History of the Fall and Writing of the Qur'an, Remember This for Muslim
Rabu, 22 Maret 2023
History of the Fall and Writing of the Qur'an, Remember This for Muslim
In essence, to understand the teachings contained in the Qur'an, we must study and understand the history of the Qur'an itself.
So, in this case, the author will try to analyze some material regarding the history of the Qur'an, in the Ulumul Qur'an course under the guidance of lecturer Toni Markos. M. Ag semester II, Faculty of Islamic Religion, Muhammadiyah University of West Sumatra. The material that the author discusses is entitled "The History of the Fall, Writing and Codification of the Qur'an".
Hopefully this article is useful for all of us, especially for the author himself, and we are lovers of knowledge.
1. History of Coming down, Writing and Codification of the Qur'an
a. The First and Last Verses Dropped
b. Nuzulul Qur'an
c. Kuttub Al-Wahyu (The Authors of Revelation)
d. The Period of the Writing of the Qur'an
e. The time of Pentadwinan (bookkeeping) of the Qur'an
1. History of Coming down, Writing and Codification of the Qur'an
A. The First Verses Come Down
Recite in the name of your Lord who created, He created man from a clot, recitation, and your Lord is Most Generous, who taught by the pen, taught man what he did not know. (Al-Alaq: 1-5)
" Read in the name of your Lord who has created. He has created man from a clot of blood. Read, and your Lord is the Most Gracious who teaches humans by means of kalam. He teaches humans what they do not know." (Al-Alaq (96):1-5).
This is based on a hadith sourced from Aisyah Ra, who said:"Indeed, what first happened to the Prophet SAW was a dream he had during his sleep, he saw it coming like the light of morning, then he liked to be alone, he went to Hira Cave to worship for a few nights. For that he brought provisions, then he returned to Khodijah Ra, then Khodijah also provided him with provisions like before. In Hira cave he was surprised by a truth, an angel came to him and said: "read!, (the Messenger of God narrated) so I replied:" I am not good at reading". The angel then hugged me until I felt very tired. Then I was released, and he said again "read", so I replied that I was not good at reading. Then he hugged me the second time until I was exhausted, then he let go again then he said again: "read it" I replied: "I'm not good at reading. So he hugged me a third time so I was exhausted, then he said;” read it by mentioning the name of your god who has created......" until ...." What he does not know".
Surat al-'Alaq was revealed when Rasulullah saw was in cave hira' , which is a cave in Jabal Nur, which is located about 3 miles from Mecca. Monday night, 17th of Ramadan in the 41st year from the age of Rasulullah 13 years SH. Coincides with July 610 A.D. "Teaching by the Pen" Surat al-'Alaq 1-5 explains the restlessness and anxiety experienced by the prophet Muhammad SAW when he saw the reality of tribal Arab ignorance, worshiping statues and idols and being hostile. The Prophet stayed aside and survived in the hira' cave until the revelation finally came down. Allah strengthened the heart of Prophet Muhammad that only on Allah SWT do people rely on everything. God created man from a clot of blood. In the next verse, God shows God's merciful nature. Only to God do people ask for everything. Pray and draw closer to God Almighty. "Read, and your Lord is the Most Merciful, Who teaches people through the medium of the pen", shows the culture of writing. Al-Quran shows human progress achieved through writing culture. At that time it was only known for oral culture, in the form of poetry, but Allah taught humans with a pen. A cultural leap of the Qur'an.
B. The Last Verse Revealed
There are several opinions from scholars as to what verse was the last to be revealed. Among these opinions are:
1. The verse about usury, based on the hadith of Bukhari from Ibnu Abbas who said: "The last verse that was revealed is the verse about usury". The meaning is the verse: "O you who believe, fear Allah and leave the rest of usury (that has not been collected) if you are believers". (QS. 2:278)
2. Some argue that the last verse of the Qur'an revealed is: "And protect yourselves from (the punishment that occurs on) the day when you will all be returned to Allah..." (al-Baqarah: 281). This is based on the hadith narrated by an-Nasa'i and others from Ibn Abbas and Said bin Jubair: "The last verse of the Qur'an revealed is: "And protect yourselves from (the punishment that occurs on) the day when you everything is returned to Allah..." (Albaqarah: 281).
All these opinions are not based on the Prophet. Each is just ijtihad and conjecture. As for the verse: "Today I have perfected your religion for you and have completed My favor on you, and I have pleased Islam to be your religion" (al-Maidah: 3) was revealed at Arafah on the pilgrimage of Farewell'. In text, it shows the refinement of obligations and laws. Therefore the scholars declared the perfection of this religion in this verse. Allah has fulfilled His favor upon them by placing them in a holy land and purging the polytheists from it and serving them in the holy house without any polytheists accompanying them, even though previously the polytheists also made pilgrimage with them. This is a perfect blessing,"And I have completed My favors for you ," Al-Qadhi Abu Bakr al-Baqilani in al-Intishar when commenting on various narrations related to the issue of the last verse revealed, said that these opinions were not at all based on the Prophet Sallallahu 'Alahi Wasallam. It could be that the opinion was uttered because of ijtihad or just conjecture.
C. Nuzulul Qur'an
Nuzulul Qur'an is in the month of Ramadan because Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says, meaning, "The month of Ramadan, the month in which the (beginning) of the Qur'an was sent down" (Al-Baqarah: 185 ). And Allah said, meaning, "Verily We have sent it down (Al-Qur'an) in the night of glory" (Al-Qadr: 1). As we have understood that Lailatul Qadr occurs in the month of Ramadan, namely the night referred to in the word of Allah, which means: " Indeed, We sent it down on a blessed night and indeed, it is We who give the warning" (Ad-Dukhaan: 3).
The first verses that came down were questions that revolved around human destiny, its origin and purpose. When and where as well as the events that occurred when the first and last verses were revealed to Muhammad SAW. The jumhur ulama' mentioned that the verse that was first revealed was sura al-'Alaq verses 1-5. And because the solitude of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam in Hira' cave was in the month of Ramadan, and the incident of Jibril's descent was in Hira' cave. So Nuzulul Qur'an is in the month of Ramadan, on Monday, because all historians or most of them agree that he was sent as a prophet on Monday. This is in accordance with the hadith: "In it I was born and in it was revealed (revelations) upon me" (HR. Muslim). In another hadith says "That is the day I was born and the day I was sent or revealed (revelations) upon me" (HR. Muslim, Ahmad, Baihaqi and Al-Hakim).
It is necessary for us to study history, as an effort to strengthen our faith in Allah SWT and Allah's book in the form of the Qur'an.
The term descent of the Qur'an comes from the word "nazala, yanzilu nazlan" which means descent. While the revelation of the Qur'an is the revelation of the Qur'an to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. The descent of the Qur'an from top to bottom shows the height of the Qur'an.
The Qur'an, according to commentators, is the word of God which was revealed to the prophet Muhammad mutawatir. Meanwhile, according to fiqh experts, it is the word of Allah which was revealed to the prophet Muhammad, became a miracle of the Prophet, the wording is mutawatir which is written in the Al-Quran Mushaf starting with Al-Fatihah and ending with An-Naas. Al-Qur'an brings changes to humans on earth, and as a guide for humans to the light of faith and Islam.
The event of the revelation of the Qur'an (Nuzulul Qur'an) which occurred on the night of Lailatul Qadar, a night that is better than a thousand months, is one of the most important events in the history and development of Islam. It was at that time that a trusted young man named Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib was officially appointed by Allah SWT as the last prophet and messenger of the end times. Therefore, the Nuzulul Qur'an and the prophethood of Muhammad SAW have a close relationship where this relationship has influenced the quality of the Islamic religion from several aspects:
1. Prophet Muhammad SAW was appointed as a prophet to manifest the Qur'an
2. The Qur'an is a guide for all human beings who believe and are determined to memorize. understand, practice verse by verse contained in them. they are called scholars, present and die by leaving a will so that the next generation of scholars remains faithful in learning, teaching and explaining the contents of the Qur'an and As-Sunnah to answer the problems of their society and in developing knowledge .
The concepts brought by the Koran are always relevant to the problems faced by humans, because of that it comes down to invite people to dialogue with interpretations as well as provide solutions to these problems, wherever and whenever they are. In fact, the Koran actually created a tremendous design in Arabic by changing the technical instruments of expression.
Thus, the existence of Muslims as the best people is not in doubt. With the help of science and religion, the events of Nuzulul Quran that occurred several centuries ago have become something that has continued until now. The past is not obsolete and it is the predecessor of the present. Thus, efforts to understand the meaning of the Nuzulul Quran at this time do not completely eliminate the previous meaning and context, but instead summarize it and then continue it until now. There is a kind of hope that must be fulfilled in facing the current global challenges as the Prophet also faced severe challenges and trials. After looking at the context of Nuzulul Quran, the next task is to contextualize the teachings and messages contained in the events of Nuzulul Quran.
D. Kuttub Al – Wahyu (The Authors of Revelation)
As a guide to life, the Qur'an is read, understood, taught, and practiced by billions of Muslims on earth. This is proof that the Qur'an is one of the greatest miracles and relics of the Prophet. The early history of the collection of verses of the Qur'an began when Rasullullah SAW appointed the writers of revelations (kuttâb al-wahy) from prominent companions, such as; Zaid bin Thabit, Ali bin Abi Talib, Mu'awiyah bin Abi Sufyan, Mu'az bin Jabal, 'Ubay bin Ka'ab, and Abdullah bin Mas'ud. When the verse was revealed, the Messenger ordered them to write it down and show the place of the verse in the surah, so that the writing on the sheet helped memorization in the hearts of Zaid bin Thabit and other companions. When the Prophet died The Al-Qur'an has been memorized and written down in a variety of makeshift media, but the Al-Qur'an has not been collected in one comprehensive (complete) mushaf.
It was only during the time of Caliph Uthman bin Affan that these verses were recorded by copying the first pages of Abu Bakr's time and uniting Muslims on these sheets with fixed readings on one letter, known then as the Ottoman Mushaf.The copying of manuscripts developed continuously from time to time to the archipelago. From the 16th to the 19th centuries, we have encountered many Indonesian Mushafs. Elements of local creativity as a result of absorption of local culture can be seen in a very diverse and very distinctive pattern of illumination. Creativity and passion for manuscript art writing grew again at the end of the nineteenth century, starting with the Istiqlal Mushaf (1991-1995) in a series of the 50th anniversary of Indonesia's golden anniversary. The writing of the pesantren mushaf was continued; Mushaf Wonosobo (1995), Mushaf Sundawi (1997), Mushaf Hj. Fatima Soeharto (2000), Mushaf Jakarta (2002), Mushaf West Kalimantan (2003), and Mushaf Banten (2010) etc.
As the Revelation of Allah SWT. received by the Prophet Muhammad through the intercession of Gabriel, the Qur'an is a holy book that is very perfect, both in terms of context and the beauty of its language.
E. The Period of the Writing of the Qur'an
The Al-Quran was revealed for 22 years 2 months 22 days, from 17 Ramadhan in 41 from the birth of the Prophet to 9 Zulhijjah Haji wada` in 63 from the birth of the Prophet or 10 H Al-Quran descended through three stages, namely:
a. Al-Quran descended all at once from Allah to Lawh mahfudh
b. The Al-Quran descends from the mahfudh lake to the Al-izzah temple (a place that is in the sky of the world)
c. Al-Quran descended from the bait Al-izzah to the heart of the Prophet through the intermediary of Jibril gradually, sometimes one verse, two verses, even one letter
Wisdom was revealed in the Qur'an gradually, namely:
a. Strengthen the Heart of the Prophet
b. Opposing and weakening the challengers of the Koran
c. Easy to memorize and understand
d. Following every event (which led to the revelation of the Quran)
e. Proving that the Al-Quran descended from Allah, the All-Wise
1. The Writing of the Qur'an During the Prophet's Time
At the time of the Prophet, the revelations revealed by Allah to him were not only expressed in rote form but also in written form. The private secretaries of the Prophet who were in charge of recording the revelations were Abu Bakr, Umar bin Kahtab, Khalid Bin Walid and Mua`wiyah Bin Abi Sofyan. They used simple writing instruments, namely wooden sticks, date fronds, bones, and stones. Factors that encouraged the writing of the Koran during the time of the Prophet, namely:
1. Recording the memorization that has been done by the Prophet and his Companions
2. Presenting the revelation in the most perfect way
2. The Writing of the Al-Quran During the Khulaurrasyidin Period
At the time of Caliph Abu Bakar, he ordered to collect the scattered revelations into one book, This collection effort was done after the Yamamah war in 12 H which had killed 70 people who memorized the Quran. As a result of concerns over the sustainability of the Al-Quran, Zaid bin Tsabit was entrusted to collect the revelation. The collection effort was completed within ± 1 year, that is in 13 H. Then during the time of Caliph Usman bin Affan, there was a disagreement about the difference in the way of reading the Al-Quran which was already at the point that caused Muslims to blame each other which ultimately caused disagreement. As a result of that event, the Caliph Usman's initiative to collect the Al-Quran arose. The person who reviewed the Al-Quran is; Zaid bin Thabit, Abdullah bin Zubair, Said bin Alsh and Abdurrahman bin Al- Harish. Thus an authentic text of the Koran called the Usmani Mushaf was implemented and its copies were divided into several main areas of the Islamic region.
3. Completion of Al-Quran Writing After the Caliph Period
Manuscripts written during the time of the Uthman caliph did not have vowels and dots, so that non-Arabs who embraced Islam found it difficult to read these manuscripts. Therefore during the time of the caliph Abd Al-Malik (685-705) the following two figures made improvements:
1. Ubaidillah bin Ziyad. Exaggerate Alif as a replacement for the letter that is removed
2. Al-Hajjad bin Yusuf Ats-Tsaqafi. Completion of the Ottoman manuscripts in eleven places that make it easier for the readers of the manuscripts. The person who first put a period on the Ottoman Manuscripts; Abu Al-Aswad Ad-Du`Ali , Yahya Bin Ya`Mar, Nashr Bin Asyim Al-Laits. The person who first put hamzah, tasdid, arrum and Al-Isyamah was; al-Khalid bin Ahmad Al-Farahidi Al-Azdi.
The process of printing the Koran
1. First printed in Bunkiyyah in 1530 AD
2. Hinkalman Hamburg (Germany)
3. Mercacci (1698 AD) in Paduoe
4. Maulaya Usman at Peter Buorgh's design, Soviet Union (Islamic label)
5. Iran in 1248 H / 1828 city of Tehran
6. Ta`di Tabriz in 1833
7. Ta`di leipez, Germany in 1834
F. Time of Pentadwinan (Bookkeeping) Al-Qur'an
1. Development and Bookkeeping of Qira'at Science
The history of qira'at is divided into six phases, namely:
a. The first phase of the Prophet's time. The Prophet taught the Qur'an to his companions with different readings according to what was easy for them. The companions received readings from the Qur'an from the Prophet with various readings. This caused a dispute among the companions, then the Prophet resolved the difference by saying that the Qur'an was sent down with various versions of the reading
b. The second phase occurred after the death of the Prophet, namely during the companions and tabi'in (most of them living in Mecca and Medina). So after the death of the Prophet's companions called upon to spread Islam to various parts of the country. Abu Mûsâ Al Asy'ary to Basyrah. Ibn Mas'ûd (Khufah). Abû Darda' (Sham). They taught the Koran to the tabi'in according to the readings they received from the Prophet.
c. The third phase, the end of the first century to the beginning of the second century H, that is, after the teaching of qira'at lasted for such a long time, qira'at expert scholars appeared from among the tabi'in and tabi' al-tabi'in. As in Basrah, the famous scholar Yahya bin Ya'mar (d. 90 H) appeared who was later known as the first person to write qira'at.
d. The fourth phase coincided with the period of writing various kinds of Islamic knowledge, such as the science of hadith, interpretation, dates and so on, which was around the beginning of the 2nd century H.
e. Qira'at Sab'ah Bookkeeping Phase. At the early stages of the bookkeeping of qira'at science which was pioneered by Abû 'Ubaid al-Qâsim bin Sallâm and the priests mentioned above, the term qira'at seven was not known. At this time, they only raised a large number of qira'at into their compositions. It was only at the beginning of the II H century that people began to be interested in qira'at or the readings of several priests they knew. For example, in Basrah people are interested in the qira'at Abû 'Amr (d. 154 H) and Ya'qûb (d. 205 H), in Kufah people are interested in reading Hamzah (d. 156 H) and 'Âsim (d. 127 H) ), in Sham people chose qira'at Ibn 'Âmir (d. 118 H), in Mecca they chose qira'at Ibn Katsîr (d. 120 H), and in Medina chose qira'at Nâfi' (d. 199
f. At the end of the third century of Hijrah, then Ibn Mujâhid (d. 325 H) coined the term Qira'at Sab'ah or Qira'at Seven, namely seven types of qira'at which were popularized by the seven qira'at priests mentioned above by assigning the name al -Kisâ'i (d. 189 H), one of the qira'at experts from Kufah.
The step taken by the next generation is to pay attention to who among the reciters is more popular in terms of credibility and trustworthiness, the length of time spent in recitation and the existence of an agreement to take up and develop their qira'at. Then an imam was chosen from each state, without neglecting the narrations other than the seven reciting imams, such as the qira'at of Ya'qûb, Abû Ja'far, Syaibah and others.
g. The Qira'at Sab'ah Inauguration Phase took place after the emergence of Al-Sab'ah by Ibn Mujahid. This phase is an important phase in the history of writing the science of qira'at.
2. Development of Qiraat Sab'ah in Indonesia
One of the scholars who initiated the introduction of Qiraat science in Indonesia was Shaykh Muhammad Munawir bin Abdullah Rasyid from Krapyak Yogyakarta. Shaykh Munawir studied qiraat from the Hijaz. Then teach the students. One of his students was Shaykh Arwani Amin from Kudus, who later compiled a book about qiraat sab'ah namely “Faid al-Barâkât fî Sab'i Qirâ'ât”. This book has been well-known among Indonesian Islamic boarding schools who study Qira'at Sab'ah. Then in the following period, namely in the decade of the 70s, educational institutes appeared in Jakarta, namely PTIQ (Higher Education of the Qur'an) and IIQ (Institute of Al-Qur'an Science) which specifically taught 'Ulumul Qur'an, including in in the science of Qira'at.
1. Conclusion
The verse that was first revealed was:
Recite in the name of your Lord who created, He created man from a clot, recitation, and your Lord is Most Generous, who taught by the pen, taught man what he did not know. (Al-Alaq: 1-5)
" Read in the name of your Lord who has created. He has created man from a clot of blood. Read, and your Lord is Most Gracious who teaches humans through the medium of the word. He teaches humans what they do not know." (Al-Alaq (96):1-5).
This is based on a hadith originating from Aisyah Ra, as explained in the discussion next to it. Through this Al-Alaq letter, Allah taught the Prophet Muhammad SAW in particular, we Muslims in general that the Qur'an shows that human progress can be achieved through a culture of writing, which at that time was only known as oral culture, in the form of poetry, but Allah teaching humans with a pen. A cultural leap of the Qur'an.
As for the verse: "On this day I have perfected your religion for you and I have satisfied you with My favors, and I have pleased Islam to be your religion" (al-Maidah: 3) which was revealed in Arafah during the Hajj Wada', is a verse the last one was revealed to Prophet Muhammad SAW. Textually, showing the fulfillment of obligations and laws. Therefore, scholars express the perfection of this religion in this verse.
Nuzulul Qur'an is in the month of Ramadan, on Monday, because all historians or most of them agree that he was sent as a prophet on Monday. This is in accordance with the hadith: "In it I was born and in it was revealed (revelations) upon me" (HR. Muslim). In another hadith it says "That is the day I was born and the day I was sent or revealed (revelations) upon me" (HR. Muslim, Ahmad, Baihaqi and Al-Hakim). It is necessary for us to study history, as an effort to strengthen our faith in Allah SWT and Allah's book in the form of the Qur'an.Therefore, the Nuzulul Qur'an and the prophethood of Muhammad SAW have a close relationship where this relationship has influenced the quality of the Islamic religion from several aspects:
1. Prophet Muhammad SAW was appointed as a prophet to manifest the Qur'an
2. The Qur'an is a guide for all mankind who have faith and are determined to memorize. understand, practice verse by verse found in it.
The early history of the collection of verses of the Qur'an began when Rasullullah SAW appointed the writers of revelations (kuttâb al-wahy) from prominent companions, such as; Zaid bin Thabit, Ali bin Abi Talib, Mu'awiyah bin Abi Sufyan, Mu'az bin Jabal, 'Ubay bin Ka'ab, and Abdullah bin Mas'ud. When the verse was revealed, the Messenger ordered them to write it down and show the place of the verse in the surah, so that the writing on the sheet helped memorization in the hearts of Zaid bin Thabit and other companions. When the Messenger of Allah died, the Qur'an had been memorized and written in various media as it was, but the Qur'an had not been collected in one comprehensive (complete) mushaf.
The Al-Quran was revealed for 22 years 2 months 22 days, from 17 Ramadhan in 41 from the birth of the Prophet to 9 Zulhijjah Haji wada` in 63 from the birth of the Prophet or 10 H Al-Quran descended through three stages, namely:
d. Al-Quran descended all at once from Allah to Lawh mahfudh
e. The Al-Quran descends from the mahfudh lake to the Al-izzah temple (a place that is in the sky of the world)
f. Al-Quran descended from the bait Al-izzah to the heart of the Prophet through the intermediary of Jibril gradually, sometimes one verse, two verses, even one letter
During the time of Caliph Abu Bakr, he ordered to collect the scattered revelations into one Mushaf, and it was during the time of Caliph Usman Bin Affan that finally the official manuscript of the Al-Quran called the Usmani Mushaf was successfully made and copies were distributed to regions. Finally, during the time of the caliph Abd Al-Malik (685-705), improvements were made to the Al-Qur'an.
The process of printing the Koran
1. First printed in Bunkiyyah in 1530 AD
2. Hinkalman Hamburg (Germany)
3. Mercacci (1698 AD) in Paduoe
4. Maulaya Usman at Peter Buorgh's design, Soviet Union (Islamic label)
5. Iran in 1248 H / 1828 city of Tehran
Anwar, Roshan. 2004. Ulumul Quran . Faithful Library. Bandung
Mudzakir, As. 2006. Study of Al-Qur'an Sciences . Internusa Image. Jakarta
Subhi, Al-Salih. 1990. Mabahis Fi Uluimil Quran. Library Team. Jakarta