Islamic Education in Indonesia, Indonesians Must Know This
Kamis, 23 Maret 2023
Islamic Education in Indonesia, Indonesians Must Know This
I. Background
Islam is a religion of da'wah, meaning a religion that always encourages its adherents to always be active in carrying out da'wah activities. The progress and decline of Muslims is very closely related to the da'wah activities carried out by the community in supporting their civilization.
Learning according to Reber quoted by Muhibbin Syah, M.Ed there are two kinds of definitions, namely first learning is "the process of acquiring knowledge ", (learning is the process of acquiring knowledge). Second, learning is "a relatively permanent change in response potentially occurring as a result of reinforced practice ", (a relatively lasting change in the ability to react as a result of reinforced practice) [1] . In Islam the urgency of learning (studying knowledge) is mentioned in the Al-Qur'an letter At Taubah: 122,
"Why not go from each group among them a few people to deepen their knowledge when they have returned to Him, so that they can take care of themselves."
To indicate whether the teaching and learning activities were successful, it can be seen from 3 aspects, namely the aspect of aqidah (cognitive), the aspect of worship (psychomotor), and the aspect of morality (affective). This will be discussed in the next chapter.
II. Formulation of the problem
1. Islamic Education in Indonesia
2. World Islamic Education Conference: " Islamic Education Formulation"
3. Aspects of Islamic Education in Aqidah, Worship, and Morals
I. Islamic Education in Indonesia
As for the results of a seminar held in Medan in 1936 concerning the arrival of Islam in Indonesia: "According to the latest sources of evidence, Islam first came to Indonesia in the VII century M/1 H brought by traders and preachers from Arab countries. The first area to enter was the west coast of the island of Sumatra, namely in the Baros area, the birthplace of a great scholar named Hamzah Fansyuri. The first Islamic empire was in Pase. The arrival of Islam to Indonesia contributed to educating the people and fostering national character. This character can be proven in the people's resistance against foreign colonialism and their endurance in maintaining this character during the western colonial era within ± 350 years.
A. Period in the Dutch Age
In 1905 the Dutch government issued a regulation requiring religious teachers to have special permission to teach. Many of their attitudes are very detrimental to the rapid development of religious education in Indonesia. On the basis of the struggle of Islamic organizations, through the Al-Islam congress in 1926 in Bogor, regulations regarding the implementation of Islamic education made by the Dutch in 1905 were abolished and replaced with new regulations known as the Teacher Ordinance . (Regent permits are no longer required to organize Islamic education).
B. Period in the Japanese Age
The situation has changed somewhat, this is because Japan knows that most of the Indonesian people are followers of Islam, so to attract sympathy, Japan pays great attention to Islamic religious education. To approach Japanese Muslims, several policies were taken, including during the Japanese era the establishment of the KUA, the establishment of Masjumi and the formation of Hezbollah. During the Japanese occupation, there was one special thing in the world of education, namely schools had been organized and made public, although other private schools such as Muhammadiyah, Taman Siswa and others were allowed to continue to develop under the arrangements and were organized by the Japanese population. From then on, religious education was officially allowed to be given in government schools, but this only applies to the island of Sumatra.
C. Islamic Education During the New Order Period
During the New Order era, Islamic education was developed within the limits of understanding and developing knowledge, only after entering the 21st century, Islamic education was more focused on the application or actualization of knowledge and was always based on faith and piety. This is in accordance with several strategies implemented in schools to improve the quality of students both from the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects as the basis for the renewal of an advanced Islamic society.
The technique of implementing religious education in public schools undergoes certain changes in connection with the development of branches of knowledge and changes in the teaching and learning process system. Islamic education with national education is increasingly visible in the formulation of national education, namely national education is a conscious effort to build a complete Indonesian human being, namely a human being who fears God Almighty, cultural values, knowledge, skills, aesthetic and physical abilities so that he can develop himself. and together by building the community and cultivating the natural surroundings. [2]
II. World Islamic Education Conference: Formulation of Islamic Education
Tujuan Pendidikan Agama Islam yang merupakan sebuah Rumusan dari Kongres Pendidikan Islam se Dunia di Islamabad tahun 1980: “Education should aim at the balanced growth of total personality of man through the training of man’s spirit, intellect the rational self, feeling and bodily sense. Education should there for cater for the growth of man in all its aspect, spiritual, intellectual, imaginative, physical, scientific, linguistic, both individually and collectively, and motivate, all these aspect toward goodness and attainment perfection. The ultimate aim of education lies in the realization of complete submission to Allah on the level of individual. The community and humanity at large.”[3]( "Education must be aimed at the balanced growth of the total human personality through the training of the human spirit, self-rational reason, feelings and bodily senses. Education must exist to cater for human growth in all aspects, spiritual, intellectual, imaginative, physical, scientific, linguistic, good individually as well as collectively, and motivating, all aspects towards the perfection of goodness and achievement. The main aim of education lies in the realization of complete submission to Allah on the individual level. Society and humanity at large . " )
The formulation of the results of a seminar on Islamic education throughout Indonesia from 07 to 11 May 1960 in Cipayung, Bogor. "The purpose of Islamic education is to instill piety and morals and uphold the truth in order to form human beings who are personal and virtuous according to Islamic teachings". [4]
From the description above, it can be concluded that Islamic education has broad and deep goals, as broad and as deep as the needs of human life as individual beings and as social beings who serve their creators and are imbued with the values of religious teachings.
III. Aspects of Islamic Education in Aqidah, Worship, and Morals
There are 3 kinds of aspects of Islamic education, namely: [5]
1. Aqidah Aspects
In the world of education, the aspect of aqidah is often referred to as the cognitive aspect. Muhibbin Syah said ("Psychology of Learning". 2003.22) The term cognitive comes from the word cognition whose equivalent is knowing, meaning knowing. Muhaimin defines the word aqidah in his book (Discourse on the Development of Islamic Education. 2004. 305-306), The word "aqidah" comes from Arabic, which means: "ma 'uqida 'alaihi wa al-dlamir", which is something that is determined or believed by heart and feelings (conscience); and means "ma tadayyana bihi al-insan wa i'taqadahu", which is something held and believed (truthfully) by humans. Thus, etymologically, aqidah means belief or belief that is really settled and attached to the human heart.
2. Aspects of Worship
In the world of education, the aspect of worship is often referred to as the psychomotor aspect. Muhibbin Syah, M.Ed (Psychology of Learning. 2003.54). defines psychomotor skills as all physical deeds that are concrete, and easily observable both in quantity and quality, because of their open nature. Muhibbin Syah, M.Ed. (Educational Psychology. 2003. 54) argues that the successful development of the cognitive domain will also have a positive impact on the development of the psychomotor domain. PAI learning must instead be developed towards the process of internalizing values (affective) accompanied by cognitive aspects so that a very strong urge arises to practice and obey the lessons and basic religious values that have been internalized in students (psychomotor).
3. Aspects of Morals
In the world of education, the moral aspect is often called the affective aspect. Muhimin defines morality (Discourse on the Development of Islamic Education. 2003.306), the word "akhlak" (Arabic) is the plural form of the word "khuluq", which means tabia't, character, habit. So when we talk about affective, then we talk about student attitudes and values. This increase in affective skills, among other things, is in the form of a solid religious awareness. Another positive impact is having a more firm and straightforward religious mental attitude in accordance with the guidance of religious teachings that have been inspired and deeply believed. In the Qur'an letter Luqman verses 12-15 it is explained about the purpose of Islamic education.
From the quotation above it can be concluded that: Aspects of Aqidah (cognitive), Worship (Psychomotor), Morals (Affective), these three aspects are one unit that must be carried out simultaneously. When applied in the world of education, namely by imparting knowledge (aqidah aspect), and applying it in the form of worship, students can understand how they evaluate an action around them (moral aspect).
Based on the description above, the authors conclude that the development of Islam in Indonesia is very rapid: In 1905 the Dutch government issued a regulation requiring religious teachers to have a special permit to teach. However, this can be overridden by the Teachers' Ordinance , as the author has explained.
The formulation of the goals of Islamic education worldwide: "Education must be aimed at the balanced growth of the total human personality through the training of the human spirit, self-rational reason, feeling and sense of the body. Education must exist to fulfill human growth in all aspects, spiritual, intellectual, imaginative, physical, scientific, linguistic, both individually and collectively, and motivating, all aspects towards the perfection of goodness and achievement. The main aim of education lies in the realization of complete submission to Allah on the individual level. Society and humanity at large. " ) . This is the basis/foothold for all Islamic scientists in stepping foot to start gaining knowledge.
Aspects of Aqidah (cognitive), Worship (Psychomotor), Morals (Affective), these three aspects are one unit that must be carried out simultaneously. When applied in the world of education, namely by imparting knowledge (aqidah aspect), and applying it in the form of worship, students can understand how they evaluate an action around them (moral aspect).
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source: ade