Definition of Middle Adults, Characteristics and Islamic Views of Middle Adults.
Rabu, 22 Maret 2023
Definition of Middle Adults, Characteristics and Islamic Views of Middle Adults.
2.1 Definition of Middle Adult
2.1.1 Definition of Adult Age
After passing through the prenatal period, infants, children and adolescents, humans (individuals) will enter adulthood. There are several opinions of experts regarding the notion of adulthood, including:
1) According to Elizabeth B. Hurlock quoted by Dr. Masganti Sit, M.Ag, adulthood is an individual who is ready to accept a position in society along with other adults. [1]
2) According to Syathi' a psychologist, adulthood is a period of development that begins in the late teens or early twenties and ends in the thirties. It is a time of establishing personal and economic independence, a time of career development, and for many, choosing a mate, learning to live with someone intimately, starting a family, and rearing children. [2]
3) Adulthood is a time when an individual chooses the values that he thinks are right and tries to maintain the values he chooses. [3]
4) According to the Islamic view, adulthood is defined as a change from weak (children) to strong (adults), from the strong will return to being weak. Based on the word of Allah SWT:
God, who created you from a weakness, then made it after a weakness, then he made it after a power of weakness, and a good thing.
"Allah, He is the One who created you from a state of weakness, then He made (you) after that state of weakness to be strong, then He made (you) after the strength was weak (again) and gray. He creates what He wills and He is the One Omniscient yet Omnipotent". [4]
From some of the definitions above, it can be concluded that adulthood is an individual's development both in terms of cognitive and physical, as a sign that personal and economic independence has been formed. So that individuals are ready to accept responsibility, position in society, and defend the values they choose.
Adulthood usually begins at the age of 18 or 21. Adulthood can be divided into three periods, namely:
Early adulthood from the age of 18/21 – 40 years
Middle adulthood from the age of 40-60 years
Old age from the age of 60 and over. [5]
2.1.2 Definition of Middle Adult
Middle adulthood lasts from forty to sixty years. Middle adulthood is a transitional period of an individual, in which men and women leave their adult physical and behavioral characteristics and enter a period in life with new physical and behavioral characteristics. Attention to religion is greater than in previous times and sometimes this interest and concern for religion is based on personal and social needs. There are several opinions about middle adulthood, including:
Middle age or what is popularly known as middle age, from the point of view of age and the occurrence of physical and psychological changes, has a lot in common with adolescence.
If adolescence is a transitional period, in the sense that it is no longer childhood but cannot be called an adult yet, then middle age cannot be called young, but also cannot be called old.
Physically, during adolescence there are rapid changes (towards perfection/progress) which affect their psychological condition, while middle-aged individuals also experience changes in their physical condition, but in the sense that there is a decline/degression, which will also affect their psychological condition. [6]
2.1.3 Middle Adult Physical Development
In middle adulthood there is a change in physical function which is unable to function as usual, and certain organs of the body begin to lose (decrease) their function. Seeing and hearing are the two most disturbing changes that are most apparent in middle adulthood. The accommodation power of the eye to focus and maintain images on the retina will experience a sharp decline between the ages of 40 and over. Because at that age the blood flow to the eye is also reduced. Hearing may also begin to decline at this age, starting at the age of 40. Although the ability to hear low-pitched sounds is not so obvious. Boys usually lose their sensitivity to high-pitched sounds earlier than girls.[7]
At this time, both men and women are always afraid that their appearance at this time will hinder their ability to defend their partners, or reduce the attractiveness of the opposite sex. There are several changes that occur in middle adulthood, including:
Physical Changes, among the physical changes at this time include; gray hair, wrinkled skin, yellow teeth, bones shift closer to one another, difficulty seeing close objects, decreased hearing sensitivity, menopause (menstrual reproduction will stop), etc. [8]
Cognitive Development, at this stage adult intellectual development has reached its peak ending point which is the same as the development of the previous stage. At this time the individual in solving the problem first thinks about it theoretically. He analyzes the problem by solving various possible hypotheses. On the basis of this analysis, an individual then creates a settlement strategy. [9]
2.2 Characteristics of Middle Adults
There are several characteristics of middle adulthood, including:
dreaded time
In addition to old age, middle adulthood is also a period that most individuals dread coming, so it seems as if they want to put the brakes on their rate of aging. It is recognized that as old age approaches, the middle age period becomes more and more frightening. Men and women have many reasons to fear entering middle age. Among them are: the many unpleasant stereotypes about middle age. Namely: traditional beliefs about mental and physical damage that is allegedly accompanied by cessation of reproduction. [10] In modern societies like Europe, fear is more pronounced, because respect for parents has begun to fade. [11]
Generally they (middle-aged individuals) feel that they are no longer sexually attractive to their husbands, so there is a fear of "losing" their husbands and this condition can cause wives to expect their husbands to act like they were when they were newlyweds, as well as the emergence of feelings of jealousy which sometimes tend to excessive, when he saw his husband communicate with women younger age. Usually at this age, their husbands begin to concentrate more on their careers and career advancement, so they feel even more lonely and “ignored”. If these negative feelings are not immediately resolved, they can cause wives to experience depression. [12]
For men, middle adulthood is an age that implies a decline in overall physical abilities, including reduced sexual vitality. Some men who experience signs of decreased sexual ability will divert their attention to busy work in order to increase performance and meet the increasing needs of life. Apart from sexual problems, men who have entered middle adulthood also want to cover up their physical "weaknesses" by doing excessive physical activity, and tend to refuse help from those who are younger.
On the other hand, they act compensatory, in the sense that to cover up their "disadvantages" they act like young people by paying more attention to physical appearance, dressing up in such a way as to seek attention from the opposite sex who are much younger. Those who behave like this actually show considerable distrust of their sexual attractiveness. [13]
2. Transition Period
Like adolescence, individuals in middle adulthood are also referred to as a period of transition from early adulthood to late adulthood. Some of the physical and behavioral characteristics still show early adulthood, while many other physical and behavioral characteristics already show advanced adult characteristics. This transitional condition causes them to have to make a lot of adjustments to the new roles given by society. In addition, society also expects them to be able to think and behave according to their age. At this time the individual is no longer seen as a young adult but has become an older individual. [14]
Readjustment Period
Entering middle adulthood, sooner or later the individual must make adjustments to the changes he is experiencing, both physically and role. Adjustment to changes in roles will usually be more difficult to do when compared to adjustments to changes in physical conditions. For example, men who are experiencing retirement, or women who are experiencing a change in their roles as mothers with children who will begin to enter a new life. [15]
4. Period of Stress
That this age is a period of stress. Radical adjustments to changing roles and lifestyles lead to stress. [16] Especially when accompanied by various physical changes, it always tends to undermine the physical and psychological nomeostasis and lead to a period of stress, a time when a number of basic adjustments have to be made in their home, business and social aspects of life. [17]
5. Dangerous age
What is meant by dangerous age is in terms of his sexual life, especially with his wife. Also in matters related to all other aspects of life, such as physical conditions that are starting to be susceptible to disease, as well as psychological conditions that are relatively more sensitive, in the sense of being easily irritated, depressed, stressed, to depression. In matters related to sexual problems, it is not uncommon for husbands to start to feel "bored" with their wives, so they start having affairs, or even divorce their wives to remarry with other women who are sometimes the same age as their daughters. As for other things, middle-aged individuals are relatively more likely to experience physical and mental disorders, even in certain people it can lead to suicide.
6. Awkward Age
Just like in teenagers, not children nor adults. The same goes for middle-aged men and women. They are not young anymore, but not old either. Individuals at this time seem to be between the younger generation and also the older (senior) generation. [18] For some individuals, this condition causes them to want to cover their aging in various ways and try not to look old as far as possible, for example in terms of choosing clothes, dressing up/using cosmetics, etc. Sometimes when individuals are a bit exaggerated in displaying clothing and grooming that aims to cover up their aging, this actually causes them to look awkward, making them look stiff/awkward. [19]
7. Achievement Period
Achievement in middle adulthood according to Werner is a positive picture of an individual. An individual who has worked hard to succeed at a previous age will reach a career peak at this time. [20] At the age of 40, normal people have had sufficient experience in education and association, so they already have definite attitudes and values about well-developed social relations. Their financial condition and social position are usually well established, and they already have clear views about the future and goals to be achieved. If this situation is followed by excellent physical condition, then they can say that life begins at the age of 40 years. [21]
8. Period of Balance and Imbalance
The definition of balance refers to the ability to adapt to the physical and psychological changes that middle adults make. This balance can be achieved if there is an overall adjustment to the patterns of life. Those who are able to achieve balance will feel a calm, peaceful and peaceful life at home, so they don't like to "hang around"/waste time outside the home on useless activities. Imbalance means the occurrence of shocks, or adjustment disorders experienced by individuals at this time, both internally and externally, including with their life partners. Those who are unable to achieve this balance will feel at home,[22]
9. Evaluation Period
During the late thirties and early forties it was common for a man to look back at what he had achieved in life. Both from a physical and non-physical perspective.
10. Quiet Period
Where is the time when children no longer live with their parents. For example, children who are starting to grow up who have worked and live outside the city so that parents who are used to their presence at home will feel lonely when they leave.
11. Satiety Time
Many men or women who enter this period experience saturation, which is around the age of 40. The men feel bored with the daily routine activities and family life which provides little entertainment. Women who spend their time maintaining the home and raising their children. So that there are those who feel that their life lacks variety and monotony which makes them feel bored.
2.3 Religious Views on Middle Ages
It is the provision of Allah SWT that every human being will definitely experience growth and development in their life span, namely from the womb to childhood, youth, adulthood, middle age, and then to become weak and old where all of them have their own characteristics. As Allah SWT said in Qs. Ar-Rum verse 54:
God, who created you from a weakness, then made it after a weakness, then he made it after a power of weakness, and a good thing.
"Allah, He is the One who created you from a state of weakness, then He made (you) after that state of weakness to be strong, then He made (you) after the strength was weak (again) and gray. He creates what He wills and He is the One Omniscient yet Omnipotent". [23]
People who have reached the age of 40 usually begin to show signs of aging, which according to Muhammad Musa Syarif (2007) is the visible aging of the hair and beard, where some people because of this aging they feel afraid, anxious, and try to hide the signs of aging. that has appeared, so it is not uncommon for them to change it in various ways and media.
In the view of Islam someone who has matured, is the one who has borne the burden. It means being responsible for their children, both in terms of religious education, physical & non-physical needs, etc. As stated in the Qur'an, which reads:
O, those who believe in ٓ ۟ ۟ ۟ ۟ ۟ ۟ ۟ ۟ ۟ ۟ ٓ ٓ ٓ ٓ ٓ ٓ
"O you who believe, protect yourselves and your families from the fire of hell whose fuel is people and stones; the guardian angels are harsh, harsh, who do not disobey God against what He commands them to always do what is commanded". [24]
3.1 Conclusion
Middle adulthood is from forty to sixty years of age. Personal and social characteristics, among others; Middle adulthood is a transitional period, in which men and women leave their adult physical and behavioral characteristics and enter a period in life with new physical and behavioral characteristics. Attention to religion is greater than in previous times, and sometimes this interest and concern for religion is based on personal and social needs.
3.2 Criticism & Suggestions
From the explanation about Middle Adulthood above, at least we already know a little about the human condition at that age. We can measure how our personality is and the personality of the people around us. Hopefully with a little knowledge about this personality we can change our personality which is not good and can remind people whose personality is not good in the framework of fastabiqul khoirot.
Al-Qur'anul Karim & Its Translation
Masganti Sit, Psychology of Religion, Medan: Perdana Publishing, 2011.
Bintusy Syathi', Maqal fi al-Insan (Stages of Human Development), trans. Adib Arief, Yogyakarta: LKPSM, 1997.
Sunardi Nur, Psychology of Religion, Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2007.
Shafi'I & Subandi, Building a Paradigm of Islamic Psychology, Yogyakarta: Siprees, 1996.
[1] Masganti Sit, Psychology of Religion, Medan: Perdana Publishing, 2011, page: 81
[2] Bintusy Syathi', Maqal fi al-Insan (Stages of Human Development), trans. Adib Arief, Yogyakarta : LKPSM, 1997, p: 102
[3] Quoted from: (25-9-2012)
[4] Al-Qur'anul Karim & its translation, sura ar-Rum verse : 54
[5] Masganti Sit, Psychology of Religion, Medan: Perdana Publishing, 2011, page: 81
[6] Sunardi Nur, Psychology of Religion, Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2007, page : 105 & see also on a site (25-9-2012)
[7] Shafi'I & Subandi, Building a Paradigm of Islamic Psychology, Yogyakarta: Siprees, 1996, page: 105
[8] Ibid., p.: 105-107
[9] Sunardi Nur, Psychology of Religion, Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2007, page : 109 & see also Bintusy Syathi', Maqal fi al-Insan (Stages of Human Development), trans. Adib Arief, Yogyakarta: LKPSM, 1997, p: 104
[10] Shafi'I & Subandi, Building a Paradigm of Islamic Psychology, Yogyakarta: Siprees, 1996, page: 109
[11] Masganti Sit, Psychology of Religion, Medan: Perdana Publishing, 2011, page: 82
[12] Shafi'I & Subandi, p. : 109
[13] Ibid., p.: 109-110
[14] Masganti Sit, Psychology of Religion, Medan: Perdana Publishing, 2011, page: 82
[15] Shafi'I & Subandi, Building a Paradigm of Islamic Psychology, Yogyakarta: Siprees, 1996, page: 110
[16] Masganti Sit, page : 82
[17] Sunardi Nur, Psychology of Religion, Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2007, page: 109
[18] Masganti Sit, Psychology of Religion, Medan: Perdana Publishing, 2011, page: 83
[19] Sunardi Nur, Psychology of Religion, Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2007, page: 109-110
[20] Masganti Sit, page : 83
[21] Shafi'I & Subandi, Building a Paradigm of Islamic Psychology, Yogyakarta: Siprees, 1996, page: 114
[22] Shafi'I & Subandi, Building a Paradigm of Islamic Psychology, Yogyakarta: Siprees, 1996, pp: 114-115
[23] Al-Qur'anul Karim & its translation, sura ar-Rum verse : 54
[24] Al-Qur'anul Karim and its translation, sura at-Tahrim verse : 6