




Effective Lecturer : Afdhal Divine S.Pd.I.,M.Pd

Arranged By Group 7 :

Nuri Ramadani Lubis 20140121

Nurjelita Harahap 20140118




FY 2023


Praise the presence of Allah SWT. Who has given His Grace and guidance so that we can complete the paper assignment entitled "Teacher-made tests and standardized tests" in a timely manner. The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment for the Anti-Corruption Education course given by Lecturer Mr. "Afdhal Divine S.Pd.I., M.Pd".

We would like to thank Mr. Afdhal Divine S.Pd.I., M.Pd. As a supporting lecturer who has given this assignment so that we can add knowledge and insight in accordance with the field of study that we are engaged in. We also thank all parties who have participated in the preparation of this paper so that we can complete this paper. We realize that our paper is still far from being perfect. Therefore, we will look forward to criticism and suggestions for the perfection of this paper.

Padang Sidimpuan 13, March, 2023






Background 1

Problem Formulation 1

Goal 1


Definition of Teacher-Made Test 2

Teacher-Made Test Principle 2

Example of Teacher-Made Test 2

Definition of Standard Test 3

Standard Test Principle 3

Sample Standard Test 3







Teacher-made tests are tests that are arranged by the teacher or without the help of other teachers and are applied to their own class with moderate or low reliability covering narrow aspects. standardized test is a test that is prepared by a team of experts, or arranged by a special institution that organizes it professionally. The test is known to qualify as a good test. This test can be used for a relatively long time, can be applied to several objects covering a large area. To measure its validity and reliability, it has been tested several times so that the results can be accounted for.

Formulation of the problem

What is the meaning of teacher-made tests and standardized tests?

What are the principles of teacher-made tests and standardized tests?

What are examples of teacher-made tests and standardized tests?


To find out the meaning of teacher-made tests and standardized tests.

To find out the principle of teacher-made tests and standardized tests.

To find examples of teacher-made tests and standardized tests.



Definition of Teacher-Made Test

Teacher-made tests (teacher-made tests) are tests that are compiled by the teacher who will use the test. Teacher-made tests are tests that are made by a teacher to formulate specific materials and objectives for his own class and are still within the scope of the school where he teaches. This test is usually used for daily, formative, and general (summative) tests.

Teacher-made tests are intended to measure the level of success of students in achieving competence after the learning process has taken place which is managed by the class teacher concerned. Therefore, the teacher must make questions logically and rationally regarding what subject matter is appropriate to ask.

In general, schools usually use tests made by teachers to assess students' progress in terms of achievements that have been learned. The forms of tests that are usually used in schools can be classified into two forms of tests, namely:

Subjective Test

Objective Test

Principles of Teacher-Made Tests

Can occur only includes narrow knowledge or skills.

Usually compiled by the teacher with little or no help from other people / experts.

Rarely use test items that have been tried out, analyzed, and revised.

Have moderate or low reliability.

Group norms are limited to certain classes.

Example of a Teacher-Made Test

Daily tests are a type of evaluation carried out by educators on students within a certain period to measure the achievement of a Basic Competency (KD). Daily tests can be in the form of tests or non-tests.

Mid Semester Test or commonly abbreviated as UTS which is now termed PTS (Mid Semester Assessment) is an activity carried out by teachers to measure student achievement after carrying out learning activities for half a semester or around 8 weeks.

Final Semester Assessment (PAS) is a form of evaluation carried out by educational units with the aim of knowing students' absorption of all basic competencies that have been undertaken for six months (one semester).

Homework is structured independent assignments that teachers give to do at home as additional practice. In a lesson preparation plan (RPP) made by a teacher, it generally includes a structured independent assignment section at home. PR is also given a percentage in the daily assessment.

Definition of Standard Test

A standardized test is a test that has undergone a standardization process, namely the process of validity and reliability, so that the test is truly valid and reliable for one purpose and for a particular group. This test is prepared by a team of experts or by an institution that specifically organizes tests professionally. The test is known to qualify as a good test. This test can be used for a relatively long time, can be applied to several objects covering a wide area.

Standard Test Principles

Covers a wide range of aspects and knowledge or skills with only a few test items for each skill or topic.

Compiled with complete staff of professors, discussants, editors, test items.

Using test items that have been tried out (Try Out), analyzed and revised before becoming a test.

Has high reliability.

It is possible to use the norms for the whole country.

Sample Standard Test

Intelligence test itself is a series of tests that are used to test and measure a person's level of intelligence. Including knowing the potential, strengths and weaknesses. This test is included in the Psychology Science section which helps analyze a person's abilities (both visible and invisible).

Aptitude and Interest Tests are a series of tests and analyzes that describe cognitive abilities, characteristics of interests, talents and personality of students in a particular field or department.

Learning achievement test is a test that measures the knowledge a person has as a result of an education program or training program. Through learning achievement tests information can be obtained regarding differences in progress or additional knowledge between students.

Personality test is a tool used to assess a person's personality. This testing and assessment uses techniques designed to measure the patterns of characteristics and traits that a person exhibits in various situ




Teacher-made tests are tests that are made by a teacher to formulate specific materials and objectives for his own class and are still within the scope of the school where he teaches. In general, schools usually use tests made by teachers to assess student progress in terms of achievements that have been learned. Forms of tests that are usually used in schools can be classified into two forms of tests, namely: Subjective Tests and Objective Tests.

A standardized test is a test that has undergone a standardization process, namely the process of validity and reliability, so that the test is truly valid and reliable for one purpose and for a particular group.


Arikunto, Suharsini. (1998). Fundamentals of Educational Evaluation. Bina Jakarta Script Publisher.

Ibrahim, R. And Ali, M. (2007). Educational Evaluation Theory. Bandung. Pedagogy Press.


Question and Answer Session 1:

1.Fatika fadillah hasibuan

Question: What is meant by a subjective test and an objective test?

Answer: A subjective test is a test which is usually in the form of questions, each of which contains problems and requires decomposition as an answer.

An objective test is a test which in its examination can be carried out objectively, whoever wants to correct the answers to the objective test, the results will be the same.

Additional Answers

1. noni yusnaida hrp

Answer: Subjective tests are generally in the form of essays. Essay form tests are a type of learning progress test that require answers that are discussion in nature or description of words. Descriptions are items that contain questions or assignments whose answers or work on these questions must be done by expressing the thoughts of students. .

An objective test is a written test that requires students to choose answers that have been provided or give short answers and the examination is carried out objectively (uniformly) for all students.

2. Nurul Indah Siregar

Answer: The subjective test is a test made by the teacher to test students' ability to think critically and remain creative so that the teacher can determine the thinking ability of each individual. An objective test is a form of test that assesses students' abilities without being able to transport students' thinking levels.

3. Novita Irawan Siregar

Answer: The objective test is a fashion in reporting that can be carried out objectively whoever corrects the answer, the confirmation is the same as an objective objective requiring students to choose the correct answer among the possible answers provided, give short answers and complete questions or complete correct statements. .

2. Nur Ainun Siregar

Question: What might happen to students if the test made by the teacher they are answering is invalid?

Answers: 1. We cannot measure the actual abilities of students 2. There will be errors in making conclusions and decisions 3. It will happen if the purpose of making the test is not achieved.

Additional answers:

1. Mira Yanti Siregar

Answer: An unreliable or invalid measuring instrument will produce biased conclusions, not as appropriate and will provide false information about the condition of the subject or individual subject to the test.

3. Nela Afriza

Question: Try to explain what are the advantages of standardized tests for students?

Answers : 1. Creating a positive school environment for students, for example students can do their best in exams regardless of the score, often more confident. The test shows students that their hard work learning new basics has paid off.

2. Can identify hidden deficiencies or learning disabilities, for example there are certain learning disabilities such as selection that can be easily recognized by the teacher.

Additional answers

1. Neka Fatmalasari Harahap

Answer: Simplifies and takes less time than instruction Provides standardized situations Provides a standing record of behavior during a written test Can be used to compare state school students Can be used by policy makers Has a high degree of validity.

Session 2 questions

1. Muty Ela Nurma

Question: Try debriefing, explain in the world of education what are the examples of standard texts and teacher-made tests?

Answer: Examples of teacher-made tests:

1. Daily tests are a type of evaluation carried out by educators on students in a certain letter you measure to achieve a basic competency

2. Midterm exams or commonly abbreviated as UTs, which is now known as PTS or semester servers, are activities carried out by the teacher to measure the fatigue of Sevilla students carrying out learning activities in the middle of the semester or around 8 weeks

3. The semester or pass assessment is a form of evaluation carried out by the education unit with the aim of knowing from the absorption of student tours to guests all the basic competencies that have been undertaken for 6 months

4. Homework is a structured independent assignment that the teacher gives to do at home as an additional exercise in a lesson preparation palace or lesson plan made by a general teacher which includes a part of homework that is self-proclaimed and also given presentations in daily education.

Examples of standardized tests: An intelligence test itself is a series of tests used to test and measure a person's level of intelligence

2. Aptitude and interest tests are a series of tests and analyzes that describe the cognitive abilities, characteristics, interests, talents, and personality of students in a particular field or department.

3. learning achievement test is a test that measures the knowledge possessed by a person as a result of an education program or training program

4. Personality test is a tool used to assess a person's personality

2. Yenita Putri

Question: Explain what criteria must be met by a text so that it can be said to be a good text?

Answer: The test is said to be good if it can provide data related to the exact test in question is a test that meets the requirements of validity, reliability, objectivity, discriminality and practicality validity describes the ability of the text to measure what it wants to measure.

Additional Answers:

1. Listi Aulia Siregar

Answer: The first must be valid, meaning that the instrument can be used to measure what should be measured. The second, reliable, is an instrument which, when used several times to measure the same object, will produce the same data.

2. Pearl Tapsel Siregar

Answer: A test must have high validity if the test carries out its measuring function or gives precise and accurate measurement results according to the intent of the test.

3. Miss Padangbolak Please

Answers: 1. Determine the purpose of the assessment The purpose of the assessment is very important because each goal has a different emphasis

2. Pay attention to competency standards and basic competencies

3. Determine the type of measurement tool, namely test or non-test or use both

4. Compile the test grid and write the items along with the scoring guidelines

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