
Loss of Honesty in Education

Loss of Honesty in Education

Recently, the world of education in Indonesia was shocked by the revelation of bad practices in the implementation of the National Examination (UN). It was Siami (38 years), Alif's parents, a student at SD Gadel 2, Surabaya, who dared to reveal the practice of mass cheating at their child's school during the National Examination, last May 10-12. The practice of mass cheating, as told in a number of newspapers published in the Capital City, 16/6, that before the practice of mass cheating took place, schools carried out a simulation of how to make mass cheating take place 'neatly' and could be 'enjoyed', not only in the classroom where Siami's children , but also in other classes.
And, according to the results of the investigation proving that there was a practice of mass cheating coordinated by teachers and known to the Principal (Kepsek), two teachers involved, namely grade VI teachers, Fatkhur Rohman and Prayitno, were 'dismissed' and transferred to the Surabaya Education Office. Meanwhile, the Principal of SDN Gadel 2, Sukatman, was removed. The story above has not only tarnished our world of education, but has actually given birth to a poignant irony about the existence and role of the world of education, which is essentially a center for quality human laboratories, and a standard for the progress of the nation and state in the future. In a naked way, this story is a portrait of the image of our world of education, and further explains the face of this nation as a whole, which is already dilapidated. The moral depravity of the nation, such as the outbreak of corruption and incompetence in eradicating corruption and upholding the rule of law can be explained from this perspective. How can this nation be free from bribery and corruption as well as lame law enforcement, money politics, infidelity that destroys households, prostitution thrives, and various other crimes, if from the world of education which is the center of quality human seeding, lies thrives alias dishonesty? How can moral values ​​and norms of the virtues of a good life develop in society if it does not start from the world of education, especially the most basic education? How can this nation be free from bribery and corruption as well as lame law enforcement, money politics, infidelity that destroys households, prostitution thrives, and various other crimes, if from the world of education which is the center of quality human seeding, lies thrives alias dishonesty? How can moral values ​​and norms of the virtues of a good life develop in society if it does not start from the world of education, especially the most basic education? How can this nation be free from bribery and corruption as well as lame law enforcement, money politics, infidelity that destroys households, prostitution thrives, and various other crimes, if from the world of education which is the center of quality human seeding, lies thrives alias dishonesty? How can moral values ​​and norms of the virtues of a good life develop in society if it does not start from the world of education, especially the most basic education? if from the world of education which is the center of a quality human nursery, lies or dishonesty thrives? How can moral values ​​and norms of the virtues of a good life develop in society if it does not start from the world of education, especially the most basic education? if from the world of education which is the center of a quality human nursery, lies or dishonesty thrives? How can moral values ​​and norms of the virtues of a good life develop in society if it does not start from the world of education, especially the most basic education?
If we take a closer look, the cases of mass context above are actually just one bad case out of so many bad cases that have occurred in our education world. It's no secret that honesty in carrying out the National Examination, which should be the initial benchmark for the success of implementing the National Examination, has long been lost, swallowed up by the interests of the student's own graduation. Not to mention, dishonest behavior in basic matters, such as doing homework (PR) itself which until now is considered normal by all teachers and parents of students. Also, regarding the rampant cases of plagiarism committed by lecturers in tertiary institutions which increasingly emphasizes the loss of honesty from an institution that should be the seed of honesty in society. How depravity has occurred in all areas of national life, including in the world of education. The depravity in the case of mass cheating cannot be separated from the dilapidated image displayed by the country's leaders and elite groups on a daily basis. Also, cases of dishonesty that have turned into lies, namely uttering untruths before the wider public, such as denial of a politician's involvement in bribery and corruption cases that he has actually committed. Also, dishonesty committed by DPR members in carrying out their legislative, judicial and budgetary duties. Isn't the behavior of the elite an example for the behavior of the nation's society as a whole? such as denial of the involvement of a politician in a bribery and corruption case that he has actually done. Also, dishonesty committed by DPR members in carrying out their legislative, judicial and budgetary duties. Isn't the behavior of the elite an example for the behavior of the nation's society as a whole? such as denial of the involvement of a politician in a bribery and corruption case that he has actually done. Also, dishonesty committed by DPR members in carrying out their legislative, judicial and budgetary duties. Isn't the behavior of the elite an example for the behavior of the nation's society as a whole?
No less terrible is the dishonesty shown in the world of justice or at court in law enforcement cases, in which case everything has generally been arranged and engineered through various types of bribery and collusion. It is not strange anymore that in the eyes of the public this nation is always shown stories of fabricated laws, courts are camouflaged, lawyers are not defending the truth of the case, but are instead carrying out defenses based on the nominal value of the money they receive. Prosecutors and judges do not fight for the upholding of justice and truth in court, but do so based on the bribes they receive. Dishonesty also manifests itself in soap operas that are hyper real and anesthetize the public's mental repertoire and lead them to dreamland far from the pockmarked reality of everyday human life. Dishonesty has also manifested itself in a unilateral sense of 'truth' through the use of the power of mass media publications. For example, dishonesty that is portrayed in the scapegoating of small people for the mistakes of big people, such as the dismissal of offenders in the field to cover up the mistakes of their leaders.
In order to prevent dishonesty from multiplying and destroying the foundations of the nation's life, education must first be addressed. Because, a nation that does not cultivate honesty through the world of education, it is always inevitable to spiral chronically into a vicious cycle (circulumvitiosus) of dishonesty that is getting thicker in national life as a whole. So, the education of good values ​​such as honesty is very absolutely implemented in our world of education. If dishonesty that is embedded in the world of education fosters dishonesty in society, then honesty that is embedded in the world of education will also breed honesty in society. Honesty embedded in the world of education will lead the nation to a journey full of modesty and civility.
The world of education must improve itself by continuing to instill true honesty in students. True honesty is a panacea for a nation that is still dying from the rampant epidemic of bribery and corruption as well as money politics.
Education observer and cleric Noer Muhammad Iskandar is surprised at the ostracism of Siami, Alifah's mother, a student at SDN 2 Gadel Tendes, Surabaya, who reported an incident of mass cheating during the national exam last April.
Because according to Noer, this incident has opened the veil about the extinction of education that instills the values ​​of honesty. "Parents who report should not even be ostracized. This incident is due to the lack of bad education," said Noer to Legal, Friday (17/6/2011). This event shows the changing character of Indonesian society, where they prefer values-based education. "If people punish Siami's mother, it means they are not happy with honesty education, but they prefer numbers education," he said.
According to Noer's assessment, this event is a shared responsibility to make people aware of the importance of moral education as early as possible. "There is no exemplary role anymore. This task is not for the clergy but also for the community. The purpose of education is not the value of the numbers on paper, but improving morale for the sake of educating children's morals," he added. So said Noer, the best way out is education which is shaped by the community itself through a strong environment. "Incorporating religious or moral education is not the main solution, I don't think it's that simple, but what is more important is to form a society that also has a sensitivity to environmental education built by the people themselves," he explained.
source; ade

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