
Minggu, 19 Maret 2023




Arranged to Fulfill the Tasks of the Educational Administration Course Group

Supporting Lecturer : Nurzannah, M.Pd

Compiled By

Group XI :

1. Adinda Puri Pasaribu (21140018)

2. Alwisya Zali (21140026)

3. Isba Tryani Sitompul (21140093)

4. Sihar Oloan Dongoran (21140200)

5. Suci Awaliyah Ramadhani Harahap (21140212)





T.A 2022/2023


Thank you, we pray to the presence of Allah SWT, who has bestowed grace and guidance so that we can prepare this paper on the Administration of Education properly and on time.

For the moral and material support provided in the preparation of the paper, we express our gratitude to Ms. As a lecturer in the Education Administration course, who provided a lot of motivation and encouragement as well as assistance both morally and spiritually. We realize that this paper still has many shortcomings. Therefore, we really hope for positive and constructive criticism and suggestions from colleagues for the improvement of this paper

Padang Sidempuan, 21 December 2022



INTRODUCTION ............................................... ............................................... 1

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................... .................................................. ............. 2

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .............................................. ............................................ 3

A. Background .................................................. ............................................... 3

B. Problem Formulation ............................................................... ............................................ 3

C. Purpose of Writing ........................................................... ............................................ 3

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ............................................... ............................................ 4

A. Administration of Evaluation in Education ............................................... ...... 4

B. Definition of Supervision ............................................. ........................................... 7

C. Supervision Activities ........................................................... ......................................... 7

D. Implementation of Supervision ............................................. ............................... 8

E. Efforts to Improve Education Quality ............................................... .. 9

CHAPTER III CLOSING ............................................... .................................................. 11 _

A. Conclusion ............................................... ............................................... 11

B. Suggestion ............................................... .................................................. .......... 11

REFERENCES ............................................... ............................................... 12



A. Background

Schools are formal educational institutions that are planned and are expected to be able to provide quality education for Indonesian people. In improving the quality of education in Indonesia, schools as educational institutions need to improve human resources as one of the determining components in carrying out the educational process. In this case the intended human resources are leaders and teachers. "The quality of education which is assessed from the learning achievement of students is largely determined by the teacher, namely 34% in developing countries and 36% in industrial countries" Supriadi (1998)".

B. Problem Formulation

1. What is supervision?

2. How is the supervision activity

3. How is supervision carried out?

4. What are the efforts to improve the quality of education?

C. Purpose of Writing

1. Know the meaning of supervision

2. Know how supervision activities

3. Knowing the implementation of supervision

4. Knowing efforts to improve the quality of education



A. Evaluation Administration in Education

1. Definition of Evaluation in Education

Literally the word evaluation comes from English education; in Arabic: At-Taqdir; in Indonesian means assessment. Thus literally educational evaluation can be interpreted as an assessment in the field of education or an assessment of matters relating to educational activities. The following are some definitions of evaluation according to experts:

a. Evaluation according to Kumano is an assessment of the data collected through assessment activities.

b. According to Calongesi, evaluation is a decision about value based on measurement results.

c. Zainul and Nasution stated that evaluation can be stated as a decision-making process using information obtained through measuring learning outcomes, both using test and non-test instruments.

d. According to Bloom, evaluation is a systematic collection of facts to determine whether in reality there has been a change in the student and to determine the extent to which the level of change in the student's personality.

e. According to Stufflebeam, evaluation is the process of describing, obtaining, and presenting information that is useful for assessing alternative decisions.

f. Arikunto revealed that evaluation is a series of activities aimed at measuring the success of an educational program.

g. Tayibnapis in this case reviews the meaning of program evaluation in the context of goals, namely as a process of assessing the extent to which educational goals can be achieved

h. Evaluation according to Griffin & Nix is ​​a judgment on the value or implications of the measurement results. According to this definition, evaluation activities are always preceded by measurement and assessment activities.

Broadly speaking, it can be said that evaluation is giving value to certain qualities. Apart from that, evaluation can also be seen as a process of planning, obtaining, and providing information that is needed to make alternative decisions. Thus, evaluation is a systematic process to determine or make decisions to what extent teaching objectives have been achieved by students.

2. Principles of Evaluation in Education

There is one general and important principle in evaluation activities, namely the existence of triangulation, or the existence of a close relationship between the three components, namely:

a. Learning objectives

b. Learning activities or KBM, and Evaluation. Evaluation itself has several basic principles, namely:

· Evaluation aims to assist the government in achieving learning goals for the community.

· Evaluation is an art, there is no perfect evaluation, even if done with different methods.

· The evaluator or evaluator does not provide an answer to a particular question. The evaluator is not authorized to provide recommendations on the sustainability of a program. Evaluators only help provide alternatives.

· Evaluation research is the responsibility of a team not an individual.

· Evaluators are not tied to one school and vice versa.

· Evaluation is a process, if a revision is needed then do the revision.

· Evaluation requires accurate and sufficient data, so experience is needed to deepen the method of extracting information.

· Evaluation will be settled if it is carried out with applicable instruments and techniques.

· Evaluators should be able to distinguish what is meant by formative evaluation, summative evaluation and program evaluation.

· Evaluation provides a clear descriptive picture of cause-and-effect relationships, not fixated on the number of test questions.

3. Purpose of Evaluation in Education

The purpose of evaluation is to see and know the processes that occur in the learning process. The learning process has 3 important things, namely: input, transformation and output. Input is students who have been assessed for their abilities and are ready to undergo the learning process.

Transformation is all elements related to the learning process, namely; teachers, learning media and materials, teaching methods, supporting facilities and administrative systems. While the output is the achievement resulting from the learning process.

4. Evaluation Function in Education.

· Educational evaluation function in relation to decision making as a provider of information

· Repair function is a repair function is one of the common threads that have been neglected so far. Policy makers look more at the condition of the momentum resulting from the evaluation of learning outcomes, but very rarely use it as information for improving education. The 2003 national final exams for most schools were below 5, and certain subjects even scored 2 or 3.

· The function of controlling the process and quality of education. Through educational evaluation that is focused, controlled, comprehensive and continuous, information can be provided to control the quality of education, because something that goes wrong in implementation can be corrected and corrected in the preparation of the next plan or meeting.

· Decision-making functions related to learners. Based on the results of educational evaluations, it is possible to make the right decisions for students, such as identifying the conditions and needs of each student.

· Public Accountability Function. Educators morally receive a mandate from the public to foster and develop students as optimally as possible through education in accordance with their dignity as human beings.

· Administrative Regulatory Functions regarding schools, it cannot be ignored that with information on the results of educational valuations will provide administrative regulations

B. Definition of Supervision

Etymological supervision comes from the English "to supervise" or supervise. Supervision is a coaching activity that is planned to assist teachers and other school employees in carrying out work effectively (Purwanto, 2000) Manullang (2005) states that supervision is a process for implementing what work has been carried out, assessing it and if necessary correcting it with the intention that execution of the work according to the original plan.

Supervision is an effort to provide services so that teachers become more professional in carrying out their duties to serve students. So thus it can be concluded that supervision is an activity of supervising, guiding, and giving direction to something that has been done, so that the advantages and disadvantages of the activities that have been carried out in this case the learning process carried out by the teacher can be known, so that with the guidance provided If this is done, teacher professionalism can be improved and increased.

C. Supervision Activities

Supervision is an activity of supervising, guiding, directing so that it can correct inappropriate activities, in this case supervision plays a role in maintaining and maintaining teacher performance or professionalism. Supervision activities intend to maintain and maintain the quality of a teacher, in the learning process at school, supervision activities are very important if you want good quality education in schools, this is because supervision is an aid to teachers (Maralih: 2014).

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that supervision is an activity carried out to improve performance and improve work methods, so that what is to be achieved can be carried out effectively and efficiently and can achieve what has become the goal, in this case the goal of achieving national education goals.

As Maralih (2014) argues, educational supervision has various functions. In simple terms, the supervision function includes four main functions, namely: "(1) research function, (2) assessment function, (3) improvement function, and (4) improvement function".

The supervision carried out is directly related to the teacher's professional duties, namely: "(1) skills in planning teaching, (2) skills in implementing teaching, and (3) skills in assessing teaching" (Bafadal, 1992). Teaching supervision in general aims to: "monitor and supervise the performance of school staff in carrying out their respective duties and responsibilities so that these staff work professionally and the quality of their performance increases" (Goldamer, 1995).

As one of the supervisory activities in management, "in the implementation of close supervision is the term inspection, surveillance, supervision, monitoring, assessment or evaluation" (Soetjipta and Kosasih; 1994). Supervision is essentially supervising the educational process in schools, supervision is more directed at efforts to provide assistance to teachers so that they can carry out all tasks better (Maralih, 2014).

D. Implementation of Supervision

Supervision is carried out by the parties involved in it, namely the principal as the party who supervises and the supervisor appointed by the education office, and the teacher as the supervised party. Supervision is carried out by supervisors and subjects to be supervised, supervisors are elements that are closest or directly involved with student achievement, namely: Supervisors, Principals, Deputy Principals in curriculum or academic fields, homeroom teachers, guidance and counseling officers, and librarians, while the subjects of supervision are teachers and employees (Maralih, 2014).

The main goal of educational supervision is to train teachers so that they can do all their tasks better. as a supervisor must be able to control and supervise educational staff, especially teachers with the aim of increasing the ability of the teaching profession and the quality of the learning process (Maralih, 2014). In practice, this supervision is carried out in various ways so that this supervision can improve or direct, especially teachers according to the problems they face and those who supervise can know the circumstances or conditions as a whole so that currently various techniques are known in supervision.

In the implementation of supervision there are several supervision techniques that can be selected and used by supervisors including:

Class visits

· School visits

· Impromptu test

Case conferences

· Document Observation

· Interview

· Questionnaire

· Reports.

Supervision carried out by the principal of the teacher includes

· Problem insight and professional ability of teachers

· teacher attendance and activity problems

Problems with teacher teaching preparation, ranging from analysis of subject matter, annual program, semester program, unit subject program, making subjects to daily teaching preparation or lesson plans

· The problem of achieving curricular goals and extracurricular implementation

Mastery of teaching materials

· use of learning methods,

Use of teaching aids/practice

· mutual influence of learning

· assessment of student learning outcomes follow-up on the results of subject learning assessments.

· the problem of cooperation between teachers and students, with fellow teachers, administration and with the head of the madrasa, (Ministry of Religion: 2000).

Supervision activities carried out by the supervisor are planning, implementing, evaluating and following up on the supervision.

E. Efforts to Improve the Quality of Education

With Educational Supervision In this case the principal plays a role in supervising so that it is hoped that the principal can develop a supervision program that can assist teachers in improving their competence, namely professionalism. The madrasa head is expected to be able to develop a supervision program that is able to provide assistance to teachers so that they can improve themselves optimally.

Supervision essentially supervises the educational process in schools, supervision activities enter into the interaction between the principal and the teacher in teaching and learning activities. Improving teacher self-quality can be done through school principal teaching supervision services. The supervision service aims to increase professionalism in the learning process.

Increasing the performance and professionalism of teachers is very necessary, because of increasing the performance and professionalism of teachers; "This is not only done for teachers in developing countries but also for many developed countries, now there is a tendency to continuously improve teacher competence and develop the teaching profession" (Kuntoro; 1890), Supeno (1995). This supervision activity should bring a change to the teaching process by the teacher so that gruu can improve and improve their skills so that they become professional teachers.

This is one of the objectives of supervision, especially in the field of education, namely to improve performance or quality so that the products produced are also of high quality, products in the field of education, namely students or students. However, in practice it is not only the principal who must work well but the teacher as the party receiving supervision must have a cooperative nature in carrying out the supervision process carried out by the school principal and other parties.

Maralih (2014) said, "In the implementation of supervision, the teacher's cooperative attitude aimed at the planning phase is still needed, in fact it needs to be improved. The teacher's willingness to be observed and analyzed for his teaching behavior, as well as a willingness to dialogue with supervisors must continue to be developed, so that teachers can benefit as much as possible from the supervision process.

Supervision must be based on the condition of the community. In fact, schools must be able to change society so that it becomes a democratic society. In a democratic society everyone has the opportunity and ability to stimulate creative endeavors and change towards improvement. The leader's task as a supervisor functions to help, encourage, stimulate each member to work together.

A supervisor in carrying out his responsibilities, he must be able to develop the creative potential of the person being fostered by involving other people to participate together. Supervisors can provide suggestions openly but friendly about the problems raised in the assessment, and teachers must be open to accepting them. Then there will be a process of mutual enrichment between supervisor teachers in an effort to develop in carrying out their educational tasks (Maralih, 2014).

In addition to the related parties above, where supervision is related to changes that occur in teachers or educators or teachers and will then have an impact on education, where education is related to society. So that in terms of planning this supervision also pays attention to the condition of the community.



A. Conclusion

The teacher as an important player in the world of education should be a professional and be able to continue to improve self-quality especially related to the competencies possessed by a teacher, namely social competence, personal competence, professional competence, and pedagogical competence.

In addition, science and technology (IPTEK) continues to develop with the times so that a process of improvement is needed, to make improvements it is necessary to evaluate so that supervision is needed which contains guidance or direction.

In the world of education this supervision/guidance is referred to as educational supervision, in this case those who act as supervisors are school principals and supervisors appointed by the education office. The principal as a supervisor is not to judge but to help teachers improve their abilities in carrying out the teaching process. So it is necessary to have good cooperation between the principal and the teacher so that, by making approaches so that the teacher can be willing and actively provide information to the principal who acts as a supervisor.

The principal as a supervisor does not look for mistakes, but looks for weaknesses and strengths in the teacher concerned and is informed to the teacher, thus the teacher can correct his weaknesses with guidance through various supervision techniques and also informs the teacher about the strengths possessed by the teacher so that can be improved and developed. If the principal has succeeded in carrying out supervision properly, so that the teacher can improve and develop the competence of the teacher that is in him, which will have an impact on improving the quality of education.

B. Suggestion

After understanding the discussion above, we should be able to take advantage of the knowledge we have and apply it in classroom learning for better education


Bafadal, Ibrahim. (1992). Teaching Supervision: Theory and Its Application in Fostering Teacher Professionals. Jakarta: Earth Script

Maralih. 2014. Qathruna Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 Period January-June 2014

Soetjipto and Kosasi Raflis, (1999). Teaching Profession, Jakarta : PT. Rineka Cipta

Supeno Hadi. (1995). Master portrait. Jakarta: Sinar Harapan Library

Purwanto, Ngalim. (1987). Education Administration and Supervision. Bandung: Rodakarya Youth

Law Number 20 of 2003 Concerning SISDIKNAS, Jakarta

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