
Kamis, 16 Maret 2023



Arranged to Fulfill Learning Strategy Course Assignments

Supporting Lecturer: Afdhal Ilahi, S.Pd.I., M.Pd



2. ASK ITO SIREGAR 22140178





Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Praise be to the presence of Allah SWT, who has bestowed His grace, taufik, and guidance so that we can complete the paper entitled "Development of Learning Experiences" smoothly. In writing this paper, we cannot be separated from the help and guidance of various parties. For this reason, on this occasion we would like to express our gratitude to Mr. Afdhal Divine, S.Pd.I., M.Pd as the Advisor for the "Learning Strategy" course and all parties who have assisted in the completion of the preparation of this paper.

We realize that as human beings we certainly have mistakes and mistakes. Therefore we as the authors of this paper apologize if there are many mistakes in the preparation of this paper.

We hope that this paper will be useful for us, especially for the virtuous audience in general.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.


Group 5





Background 1

Problem Formulation 2

Paper Objectives 2


The Nature of Learning Experience 3

Considerations Determine Learning Experience 4

Stages of Learning Experience Development 5

Teachers in Learning Experience Development 6

Learning Strategies and Methods 8


Conclusion 10

Suggestion 10




A. Background

Learning is an activity that is inseparable from human life. Experience is a series of processes and events experienced by a person in his life that occur at a time. Learning experience is a series of processes and events experienced by each individual, especially students in a certain scope (classroom) according to the learning methods or strategies given by each educator. Each teacher has a different teaching strategy in each subject so that this can fill students' learning experiences. For example, in an educational institution there are three biology teachers, where when discussing the concept of respiration the three teachers agree to use their own strategy. The first teacher used the lecture method, the second teacher assigns his students to read books and the third teacher uses the demonstration method. Of the three methods, each has potential in the ongoing teaching and learning activities. Learning activities can develop the potentials that are innate. The components in learning activities include teachers and students. A teacher is required to have professional knowledge, skills and attitudes in teaching his students.

The learning experience is closely related to the development of process skills. The more active students are intellectually, manually and socially, the more meaningful the student's learning experience is. By doing it yourself, students will appreciate it more. It is different if only by hearing or just reading.

B. Problem Formulation

What is the Nature of Learning Experience?

What is meant by decisive considerations

Learning experience?

What are the stages of learning development?

How do teachers develop learning experiences?

What is meant by learning strategies and methods?


1. Students can know what is meant by the essence of learning experience

2. Students Can Know What Is Meant By Considerations Determine Experience

3. Students can find out how the stages of learning development are

4. Students can find out how teachers develop learning experiences

5. Students get what is meant by learning strategies and methods



The Nature of Learning Experience

Learning experiences are a number of student activities carried out to obtain new information and competencies in accordance with the goals to be achieved.

Learning Experience According to Piaget

According to Piaget, experience takes place within each individual through the process of knowledge construction. Therefore, Piaget's learning theory is known as constructivist theory. Learning according to constructivity theory is not just memorizing, but the process of constructing knowledge through experience. Knowledge is not the result of gifts from other people such as teachers, but the result of the construction process carried out by each individual. Knowledge resulting from notification will not be meaningful knowledge. Piaget argued that since childhood, every child has a cognitive structure which is then called a schema. Schema is formed due to experience. Engagement in the learning experience is a very important influence on learning.

The influence of deep strategies can be used but it really depends on several aspects, such as age, maturity, trust, and respect for others. And teacher happiness also depends on the exercises given to control or master these aspects. Some of the techniques presented tend to provide some ideas or ideas about how teachers can involve students emotionally. In this case the references or subjects given are very dependent on students, certain lessons, teaching or teacher environment.

There are many influences that can be studied as best as possible by going through several models, namely the teacher or teacher who in various ways unites the influences, while the students try to reduce them. Thus the model applied requires a lot of informal educational experience.

2. Learning experience According to Gagne

According to Gagne (1991) there are eight types of learning experiences from simple learning experiences to complex learning experiences. The eight types of learning are:

a) Learning signals.

b) Learn to react to stimuli through reinforcement,

c) Learning experiences form a series.

d) Learning verbal associations.

e) Learn to distinguish or discriminate.

f) Learning concepts.

g) Learn rules or laws

Gagne identified five types of learning outcomes as follows:

a) Learn intellectual skills.

b) Learn verbal information.

c) Learning regulates intellectual activity.

d) Learning attitude.

Learning outcomes as stated above will determine which learning experiences are suitable for each student to develop.

B. Considerations Determine Learning Experiences

a. In accordance with the objectives or competencies to be achieved

In the learning planning and design system, the objectives are the main and first components that must be considered by a learning designer. So that what teachers and students have to do is directed to achieve that goal.

In accordance with the type of material or subject matter

Planned and designed learning experiences must pay attention to the characteristics of the subject matter both in terms of the complexity of the material and its packaging.

Availability of Learning Resources

In addition to considering the objectives and content of learning materials, a learning designer in determining learning experiences must also pay attention to the availability of learning resources that can be used.

The learning experience must be in accordance with the characteristics of the students

Conditions and characteristics of students is one of the considerations that must be considered, both regarding the interests and talents of students, learning style tendencies and basic abilities possessed by students.

There are a number of principles that must be considered when we are going to develop a learning experience, namely:

Goal oriented

In the learning system objectives are the main component. The effectiveness of developing learning experiences is determined by the success of students in achieving learning goals.


Student learning experiences must be able to encourage students to do something. Activity is not meant to be limited to physical activity, but also includes psychological activity such as mental activity.


Teaching is an effort to develop each individual student. Therefore learning experiences are designed for each individual student.


Therefore designing student learning experiences must be able to develop all aspects of student personality in integrity.

There are a number of specific principles for designing learning experiences, namely:

a) Fun

b) Challenging

c) Motivation.

C. Stages of Learning Experience Development

1. Pre-instructional Stage

This stage is the stage taken by the teacher when he starts the learning and teaching process. Some activities that can be carried out by teachers or by students such as:

The teacher asks the students' attendance, and notes who is absent.

Ask students how far the discussion of the previous lesson went.

Ask questions to students in the class or certain students about the subject matter that has been given before.

Provide opportunities for students to ask questions about subject matter they have not mastered.

Briefly repeating past lesson material but covering all aspects that have been discussed previously.

This goal is essentially to reveal students' responses to the material they have received and foster learning conditions in relation to the day's lesson.

Instructional Stage

The second stage is the teaching stage or the core stage, namely the stage of providing learning experiences to students. The instructional stage will depend heavily on the learning strategy that will be implemented. In general, several activities can be defined, namely:

Explain to students the teaching goals that students must achieve.

Write down the main topics that will be discussed that day.

Discuss the main material that has been written earlier.

Summarize the results of the discussion of the subject matter.

Evaluation and Follow-up Stage

The purpose of this stage is to determine the level of success of the second stage (Instructional).

These three stages must be taken at any time carrying out teaching. If one of these stages is left out, the student's learning experience will not be perfect.

D. Teachers in the Development of Learning Experiences

In developing the learning experience the teacher does not act as the only source of learning whose job is to convey the subject matter to students, but what is more important is how to facilitate students to learn. Therefore, the development of learning requires teachers to be creative and innovative so that they are able to adapt their teaching activities to the style and characteristics of student learning.

For that there are several activities that teachers can do, namely:

Put forward various alternative learning objectives that must be achieved before learning activities begin.

Develop learning tasks with students.

Provide information about learning activities that must be carried out.

Provide assistance and services to students who need it.

Provide motivation, encourage students to learn, guide and so on through asking questions.

Assist students in drawing a conclusion.

E. Learning Strategies and Methods

Understanding strategies and learning methods

In the world of education strategy is defined as a plan method or series of activities designed to achieve a particular educational goal. So thus the learning strategy can be interpreted as a plan that contains a series of activities designed to achieve certain educational goals.

There are two things that should be observed from the notion of learning strategies, namely:

First, the learning strategy is a plan of action including the use of methods and utilization of various resources/strengths in learning.

Second, the strategy is structured to achieve certain goals. The meaning of all strategy formulation decisions is the achievement of goals.

Thus the preparation of learning steps, the use of various facilities and learning resources are all directed towards achieving goals. Therefore, before determining a strategy, it is necessary to formulate clear objectives, which can be measured for success, because goals are the spirit in implementing a strategy.




Learning experiences are a number of student activities carried out to obtain new information and competencies in accordance with the goals to be achieved

The considerations that determine the learning experience are as follows:

1. In accordance with the objectives or competencies to be achieved

2. According to the type of material or subject matter

3. Availability of learning resources.

4. The learning experience must be in accordance with the characteristics of students

The stages in learning development are as follows:

a. preinstructional Stage,

b. instructional Stage,

c. Assessment and follow-up stages.


We really need all suggestions and constructive criticism from all parties, because we realize that in the preparation of this paper there are still many shortcomings and very far from being perfect. We will make suggestions and criticisms as a reference or lesson to be even better, especially in preparing papers. This.


Dr. Wina Sanjaya, M.pd, 2008. Planning and Design of Learning Systems, Prenada media group: Jakarta

http://olinlakoro.wordpress.com/2013/07/03/makalah-pengembangan-experience-belajar/ accessed Saturday, 18 February 2023 at 09.35 WIB

http://andinurdiansah.blogspot.com/2011/11/development-experience-belajar.html accessed Saturday, 18 February 2023 at 09.35 WIB

[1]Dr. Wina Sanjaya, MPd, Learning System Planning and Design, (Jakarta: Prenada Media Group, 2008), 161.

Wina Sanjaya. 2008. Planning and Design of Learning Systems, Prenada media group: Jakarta.

https://olinlakoro.wordpress.com/2013/07/03/makalah-pengembangan-experience-belajar/ accessed Saturday, 18 February 2023 at 10.00 WIB

First question

1. What needs to be considered in selecting the learning method to be applied? (nurzannah)

Answer: In choosing a learning method there are things that must be considered and paid attention to, including the objectives to be achieved in learning the abilities and background of students, the state of the learning process that takes place, the tools or facilities available

Which adds to the question from Nurjannah;

a. Andara salsabila

In choosing what method is available the teacher must look at the situation and condition of the students as well as the material being taught, in learning and teaching activities the absorption of students is not the same. In dealing with these circumstances an appropriate teaching strategy is needed.

.ayu rika

The method to pay attention to is

Among them are the goals to be achieved in learning the ability of the background of the students, the ability of the teacher's background, the state of the learning process that takes place, and the tools available

.puranama sari

The purpose of learning the media used is the skills needed for the learning material and the evaluation system that will be used

Second Question

2. Why is learning through direct experience the result will be better than indirect learning experience? (Sri Ramadani)


Learning through direct learning the results will be better. because students will understand more, and have more control over the lesson, even the lessons are felt by students more meaningful

Added second question

.tiara eka

Because students easily understand and the material taught is easier so that students can be invited to practice directly without any intermediaries

.sri yulia

Because learning assesses direct experience, the results will be better because students will understand and master learning better. Lessons even feel more meaningful, for example, when we carry out lectures, as now we can meet with friends, we can discuss lessons, meet with lecturers directly


We as prospective teachers must understand the characteristics of students, for example we talk to quiet students more often so that they are more active in class and also students with naughty or stubborn characters we must advise firmly but must be in a gentle tone, so the point is we teach students that is with a firm method and learning while playing method

Question three

3. As prospective teachers, how do we develop learning experiences? (ummi)


Adjust to the goals or competencies to be achieved

Adjust to the type of material or subject matter

Availability of learning resources

Adjust to student characteristics

The addition of Ummi's questions, namely;


We as prospective teachers must understand the characteristics of students, for example students who are quiet we talk to more often so that they are active in class, and also if students have naughty or stubborn characters we must advise firmly but must be in a gentle tone, so basically we teach students the method assertive, and the method of learning while playing

Sh quarterfrom

Adjust to the goals or competencies to be achieved

Adjust to the type of material or subject matter

Availability of learning resources

Adjust to student characteristics

Giving motivation

Providing different learning styles

Provide support and services to students

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