Educational Innovation Paper (Definition, Purpose and Targets of Programs in the Field of Education)
Rabu, 22 Maret 2023
Educational Innovation Paper (Definition, Purpose and Targets of Programs in the Field of Education)
1.1 Background Problem
The rapid development of the current local, regional and international environment has implications for the handling of education at every level of existing education. In connection with these developments, the need to meet the demands of improving the quality of education is very urgent, especially with the tight competition between nations in the world at this time. In this regard, there are at least three main focuses that need to be addressed in the implementation of national education, namely: (i) efforts to improve the quality of education; (ii) high relevance in the implementation of education, and (iii) strong education governance. The Ministry of National Education placed these three things in the national education development strategic plan for 2004-2009, however it is realized that these three things are still urgent and relevant in the implementation of national education in the future.
On this basis, the Research Center for Education Policy and Innovation (Puslitjaknov) Balitbang Ministry of National Education in the national symposium on educational research results in 2009 raised education quality improvement, relevance, and strengthening governance as the theme.
The 2009 national symposium on educational research and innovation is an annual agenda organized by the Puslitjaknov Balitbang Ministry of National Education as a vehicle and forum for gathering information on the results of research, development and innovative ideas that are useful in providing input for national education policy making.
The word innovation is often associated with change, but not every change can be categorized as innovation. Rogers (1983: 11) defines what is meant by innovation is an idea, practice, or object that is viewed as new by a person or group of other adopters. The word "new" is very relative, it could be because someone just found out, or it could be because they just want to accept it even though they have known it for a long time.
1.2 Problem Limitation
The limitations of the problem in this paper are:
1. What is the definition of educational innovation ?
2. What is the Purpose of Educational Innovation?
3. What are the goals of the Education Renewal (Innovation) Program?
1.3 Purpose of Writing
The purpose of writing this paper is to find out:
1. What is the definition of educational innovation?
2. What is the Purpose of Educational Innovation?
3. What are the goals of the Renewal (Innovation) Program in the Education Sector?
1.4 Writing Method
The method used for the preparation of this paper is the library method, in which the author takes data from several sources such as books and the internet.
2.1 Definition of Educational Innovation
Innovation comes from the Latin word, innovation which means renewal and change. Innovation is a new change that leads to another or different improvement from the previous one, which is carried out intentionally and planned (not by chance).
Ibrahim (1988) argues that educational innovation is innovation in the field of education or innovation to solve educational problems. So, educational innovation is an idea, item, method, which is felt or observed as something new for the results of a person or group of people (society), either in the form of inverse results (new discoveries) or discovery (newly discovered people), which are used to achieve educational purposes or to solve educational problems.
Similarly, Ansyar, Nurtain (1991) stated that innovation is an idea, action, or something new in a certain social context to answer the problem at hand.
Furthermore, it is explained that something new may have long been known in other social contexts or something that has been known for a long time, but has not been changed. Thus, it can be concluded that innovation is change, but not all change is innovation.
Renewal (innovation) is needed not only in the field of technology, but also in all fields including the field of education. Educational reform is applied at various levels of education as well as in every component of the education system.
As educators, we must know and be able to apply innovations in order to develop a conducive learning process so that maximum results can be obtained.
The progress of an educational institution is very influential on its output so that real recognition will appear from students, parents and the community. However, schools/educational institutions will not gain real recognition if school members do not innovate within them against a background of strengths, weaknesses, challenges and existing obstacles.
2.2 The purpose of the innovation
According to Santoso (1974), the main goal of innovation is to increase the sources of manpower, money and facilities, including organizational structures and procedures.
The purpose of educational innovation is to increase efficiency, relevance, quality and effectiveness: the facilities and the maximum amount of education (according to the criteria of the needs of students, society and developmenta), using the smallest amount of resources, energy, money, tools and time its small.
Step by step direction of Indonesia's educational innovation goals:
a. Teaching lags produced by advances in science and technology so that the longer education in Indonesia runs parallel to these progress
b. Endeavor to organize school and non-school education for every citizen. For example increasing the capacity of school age SD, SLTP, SLTA, and Higher Education.
2.3 Targets of the Reform (Innovation) Program in the Education Sector
The targets referred to here are any components in the field of education that can create innovation. Education is a system, so educational innovation includes matters relating to components of the education system, both systems in the sense of schools, colleges or other educational institutions, as well as systems in a broad sense, for example the national education system.
The following are examples of educational innovations in each educational component or social system component with the pattern proposed by B. Milles, as cited by Ibrahim (1988).
2.3.1 Personnel Development
Education which is part of the social system places personal (people) as part/component of the system. As for innovations that are in accordance with personal development, namely improving teacher quality, promotion systems, increasing student discipline through discipline and so on.
2.3.2 Number of Personnel and Working Areas
Educational innovations that are relevant to this aspect, for example the ratio of teachers and students in one school.
2.3.3 Physical Facilities
Education system to utilize facilities and infrastructure in achieving goals. Innovations in accordance with this component, for example student seating arrangements, blackboard arrangements, language laboratory equipment settings, use of video cameras.
2.3.4 Use of Time
The education system certainly has a time-use plan. Innovations that suit this aspect, for example setting study times (morning or afternoon), setting lesson schedules.
2.3.5 Formulation of Objectives
The education system certainly has a clear formulation of objectives. Innovations that are in accordance with this aspect, for example changes in the formulation of national education goals, changes in the formulation of curricular goals, changes in the formulation of institutional goals, changes in the formulation of instructional goals.
2.3.6 Procedure
In the education system, of course, there are procedures to achieve goals. The educational innovations that are relevant to this component are the use of the new curriculum, how to make teaching plans, group teaching and so on.
2.3.7 Required Roles
In the education system there needs to be clarity of the roles needed to support the achievement of goals. Educational innovations that are relevant to this component, for example the teacher's role as a media user, the teacher's role as group activity manager, the teacher as team teaching.
Renewal ( innovation ) is needed not only in the field of technology, but also in all fields including the field of education. Educational reform is applied at various levels of education as well as in every component of the education system.
As educators, we must know and be able to apply innovations in order to develop a conducive learning process so that maximum results can be obtained.
The progress of an educational institution is very influential on its output so that real recognition will appear from students, parents and the community. However, schools/educational institutions will not gain real recognition if school members do not innovate within them against a background of strengths, weaknesses, challenges and existing obstacles.
Drs. H. Fuad Ihsan, Fundamentals of Education. Rineka Cipta, 1997
source: paper89