



" Submitted to fulfill the task of education management course"

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A. The meaning and scope of educational facilities and infrastructure

1. Definition of educational facilities and infrastructure

The Big Indonesian Dictionary says that means are anything that is used as a tool in achieving goals and objectives. Meanwhile, infrastructure is a support for the implementation of a process (business, development, project, etc.). So, facilities and infrastructure are things that really support the achievement of an educational goal, as a personal educator we are required to master and understand the administration of facilities and infrastructure, to increase efficiency and effectiveness of work and be able to respect the work ethic of fellow educational personnel, so as to achieve harmony of comfort which can lead to pride and a sense of belonging to both the school community and the surrounding community.

2. The scope of educational facilities and infrastructure

One aspect that gets the main attention of every education administrator is regarding educational facilities and infrastructure. Educational facilities generally include all equipment and supplies that can be directly used and support the educational process, such as: buildings, study rooms/classes, tools/ educational media, tables, chairs and so on. While what is meant by infrastructure are facilities that indirectly support the course of the educational process, such as: courtyards, school gardens/gardens, roads leading to schools. Educational facilities and infrastructure can basically be grouped into four groups, namely land, buildings, equipment, and school furniture (site, building, equipment, and furniture). In order for all such facilities

make a significant contribution to the course of the educational process, should be managed properly. The management in question includes: (1) planning, (2) Procurement, (3) Inventory, (4)

Storage, (5) Setup, (6) Use, (7)Maintenance and, (8) Removal.

B. Basic principles of educational facilities and infrastructure

Educational facilities and infrastructure, especially land, buildings and school equipment should reflect the school's educational program or curriculum. Because the school buildings and equipment are provided based on the applicable curriculum or educational program, so that with this suitability it allows the existing facilities to truly support the course of the educational process. The management of building land and school equipment is the responsibility of the school principal. For this purpose, it is necessary to understand some basic principles in managing these facilities.

According to Hunt Pierce. The basic principles in carrying out such management are as follows:

1. Building land, and school furniture must reflect the ideals and image of society as stated in the philosophy and goals of education

2. Planning and building land, and school furniture fittings should be the reflection of a common desire and with the consideration of a team of experts who are quite capable in that community.

3. Building land and school furniture should be adapted and adequate for the interests of students, in order to form their character and be able to serve and guarantee them when studying, working and playing according to their individual talents.

C. Planning needs, procurement and development of educational facilities and infrastructure

1. Land acquisition planning for school buildings/buildings

The school land is a piece of land where the school building stands and the land provided for the benefit of the school. Thus, what is included in the school land is the school farm, school yard and sports field and so on. School land has safe and comfortable conditions to occupy if the land:

a. Enough sunshine

b. Not too bright with places of crowds and commotion. Such as markets, cinemas, factories and others.

c. Easily accessible by children and not too far from the main road

d. Possible to expand in the future

2. Planning for the procurement of school buildings/buildings Procurement of buildings can be carried out by:

a. Building new buildings Building new buildings includes:

1. Build, renew (rehabilitation/renovation), expand, change by dismantling all or part of the building.

2. Construction of yard fences, roads, yard hardening, installation of pumps/water towers, procurement of electricity.

3. Earthwork activities which include; landfill, land improvement and soil investigation.

4. New construction consists of planning activities, implementation activities, and field monitoring activities.

3. Planning for the construction of school buildings

School buildings erected for the benefit of the school must be in the shape or pattern of a school building and have requirements such as ventilation. For that very necessary knowledge for the

teacher about everything related to the planning and establishment of schools such as knowledge and skills regarding:

a. How to choose a location and determine the required land area

b. Arranging, planning and using the school building construction costs

c. Determine the number and area of ​​classrooms, offices, warehouses, sports fields, school gardens and so on.

d. Ways of effective and productive use of school buildings and facilities and their ongoing maintenance

e. School supplies and school learning tools

4. Planning for the procurement of educational furniture and equipment

Furniture is a movable object that is indirectly used in teaching and learning activities and functions as a place to sit, write, rest, store tools. For example: chairs, tables, cabinets, lockers and blackboards. Procurement of furniture is carried out in accordance with applicable regulations by:

· Buy

· Receiving grants/gifts

· Create your own

Procurement of furniture by making it yourself only applies to educational institutions in the framework of practice and can be carried out according to ability, namely:

· Fees available

· Required equipment

· Manpower required

· Execute assigned duties

The conditions that must be met include sufficient quantity and adequate quality, the size of the furniture is adjusted to the size of the students, the distance between the table tops and the eyes should not be too close or too far so that the eyes are not disturbed, student chairs must use standards including teacher chairs and materials used durable wood is used. Unbeatable equipment

The importance of supporting the educational process is the blackboard. The board must meet the following requirements:

a. The place is not too high, so it is easy for students to reach

b. Easy to clean and well written

c. Color that matches, does not contrast sharply with kaput (if the school uses chalk)

5. Provision of educational facilities and infrastructure

Procurement is an activity to provide educational facilities and infrastructure in order to support the implementation of school tasks. Procurement of educational facilities and infrastructure can be carried out by:

a. Buy

b. Make your own

c. Receive grants

d. rental

e. Loan

f. Pendaurulangan

Procurement of educational facilities and infrastructure in an educational institution or school can be done with regular funds, funds from the community, or grants from the local government or other members of the community.
6. Inventory of educational facilities and infrastructure

Inventory is the activity of carrying out, administering, regulating, recording, and managing goods that belong to the school concerned in all inventory lists of goods. An inventory list of goods is a document that contains the types of goods, both moveable and immovable, which are owned and controlled by the state, and are under the responsibility of the school. The list of items includes:

a. Room inventory card

b. Goods inventory card

c. Inventory book

Inventory is a list that contains records of inventory items that are in a work environment unit. But actually what needs to be inventoried is not only that all goods or equipment in schools, both consumable and durable items, goods belonging to the state and schools, both expensive and cheap, both movable and immovable, all must be inventoried. in an orderly manner. The purpose of the inventory, namely:

a. Achieved orderly administration of goods management

b. Implemented financial savings

c. Makes it easier to calculate wealth

d. Simplify supervision and save goods Inventory functions include:

a. Provides data to plan and determine the need for state-owned goods

b. Providing information to be used as material for the procurement of state property or assets

c. Become a guideline in the distribution of state property

d. Selecting information in the selection of state property

e. Providing data or information in determining the condition of state property

7. Maintenance of educational facilities and infrastructure

Maintenance is an activity of guarding or preventing damage to an item, so that the item is in good condition and ready for use. Maintenance starts from the user of the goods, namely by being careful in using it. Maintenance of a special nature must be carried out by professional personnel who have expertise in accordance with the type of goods in question. Implementation of inventory maintenance includes:

a. Maintenance

b. Damage prevention

c. Light replacement

Maintenance is divided into 2, namely:

a. Daily maintenance

Maintenance is carried out by employees who use the goods and are responsible for the goods themselves, such as equipment and facilities and infrastructure in an institution/school, must also maintain cleanliness and repair minor damage.

b. Scale maintenance

Maintenance is carried out within a certain period of time, for example: once every two months or every three months. Maintenance of scaled goods according to the condition of the goods is differentiated into, namely


1) Maintenance of consumables

Maintenance of consumable goods is a way of storing the goods themselves

2) Maintenance of non-consumable or durable goods Maintenance of non-consumable or durable goods is the whole of goods or those that will be used continuously for a relatively long time. For example

: practicum tools, furniture, buildings, books, laboratory equipment, sports equipment and so on.

8. Use of educational facilities and infrastructure

1) Analysis of which subject matter requires tools or media in its delivery

2) Selection according to the priority scale of the tools that are urgently needed to be procured

3) Inventory of existing tools or media

4) Selection of learning tools/media that can still be utilized

5) Looking for funds (if not yet) submit a proposal to the government

6) Appoint someone (debriefing division) to carry out the procurement of tools.

9. Elimination of educational facilities and infrastructure

Elimination of equipment is an activity to remove state property from the inventory list of goods in a manner based on the applicable laws and regulations. As one of the activists in the management of education in schools, the elimination of equipment aims to:

a. Prevent or limit greater losses as a result of spending funds on maintenance or repair of damaged equipment

b. Prevent the occurrence of wasted costs for securing equipment that is no longer useful

c. Waive the cost of maintenance and security responsibilities

d. Lighten the inventory burden

D. Structuring educational facilities and infrastructure

1. Spatial planning and school buildings

Spatial arrangements and layout have a very important role in creating school conditions that are safe, conducive and facilitate the implementation of the work of each school member to achieve the goals achieved. Each room is arranged neatly so that it can support work situations that lead to the achievement of goals. Equipment, supplies, decorations, pictures and writing in the room should be adjusted to the needs of the users of the room. The following are the types of items that need to be in each of these rooms:

a. Principal's office

For example: pictures of the president and vice president, the national symbol (Garuda Pancasila), red and white flags, city/regency flags and Pancasila text.

b. Administration room

For example: student statistics boards, teacher and employee lists, student organizational structure, school plans/marks, school activities, activity lists, educational calendars, school principal activity schedules and 12 steps of leadership.

c. Teacher's room

For example: announcement boards, activity schedule boards, educational calendars, student lists, and teacher assignment schedules

d. Student room

For example: class absence boards, lists of class assignments, class/student rules of conduct, class organizational structures, wall hangings, cleaning supplies and bulletin boards/sticking up student work.

e. Room

Other rooms consist of a guidance room, area rooms, counseling room, sports room and library room. Equipped with decorative pictures to bring a beautiful atmosphere and show the specificity of the room. Each room is arranged regularly and neatly in places where students gather (in front of the hall, in front of the office and so on). All of this will be useful and function as a place for communication and channeling the talents of students who need good guidance.

f. Cooperative space

g. Administration room

h. School health business room (UKS)

2. Arrangement of school furniture

The arrangement of school furniture includes the arrangement of items used by the school, so as to create a good impression and contribution to educational activities. Things to pay attention to include: a. Comparison between the floor area and the size of the furniture to be used in the room.

b. Allowance of distance and left-right walls

c. The distance between one piece of furniture and another

d. The distance between the front row of furniture (tables and chairs) and the blackboard

e. The distance between the last row of furniture (table-chairs) and the boundary wall

f. The direction the furniture faces

g. Conformity and balance.

3. Arrangement of school supplies

The arrangement of school equipment includes the arrangement of equipment in the principal's room, administrative room, teacher's room, classroom, BP room, library room, etc. These spaces need to be arranged in such a way as to create a good impression on the organizers of education carried out in schools and create feelings of pleasure and comfort for teachers who teach and students who learn.

In the teacher's room, in addition to teacher equipment, it is also equipped with: class schedules, academic calendars, lists of teacher assignments, etc.


A. Background

Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students are active in developing themselves to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, intelligence, noble character and skills possessed by themselves, society, nation and state. In general, the implementation of the educational process as an effort to educate the life of the nation is the main goal of an educational institution. Education is a system that influences and depends on each other in achieving educational goals in accordance with what is expected together. The success or failure of an achievement process is influenced by many factors, including good management and quality/adequate facilities and infrastructure.

In order for teaching and learning activities to run smoothly, educational facilities must be provided adequately. In fact, not only that, the ability or ability to design activities using facilities and infrastructure must also be considered so that they are effective so that they can help schools achieve educational goals and improve teacher performance. Implementation of the use of facilities and infrastructure is a separate problem for schools that have adequate facilities and infrastructure.

The importance of educational facilities and infrastructure for the smooth process of teaching and learning, it is necessary to make certain efforts towards planning, procurement, utilization, maintenance, inventory, elimination, and supervision of educational facilities and infrastructure. Therefore, the government must try to complement the existing facilities and infrastructure to improve the quality of education. Such great attention

government regarding educational facilities and infrastructure that have been implemented every academic year, all of this needs to be balanced with more intensive supervision so that educational goals can be achieved and how far these facilities are utilized in achieving school goals.


Facilities and infrastructure are things that really support the achievement of an educational goal, as a personal educator we are required to master and understand the administration of facilities and infrastructure, to increase efficiency and effectiveness and be able to respect the work ethic of fellow educational personnel, so that it is achieved harmony of comfort that can create pride and a sense of belonging both from the school community and from the surrounding community. The importance of educational facilities and infrastructure for the smooth running of the teaching and learning process, it is necessary to make certain efforts towards planning, procurement, utilization, maintenance, inventory, elimination, and supervision of educational facilities and infrastructure.

Some basic principles for managing facilities and infrastructure are as follows: Building land and school furniture must: a). describe the ideals and image of society, b). the radiance of shared desire and consideration of a team of experts, c). adjusted and adequate for the interests of students, d). etc.

Planning for the needs of educational facilities and infrastructure, namely: Planning for land acquisition for buildings, buildings, construction of buildings, procurement of furniture to complement infrastructure, inventory, maintenance, use and disposal of educational facilities and infrastructure

Some technical instructions regarding how to organize educational facilities and infrastructure, namely: spatial planning and school buildings, arrangement of school furniture and equipment.


Anonymous. 2010. Meaning and scope of management of educational facilities and infrastructure. http://www.scribd.com/doc/60557009/Arti-Dan-Space-Lingkup-Management-Means-Dan-Prasarana . Downloaded on May 20, 2013. Time:

10.28 WIB.

Anonymous. 2010. Educational facilities and infrastructure.

Fauziyah, Nia. 2010. Application of management of educational facilities and infrastructure. http://repository.uinjkt.ac.id/dspace/bitstream/123456789/4900/1/100969-NIA%20FAUZIAH-FITK.pdf . Downloaded on May 20, 2013. Time: 10.35 WIB.

Laksana, Kerida. 2010. Management of educational facilities and infrastructure. 2010. http://repository.uinjkt.ac.id/dspace/bitstream/123456789/4710/1/98962- KERIDA%20LAKSANA-FITK.PDF. Downloaded on May 20, 2013. At

: 10.14 WIB

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