
Definition, Functions and Authorities of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN)

Definition, Functions and Authorities of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN)

State Intelligence Agency - The state has the responsibility for the comfort and safety of all its citizens including the territorial integrity of the country. The integrity of a country depends on the security structure of that country. One of the structures that helps defend the state is the State Intelligence Agency or abbreviated as BIN. BIN is regulated in Presidential Regulation No. 34 of 2010 concerning the State Intelligence Agency .

Definition of State Intelligence Agency (BIN)
The State Intelligence Agency, hereinafter referred to as BIN in this Presidential Regulation , is a non-ministerial government agency that is under and directly responsible to the President.

Position of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN)
Based on Presidential Regulation No. 34 of 2010, BIN is a non-departmental government agency, headed by a head who is under and responsible to the president.

Functions of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN)Review and formulate national policies in the field of intelligence
Submission of intelligence products as material for consideration in determining government policy
Planning, coordinating and implementing intelligence operations in their respective fields
Coordination of functional activities in carrying out BIN tasks
counterintelligence operation

Authority of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN)wiretapping authority,
cash flow check,
extracting information on targets related to activities that threaten national interests and security including ideological, political, economic, social, cultural, defense and security, and other sectors of public life.
Including food, energy, natural resources and the environment or activities of terrorism, separatism, espionage and sabotage that threaten safety, security and national sovereignty, including those that are undergoing legal proceedings.

The integrity of the country does not depend on just one apparatus, but all elements must participate in maintaining the peace and tranquility of a country.

Thus our writing regarding the State Intelligence Agency which is regulated in presidential regulation No. 34 of 2010 concerning the State Intelligence Agency. Hope it is useful.

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- Seminar

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