Correct Ways of Writing Media Bibliography and Online Journals
Sabtu, 25 Maret 2023
Correct Ways of Writing Media Bibliography and Online Journals
How to Write a Correct Online Media and Journal Bibliography - Hi friends, who are currently working on a paper, thesis or other scientific writing, you will definitely have problems writing a bibliography especially with writing sources from online media, online journals or writing published articles Online Journal. Only a few online media discuss the problem of writing the bibliography above.
Definition of Bibliography
For those who do not know about the definition of a bibliography , I will first explain the definition of a bibliography. The bibliography is a list of all readings for making scientific works such as theses, theses, dissertations and other scientific works.
How to Write a Bibliography of Articles from the Internet
Last/family name, first name (and middle name, if any), year uploaded, title of work (upright printed, enclosed in double quotation marks “.”), word “in” name of website/blog/site, word “downloaded on” or “accessed on” download/access date.
Example of Bibliography Writing
Spence, Libby M, Paul Hicock, & Thomas Wiggers, 2012, “Minimizing Instructor Bias in the Evaluation of Student Affective Domain, dalam, diakses tanggal 12 Agustus 2015.
Or Bibliography Writing
Spence, Libby M, Paul Hicock, & Thomas Wiggers, 2012, “Minimizing Instructor Bias in the Evaluation of Student Affective Domain, dalam, diunduh pada 12 Agustus 2015.
How to Write Articles from Online Journals (internet)
Articles from online journals (internet) : Last/family name, First name (and Middle name, if any), Year of Publication, Title of article (printed upright, enclosed in double quotation marks ["...."]), Name of Journal ( italicized), edition number (volume number, number/ month), word “in”, website address, word “downloaded on” or “accessed on”, date of download or access.
Example of Bibliography Writing
Mullane, Jennifer & Stuart J. McKelvie, 2001, “Effects of removing the Time Limit on First performance”, Practical Assesment, Research & Evaluation, Vol. 7 No, 23, dalam “http;//,2001, diakses 18 Mei 2015.
Or by writing as follows:
Mullane, Jennifer & Stuart J. McKelvie, 2001, “Effects of removing the Time Limit on First performance”, Practical Assesment, Research & Evaluation, Vol. 7 No, 23, dalam “http;//,2001, diunduh pada 18 Mei 2015.
How to write articles published in online journals
Article published by online page: article title (upright printed, enclosed in double quotation marks “.....”). year uploaded, word "in", website/blog address, word "downloaded on" or "accessed on", date of download or access.
Example of Bibliography Writing from an Online Journal
"Nu-Muhammadiyah rejects the Siri Marriage Crime", 2010, in http://news., downloaded on March 10, 2015.
Or by writing as follows:
"Nu-Muhammadiyah rejects the Siri Marriage Crime", 2010, in http://news., accessed on March 10 2015.
Thus our writing on How to Write a Correct Online Media Bibliography . Hopefully our writing can be useful.
Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Sharia and Law UNISNU Jepara Number 17, 2015, concerning Guidelines for Thesis Writing.