Views

In the view of Islam, as creatures created by Allah SWT, humans have certain tasks in carrying out their lives in this world. To carry out their duties, humans are endowed with reason and mind by Allah SWT.

Intellect and thoughts that will guide humans in carrying out their roles. In living in the world, humans are given the task of the caliphate, namely the task of leadership, God's representative on earth, as well as the management and maintenance of nature.

Islam teaches that humans have two predicates, viz

As a servant of Allah (`abdullah) he means that humans are small and have no power. Therefore, his duty is only to worship Him and surrender to Him.

As Allah's representative (khalifatullah), that is, humans are given a very large function, because Allah is the Greatest, humans as His representatives on earth have enormous responsibility and authority.

Human Responsibility

Responsibility is 'the condition of being obliged to bear everything (if anything happens one can be prosecuted, blamed, sued and so on). This is the meaning of responsibility in the Indonesian dictionary. Responsibility is human awareness of intentional or unintentional behavior or actions. Responsibility also means acting as an embodiment of awareness of one's obligations

Responsibility is a characteristic of civilized (cultured) humans. Humans are responsible for realizing the good or bad consequences of their actions. He also realizes that the other party requires his dedication or sacrifice. When examined further, responsibility is an obligation or burden that must be borne or fulfilled, as a result of our actions to other people, or as a result of the actions of other parties to us.

An example of human responsibility as a creation to God is to always be grateful and take care of all the blessings He has given, and to always obey all commands and stay away from all God's prohibitions.

Forms of human responsibility

Responsibility to God.

Humans are one of the many creatures created by God Almighty. The sense of responsibility of humans as creatures to God is to always be grateful and take care of all the blessings He has given, and to always obey all commands and stay away from all God's prohibitions.

Responsibility to Oneself

Instilling an attitude of responsibility to ourselves can reflect our character. Responsibility with yourself, namely:

Protect yourself from harmful things.

Maintain personal hygiene

Maintain health and balanced nutrition.

Maintain security.

Carry out what was promised.

Responsible for words and deeds.

Responsible for the decisions they choose.

Responsibilities to the Family

Parenting style of father and mother Being responsible in the family is always maintaining the good name of the family, by:

Maintain cleanliness, comfort, safety in the family.

Obey the rules that have been set together.

Behave according to the norms and rules that apply in the family.

Maintain family harmony by loving, respecting and appreciating each other.

Responsibility to the Environment and Society

As social beings, of course we have responsibilities in a social environment, which can be done, among others, by:

Participating in activities organized by the community, for example keeping the environment clean, maintaining security and order in society.

Do not commit acts that are not in accordance with applicable regulations/norms.

Dare to report events that harm the community to the authorities.

Appreciate differences in religion, ethnicity, and culture.

Responsibility to the Nation and State

Maintain the unity and unity of the nation.

Love the motherland by preserving its language and cultural arts.

Appreciate the diversity that is owned by the Indonesian nation.

Always love all domestically made products.

Characteristics of a Responsible Attitude:

Always be careful.

Discipline to keep the promises he has made.

Trying to do the job as best as possible.

Able to bear the risk of his words and actions.

Have a high commitment to something.

Willing to sacrifice.

Be honest in doing something.

Dare to take risks.

Care about the condition of the surrounding environment.




The difference between humans and other creatures is that they are given reason, so that they can think about everything that exists on this earth. So that humans can exist with various things they do.

Humans are creatures that are created with perfection in the way of thinking and the way to control themselves. Humans are given lust as well as desire. Namely the desire to achieve goals by fulfilling the requirements to become a human being with character.

In the Al-Qur'an which is often the subject of study which is often assessed speculatively, which is based on a very subjective view and is not based on a truly reliable guide, namely the concept of human beings.

Intellect and thoughts that will guide humans in carrying out their roles. In living in the world, humans are given the task of the caliphate, namely the task of leadership, God's representative on earth, as well as the management and maintenance of nature.

Responsibility is 'the condition of being obliged to bear everything (if anything happens one can be prosecuted, blamed, sued and so on).


Although the author wants perfection in the preparation of this paper, in reality there are still many deficiencies that need to be corrected by the author. This is due to the lack of knowledge of the author.

Therefore, constructive criticism and suggestions from readers are highly expected as evaluation material for the future. So that it can continue to produce research and writing that is useful for many people.


UNJ Education Foundation Book, By: MKDK Lecturer Team



Questioner : Nurhalimah Adam

Question : What is the function or role of humans as khalifatullah on earth?

Answer : I worship and submit myself to God found in QS Dzariat verse 56.

to worship anyone but mankind, the jinn were created and nothing

wa mā khalaqtul-jinna wal-insa illā liya'budụn

The witness stated that only Allah has the right to be worshiped.

Caliphate is to prosper, manage, look after, care for, preserve and provide security by doing righteous deeds in accordance with the shari'a of the Islamic religion taught by the prophet Muhammad SAW to his people.

Questioner : Sevvida Siregar

Question : How is human nature in education?

Answer : Humans were given a mind by Allah SWT so that it has something to do with education, namely humans use their minds and minds in increasing knowledge, adding insight and deepening religion for the sake of the salvation of the world and the hereafter.

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