
Minggu, 19 Maret 2023

Financing Papers in Complete Education

Of all the educational resources that are considered important is money. Money is like a horse and education is like a cart. The cart will not run without being pulled by a horse. Education will not run without any fees or money. This money includes rare and limited resources. So that money needs to be managed efficiently in order to help achieve educational goals. Categorized as a non-profit public organization. Therefore, financing management is unique according to the mission and characteristics of education.
In general, education financing is a complexity, in which there will be interrelationships in each component that has a range from micro (educational units) to micro (national) which includes sources of education financing, systems and mechanisms for their allocation, effectiveness and efficiency in its use, the accountability of the results as measured by the changes that occur at all levels, especially schools, and problems that are still related to education financing. Therefore, we discuss it in the paper below

a. What is meant by Basic Concepts?
b. What is the Scope of Financing?
c. What are the things that influence education funding?
d. What are the sources of education funding?
e. What is the Projection of Education Cost Needs?

a. To know the Basic Concepts?
b. To find out the Scope of Financing?
c. To find out the things that influence education funding?
d. To find out the sources of education funding?
e. To find out the Projected Needs for Education Costs?


A. Basic Concepts
Funding for education is basically a branch or part of economics, because education financing is part of the economic problems of education. This view is based on a belief put forward by Blaugh, studying educational economics more deeply will not be achieved without studying adjacent disciplines. [1]
Education funding is based on economic principles, so that most economic analyzes, both micro and macro, can be used to analyze educational problems. [2]

B. Scope of Financing
Financial problems are very closely related to budgeting or financing, while the financing problem itself is a very important factor and determines the life of an organization, just like educational institutions and other institutions. [3]
In the general sense of finance, financing activities include 3 things, namely:
· Badgeting (budgeting)
· Accounting (bookkeeping)
· Auditing (checking)
· Budgeting
The term budget is often understood as the meaning of a plan. However, in the field of education, two terms are often encountered, namely RAPBN (State Income and Expenditure Budget Plan) and RAPBS (School Revenue and Expenditure Budget Plan). In these 2 terms "budget" is not a plan. The term "plan" has emphasized the use of the term "budget" as a plan.
A. Accounting (bookkeeping)
Financial management includes 2 things, namely the first management which concerns the authority to determine policies for receiving or spending money. This management is known as administrative management. The second arrangement concerns matters of follow-up authority from the first affair, namely receiving, storing and issuing money. This management does not involve the authority to determine, but only implements it, and is known as the management of the treasurer.
In accordance with ICW (Indonesia Comptaniliteits Wet, Accounting Regulations, Regulations on the Treasury that apply to Indonesia) article 77, Treasurer is a person or entity that is entrusted by the state with the task of receiving, keeping, paying or handing over money or securities and goods referred to in article 55. ICW, so that with that position he or they have the obligation to be accountable for what is their business to the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK).

B. Auditing (examination)
What is meant by auditing is all activities related to the accountability of receiving, storing and paying or handing over money carried out by the Treasurer to the authorized parties. For units within the Department, they are accountable for this financial management to BPK through their respective departments

C. Matters That Influence Education Funding

Education funding is never fixed, but always growing from year to year. Broadly speaking, this financing is influenced by 2 things, namely external and internal factors.
External factors, namely factors that are outside the education system include the following:
v The development of educational democracy
In the past, many countries were still colonized by other nations that did not allow their citizens to enjoy education. With the release of the nation from the clutches of the colonialists, the restraints on the desire to obtain education were also released. In Indonesia, education democracy is clearly formulated in Article 31 of the 1945 Constitution paragraph (1) and paragraph (2). The consequence of this democracy is that the government provides sufficient funds for this.

v Government Policy
Providing rights to citizens to obtain education is in the interests of a nation in order to maintain and develop its nation. To achieve this goal, the government provides facilities to alleviate and support education.
v Demand for education
because he wants to explore things that interest him. The increase in demand for education occurs everywhere. Domestically, the demand for education is characterized by a quantity aspect, namely the increasing number of people who want education, and a quality aspect, namely the increasing desire to obtain a higher level of education. In the past, people were satisfied with elementary school education, now people are not satisfied if they don't have a degree. For a nation, this increased demand also elevates the quality of a nation and standard of living. Education abroad is always sought in countries that implement a better and more varied education system. this means that not only does flow from developing to developed countries occur, but the reverse is also possible. Many people from developed countries study in developing countries

v There is inflation
Inflation is the decline in the value of a country's currency. The inflation factor greatly affects the cost of education because prices and certain unit costs increase following the increase in inflation.
Internal factors, namely factors that are in the education system include the following:

v Educational goals
Educational goals affect the amount of educational costs of an institution. For example, changing teacher education goals towards mastering 10 competencies compared to the old goals affects the amount of costs that must be incurred.

v The approach used
Old-fashioned learning strategies, for example the lecture method with classical processing are certainly cheaper when compared to other methods and individual approaches.

v Material presented
Learning materials that require the implementation of workshop and laboratory practices require more costs when compared to learning materials that are only theoretical.

v Level and type of education
Two dimensions that affect the cost of education are the level and type of education. On the basis of considerations for the length of time, the wide variety of learning fields, the type of material taught, the number of teachers involved and the quality, the demands on graduation competence, the cost of education in elementary schools will be very different from the costs in tertiary institutions, especially from majors with lots of practice.

D. Sources of education funding

1. Government (70%)
v The Central Government bears most of the expenses for the implementation of daily education, both personal and non-personal
v Level I Regional Government which also comes from the Central Government as a subsidy and from Income Tax in the Region.

v Level II Regional Government, which comes from the Central Government and Level I Regional Government as subsidy money and other funds from regional assets.

2. Parents (10-14%)
From parents of students in the form of tuition money and assistance money collected through BP3 (Education Organizing Support Agency).

3. Society (5%)
In the form of funds provided by the community indirectly but through foundations or private institutions, for example assistance in the form of school equipment by the manufacturer, or furniture shops that make voluntary donations.
4. Foreign government aid or loans (1%)
For example grants or loans from IIEP (International Institution for Education Planning), UNESCO, UNICEF, World Bank, etc.

E. Projection of Education Cost Needs

To estimate the cost of education needed in the future, we must use past and present financing data. Existing education financing data must be comprehensive, in addition to covering various types and levels of education, but also must exist for a certain period of time over the past several years. [5]
To be able to project future financing needs, financing data is needed as follows:
a) The amount of community education funding in a country includes funding from the central, provincial, district/city governments for educational activities.
b) Total government budget.
c) National Income of a country.
d) Private investment in education.
e) The amount of foreign aid in the world of education.

With the above data, and knowledge of the calculation of indicators related to costs, we are able to calculate the growth trend of education financing in the past. To do so, it takes data for several years or for one planning period. This will provide several alternative assumptions on how the financing trend will continue in one planning period in the future.
Example :

Plan Period
Average growth rate




From the data above, there are several alternative assumptions regarding future trends for the 2011-2015 period, namely:

1) Education funding will continue to grow the same as in the past. Means that in this period the growth in education costs will be 6%.
2) The growth rate should be checked for stability reasons, and this will be capped at the previous period of 4.7%
3) Education financing is likely to be dismal in the future, and the growth rate will be the average growth rate over the past 3 planning periods of 3.5%.


From the explanation above it can be concluded that;
A. The basic concept is that education funding is based on economic principles, so that most economic analyzes, both micro and macro, can be used to analyze educational problems.
B. Scope of financing;
In the general sense of finance, financing activities include 3 things, namely:
 Badgeting (budgeting)
 Accounting (bookkeeping)
 Auditing
C. Matters That Influence Education Funding
· External factors
· Internal factors
D. Sources of education funding
· Government (70%)
Community (5%)
· Parents (10-14%)
· Foreign government aid or loans (1%)

E. Projection of Education Cost Needs
5. The amount of public education funding in a country includes funding from the central, provincial, district/city governments for educational activities.
6. Total government budget.
7. National Income of a country.
8. Private investment in education.
9. The amount of foreign aid in the world of education.


Suharsimi Arikunto, Organization and Administration of Technology and Vocational Education (Jakarta: CV. Rajawali, 1990)
Much. Idochi Anwar, Education Administration and Education Cost Management (Depok: PT. Rajagrafindo Persada, 2013)
Syaiful Sagala, Contemporary Education Administration (Bandung: CV. Alfabeta, 2013)
Matin, Fundamentals of Educational Planning (Jakarta: PT. Rajagrafindo Persada, 2013)

[1] Much. Idochi Anwar, Education Administration and Education Cost Management (Depok:PT.Rajagrafindo Persada, 2013), 127
[2] Syaiful Sagala, Contemporary Education Administration (Bandung: CV. Alfabeta, 2013),135
[3] Suharsimi Arikunto, Organization and Administration of Technology and Vocational Education (Jakarta: CV. Rajawali, 1990), 90
[4] Suharsimi Arikunto, Organization and Administration of Technology and Vocational Education (Jakarta: CV. Rajawali, 1990), 95-96
[5] Matin, Fundamentals of educational planning (Jakarta: PT. Rajagrafindo Persada, 2013), 143-144

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