
Jumat, 17 Maret 2023


A. Background
Education is believed to be a strategic tool to improve human life, because through this education humans become smart, have skills, have a good attitude to life, so they can get along well in society and can help themselves, their families and society. Education is an investment that provides benefits, both in social and personal life that makes this nation useful and makes individuals human beings with degrees. Because of education, human abilities continue to be honed so that they have sharpness in solving various problems in their daily lives, so that they have an independent personality and are able to be responsible, as well as have understanding, tolerance and appreciation for other people.

B. Problem Formulation
1. What is the meaning of School Personnel Administration?
2. What are the Principles of Personnel Administration?
3. What is the Scope of Personnel Administration?
4. What are the Functions of Educational Personnel Administration?
5. What is the role of the principal as an administrator?

C. Purpose
1. Knowing the Definition of School Personnel Administration
2. Knowing the Principles of Personnel Administration
3. Knowing the Scope of Personnel Administration
4. Knowing Educational Personnel Administration Functions
5. What is the role of the principal as an administrator

1. Definition of School Personnel Administration
Personal administration or personnel administration is the entire structuring process related to the problem of obtaining and efficiently using labor for and at school, in order to achieve the school's goals are the goals stated as the institution's institutional goals.
Zakia Daratjat defines personnel administration as: "all joint efforts to utilize all personnel resources effectively and efficiently to support established education (institutional goals)".
Ari. H. Gunawan in his book School Administration argues that personnel administration is: "the whole process of activities that are designed and attempted intentionally and earnestly as well as continuous coaching of school employees, so that they can help/support activities.

2. Principles of Personal Administration
The principles of course are lifted from fundamental principles that use a scientific approach in management. So far a number of these principles have been inspired more by management principles in general, but with the assumption that in practice they can be applied in the administration of teachers. To achieve a level of productivity in the implementation of education, it must be administered by adhering to the following principles:
a. Re-apply procedures and techniques based on organized knowledge.

b. Achieve harmony of group action, not the other way around.

c. Achieving an atmosphere of human cooperation rather than chaotic individualization.
d. Work to obtain the maximum possible output.
e. Develop subordinates to the fullest according to their abilities and the prosperity of their own union.
These five principles are a set of guidelines that can be adhered to in every step of teacher administration so that educational efforts are able to achieve the maximum possible level of productivity, which in turn can achieve the learning objectives themselves as expected.

3. Scope of Personal Administration
The purpose of school personal administration is to effectively and efficiently utilize labor or employees to achieve maximum results and be accompanied by the best possible care so that they feel happy and prosperous. As for the scope of administration

1) Employee planning (personal planning)
2) Procurement of employees (recruitment)
3) Financing or employee development (personal development)
4) Promotions and mutations
5) Termination of employees
6) Retired
7) Employee welfare

4. Educational Personal Administration Functions
Administrative functions that can be implemented in educational activities are planning, organizing, actuating, organizing, directing and supervising in the context of educational institution activities
a. planning function
Planning can be interpreted as the process of preparing various decisions that will be implemented in the future to achieve the specified goals (Gafar in Sagala, 2008:47). Planning includes activities of determining what to achieve, how to achieve, how long, how many people are needed, and how much it will cost.

b. organizing function
Organizing is defined as the activity of dividing tasks among people involved in educational collaboration. Organizing activities are to determine who will carry out tasks according to organizing principles, one of which is the distribution of all tasks in various elements of the organization proportionally.

c. Drive function
Mobilizing according to Terry in Sagala (2008: 52) means stimulating group members to carry out tasks with enthusiasm and good will. The task of moving is carried out by the leader. Therefore, the principal's leadership has a very important role in mobilizing personnel in carrying out school work programs.

d. Coordinating function
Coordinating implies maintaining that the tasks that have been divided are not carried out according to the wishes of those who do them, but according to the rules so that they are in accordance with the achievement of goals.

e. Directing function
Nawawi in Sagala (2008: 58) argues that direction is maintaining, maintaining and advancing the organization through each person, both structurally and functionally, so that each activity cannot be separated from efforts to achieve goals. Directions are carried out so that the activities carried out together continue through the established path and there are no deviations that can lead to waste.

f. Oversight function
Supervision can be interpreted as one of the activities to find out the realization of personal behavior in educational organizations and whether the level of achievement of educational goals is as desired, then from the results of the supervision whether improvements are made. Supervision includes checking whether everything is going according to plans made, instructions issued, and principles established.

5. The principal as administrator
The principal as an education administrator is responsible for the smooth implementation of education and teaching in his school. Therefore, to be able to carry out their duties properly, the principal must understand, master, and be able to carry out activities related to his function as an educational administrator.
From the previous presentation materials, it has been learned that every administrative activity contains the functions of planning, organizing, coordinating, and supervising. staffing, and financing. The principal as an administrator should be able to apply these functions to the management of the school he leads.

a. Make a plan
One of the main and first functions that is the responsibility of the principal is to make or develop plans. Planning is an absolute requirement for every organization or institution and for every activity. both individuals and groups. Without planning or planning, the implementation of an activity will experience difficulties and maybe even failure.
Therefore, every school principal must at least make an annual plan. Every year, before the start of the new school year, the principal should be ready to prepare a plan that will be implemented for the next school year. In accordance with the scope of school administration, the annual plan or program should cover areas such as the following:

1) Teaching programs, such as the need for teachers in connection with relocations etc.; distribution of teaching tasks, provision of textbooks, learning tools, and visual aids; procurement or development of school laboratories; procurement or development of school libraries; learning outcomes assessment system; co-curricular activities; and others.
2) Studentship or studentship, including terms and procedures for student admission and, student or student grouping and class divisions, student guidance or counseling, student health services (UKS), and so on.
3) Staffing, such as the acceptance and placement of new teachers or employees. division of tasks/work of teachers and school employees, efforts to improve the welfare of teachers and school employees, transfer and or promotion of teachers and school employees. etc.
4) Finance, which includes the procurement and management of finances for various activities that have been planned, whether money comes from the government, or from PMG or BP3, or other sources.
5) Equipment, which includes repair or rehabilitation of school buildings, addition of classrooms, repair or construction of school yard fences, repair or construction of sports fields, repair or provision of student benches, and so on.
It should be noted that in the preparation of this annual plan, teachers and school staff should be involved. The participation of teachers and school staff can help with thoughts and ideas as well as solving problems that the principal may not think of or can solve alone. In addition, with the participation of teachers and school staff, they will feel responsible for carrying out the activities they have planned and agreed upon.
b. Develop school organization

Organization is an important administrative and management function as well as planning. Apart from being an organizational tool, it can also be seen as a container or structure and as a process.
As a container, the organization is the place where administrative activities are carried out. And if it is seen as a process, then the organization is an activity or compiling and establishing working relationships between personnel. The obligations, authorities, and responsibilities of each section or personnel included in the organization are structured and determined into patterns of activity aimed at achieving the goals that have been set.
The school principal as an education administrator needs to develop the school organization he leads, and carry out the distribution of tasks and authority to teachers and school employees in accordance with the school organizational structure that has been prepared and mutually agreed upon.

In order to develop a good school organization, the following principles need to be considered:
1) Have a clear purpose.
2) Members accept and understand the purpose.
3) There is unity of direction so that it can lead to unity of action. unity of mind. etc.
4) There is unity of command (unity of command); subordinates/members only have one direct superior. and from him he receives orders or guidance, and to him he must be accountable for his work.
5) There is a balance between the authority and responsibility of a person in the organization. Because, the absence of this balance will facilitate the emergence of things that are not desirable, such as:
· If authority is greater than responsibility. easy to cause abuse of authority;
· If the responsibility is greater than the authority, it is easy to cause a lot of traffic jams, feel insecure or hesitate in action.
6) There is a division of work tasks according to abilities. skills and/or talents of each.
7) The organizational structure should be arranged as simple as possible, according to the need for coordination. supervision, and control.
8) The pattern of organization should be relatively permanent. That is, although the organizational structure can and does have to be changed in accordance with the demands of developments, flexibility in adjustments should not be principled. Therefore, the basic pattern of organizational structure needs to be made in such a way that it is as permanent as possible.
9) There is a guarantee of security at work (security of tenure); subordinates or members do not feel anxious for fear of being fired, arbitrary action. etc.
10) The lines of power and responsibility as well as the hierarchy of work procedures are clearly outlined in the organizational structure or materials.
It should be added here that the organizational structure that has been drawn up must be accompanied by job descriptions for each organ or its parts. Thus, every personnel who occupies a position in the organization understands their respective duties, and there are no duplicate or overlapping tasks in the implementation.

A. Conclusion
1. Personal education in a broad sense includes teachers, employees, and students. In this discussion what is meant by educational personnel is the group of officers in charge of educational activities and those in charge of non-educative (administrative) activities. Personnel can also be called employees, personnel or employees. Employees in a school are all humans who join in cooperation in a school to carry out tasks in achieving educational goals. They are from school principals to school boys (such as Office Boy etc.)
2. In order to achieve a level of productivity in the provision of education, it must be administered by adhering to the following principles:
a. Re-apply procedures and techniques based on organized knowledge.
b. Achieve harmony of group action, not the other way around.
c. Achieving an atmosphere of human cooperation rather than chaotic individualization.
d. Work to obtain the maximum possible output.

3. The scope of personnel administration includes:
a. Employee planning (personnel planning)
b. Procurement of employees (recruitment)
c. Financing or employee development (personal development)
d. Promotions and transfers
e. Employee termination
f. Pension
g. Employee welfare

1. Administrative functions that can be implemented in educational activities, namely planning, organizing, activating, coordinating, directing, and supervising in the context of educational institution activities
2. Develop subordinates to the fullest extent possible according to all capabilities that exist in themselves and the prosperity of their own union
3. As an educational administrator, the school principal has the duties and responsibilities of carrying out administrative functions that are applied to school activities he leads such as making annual plans or programs, compiling school organizations, carrying out coordination and direction, and carrying out staffing management.
4. The areas covered in the annual program made by the principal include teaching, student or discipleship programs. staffing, finance. and equipment or school facilities and infrastructure.
5. In preparing the school organization, it is necessary to pay attention to the principles of good organizing. And in its implementation it requires continuous coordination and direction from school leaders.
6. Personnel management, which in administration is usually called management, is a very important task and responsibility of the school principal because management is the core of all administrative activities. Personnel management which is the duty and responsibility of the school principal includes acceptance, placement and assignment of teachers and school employees; efforts and improvement of the welfare of teachers and school employees, both material, physical and spiritual; and improving their professional quality and career development.


Kosasi and Soetjipto. 1994. The Teaching Profession. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Purwanto, DRS. M. Ngalim, MP. 2012. Education Administration and Supervision. Bandung: Rodsa Karya. Print 12, Year 2012. pp 106-112.

Tambajong, Dahlia. 2012. School personal administration. http://www.scribd.com/doc/106457691/administration-personil-school . Accessed on 20 October 2014 at 01:00 WIB.

Yippe, Yuliantika. 2012. School personal administration. http://yuliantika93.blogspot.co.id/2012/10/administrasipersonelschool.html . Accessed on October 21, 2014 at 20.55 WIB.


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