
Sabtu, 18 Maret 2023


Educational Administration Papers

Submitted to fulfill one of the courses
”Teacher Profession”

Nanang Purwanto, M.Pd.

Prepared by Group 5 TBI 1-E :
1. Anisatu Zuwaidah (17203163134)
2. Without Hamsee (17203163227)
3. Imroatul Bariroh (17203163086)
4. Nisau Zulfi Rizqiyah (17203163042)


Praise be to the presence of Allah SWT, for all the abundance of His grace, taufik, and guidance and inayah, so that the writer can complete the preparation of a paper entitled "Administration of Education in Teacher Training". The purpose of making this paper is to fulfill the assignment for the " TEACHER PROFESSION " course . Besides that, the authors hope that the contents of this paper can be useful for writers, especially readers and can add insight and knowledge in the field we study in it.
The preparation of this thesis cannot be separated from the assistance of various parties which cannot be mentioned one by one. For that we thank Mr. Nanang Purwanto, M.Pd. , as the lecturer for this course. As well as other parties who contributed to the preparation of this paper. The author realizes that there are still many shortcomings and errors in the preparation of this paper, due to the limitations of the author's abilities. Therefore, the authors ask for constructive criticism and suggestions in order to improve further papers


October 2016

List of contents
Foreword................................................ .................................................. ........i
List of contents................................................ .................................................. ...............ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION................................................... ........................................1
A. Background of the problem............................................... ...............................1
B. Formulation of the problem................................................ ...............................................1
C. Writing purpose................................................ ............................................2
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION............................................... ...........................................3
1. Definition of educational administration ............................................... ............3
2. Fundamentals of educational administration................................................................ ...........................6
3. Purpose of educational administration................................................................. .....................7
4. Functions of educational administration................................................................. .....................8
5. Scope of education administration ............................................... ........9
CHAPTER III CLOSING............................................... ...............................................12
Conclusion................................................. .................................................. ........12
Bibliography................................................ .................................................. ......13

A. Background of the problem
Administration is an effort to create cooperation between teachers and employees to streamline the teaching and learning process. Administration is not only concerned with finance, but also about skills in bookkeeping. Educational administration has a goal to achieve what is the goal of education. Administration is needed for the running of the teaching and learning process in the world of education. This cannot be separated from the role and activeness of people who master the field of education administration.
However, the reality on the ground is that most people involved in education have low knowledge and experience of administration. This is a phenomenon that needs to be resolved immediately. Because, the role of an administrative staff in a school is needed. If the administration is held by a person who is less skilled, then the administration will fall apart.
Thus, those in charge of holding administration are people who have been trained, skilled, and reliable in their fields and have received knowledge (training) for a long time. Therefore, the author will examine a paper on "Education Administration in Teacher Training". With the aim to be able to provide knowledge about the administration of education in teacher training.
B. Formulation of the problem
1. What is the meaning of education administration?
2. What are the foundations, principles and objectives of educational administration?
3. What is the function of educational administration?
4. What fields are included in the scope of educational administration?
C. Writing purpose
1. Explain the meaning of educational administration from several aspects.
2. Explain the basis, principles and objectives of educational administration.
3. Describe the function of educational administration.
4. Mention the fields included in the scope of educational administration.


1. Definition of Educational Administration
Educational administration consists of two words, namely Administration and Education. Both have their own meaning. Administration comes from the Latin which consists of AD and MINISTRO . The word ad means intensive while ministro means to serve, assist, or direct. [1] So, the etymological sense of administration is serving or serving intensively on a particular subject.
While education itself according to SISDIKNAS Law No. 20 of 2003 is a conscious and planned effort to realize the learning and learning process of students so that they can actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed by themselves, society, nation and society. country. Everything that has been said shows a purpose. Even the 1988 GBHN shows that there is a general goal of further education. This goal is national education based on Pancasila, aims to improve the quality of Indonesian people to God Almighty, have noble character, personality, discipline, work hard, tough, responsible, independent, intelligent, and skilled and healthy spiritually and physically.[2]
Many people think that administration is a job that involves writing, clerical, administrative, or office work. However, the meaning is not just like that. Educational administration is a process of integrating all cooperative efforts to utilize personnel and material resources as an effort to improve the development of human qualities effectively and efficiently. Effective in the sense that the results achieved by the effort are the same as the goals set. While efficiency relates to the use of resources, resources, and time. Sources are anything that helps achieve goals in the form of energy, material, money, or time. [3]
Furthermore, to get a clearer picture, the following is the definition of educational administration according to experts:
a). Educational administration according to Syarif (1976: 7) is all joint efforts to utilize personnel and material resources effectively and efficiently to support the achievement of education.
b). According to Sutisna (1979:2-3) educational administration is the whole process that makes personnel and material resources available and effective in achieving common goals.
c). Educational administration according to Nasution (1994: 245) is a joint activity in the field of education by utilizing all available facilities both personal, material and spiritual to achieve educational goals.
d). Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, in curriculum implementation guidelines, book III D. Administration is a joint effort to efficiently utilize all personnel and material sources to support the achievement of educational goals.
Based on the opinions of experts, it can be concluded that the notion of educational administration is a collaborative activity or process of utilizing personnel and material resources, who join an educational institution in order to achieve predetermined educational goals, to make it more effective and efficient.
The definition of educational administration is reviewed from several aspects:
First, educational administration has the notion of cooperation to achieve educational goals. As we know, educational goals range from simple goals to the most complex ones. Educational goals are seen based on the scope and level of education. At the level of junior high school education and the level of national education, the educational goals to be achieved are very different. If the goals achieved at the junior high school level are still simple, then at the National Education level the goals are very complex. Complex here means that to be able to achieve it requires a way that is so complicated, and requires so much effort to be able to achieve educational goals. Therefore, cooperation with other people is needed in all aspects of its complexity.
Second, educational administration implies a process to achieve educational goals. The process starts from planning, organizing, directing or guiding, and assessing.
· Third, educational administration can be seen as a framework of a system. The system is a whole consisting of interacting parts in a process of converting inputs into outputs. Where the people involved in it interact with each other and exchange ideas about their respective opinions and knowledge in order to change inputs that initially do not understand, then leave an educational institution into outputs that are intellectual and highly dedicated.
Fourth, educational administration can also be seen from a management perspective. When viewed from this angle, all attention is centered on the effective and efficient management and utilization of all available resources in achieving educational goals.
· Fifth, educational administration seen from the perspective of leadership. Where an administrator must be able to carry out tut wuri handayani, ing madyo mangun karso, and ing ngarso sung tulodo in achieving educational goals. Behind gives power and strength, in the middle gives enthusiasm, in front gives an example.
Sixth, educational administration seen from the decision-making process. In collaborating and leading an activity, the administrator must be able to solve all the problems faced by making the right decisions.
· Seventh, educational administration from a communication point of view has the meaning of trying to make other people understand what we mean and we understand what other people mean.
· Eighth, administration is often interpreted as administrative activities which include record-keeping activities and so on. [4]
Besides that, there are so many meanings from administration, both the general understanding and the understanding seen from several aspects. Administration also has a basic element. According to Siagian (1986) the main elements of administration are:
1) Presence of a human group (at least 2 people)
2) There are goals to be achieved
3) There are tasks or functions that must be carried out (collaborative activities)
4) The necessary equipment and tools are available.
2. Fundamentals of educational administration
The basis is defined as a fundamental truth that can be used as a basis and guide for acting in people's lives. Here are some basics that must be considered by an administrator in order to achieve success in their duties.
a. The principle of efficiency
An administrator will be successful in his duties when he is efficient in using all resources, both manpower, funds, facilities, time appropriately. For example, in carrying out the program, it takes patience to be able to make the best use of time so that time is not wasted. Likewise materially, all needs to achieve goals are utilized as best as possible without wasting or using wastefully. In the sense that according to the portion needed.
b. Management principles
Effective and efficient results will be achieved if he is able to manage by planning, coordinating, directing and controlling all activities properly.
1. Planning is a decision-making process to take action in achieving educational goals.
2. Organizing is defined as the whole process of selecting and sorting people (teachers and other school personnel) and allocating facilities and infrastructure to support the tasks of these people in order to achieve educational goals.
3. Direction is defined as an effort to keep what has been planned can run as desired.
4. Coordination is defined as an effort to unify the activities of various individuals or units in schools so that their activities are aligned with other members or units in an effort to achieve educational goals.
5. Conducting an assessment of how far the set goals have been achieved, as well as knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the implemented program.

c. The principle of prioritizing management tasks
Prioritize management and avoid being overly preoccupied with operative tasks. Management activities are management activities, namely planning, directing, and controlling activities to achieve educational goals. While operative activities are activities of directing and fostering everyone so that in carrying out work that is a burden for them it can be carried out properly and correctly.
d. Principles of effective leadership
Paying attention to the dimensions of human relations, the dimensions of task implementation, and the dimensions of existing situations and conditions. The first dimension is that a leader must maintain good relations between his subordinates. In this case it means, as a leader he must know the interests of his subordinates, provide motivation to work for personal interests and organizational interests, and strive for job satisfaction. The second dimension is that every member of the organization is able to complete tasks properly and on time. Not too prioritizing work obligations, to the point of forgetting the excitement of work and the personal interests of his subordinates. The third dimension, namely, takes into account the level of maturity of members of the organization and the existing situation.
It is. Cooperation principle
Able to develop cooperation between the people involved.
From the description above, it can be concluded that the principle of educational administration is to prioritize the management of administrative tasks effectively and efficiently and establish cooperative relationships with people involved in educational activities in order to achieve educational goals.
It should be added that there are two principles that can be used as the basis for educational administration work in schools, namely the ideal principle and operational basis.
a. The basis of the ideal
The implementation of education administration in a country depends on the education system adopted by a country. Indonesia is a country that adheres to the Pancasila education system, namely an education system implemented based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. Likewise, the ideal foundation used in administrative activities in schools is also Pancasila and the Constitution. [5]
b. Operational principle
The national education system contained in the curriculum form is used as the operational basis for educational administration activities. Curriculum is a program of subjects in an education that includes all experiences that are deliberately given by schools to foster the development of students, by creating teaching and learning situations. The current education curriculum in Indonesia is the 2013 curriculum or commonly called K13. This curriculum is the operational basis for organizing education in Indonesia. Of the many elements of educational resources, the curriculum is one of the elements that can make a significant contribution to realizing the development of the potential quality of students. The curriculum is developed on a competency-based basis as an instrument to direct students to: 1) Quality human beings who are capable and proactive in responding to the challenges of the ever-changing times, and 2) educated human beings who believe in and fear God Almighty, have noble character, are healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent and 3) democratic citizens and responsible. Competency-based curriculum development is one of the national development strategies as mandated in Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System. The characteristics of the 2013 curriculum are as follows: Competency-based curriculum development is one of the national development strategies as mandated in Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System. The characteristics of the 2013 curriculum are as follows: Competency-based curriculum development is one of the national development strategies as mandated in Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System. The characteristics of the 2013 curriculum are as follows:
1) Developing a balance of spiritual and social attitudes, curiosity, creativity, cooperation with intellectual and psychomotor abilities.
2) Schools are part of a community that provides a planned learning experience where students apply what is learned at school to the community and utilize the community as a learning resource.
3) Develop attitudes, knowledge and skills and apply them in various situations in schools and communities.
4) Give enough free time fatherly develop a variety of attitudes, knowledge, and skills.
5) Competence is expressed in the form of class core competencies which are further detailed in basic competency lessons.
6) Class core competencies become elements of organizing basic competencies. Where all the basic competencies and learning processes are developed to achieve the competencies stated in the core competencies.
7) Basic competencies are developed based on accumulative principles, mutually reinforcing and enriching between subjects and levels of education.
The 2013 curriculum aims to prepare Indonesian people to have the ability to live as citizens who are faithful, productive, creative, innovative and affective and able to contribute to the life of society, nation, state and world civilization.
3. Educational administration goals
Educational administration goals in schools can be divided into short-term, medium-term and long-term goals.
a. Short term goals
The goal of short-term educational administration is to structure and implement an instrumental management system for an educational process in schools effectively and efficiently and to support the achievement of educational goals.
b. Medium term goals
The medium-term educational administration objective is to support the achievement of institutional objectives for each type and level of education as outlined by the curriculum.
c. Long term goals
The long-term goal of education administration is to support the achievement of national education goals as outlined in the National Education System Act No. 20 of 2003. Article 3 states, "National education functions to develop capabilities and shape dignified national character and civilization in order to educate life nation, aims to develop the potential of students to become human beings who have faith and are devoted to God Almighty, have noble character, are healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible state. [6]
The purpose of educational administration is to achieve educational goals in a productive, effective and efficient manner. The measure of the success of educational administration is productivity or effectiveness and on process, atmosphere or efficiency.
4. Education administration function
Among the educational administration functions are:

1). Planning _
Planning is the activity of thinking about and choosing all the actions to be taken in order to achieve the aims and objectives of education.
2). Organizing _
Organizing is the activity of compiling and forming cooperative relationships as a form of unity in an effort to achieve educational goals.
3). Coordination _
Coordination is the activity of gathering and integrating all sources of personnel, material, thoughts, techniques and goals into a harmonious and productive relationship so that they are aligned with members or other units in an effort to achieve school goals.
4). Financing
Financing is the activity of obtaining fees and managing the education revenue and expenditure budget. Starting from planning costs, efforts to obtain funds, use of funds, and monitoring the use of the budget.
5). Evaluation
Assessment of how far the set goals have been achieved, knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the implemented program, obtaining a basis for consideration of the timely success of work, guaranteeing an effective and efficient way of working. [7]
5. The scope of educational administration
The fields covered in educational administration are numerous and broad. However, principals and teachers need to know the following:
a. The field of school administration, includes:
1) Administration organization and employee structure
2) School finance budget
3) Staffing and school personnel issues
4) Finance and bookkeeping
5) Correspondence or letters
6) Appointments, transfers, assignments, reports, filling out master books, report cards, and so on.
b. Student personal areas, which include:
1) Student organization
2) Student health problems
3) Student welfare issues
4) Evaluate student progress
5) Guidance and counseling for students
c. The field of teacher personnel, includes:
1) Appointment and placement of teachers
2) Teacher personnel organization
3) Employment issues
4) Condition problems and evaluation of teacher progress
5) Refreshing and up-grading of teachers
d. The field of supervision (supervision), which includes:
1) Efforts to raise the enthusiasm of teachers and administrative staff in carrying out their duties as well as possible.
2) Develop good cooperation between students, teachers, and administrative staff.
3) Make guidelines on how to evaluate educational and teaching results.
4) Enhance the quality and experience of teachers.
It is. Field of curriculum implementation and development:
1) The curriculum is used as a guide in achieving the basics and goals of education and teaching.
2) Carry out curriculum organization and methods adapted to the reform of the education system and school environment.
It can be shortened that the fields mentioned above can be grouped as follows:
1. The field of material administration, namely activities related to school administration, financial administration, equipment and others.
2. The field of personal administration, which includes teachers and school employees and so on.
3. The field of curriculum administration, includes curriculum implementation, curriculum development, syllabus preparation, daily preparation and so on. [8]
Meanwhile, dr. Hadari Nawawi stated that in general the scope of administration applicable to education includes the following fields:
1. Administrative management
Administrative management are activities that aim to direct everyone in an organization or group to work together to do the right things according to the goals to be achieved.
2. Operative management
Operational management is the activities of directing and fostering each person so that in carrying out their duties they are carried out properly and correctly. [9]

Educational administration is a process of integrating all cooperative efforts to utilize personnel and material resources as an effort to improve the development of human qualities effectively and efficiently. Effective in the sense that the results achieved by the effort are the same as the goals set. While efficiency relates to the use of resources, resources, and time. Sources are anything that helps achieve goals in the form of energy, material, money, or time. The principle of educational administration is to prioritize the management of administrative tasks effectively and efficiently and establish cooperative relationships with people involved in educational activities in order to achieve educational goals. The purpose of educational administration is none other than that all these activities support the achievement of educational goals or in other words administration is used in the world of education so that educational goals are achieved. The fields included in the scope of education administration are school administration, student personnel, teacher personnel, supervision, curriculum implementation and development. All of them are grouped in the areas of material, personnel, and curriculum.

Daryanto, HM Educational Administration . 2010. Jakarta: RINEKA CIPTA.
Supansi, et al. Education Administration . 1992. Jakarta: UT.
Ahmad Rohani, HM & Ahmadi, Abu. School Education Administration . 1990. Jakarta: Earth Script.

[1] Drs. Daryanto. HM, Educational Administration , RINEKA CIPTA, 2010, p. 4.
[2] Dr. Supansi et al., Education Administration , UT, Jakarta, 1992, p. 6.
[3] Ibid., p. 2.

[4] Lenyradili89.blogspot.co.id/2009/12/administrasi-dinding.html?m=1. Retrieved October 10, 2016. At 20:11
[5] Drs. Daryanto. HM, Educational Administration , RINEKA CIPTA, 2010, p. 12-15
[6] www.semangatanaknegeri.com/2014/12/administration-dik-dalam-profession-guru.html?=1. Retrieved October 10, 2016. 19:50
[7] Harisnawati.blogspot.co.id/2012/12/administrasi-dik-dalam-profesi.html?=1. Retrieved October 10, 2016. 7:56 pm
[8] Drs. Daryanto. HM, Educational Administration , RINEKA COPYRIGHT, 2010, p.24-26
[9] Ahmad Spiritual, & Ahmadi, Abu. , School Education Administration , Bumi Aksara, 1990

Source: http://imroatulbariroh.blogspot.com/2016/12/makalah-administration-education.html?m=1

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