
Correct Ways of Writing Media Bibliography and Online Journals

Correct Ways of Writing Media Bibliography and Online Journals
How to Write a Correct Online Media and Journal Bibliography - Hi friends, who are currently working on a paper, thesis or other scientific writing, you will definitely have problems writing a bibliography especially with writing sources from online media, online journals or writing published articles Online Journal. Only a few online media discuss the problem of writing the bibliography above.

Definition of Bibliography
For those who do not know about the definition of a bibliography , I will first explain the definition of a bibliography. The bibliography is a list of all readings for making scientific works such as theses, theses, dissertations and other scientific works.

How to Write a Bibliography of Articles from the Internet

Last/family name, first name (and middle name, if any), year uploaded, title of work (upright printed, enclosed in double quotation marks “.”), word “in” name of website/blog/site, word “downloaded on” or “accessed on” download/access date.

Example of Bibliography Writing

Spence, Libby M, Paul Hicock, & Thomas Wiggers, 2012, “Minimizing Instructor Bias in the Evaluation of Student Affective Domain, dalam http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3890/is/19999909/ai, diakses tanggal 12 Agustus 2015.

Or Bibliography Writing

Spence, Libby M, Paul Hicock, & Thomas Wiggers, 2012, “Minimizing Instructor Bias in the Evaluation of Student Affective Domain, dalam http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3890/is/19999909/ai, diunduh pada 12 Agustus 2015.

How to Write Articles from Online Journals (internet)

Articles from online journals (internet) : Last/family name, First name (and Middle name, if any), Year of Publication, Title of article (printed upright, enclosed in double quotation marks ["...."]), Name of Journal ( italicized), edition number (volume number, number/ month), word “in”, website address, word “downloaded on” or “accessed on”, date of download or access.

Example of Bibliography Writing

Mullane, Jennifer & Stuart J. McKelvie, 2001, “Effects of removing the Time Limit on First performance”, Practical Assesment, Research & Evaluation, Vol. 7 No, 23, dalam “http;//PAREonline.net/getvn.asp?v=7&_n=23,2001, diakses 18 Mei 2015.

Or by writing as follows:

Mullane, Jennifer & Stuart J. McKelvie, 2001, “Effects of removing the Time Limit on First performance”, Practical Assesment, Research & Evaluation, Vol. 7 No, 23, dalam “http;//PAREonline.net/getvn.asp?v=7&_n=23,2001, diunduh pada 18 Mei 2015.

How to write articles published in online journals

Article published by online page: article title (upright printed, enclosed in double quotation marks “.....”). year uploaded, word "in", website/blog address, word "downloaded on" or "accessed on", date of download or access.

Example of Bibliography Writing from an Online Journal

"Nu-Muhammadiyah rejects the Siri Marriage Crime", 2010, in http://news. Okezone.com/read/2010/02/18/337/304765/nu-muhammadiyah-tolak-pidana-nikah-siri, downloaded on March 10, 2015.

Or by writing as follows:

"Nu-Muhammadiyah rejects the Siri Marriage Crime", 2010, in http://news. Okezone.com/read/2010/02/18/337/304765/nu-muhammadiyah-tolak-pidana-nikah-siri, accessed on March 10 2015.
Thus our writing on  How to Write a Correct Online Media Bibliography . Hopefully our writing can be useful.

Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Sharia and Law UNISNU Jepara Number 17, 2015, concerning Guidelines for Thesis Writing.

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