
Jumat, 17 Maret 2023

Papers About Asmaul Husna Complete Discussion 100% For You


A. Background

Allah SWT is the almighty substance, the might of Allah is incomparable, unlimited and eternal. Allah SWT created this universe for the benefit of mankind, in creating nature Allah never asked for help from other creatures, therefore we as servants of Allah should always glorify Him, Allah's ability by always obeying everything He has ordered and also stay away from everything that He has forbidden.

Allah's ability to create nature and its contents is a manifestation of Asmaul Husna, namely Al-Aziz, Allah has 99 Asma'ul Husna, including Al-Gaffar, Al-Basit, An-Nafi', Ar-Rauf, Al-Barr, Al-Hakim, Al-Fattah, Al-Adl, Al-Qayyum, and so on. These names have been mentioned in the Qur'an that the existence of Asmaul Husna is proof that Allah is the mighty and all-wise, for that we are obliged to practice Asmaul Husna in our daily lives.
B. Problem Formulation

1. Menguraikan 10 Asmaul Husna yakni (Al Muqsith, An Nafii`, Al Waarist, Ar Raafi`, Al Baasith, Al Hafizh, Al Waduud, Al Waalii, Al Mu`izz, Al Afuww).

2. Menujukan Kebenaran tanda-tanda kebesaran Allah melalui 10 Asmaul Husna (Al Muqsith, An Nafii`, Al Waarist, Ar Raafi`, Al Baasith, Al Hafizh, Al Waduud, Al Waalii, Al Mu`izz, Al Afuww).

3. List of properties that include 10 names Asmaul Husna, (Al `Aziiz, Al Ghafour, An Nafii`, Al Baasith, Ar Ra`uuf, Al Barri, Al `Adl, Al Ghaffaar, Al Fattaah, Al Qayyuum) in modern life -hari.

4. Imitating the attributes of God contained in the 10 Asmaul Husna (Muqsith, An Nafii`, Al Waarist, Ar Raafi`, Al Baasith, Al Hafizh, Al Waduud, Al Waalii, Al Mu`izz, Al Afuww) in daily life -day.




A. Menguraikan 10 Asmaul Husna yakni (Al Muqsith, An Nafii`, Al Waarist, Ar Raafi`, Al Baasith, Al Hafizh, Al Waduud, Al Waalii, Al Mu`izz, Al Afuww).

According to language, asma'ul husna means good names, while according to terms it means good names that belong to Allah as proof of His majesty and glory. In the Qur'an the good names are explained in Qs. Al-A'raf/7: 180 as follows:

And to Allah belong the most beautiful names, so invoke Him by them, and leave those who deviate in His names; they will be requited for what they used to do.

Meaning: "Only God's name belongs to God, so pray to Him by saying that name and leave those who deviate from the truth in His name. Later they will get a reward for what they have done." (Qs. Al-A'raf/7: 180)

The beautiful names (Asmaul Husna), numbering 99 according to the calculations of Sunni scholars, can be arranged chronologically so beautifully as a string of tasbih. Starting with lafadz al-jalalah, Allah, with the number 0 (zero), which is considered the number of perfection, followed by al-Rahman, al-Rahim and so on until the number 99, al-Sabur. And back again to the number zero, Allah (al-jalalah), or back again to the big divider in the tasbih string, the symbol for the number zero in the form of a cycle, starts and ends at one point, or according to the term of the Qur'an: Inna li Allah wa inna ilaihi raji'un,(we come from God and will return to Him). [1]

As mentioned above, Asmaul Husna Allah SWT has 99 names. Some of these Asmaul Husna are included in the obligatory attributes of Allah, namely the attributes and must be owned by Allah SWT. Regarding the number of Asmaul Husna Rasulullah SAW said; Meaning: "In fact, Allah has ninety-nine names, one hundred minus one. Whoever memorizes it by believing in the truth, he will enter heaven, indeed Allah is the most odd, not even and very happy with something odd. (Narrated by Ibn Majah).

Back to the initial discussion, namely describing the nature of God in Asmaul Husna (Al Muqsith, An Nafii`, Al Waarist, Ar Raafi`, Al Baasith, Al Hafizh, Al Waduud, Al Waalii, Al Mu`izz, Al Afuww). For more details I will describe as follows;

1) Al Muqsith المقسط The Most Balanced.

Allah never burdens one party against another, and Allah does not relieve one party against another, rich and poor, the positions of kings and slaves, are all considered the same.

2) An Nafii` النافع The Most Beneficial.

It is said that it is He who benefits, Allah creates everything on this earth to benefit His creatures.

3) Al Waarits الوارث The Most High Heir.

In human life, Allah not only inherits wealth, land/area (QS, Al-Ahzab 33.27) but also the Qur'an (Qs. Al-Fatir 35.32) even with His permission, a person can inherit knowledge (An-Naml 27.16) what is important is inheriting heaven (Qs. Maryam 19.19).

4) Ar Raafi` الرافع The Most Exalted (its creatures).

Even though we have fallen, He can raise us up again, even though we have reached a low point, He can raise us again. Because nothing is impossible for God to be able to do.

5) Al Baasith الباسط The Most Expansive (his creatures).

When we are faced with life's problems it is as if the days we face are long enough, when we get a disaster it is as if we are pessimistic about getting through it and are reluctant to let it go. But when we are conscious, it is He (God) who broadens everything, it is He who broadens our souls, who lifts our hearts and increases our awareness. Because Allah is Most Gracious and Merciful to His servants.

6) Al Hafizh الحفيظ The Most Preserving.

He is so big, that He can take care of everything, without favoritism, a small human being, whose insight is not able to love everyone. Man also cannot be called the maintainer. At best, we only care for our own family and that too because of His will. Without His grace we can do nothing. As the caretaker and preserve our wise qualities. He gives to our physical, he also meets our spiritual needs. At the time of weakness He is the source of strength, because He is the one who gives strength (al-Muqit). [2]

7) Al Waduud الودود The Most Loving.

Imam Al-Ghazali said that the word Wadud is closer to the meaning of mercy, but mercy relies on kindness to those who are pitied, while those who are pitied are people who are in need and people who are in trouble. Ar-Rahim's actions presuppose that the person being pitied is weak, while Al-Wadud's actions are not. Because, the grace that Allah gives to whom He wills, including the believers, the disobedient, the strong and the weak. But His compassion is special for believers, because they are people who are loved by Allah and they are the ones who specifically get His compassion in addition to the grace they have received.

8) Al Walii الولي Al-Waliy The Most Protecting

Our friends in this world cannot protect us, today they will not protect us tomorrow, today we are friends, they may turn into enemies tomorrow, even when there is a disaster they cannot help us. They are not our true friends, they are just friends. for us, because only Allah can protect us anytime and anywhere, because His protection is not limited by space and time.

9) Al Mu`izz المعز The Most Glorifying (His creatures).

It is said that Al-Mu'izz is the One who gives glory to the servants He wills, while Al-Mudzill is the One who subdues those He wants by humiliating them. But don't forget that even behind the withdrawal there is God's grace, He wants to increase our awareness and lower our degree, which is a means to achieve what He wants. Only awareness can save us, and He wants us to be saved, so don't ever doubt His wisdom, whatever He does to make us aware. Because He glorifies (His creatures). [3]

10) Al- Afuww العفو The Most Forgiving.

Al Afuww is the One who removes all evil and forgives those who have committed sins. This word of al-Afuww is close to the meaning of Al-Ghafur , but it is more perfect. Because, Al-Ghafur is as-sitr (concealing), while Al-Afuww is al-mahwu (erasing).

It is said that the angels who are assigned to record human deeds deliver the records of their deeds on the Day of Resurrection, then they see that most of the deeds have been erased, even though they know what is in them. So they realize that God has willed good for that person. Allah's Word: "And it is He who receives repentance from His servants and forgives mistakes ..." (QS. Ash-Shura: 25).

B. Kebenaran tanda-tanda kebesaran Allah melalui 10 Asmaul Husna (Al Muqsith, An Nafii`, Al Waarist, Ar Raafi`, Al Baasith, Al Hafizh, Al Waduud, Al Waalii, Al Mu`izz, Al Afuww).

How noble the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, who with His words teach us about the greatness and majesty of Allah SWT. So many natural events and miracles that appear as evidence of His greatness. Hopefully the greatness that God shows us will always make us closer to Him. Here are some of the greatness of Allah which is summarized in the 10 Asmaul Husna,
Al Muqsith المقسط The Most Balanced.

We have seen lots of people who are rich become poor, and conversely the poor become rich, or a person's rank is suddenly removed, while a person has no desire to gain a rank, instead he is promoted, this is what really happened in around us, because He is the One who takes the rights of the persecuted from those who persecute. His perfection is to make the persecuted person give up the actions of those who persecute him. This is the culmination of indiscriminately just nature, and cannot be done except by Allah SWT.
An Nafii` النافع The Most Beneficial.

Don't we think that Allah created everything to meet our needs? Animals, plants, and even all of God's creations in this universe, among plants there are many useful properties, so that they can be used as medicine to cure diseases that we suffer, with His permission one can also become a doctor who can heal his patients. And none of that will happen except by the greatness of Allah.
Al Waarits الوارث The Most High Heir.

The oceans, the land where we set our feet everyday, the moon, the stars and many more of His creations that we can't count, Allah has inherited some of what He created for us, In human life Allah does not only inherit property, land / region (QS, Al-Ahzab 33.27) but also the Qur'an (Qs. Al-Fatir 35.32) even with His permission one can inherit knowledge (An-Naml 27.16) the important thing is inheriting heaven (Qs. Maryam 19.19 ). People who see with the eyes of the heart always witness the meaning of these verses and listen to them. They believe that the kingdom belongs to God alone, every day, every moment, and every second, because that is why He is eternal and eternal. This can be achieved by those who understand the essence of monotheism, and know that there is only one deed in the heavens and on earth. Having this ism requires us to become inheritors of what pious people have done, because the cleric is the inheritor of the prophets.
Ar Raafi` الرافع The Most Exalted (his creatures).

It's not impossible if God can resurrect people who have died, we've encountered stories from people who have experienced suspended animation, God has his own reasons why He gave them the opportunity to live again in the world, it sounds very illogical, but the fact does exist. And all of that is a form of the greatness of Allah SWT. Wallahua'lam.
Al Baasith الباسط The Most Extensive (his creatures).

Allah will not give trials beyond the limits of His servant's ability, don't we feel? it is the magnificence of God that expands, our hearts, our souls, and our patience. And have we realized that this is a form of God's greatness in His nature Al-Baasith?
Al Hafizh الحفيظ The Most Preserving.

God is so great, that He can take care of everything, without favoritism, a small human being, whose insight is not able to love everyone. He gives health to our physical, he also meets our spiritual needs. And in times of weakness He is a source of strength,
Al Waduud الودود The Most Loving.

Where there is difficulty, there must be ease, where there is pain, there must be happiness as promised, and Allah will replace something that is lost with something new, which is better, because Allah knows much better what we need. Such is the greatness of Allah in Loving His servants.
Al Walii الولي Al-Walii The Most Protecting

Can we still remember the calamities that occurred a few years ago? The tsunami earthquake that hit Aceh, the Yogyakarta earthquake, the Wasior earthquake, the Lapindo mudflow which is still active today. then why some of them are survivors? Who else but Allah can protect them from this disaster, because of Allah they can be saved, it is impossible without the power of Allah they can save themselves each, because of the greatness of Allah who is protecting this they can be safe, even still able to breathe today . And there is much more to the greatness of Allah in the nature of Al-Walii which is impossible to describe here.
Al Mu`izz المعز The Most Glorifying (His creatures).

Someone can go bankrupt from their business, on the other hand someone can increase or gain from their business, there is even someone who only sells pecel rice, but he can go on pilgrimage to Baitullah, and there are not a few people who live in abundance but their lives are not happy, why is that? Because Allah raises the degree of those who are patient, because Allah raises the degree of those who are persecuted, nothing is impossible if Allah wills, these are some examples of the greatness of Allah through His character Al-Muizz. [4]
Al Afuww العفو The Most Forgiving.

Sometimes we don't want to forgive someone's bad deeds done to us, even though those deeds are nothing compared to our bad deeds to Allah, who often forgets them, maybe even worse, but Allah doesn't care about that, whoever sincerely repents to him , then He will accept it. Don't we imagine that even the smallest of our bad deeds will not be forgiven by Allah? Then what should we do? For this reason, it is a greatness from God if He can forgive all of His servants who truly repent to Him. According to God's Word:

"And it is He who accepts repentance from His servants and forgives mistakes ..." (QS. Asy-Shura: 25).

C. Discovered the name of 10 Asmaul Husna, (Al `Aziiz, Al Ghafour, An Nafii`, Al Baasith, Ar Ra`uuf, Al Barri, Al `Adl, Al Ghaffaar, Al Fattaah, Al Qayyuum) in the history of the world- hari.

As for faith, it includes three elements, namely, speech, determination in the heart and acting with limbs (doing), people who believe in Allah must be able to prove this faith in life behavior as the practice of the 10 Asmaul Husna above, as follows:

1. Al-Aziz which means the Mighty, Allah is mighty in all things, His might is unlimited, Allah is mighty in creating things according to His will, preserving or destroying things according to His will as well. As for those who practice the nature of Al-Aziz, he will be strong, not weak, firm and firm in carrying out his obligations as a servant of Allah, because temptation is always there. As for the proposition naqli al-Aziz. [5] Qs. Al-Ankabut/29: 42

God knows what they invoke besides Him, and He is the Mighty, the Wise.

It means; “Indeed, Allah knows what they call besides Allah. And He is Mighty, Most Wise."

2. Al-Ghafuur which means Most Forgiving, People who practice this trait are always generous to be able to forgive someone else who has made a mistake in him.

3. An-Nafii' which means Most Beneficial, a person who practices these qualities is clever in being grateful for the blessings and gifts of Allah received by utilizing these blessings in accordance with Islamic guidelines.

4. Al-baasith which means Most Extensive, Someone who practices this quality must be qana'ah towards his own destiny, not angry at all the gifts given to others, always aware that Allah is the one who arranges human sustenance.

5. Ar-Rauuf, which means Most Merciful, and people who practice these qualities in their daily lives are not greedy towards the world because they are aware that something good does not necessarily bring blessings and benefits to them. The benefits and blessings of something only exist in Allah SWT.

6. Al-Barri which means Most Benevolent, People who practice this trait like to donate part of their wealth to help the poor and orphans, just as God donates to all His creatures. [6]

7. Al-Adl which means Most Just, then the person who practices this characteristic, he will definitely decide cases in a fair manner according to applicable law, not taking sides with anyone in deciding a case, justifying what is right and blaming what is wrong. As for the argument naqli al'Adl, in the letter (Fushshilat/41:46)

Whoever does righteousness, it is for himself, and whoever does evil, it is for it, and your Lord is not unjust to the servants.

It means:
Whoever does a good deed then (his reward) is for himself and whoever does an evil deed, then his (sin) is for himself; and in no way is your Lord mistreating His servants.

8. Al-Ghaffar which means Most Forgiving, and a person who practices this trait will easily forgive other people's mistakes, even though the person doesn't apologize, let alone apologize. And the argument naqli al-Ghaffar, (Qs. Thaha/20: 82)

And I am most forgiving of those who repent and believe and do righteous deeds and then are guided

It means:
And indeed I am Forgiving to those who repent, believe, do righteous deeds, and then remain on the right path.
Al-fattah which means the Opener/Allowing decision, God who decides whether his creatures will go to heaven or hell, and God who bestows Mercy on His people. So when a person enters who practices this trait, he will bow down and obey Allah SWT. Appropriate in the Naqli evidence, (Qs. Saba'/34: 26)

Say: Our Lord will bring us together, then decide between us with truth, and He is the Knowing Opener.

Meaning: Say: “Our Lord will gather us all, then He will judge between us correctly. And He is the Most Decision-giver, the All-Knowing."

Al-Qayyum which means The Most Standing Alone, As for those who practice this trait, he shows an independent attitude in carrying out this life. We are indeed social beings who need each other, but this social relationship is not a reason to depend on others. Social relations must be maintained well, but independence needs to be instilled in life so that our lives do not become a burden to other people. The following is the naqli argument from the nature of Al-Qayyum, (Qs. Al-Baqarah / 2: 255)

اللَّهُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ الْحَيُّ الْقَيُّومُ لَا تَأْخُذُهُ سِنَةٌ وَلَا نَوْمٌ لَهُ مَا فِي السَّمَوَاتِ وَمَا فِي الْأَرْضِ مَنْ ذَا الَّذِي يَشْفَعُ عِنْدَهُ إِلَّا بِإِذْنِهِ يَعْلَمُ مَا بَيْنَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَمَا خَلْفَهُمْ وَلَا يُحِيطُونَ بِشَيْءٍ مِنْ عِلْمِهِ إِلَّا بِمَا شَاءَ وَسِعَ كُرْسِيُّهُ السَّمَوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ وَلَا يَئُودُهُ حِفْظُهُمَا وَهُوَ الْعَلِيُّ الْعَظِيمُ

It means; “Allah, there is no God but He who lives eternally and continues to take care of; not sleepy and not sleeping. To Him belongs what is in the heavens and on earth. Nothing can intercede with Allah without His permission? Allah knows what is before them and behind them, and they know nothing from Allah's knowledge except what He wills. Allah's chair covers the heavens and the earth. And Allah does not find it hard to maintain both of them, and Allah is Most High, Most Great.

D. Exemplify the attributes of God contained in the 10 Asmaul Husna (Muqsith, An Nafii`, Al Waarist, Ar Raafi`, Al Baasith, Al Hafizh, Al Waduud, Al Waalii, Al Mu`izz, Al Afuww) in daily life -day.

A) AL Basith Al Baasith (The Most Extensive creature).

following Al-Basith means that we must widen our own hearts by drawing closer to and obeying Allah, when we remember and obey Allah, our hearts will always be at peace. (Qs Ar-Ra'd 13.28). besides that we also have to broaden the hearts of others, especially those we love, by making them happy, as an example, if our relatives need help then help as much as we can. And how the help we give makes him happy. [7] Al ankabut 29.62.

B) Al Waarist (the most inheriting)

Those who emulate this trait should, if they have the ability, donate their inheritance to families who are more in need. If he can't do this, then don't inherit and make the family fall apart, and moreover, don't eat up the inheritance that isn't rightfully yours. This is one that Allah condemns emphatically (Qs. Al-Fajr: 19). After that, he is required to adorn himself with the characteristics specified by Him when explaining which of His natural creatures is the heir of heaven (Qs. Al-Mu'minun: 1-11)

C) Al-Muizz (who glorifies His creatures)

We are aware that glory belongs to Allah, because if we want glory, then to imitate Him we must obey and obey Him, God will surely bestow glory on us. Besides that, we also have to honor our parents because they are the people who have the most merit in our lives, honor them by being devoted to both parents, not occasionally hurting them, let alone being disobedient to them. And do not be lulled by the times of ease and ease when all of this happened by forgetting Allah in your pleasure and happiness, by becoming arrogant thinking that you are the cause of your success and security. So at that time we must remember another friend of faith, namely being grateful (syukr), because Allah loves those who are grateful.

D) AL-Hafizh (the most caring)

To emulate him we should be grateful to Allah SWT who has given thousands of pleasures to the world, including among them he created the forest also for our benefit, for that we should preserve it well and care for the environment, everything that God created has benefits, that's why we should take good care of it. [8]

E) Al-Walii (the most protecting)

To emulate this trait can be done by not protecting and defending the wrong people. Always ask for protection from Satan's temptations, dare to say no to say things that are not good even though they hurt yourself or others.

F) An-Nafii` (The Most Beneficial).

This trait can be exemplified by using our time effectively, and not wasting it, if we make the best use of our time then our lives will also be useful, apart from being disciplined people, there are many people who need it because we are seen as hard working people. Because the best human being is useful for others. But in busyness, don't forget Him and always draw closer to Him. [9]

G) Al Muqsith (The Most Balanced).

This trait can be exemplified by not discriminating between our brothers who are poor and who are rich, who are good and who are bad, we must respect and value them because we are both creatures of God who cannot possibly live alone without someone else. .

H) Al Waduud (The Most Loving).

This trait can be exemplified by sharing the good fortune we get with people who need it more, such as loving orphans and helping the poor. As a form of our gratitude to Allah who has given us enough sustenance, so that we can share it with others.

I) Ar Raafi` (The Most Exalted of His Creation).

Imitating the nature of Ar-Raafi' can also be done by helping solve a friend's problem who is in need of our help, so that he doesn't feel down, and lightens his burden a little, as mentioned in the statement above that humans cannot live alone. without other tang people.

J) Al Afuww (The Most Forgiving of all mistakes).

To emulate this trait can be done by forgiving small mistakes or big mistakes that someone makes against us, although sometimes we are reluctant to forgive him because the mistakes he made to us are too bad but there is nothing wrong if we learn little by little to forget his mistakes and think about positive things, then gradually we will get used to the nature of being easy to forgive. [10]



A. Conclusion

Allah has 99 beautiful names or better known as Al-Asma-ul-Husna. These names are a reflection of Allah's behavior towards His Servant. Therefore, if we mention these names as a request, it will undoubtedly have a very big influence,
The suggestion to pray using Asmaul Husna has been reflected in God's word: "Only belongs to Allah Asma-Ul Husna, so pray to Him by calling Asma-Ul Husna, and leave those who deviate from the truth in (mentioning) His names. Later they will get a reward for what they have done. (Sura Al-A'rof Verse 180).

In His Attributes of Asmaul Husna, He has shown the greatness that makes sense to the unreasonable, everything can be desired by Him because God is Almighty over everything in this universe, so much generosity and favor is given to His servants without discrimination, He gives everything, because God is the Most Merciful, Most Generous and Most Preserving.

Therefore, as an obedient and obedient servant of God, we will always practice these qualities in our daily lives, as well as imitate them as a form of our love for God SWT. Wallahua'lam Bissawab.


o Krishna Anad, Asmaul Husna 99 Names of Allah for Modern People, 1999, Jakarta; Main Library Gramedia.

o Shaykh Al-Utsaimin Sholeh bin Muhammad, Ai-Qawa'idil Mutsla Understanding the Names and Attributes of Allah, 2003, Jogjakarta; Hidayah Media

o Rahayu Suci. Thoifuri, Islamic Religious Education, High School, Class X, 2007, Jakarta; Ganesha Exact.

o Zaenal Damam Muhammad S. Makhfud Ahmad S. Reference Textbook for Enrichment of Aqidah Ahlak, MTS Class VII Semester 2, 2008, Solo; CV. Sindunata.

o El-Bantanie Syafii Muhammad, Secrets of the magic of Asmaul Husna, 2009, Jakarta; PT. Media Revelation.

http://www.riwayat.web.id/2009/12/asmaul-husna.html-25/04/2011=22.02 _

http://blog.chess.com/emde/meneladani-sifat-sifat-tuhan -04 / 30/2011=12.35

source: Lathifah

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